e hello Bros can you guys hear me check check sound check one two sounding like I know it I know something about audio I actually have absolutely no idea anything regarding audio I'm using like a $50 uh what is this Logitech orb I I bought it as I bought it at Best Buy just recently no idea if this microphone is good or not what's up Bros welcome to the live stream I am streaming from a cruise ship so I am not home if you guys are watching this after the fact uh no sound no okay uh how about now better No Beats I can't put music on my my internet bandwidth every time I put music on it freezes so I better I better not I don't want you guys to uh I don't I don't want you guys to uh have a laggy stream but uh YouTube is already warning me that my stream's current bit rate is about a thou 11 or 1,200 kilobits lower than recommended bit rate we recommend that you use a bit a stream bit rate of 6800 kilobits per second oh my God I think that's like 6.8 me is that 6.8 megabytes I think so I definitely don't have that MVPs my MVPs is like 10 up 10 down so okay sound is fine working all right P mining send me that Al box I I wish I could I'm not home right now to get that Al box uh cfx minor here what's conflux Miner nice dude conlux hell yeah that's a good one to be mining yeah for sure okay what's up Bros name uh roll call who's all here here smash the like Bros Smash the like who's all here Mike The Miner all track what's up man Chris Hanley what's up Mike Hill Steven cisero go enjoy your vacation and get off YouTube Stephen I just got back I was outside all morning on the beach and all that stuff bro H dude it was it was so nice we actually landed for a bit here on uh I forgot which island this is um but yeah uh Luke it's way higher quality than what they are acting like FYI Luke what are what are we talking about Luke what are we talking about what what's what are we talking about okay all right my main topic for today and I I I would like to get your guys's just opinion and feeling about this here okay so the Bitcoin having has happened and notoriously past history Bitcoin normally goes up pre price appreciates after you know couple we couple months couple six months whatever half year but when that happens normally altcoins also start coming back into play so are you guys now getting into or not now but I guess before Mining and holding a bunch of Alt coins because altcoin season is in my opinion is still upon us and there's a gentleman that I I follow his name is Kevin senson on YouTube and he always speaks facts he's always honest and I love this guy I follow him a lot Hawk what are you doing here go back to your computer what's up man Hawk how are you man I miss you guys Nicholas what's up yo RPM my guy glad you're having a banging time thanks man yeah I just got back uh you might hear my kid screaming in a second when he comes out of the shower uh so just be warned um tains what's up techman what's up Hawk I'm going live stream when you're done how long you going for probably I don't know a good 45 half an hour not too long I'm just streaming a little bit here uh Chris Hanley conlux neoa Nexa nay nice good good combo there good combo okay okay let me just let me just quickly do my bit here regarding like my my opinion regarding uh okay so now that the Bitcoin having is over um I think I I really think as GPU miners even not just GP miners Asic miners um we should we should start looking into and this is not Financial advice but my humble opinion is now we should start looking at altcoins above the 100 market cap 100 uh 100 rank market cap coins like um I think it it's obviously a crapshoot we don't know which ones are going to do well um you can you can base it off the fundamentals you can you can base it off devel development uh Luke what the hell man Luke thank you for the 20 bro your upload speed Etc your stream quality is honestly amazing cheers nice man thank you ah Luke awesome bro smash the like Bros um okay so anyways going moving along okay so mainly I'm talking about proof of work coins but the whole the whole bit here regarding you know altcoins above the 100 market cap um in my opinion obviously we all know and we've seen you know the percentage increase on a lot of these coins above anything above 100 200 500 market cap have a tendency to price appreciate couple hundred to thousand to 10,000% okay and even ones that are in like you know the 5,000 range sometimes can do a 30,000 4,000% x uh 40,000 uh increase okay um great examples was a project that was up in the 4000 3,000 range at one point this is just an example I'm not saying kadana is going to do that again obviously because kadana is already uh where where's kadana now kadana is okay Caden's market cap 246 um so they're their interest uh their price appreciation percentage interest uh interest percentage increase is not going to be like that was it what it was before okay it was like like 30,000 per or something it's it's not going to do that now um at most maybe a couple hundred% but anyways you guys know what I mean okay anyways there's there's a lot