EIP-1559… A Miners’ Perspective

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hey everyone and welcome back to another mining 
chamber video in today's video we are going to   talk about eip 1559 so we're going to discuss what 
it means for miners what it means for investors   why are there so much drama about this topic 
and then i'm going to talk about the latest   call from the old core dev team where they 
listened to the proposal from bitsby trippin   which is the eip3368 now let's go ahead 
and get into this right after the intro so first let's talk about eip 1559 and how it 
came to be in what it actually does to miners as   well as the coin itself now if you don't know what 
eip means it means ethereum improvement proposal   and there are many of these eips and each one 
is basically trying to improve a certain aspect   of ethereum as a whole so now in this video 
we are going to be focusing on the 1559 one   where it was authored by vitalik and if you don't 
know who vitalik is which is very unlikely he is   the co-founder of ethereum and he was the one 
that basically proposed this eip now this eip   was created on april 2019 now the dates will hold 
some importance because when this eip was proposed   the mining game wasn't the same at all the profits 
were definitely a lot different and the difficulty   was different as well so the simple summary of 
eip1559 is that it basically burns the transaction   fees rather than giving them to the miners so from 
a perspective of a user or a trader of ethereum   a lot of people have the misconception that it 
will reduce the prices of gas fees now it will   not necessarily reduce the price of gas fees 
but instead it will make them more predictable   so meaning that when you go in your wallet and you 
try to send a transaction you won't have to think   about your gas fee the waltz will have the ability 
to automatically set your gas fee without you   having to set it yourself and that is one of the 
benefits of vip 1559 for investors and traders and   then one other thing that's possibly beneficial 
for the network and that is to try to be as   deflationary as possible so that means is that 
every 15 seconds a block is solved and that block   will introduce two new ethereum to the network 
now this is a fixed number so it doesn't change   and the idea with introducing eip 1559 it will 
burn the transaction fees in hopes of fighting   the inflation of ethereum so rather than always 
increasing the circulating supply by 2 ethereum   they also want to burn out as much as they can so 
that they can basically give it a type of scarcity   but it won't always be deflationary because 
sometimes you'll have less transaction fees and   a block than the base reward so in some scenarios 
you will introduce one ethereum maybe less than   one ethereum or they will be burning more than 
two ethereum which will even cover the base reward   and now for the miners side of things we do 
benefit from everything that i've mentioned   before about traders and investors i think one 
other misconception is that miners just sell   their crypto right away and that's not the case 
with a lot of people i myself hold it usually most   of the time and i don't sell my crypto unless i 
have to pay some utility bills for the mining rigs   so that means as a miner you'll benefit from 
more predictable transaction fees and all this   other good stuff that we talked about now the one 
thing that comes in the way for miners is burning   the transaction fees rather than giving them to 
miners as we all know the mining profits have   been skyrocketing lately and it's bringing in a 
lot more new users and miners to the community   especially for us miners making our investment 
worth the while now a lot of the miners that   have been in this field for a while know that 
the mining profits were never that high and   they usually are a lot lower than this so when we 
look back at 2019 ethereum was around 200 at most   you'll probably see three ethereum per block and 
at some scenarios you will see high blocked awards   but it's never in the same scale that we're in 
right now now what's so important about block   rewards it's basically what's going to change 
in this eip so the block rewards are divided by   two different things first you have your base 
reward which is two ethereum and then you have   your transaction fees so the transaction fees add 
up to the base reward and then that is distributed   to the miners for securing the blockchain once 
eip1559 is implemented those additional rewards   above the two ethereum will be burnt rather 
than given to miners so for example if you   have a block reward of four ethereum only two of 
them will be given to the miners which causes a 50   loss in profits now we do see a lot bigger block 
rewards so you can expect more than 50 profit loss   but there are two new things that came to light 
with this eip so the first thing you have is   inclusion fees the best way to explain inclusion 
fees is by telling you about the transaction fee   so the transaction fee will be divided into two 
different fees and the first one will be the base   fee and the second part will be the inclusion fee 
so now the base p will be the one that's burnt and   that's usually the bigger sum of the transaction 
fee and the inclusion fee will be the tip to the   miners so even though this is an incentive to 
miners it really won't be a big percentage it   will probably be less than 10 of the transaction 
fee so you can't really expect much from having   the inclusion fee as an incentive now in some 
scenarios you will see some really high block   rewards due to the inclusion fee so for example 