of coins out there and I'm thinking um because now going back to the total three uh this is a chart here from Mr Kevin Spen and again I follow this guy on YouTube he's the most honest crypto Trader I'm not a Trader there not Financial advice but everything he said so far over the past couple years for me he's been he's been correct so going back here the total three includes uh basically the top 125 or top 200 market cap coins but this chart excludes Bitcoin and ethereum so looking at the previous having all right Bitcoin previous having in 2020 and again this result the the history here is not indicative of future results we don't know okay this is just speculation this is not Financial advice I'm just showing this because this is potential here and this is what I'm going to be trying to you know convey here okay so the 2020 Bitcoin having was back in 2020 right then you all know the end no December November of 2020 is when the market started really ramping up and so the altcoins you can see here the altcoins really started ramping up here um in terms of market cap and lo and behold 2021 that's you guys know what happened the rest is history so here we are today apparently the accumulation Zone and resistance lower highs mimics 2020 for here we are in in the 2024 uh Bitcoin having okay so the Bitcoin having uh just happened you guys know so if this mimics what happened in 2020 to here we are today this could mean a pretty massive altcoin season if that also translates into uh for if interest rates are going to start lowering the end of this year uh you know 2025 being the year of you know everything going up in bullish stocks whatever crypto markets everything we're going to see we're we're we're going to see what what happens but this is this is what could potentially happen here and if that's the case then it's going to correlate with a lot of proof of work potentially a lot of proof of work coins going up as well and Ergo a prominent coin Hawk just did an amazing uh live uh interview with the Ergo developers um a lot of I could name a lot there's a lot of coins here we we just it's it's a c Sho there's a lot of coins here that could have potential to go up I mean generally if you click on any of these coins any proof of work coin here um they've generally have done something in the previous history in previous history okay so uh some of them may have not gone up to all-time highs some of them did some of them you know did well some of them didn't so it's really it's really uh I want to know from you guys what kind of okay so I'm going to read the chat here ah let's see uh let's see okay all right so um let me do I want to do a quick poll here do you think altcoin season is coming this year or this year yes no all right start poll just a quick poll just a quick thing and then I want to answer your guys's questions um Hawk 9:15 p.m.
Eastern I don't know when that is Hawk is that I don't know what is that in like 40 minutes Hawk 45 minutes going to sell out of everything now going to put it in Tesla stock Tesla stock E I like it I like it I like it um okay uh let's see Panda thoughts on ckb man if I man I I was wrong I when I first got the K7 uh where's ckb where's where's ckb on this list I was one of the first people to get the K7 if I if I mined and held all that ckb I think I would have had I don't know I I think I was trying to do the MTH of how much ckb I could have mined I think it was like what it like 2 million or something I I could have had $40,000 by now I I got that ckb I got that K7 like a year and a half or two years ago I don't remember if I mined and held all that ckb I would have done so well I this is not even the peak the peak was 30 uh uh three cents so that would have been like 60 Grand or more so that would have been a really that would have been a really good play I think I would have mined more than that I I haven't done the math but um in terms of uh what ckb in terms of price appreciation it's it's it's done amazing yeah um so I was wrong on that one I was I've been this is one project uh one of the altcoin projects I I really didn't I didn't really know much about so yeah um but it did it did really well it did really well if you have the k7s uh the as6 the ckb A6 they've done really they've done they've done really well um gam Smokey Dan what's up man mining of the north what's up bro what's up man um all right let me read let me see what you guys think do you guys think the altcoin season is coming this year you guys say 70% of you say yes 22% of you say no 22% of you say no okay well if if we're still in the parabolic trend here I don't know if it's if that's still that we'll see we'll see we'll see if it we'll see if it turns out we'll see if it pans out um ging Smokey Dan it's my birthday repent when will I get my gift or or right no deliveries to the UK that's right no deliveries to the UK happy birthday happy birthday gaming Smokey Dan how old are you probably really old crypto for seniors hey Panda hey man what's up Max voltage what's up man Max welcome welcome Jean franois I found a use Jazz Miner x4q for 1500 B if I should, 1500 H okay actually yeah so here's the here's the interesting thought okay I guess the the the the thought about buying as6 now or buying anything now um if altcoin season is going to be upon us um it's going to be yeah I mean if let's say ethereum classic ethereum classic is a great example of um a coin in which it generally goes up along with the market and Mining ethereum classic has always been a a a very profitable in like profitable Endeavor I guess if you're into those ethereum classic as6 so yeah I mean there's potential that ethereum classic could really do well and if you're mining ethereum classic all the altcoins at any altcoin Asic altcoin even GPU mining um altcoin asix could do really well we've seen it we've seen it time and time again every time there's a bow run every time there's an altcoin season with the Bitcoin dominance uh starts dipping okay obviously in the in the in the bare markets right the the Bitcoin dominance is really uh is really high and so when that happens the altcoins are really not profitable at all but when Bitcoin dominance starts going low that's when you start seeing altcoins start taking effect and being profitable right so I think altcoin as6 they're going to they're going to have a they're going to have a they're going to have their heyday altcoin A6 are going to have their Heyday I I I don't know when but when we see aund over $100 etherium classic and your you know at minor E9 is making 50 bucks a day or $100 a day or your Jazz minor x16 Q is making $1200 a day yeah you're going to see those things sell for like5 $20,000 uh when yeah it's you do you do the math you do the math right what's the ethereum classic um difficulty right now uh ethereum classic hash rate 166 terahash look at that like wait what 16 eum classic 166 yeah so since the merge uh they don't even have the data here since the merge but it's been it hasn't really gone up since the merge so at 166 188 terahash yeah I'm telling you that the amount of Hardware that's out there I mean I bet you anything if ethereum CL there was one ah man I wish I had my my sheet up if ethereum classic went to1 or $150 I think gpus would actually be profitable on mining ethereum Classic on like a 3070 because because the efficiency gain from a like a 3070 versus like a an as6 uh like an E9 or something it's really not that big of a jump I mean it is a big jump but it's not that big of a efficiency jump you know what I mean because uh ethereum ethereum classic or yeah the algorithm is memory uh memory hard and so uh the uh the the efficiency gain on that is not really that is not really that big compared to like uh you know Bitcoin or other algorithms that are not memory hard um Caspa or something Caspa is like extremely efficient on as6 versus a GPU so I don't know yeah anyways all Hardware on Al till A6 hit boys um yeah that's that's what I'm doing right now I don't know if that's a good idea or not but my I my thought process on that is if bitm is coming in with an alium Asic haven't I haven't heard anything yet I haven't heard anything official um I'm I'm assuming it's it's coming like if gold shell has one it's bit M's got to have one and you know to think that market cap for lithium is like 200 $29 million like if you think somebody out there could easily put a million bucks pump a million dollars into a lithium right now liquid wise that would probably provide H that someone someone told me someone told me the math on that it's like a million dollars is more like is is like aund million move or something it the volume in liquidity that whole calculation is what you guys are seeing here this is not actually you know $29 million here this is this was propped up this is all propped up on exchanges there's there's there's there's a calculation going on here also tied with Bitcoin okay that the amount of money that was put into pumping this project Market making okay Market making is a whole other scenario here in which you know a million doll move could easily easily move it up another leg up okay so this this is going to be this is going to be this is going to be interesting you know it's not like oh I'm going to put $200 million bitmain's going to put $200 million to pump a lithium no it's not like it doesn't work like that it's more like maybe a million dollar and it'll go up another $100 million market cap or something it it's it's it's it's not that it's not it's it's all manipulated h i could e totally put a million from my Swiss bank account Scott Sheffield how about you send that my way instead all right how about how about you do that okay DJ what's up what's up man what's up DJ how are you 22 22 Bros okay all right next what's the next topic here okay so I'm going to end the poll and ending the poll so we're going to see if this pans out I am okay I'll tell you right now I'm holding a lot of coins I'm holding a lithium I got I got neoa I have 1.5 million neoa I think I got I think I got 2 million meow coin I got I think 400,000 CIA coin I got I got a lot of random lot of different altcoins