if the average blocked reward is for ethereum   and then out of nowhere a block with more than 
four ethereum comes on the network and by more   i mean like a lot more ethereum then that is most 
likely from inclusion fees of two people trying   to be to a higher position on the block so the 
inclusion fee is like paying more to be the first   in the block now in a way this is similar to how 
we have it now people that want the transaction   to be sent first they will have to pay more fees 
for them to go first in the block now instead of   it being the full miner transaction fee will be 
the inclusion fee what sets you apart from the   other transaction your base fee will remain 
the same based on the volume of transactions   if the volume of transactions is high then your 
base fee will get higher but if it's not high then   your base fee is lower now as far as i know it's 
a fixed number for the base fee but don't quote   me on that there are many videos out there that 
explain it way better so i highly suggest watching   them now other than the inclusion fee there's 
another hot topic which is about mev which is   minor extracted value now minor extracted value 
is outside of the hands of the individual miners   that mine to a pool like the majority of us and 
we all mine towards different pools for example   ethermine flexpool and all these other pools now 
mev needs to be set up through the pool side and   how mav works it's basically an entity paying the 
pool to reorganize the block of transactions based   on whichever way they want it to be and like that 
they can get an advantage in arbitrage or trading   in general and putting their transactions first 
mev topic is honestly very confusing it took me   a while to understand it so i might still have 
it wrong here and if i do please clarify in the   comments below there is one video that i highly 
recommend watching about mev and it's on bitsby   tripping channel where he did a call with micah 
and micah went through explaining mev in details   now i watched that video i still didn't grasp it 
fully but if you watch it you might understand   it much better than i did so in a nutshell for us 
miners we're going to experience some profit loss   and it might be a big amount of profit loss but we 
won't know until the time comes for this eip to be   implemented so to visualize the profits let's say 
you have 500 mega hash and then the block reward   is at average for ethereum and then we're going to 
be putting electricity price of 5 cents for now so   with these numbers with how currently we have it 
now the profits are not bad at all so you'll be   making around a thousand six hundred dollars 
right after electricity with the super cheap   electric rate so now fast forward to july when the 
adjustment happened so we put the block reward to   ethereum and then you'll notice your profits 
have dropped by half so you'll be making 770   dollars from 500 megahash rather than the higher 
amount that we had earlier and if your elixir city   rate is higher so let's say you live in germany 
and you have a really high electric rate so 30   cents per kilowatt hour then you'll be making 500 
after the electricity so that is all the ethereum   current price which is at 1838 now if ethereum 
drops in price you can expect your profits to go   very low if it goes below a thousand dollars then 
the profits will be way less so you might not be   profitable anymore in mining so all we can hope 
for is that ethereum would not drop down too much   because if that happens then we can expect the 
network will be centralized with only asics that   are super efficient and then most of the home 
gpu miners will not be able to mine properly   so now we can go ahead and move on to the 
timeline so for the timeline i'm going to   try to be going through a lot of events that 
happen which led up to where we are right now   and all these links will be in the descriptions 
below so if you guys don't find any of the links   please let me know i'll try to add them or just 
look up the name and then you will find it and   if i do miss any events please let me know in the 
comments below as well i'm going to try to cover   it as much as i can so you guys can understand 
the timeline of this problem which will give you   context for the drama that's been happening so 
the first thing is we have had a community call   on bitsby tripping channel where he invited over 
multiple cryptocurrency mining channels and then   we just talked over the problem and everything 
that's going on so this is one of the first calls   and then after that call there was another call 
with the ethereum cat herders community call and   here they talked about the problem there was 
a couple of core devs in here and then they   discussed the eip 1559 problem with chris from 
flexpool as well as carter from bitsbytrippin now   the general feel of this call is that they didn't 
really take anything serious from what carter   is saying like they didn't see the problems that 
potentially can happen due to eip1559 some of the   people in the community did and they did listen 
well and all around it was a good call it just   didn't get the miners point across and then we've 
had another community call on bitsby tripping   channel it was also streamed on different channels 
as well now in this call we just reflected on the   community call from the ethereum cat herders and 
we just gave our opinions toward this situation   there's a lot of information in these calls so i 
highly suggest watching them if you haven't yet   if you find that the audio is a little bit choppy 
or it's echoey then you can find it on a different   channel and then i'm sure you'll be good to go now 