that I'm holding still I'm still waiting for altcoin season we're going to see if that comes about I got a lot of ethereum classic I got Caspa as well I got a little bit of Litecoin I got some Dogecoin I got some top 100 market cap coins I got some Chia God forbid um flux I don't have much flux I have ravencoin I'm holding Horizon I'm mining Horizon right now in my z15 Pro I don't have much Ergo I don't have much cortex yeah I don't have any cortex actually I have a couple thousand chor that I mined since DJ told me to mine it I'm still holding that I I I don't know if I don't know if clor is going to come back to its ha I you know what looking at this I I think chor will have its Heyday again I think I think there's going to be a I think chor will come back um o not Financial advice narai I have some narai I got some radiant Nexa I got a lot of Nexa actually I got oh man I have a lot of I just got a lot I I I I'm holding a lot of coins and I'm hoping that you know one of them is going to like 100x or 10x or something I even got Game Pass God forbid I think they did a rug pole I got satox I got Novo I got I got a lot I got a lot of I got a lot I got a lot of s coins yeah DJ what's up man smash the like Bros let's get to 100 thank you for joining in a lot we got 256 people here amazing amazing amazing thank you guys uh Smokey dad uh they are loving it Smoky Dan yes they are yes they are try puran and cedra I'm not holding any purin or cedra uh dude do you have 2 2.3 million radiant you're going to be smiling in the no I don't have 2.3 million radiant I think I have I only have like a I have like a million I think 1.2 million radiant I'm holding that I'm holding that for what's radiant right now radiant had a having right let's see radiant had a having radiant is down in the dumps 1 two three 1.2 million that's about 2400 bucks yeah that's good that's good enough for me that's good enough for me Luke peace out man got to count sheep Luke have a good one man have a good sleep man thanks for the donation earlier am I missing Super Chat I'm sorry if I missed super chats uh Luke thank you so much man um I had 3 million but sold on the first pump oh oh right back here wow that's that's back in back in April 15 2023 nice okay um so Bitcoin coin uh the Bitcoin transaction fees are now finally coming back down so the average Bitcoin fee is what now bitcoin's at hovering at $648 32 the fee medium fee I'm waiting for this ticker this uh sign to show it last block 11 minutes ago medium text transaction fee $348 all right and so and roughly the past 24 hours the medium block average block reward is about 5.5 Bitcoin 5.5 not bad not bad what's that website for that BTC uh here I'll I'll put it out in chat right there tx.
toown tx. toown all right uh Hawk is streaming in uh 25 minutes I think 35 minutes okay all right you guys can ask me any question now what's what's up what's up AMA time ask questions I think my topic of the day is over uh to finalize I'm just again I Believe altcoin season is still upon us I am accum not Financial advice but I'm accumulating as much as I can now as much as I financially can um of course this is my full-time job in some cases sometimes I need to sell to for my power not all the time depending on you know sponsors income all that kind of stuff uh but I have majority a lot of alt coins that I'm still holding okay top five altcoins uh I I don't know I don't don't don't don't don't don't ask me those questions I it's a crapshoot it I I I could I would say a lot of a lot of a lot of alt coins man you you could you could pick five random ones off top 500 list and they're probably going to do fine uh uh have you played in the sh no techman no I don't I don't no not yet what do you think about Ergo uh I don't really have much thought on Ergo I don't know much about Ergo really uh I think it'll do well Ergo will probably do fine um urgo's already had its uh Ergo already been up previous time previous history past two bar runs past two bull markets Ergo did go up so that bodess well in terms of price appreciation um so yeah it'll Ergo Ergo you heard it here Ergo will probably have price appreciation just on the fact of uh previous history it went up in 2021 it went up in 2018 it has ties to uh cardano uh I I I think it'll do just fine yep all right I'm missing so you guys have so many questions what's wrong with you guys what's wrong with all of you 91 92 likes 300 people watching holy smoke what is what is happening right now welcome everybody smash the like smash the like Bros uh do you think all BTC miners should be on top pools as they are getting the highest transaction fee payouts uh to miners post having uh Jersey Jedi in a sense yes because a lot of the smaller Bitcoin mining pools aren't finding those blocks So in theory if you're not if you I mean it all evens out but because of the high transaction fees over the past two days that's now down the transaction fees are now back to normal so the the smaller mining pools didn't find those blocks they kind of missed they missed they definitely missed out on the higher blocks so but I mean it's all about luck too the the the mining pools majority of the mining pools uh were the big ones and they found massive blocks like via BTC ant pool F2 pool you know all those mining pools they found an F ton of Big Blocks over the past two or three days um now the the transaction fees are are coming back down and profitability has been coming down uh B loves are you still confident about buying all those 370s as of the moment do you have them running right now yes boves I have them running right now I would show you my hios but they're all on a lithium at this moment um not Financial advice I'm just doing Al lithium because I want to accumulate more lithium retro Mike what is your favorite altcoin and why is it vertcoin retro mik you are banned Turtle Tech how far from the turtl Tech I'm very far uh so how's the weather black hat Heat team weather's amazing uh okay I'm Kevin Duke thank you for the $2 bro where do we store alt when coinbase doesn't hold uh you're lot of lot of lot of exchanges like trade ogre those non kyc ones man Kevin you donated $2 to Super Chat do what's your thoughts on salana I don't have much thought on salana I'm holding some salana not a lot but holding some uh retro mic most btcs are PPS they pay average block aren't regardless if they found a block or not they credit each share uh yes if they're a PPS yes Hawk did you see what I sent I don't have any Discord I don't have Discord open it slows down my internet Hawk so I can't I can't see anything sorry I got double payout yesterday from F2 pool DJ mines nice very nice yeah I got a few screenshots from people on Via BTC they earned uh double yes they earned double as well um uh I'm so pissed I can't M because electricity prices in South Norway have been ridiculous the past two years oh yeah it is it is it is ridiculous all right um all right so Tech techman when giveaway which giveaway are you talking about we did the S21 already I don't know I don't know what else I don't know what other give I can't do any other giveaways right now I don't have access to miners I don't have access to anything I I can't do any giveaways right now I got a I got a Al box sitting at the UPS store it's it's it's all it's all it's it's terrible time right now how much is Al box making right now as I would gladly give away albox hash rate but I can't because I don't have access to it it's not even on $94 a day damn um Wayne stream Nano's price today okay Nan okay uh let's see what should I do with my 12 RX 6600 XTS should I mine yes you should mine bro Yes Man yes 6600 XTS man those are the best gpus for mining honestly best best gpus all right what else you guys want to talk about what else are we talking about uh just want to pop in soci love have a great evening hope you're enjoying the time with the Retro mic thank you so much man yes enjoying the time enjoying the time uh Hawk love Hawk 30 minutes that's all that's all just saying I had to step away the call okay I'm done being Anno Hawk always has to be about you doesn't it always terrible just just terrible I'm kidding I'm kidding I want I want to know what uh I want to know what about rare SATs you mean um uh are you talking about like uh virgin Bitcoin yeah like that's a thing that's a thing yeah sometimes virgin Bitcoin sells for 30% more than Market some some people want some people want that and uh uh there's middlemen for that I personally don't know any middlemen for that I think coinbase does does that don't quote me on that but yeah endless M endless man thank you for the five how's Hawaii I heard hot crypto mining is going to move there too it's good man it's good it's amazing I wish I could move here uh red panda are all the miners selling their Bitcoin now because will cause a dip uh Zeus man 25 um I don't know man I I don't know I don't the there is a good website to show that metric of Bitcoin miners selling I don't have that website I think it's uh H what's that website oh man I forgot what the website's called it's on the top of my head there is a website that shows the mined Bitcoin from Big Bitcoin Miners and shows the add those addresses that are selling yeah you know it's that's somewhere you you can find that information uh on Google Google somewhere rare Satoshi uh okay virgin BTC okay uh too stressful I leave the live stream see you Maniacs New England crypto what's up man uh silver okay thoughts on uh S.G thank you for the five bro thank you for $ five uh thoughts on buying a ks5 oh man this is a this is a loaded question man I oh man I it's it's getting it's getting late it it Casa is still upward Trend I'm not I'm not a Trader this is what I learned from other people too Caspa is still on an upward Trend it hasn't deviated from its it hasn't gone lower than the trend line whatever the trend line is um Caspa this is this is one of like I've been told this is not Financial advice but cbus chart is one of the most bullish charts in all of history in all of actually it's very it mimics apparently it mimics Bitcoin the Bitcoin chart previous history Caspa is