after this community call we've had another call   about miners extracted value and in this minor 
extracted value it was mainly a discussion with   micah where he explained what mev is and he went 
into details about it so if you don't know what   mav is or i didn't do a good job explaining it i 
highly recommend watching this video and then we   have one of the ethereum core devs meeting call 
where they talked a little bit about the eip1559   so you guys can find the pinned comment that will 
take you exactly to that section of the video now   from that video they talked about a little bit of 
concerns but in general it seemed like they didn't   really care about what will happen to miners 
regarding to eip1559 so now after this call that's   where samwori came across the mining community 
which then resulted into this tweet from red panda   mining now if you guys don't know who red panda 
mining is he posts videos daily on cryptocurrency   mining and he is very involved with the community 
and i highly recommend checking him out if you're   not following him on youtube and twitter so 
the tweet that he posted reads as follows for   educational purposes let's collectively move our 
hash to ethermine.org april 1st for 51 hours now   this tweet went viral and a lot of media twisted 
his words and made it seem like he's trying to   attack ethereum but knowing how red panda mining 
is he's a very sincere guy and this tweet came   out of good intentions and not bad intentions the 
main reason for this suite was to show them the   potential risks of dropping the profits so hard 
that it can leave a lot of hash rate around that   can go anywhere from nicehash to different coins 
which end results leaves ethereum vulnerable so i   will address all the drama that happened after 
the suite which is a lot of different articles   that just wrote about the miners as they are 
trying to attack ethereum and all that stuff   which we will talk about right after the timeline 
so now going back to the tweet after this happened   a lot of other cryptocurrency mining channels they 
followed through and we're all planning on putting   our hashrate in ethermine.org but then after 
a short while bitsbytrippin proposed a new eip   now if you guys don't know who bitsby trippin 
is as well you definitely should subscribe to   him and check out his content he is spending a 
lot of time and effort trying to help us as a   community and the least that we can do for him is 
have his voice heard so what bitsby trippin did   after a short while from red panda's mining tweet 
he proposed this new eip which is three three six   eight now the main purpose of this eip is to 
increase the block reward by one ethereum so   rather than having two ethereum base reward 
it will be three ethereum and then it will   decay every quarter until it reaches one ethereum 
after two years which leaves ethereum at a good   position to switch to a proof of stake because 
like that it gives every miner enough time to   prepare themselves and decide what they're going 
to do with their hashrate rather than putting them   in a spot that have to drop a lot of hatch rate or 
move it around suddenly now just to be clear that   this eip is supposed to be implemented 
additionally with eip-1559 it's not one   or the other it's both of them together i highly 
suggest checking out carter's work on it he made   a couple of videos on it as well as an article 
and i will leave those in the descriptions below   just go to his channel and then you'll see here a 
deep dive in eip 3368 and all the models that he   built around it a lot of very valuable information 
that you guys should definitely check out so now   after the eip 3368 is proposed red panda mining 
retweeted again and he said he is rescinding from   the show of force on ethermine.org so that means 
we're not going to plan on putting our hashrate   on ethermine.org anymore and if you're just mining 
there you can definitely be mining there it's not   an issue at all and the reason he's rescinding 
is because we finally have our voice heard   so as you can see here tim from the core devs 
as well he tweeted that he saw the eip 3368 and   they will be listening to it at the next all-core 
devs meeting which is great for us miners this is   really good news and having at least a chance to 
propose a new suggestion that can fix this problem   it's great so now that we covered the timeline 
and we're just waiting until the meeting happens so the meeting has already happened and i 
thought it wouldn't happen yet until next   week from posting this video but i was wrong so i 
had to re-edit a couple of things for this video   so we can be up to date with what's going on 
so now if you guys watch the core devs meeting   where they talked about the eip 3368 and a couple 
of other things eip 3368 got rejected from being   included with the eip 1559 on july so we won't 
be expecting that increase in block reward now   that's some bad news but at the same time it's 
not so bad because the main goal for bit speed   tripping is to say that eip 3368 is an option 
especially if the price of ethereum drops and   it causes a lot of shortage in the profits for 
miners which will end up making the miners leave   the network so eip3368 is not fully out of the 
table yet but eventually they might apply it if   the profits of ethereum drop really hard so what 
we said now we are going to be expecting in july   the profit job for ethereum miners now i don't 
know exactly what date but when it happens i'll   try to make an update video on it and if you 
guys want to know what's my course of action   i will be covering that right after the drama 
now we can move on to the drama so the drama   all started after red panda mining tweet now red 