apparently extremely bullish still even though it has come down from what 7 18 to 12 cents 11 cents now apparently it's still very bullish and a lot a lot of people who are smarter than me say kaspa's the future I I I I personally I I just I have really no much opinion about it other than the Asic miners because I've man it's it's getting it's getting to that point where yes these these caspo miners are still making double digits uh the ks5 is still making is is making three digits now but um you know at one point these these k5s k5s k3s even were making making a couple hundred a day you know it's I I I I I cannot in good conscience say buying a ks5 ks5 l is a good idea right now your yield okay here right now 21 terahash you'll be yielding 895 Caspa okay here H how much okay how much is a KS 5 H how much is a ks5 right now tell me someone someone give me a price how much is a ks5 how much is a ks5 right now just some give me a price I random price somebody 30,000 30,000 okay all right so 895 this thing if you got one right now if you were if you were mining with a ks5 uh ks5 L whatever right now it's yielding 895 C by a day okay so 8 95 this is only going to be up to a month and then there there's a uh 5.6% uh decrease because of the emission schedule every month it goes down 5.6% but let's just say in the first month you got it you mind about in the p in the 30 past 30 days you'll mine about 26 let's just say you'll mine about 20 24,000 Caspa okay in that first month that you get it and you huddled it okay now what if Caspa went to a dollar that that's the thought process here all right that that's that's the whole thought process is Caspa going to go to a dollar or more or less who knows all right so the next month so here's here's here's the kicker okay so the next month you're not mining 895 cast per day you're probably going to be mining like it's after the 5.6% decrease right 196 time uh 0.05 56 5.6 that's the block uh so you're mining about 8 8 846 is 846 840 the next month all right not even including the network difficulty Rising right how many more of these uh machines are going to keep Rising how many more of these machines are going to be releasing right so the the whole the whole point here is that if you're Mining and holding Caspa and you believe in the long term that's that's it that that's really it so yeah you're you're only going to be purchasing these uh you could potentially get your money back in in two months if you can mine about with this one of these k5s if you mine about 50,000 Caspa in the first two months and you you held on to that Caspa and you believe that it's going to go to a dollar then you've you've in theory gotten your money back in the first two months of mining 50,000 Caspa yield okay you're holding it you're not selling it until you see a dollar okay you're not selling this you're not you're not selling for day by day so ks5 makes $16 a day $16 a day times let's just say 60 days for two months that's only 63 you're going to make $6,300 that that you're going to be missing out on the potential $50,000 uh if Caspa went to a dollar that is okay if Caspa price appreci uh to a dollar so that that's the whole mentality okay that's the whole mentality regarding spec mining okay actually it's not just spec mining uh Caspa you this whole the whole idea of Mining and holding this is not new guys this is way before my time do you guys you guys remember Bitcoin the the OG Bitcoin miners that mined hundreds if not thousands of Bitcoin a day they knew they knew what was coming so same idea with Caspa that's the same thought process here what you're Mining and hold what you're Mining and holding and you're believing in further price appreciation of Caspa that's the whole idea here for those that are going to be buying uh a Caspa Miner okay that's the whole idea here I I I don't know I don't know what else I don't know what else to I don't know how else to put it other than that is the only that is the way crypto miners look at it nobody I don't know any I don't know very many people that have Caspa Miners and are selling every day actually here I have a great I have a great place to show you hold on here uh TW miners.com two miners here this is a great way to show you how many people mining Caspa are not mining in Bitcoin right now here go to pool dashboard I'll show you this I'll show you this let's go to miners online okay all right okay there's actually a couple people okay there's a couple but majority of them look Caspa address look at this look at this two miners you can see this is just an example on one mining pool look this guy has 196 terahash dude this guy's got k3s yeah this guy has the bit main I think these are bit man k3s anyways I'm just I'm just showing you here a lot of people are mining Caspa only um majority of them that I looked before they were holding Caspa there are some addresses here that are mining into Bitcoin so some people are actually selling but majority okay majority of these are not selling every day they are keeping their Caspa okay there's a good like less than 10 Bitcoin addresses I counted so far of people selling into Bitcoin so I'm not I the thought process I just explained here is not new guys I don't know this is this is the this is the whole thought process here with crypto mining it's not just Caspa okay this is the mining and holding is one of the best is one of the best it's obviously a lot riskier yes it's it's riskier but um you are potentially going to see a lot further a percentage increase versus the one versus what you were going to sell so shortsighted miners miss out on a lot yes yes exact exactly um where can I mine where can I mine Caspa oh dud that's there's a lot of mining pools you can mine Caspa I I don't have mining pool stats up here but I here mining pool stats mining mining poool stats.