panda mining didn't purposely start the drama but   there's a lot of media outlets that twisted his 
words and made it seem like miners are trying to   attack ethereum which is very unreasonable now 
there is no reason that miners need to attack   ethereum because first that doesn't help us 
that actually makes us lose money and a lot   of us miners hold a lot of ethereum so there is 
no reason to take ethereum down just because of   the mining profits the one thing that they seem to 
have a blind eye on the main reason for this tweet   is to show that there's a potential of opening 
a door for a 51 attack with this new eip 1559   that they are trying to implement as bitsby 
tripping states in the eip 3368 a sudden drop   in the proof-of-work mining rewards could result 
in a sudden decrease in mining profitability   which will drive miners to auction off their hash 
rate to the highest bidder and then that can open   doors for bad things so rather than dropping 
the mining profits really hard eip3368 will try   to mitigate that issue and balance it out now 
if we take a look at a couple of the articles   here are some ones that i was able to find 
just from searching eip1559 and then miners   so you can find here ethereum miners threaten to 
strike ahead of eip 1559 and all this unnecessary   stuff that's going on in the media just causing 
additional drama for no reason at all putting   our hatch rate on ethermind.org that doesn't 
mean ethermine.org is going to plan a 51 attack   on ethereum ethermine.org is not a bad actor in 
this field so us miners doing it for educational   purposes that doesn't mean miners are trying to 
attack ethereum i'm not sure how they got that out   of it but that seems to be the general idea of the 
media so anyways in general for all the media it's   all seemed to be just way too negative towards 
miners now i honestly personally don't care i feel   like it's very dumb to try to separate miners 
from investors and traders we're all the same   just miners choose to invest in hardware which in 
return makes them crypto and then investors that   buy the cryptocurrency just buy the cryptocurrency 
directly now that doesn't make us any different we   just buy it through a different means and we 
still accumulate crypto at the end of the day   now after all these articles that are spelling 
too much nonsense there are a couple of youtube   channels as well that talked against miners for 
example bitboy crypto he did talk badly towards   miners but you can't blame the guy now i first 
want to say i don't condone any hate so you guys   shouldn't go to any media outlet or any youtuber 
or any content creator and show them any hate so   bitboy crypto he's a big channel and he has really 
awesome content so i have nothing against this guy   he also made a video on september 20 where he 
interviewed seth estrada from minor biz and it   was a really wholesome interview about mining so 
what i'm trying to get to is that bitboy crypto   does not have any evil intentions towards miners i 
mean i could be wrong but this is just my opinion   at least i would hope that it's that way and 
it's just that we need to clear out the ignorance   that's going on that miners are out there to 
get them and all that stuff now to wrap up the   drama if you're a user in the ethereum community 
and you have a negative perspective on minors   i ask you to read more than just the headlines 
of an article or two you don't need to separate   yourself from the miners because at the end of 
the day we are all what keeps ethereum thriving   whether you're a miner investor or a trader due to 
all the drama as well vitalik came out and he said   he's going to try to merge proof of stake as soon 
as possible now i honestly think that's a bad idea   especially rushing something like that first it's 
not going to reduce any gas fees and it's just to   put it in the face of miners and that is it for 
the drama now as for what i'm going to be doing   i'm honestly not going to be stopping mining 
anytime soon i'll probably be buying more gpus   but specifically nvidia cards not amd because amd 
cards don't do that well on other algorithms so   it's better to stay safe and just get nvidia and 
if the mining profits on ethereum drop drastically   that it's not profitable for me to mine anymore 
then i'll probably be switching to a different   coin and then just collect that and either sell 
it and buy ethereum or just collect that other   coin now this is not a financial advice it's just 
what i'm going to be doing so now that wraps up   the video guys i first want to say sorry that 
this video took a really long time to publish   i had to film it a couple of times because i keep 
learning new things and i want to make sure that   i give you guys the most accurate and up-to-date 
information and i also want to give a huge thanks   to the community and all the content creators 
that made making this video a lot simpler you   guys put on some phenomenal information out there 
and it helped a lot so after this eip 1559 miners   perspective the next goal will be making a video 
on ethereum 2.0 a look in the future so make sure   that you stay tuned for that now i also want to 
thank you guys for almost reaching the channel to   50 000 subscribers that is crazy and i'm planning 
on a big giveaway on 50 000 subscribers so make   sure that you subscribe if you're not subscribed 
yet so you can join the giveaway now that wraps   up the video if you guys enjoyed the video please 
leave a thumbs up and if you have any questions   please leave them in the comments below thank you 
guys again and i hope you have a wonderful day you

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