Stream I mean this is the website if you want to go look at uh here Caspa look Caspa right now kaspa's emissions daily emissions is $1.18 million look at this Caspa is top three top three proof of work coin next one is Dogecoin at 2.14 million and then of course we got the big daddy Bitcoin at $29 million a day emissions across everyone that's mining Bitcoin right now ethereum classic is four Bitcoin cash is next Litecoin and so on and so forth look at that ravencoin at $133,000 Bitcoin yeah Joel just go to uh mining pool stats. stream and you can see all the different uh mining pools okay hashed out mining SNS the thing is guys if you don't start today you will NE you never will buy something that makes decent amount that you you can afford to pay off in power while you hold your coins and you will win every time yes hashed out mining yes exactly and also think about think about the potential think about the potential of um I I am right okay I'm not I'm not I'm not trying to say buying a ks5 is a good idea right now but if you did the math on if you believe Casp was going to go to a dollar then your KS 5 could in theory break even in less than two months if you held on to that around 50,000 Caspa it'll mine in the next two months okay that's that's how I look at it okay if if if you are looking at it in terms of short term and you're selling every day that is the wrong way to look at it because then you're not going to get your money back okay if you spent $30,000 your your your your break even time and you're selling every month I mean if Caspa stays at these levels yeah and and the network and we have the emission schedule Network hash rate still climbing you're you're not you're going to see less and less dollar value as time goes on so the whole thought process that we've over the past year year now of Caspa mining Is Mining and holding because look look this the Caspa chart doesn't lie here it's been going in a still still considered upward upward Trend here um not Financial advice but Caspa has been has been still doing very well now whether or not this is uh manipulated in some way because of bitm or ice River who manipulated the markets for kaspa there's there's potential there I'm not saying that's true or not I don't know again this this correlates with if there's altcoin season as well this this to this goes in with the total three that if this mimics the 2020 chart up until now 2024 this with everything going everything happening now um could this could very well be our time so is it a good idea to buy or not that's going to be your you're going to have to do your own research and uh you're going to have to take on that risk I'm not going to tell you I'm not going to tell you buying a ks5 is a good idea or not but do some math do some projections figure out if you think it's a good business uh investment for you um yeah if you're spending $330,000 on a ks5 you you you very well better be running it as a business because I I I would for sure would want to be depreciating $330,000 against my taxes okay there's no way in heck I'm going to pay as a as a as a single guy like a hobby minor $30,000 on a ks5 and not be able to expense not be able to depreciate the hardware it that is that is just yeah terrible idea don't yeah all right that's it that's my Spiel you could sell ks5 after two months of mining another twist to mining strategies yeah s chain you're very right you're it's very true you could very easily again if we're in altcoin season this ks5 could be worth even more because there's potential that even though with the aggressive emission schedule which is about 5 ruction every mon everyone knows the C reduction block reward is cut 5.6% every month there's potential that if Casa price really starts jumping up then profitability of the A6 uh could could could be very could be very could be very good DJs on on uh nice man nice um Hawk I'll go hawk don't do that Hawk uh 10 more minutes Hawk all right sounds good good um mine buy coin pay for power hold get rich AF sell and bull rinse repeat uh wait too fast for you that's right that's right man that's right way too fast for you what's up man okay all right guys 10 more minutes any final remarks any final suggestions do you guys like do some of you guys agree with what I'm what my thought process here is regarding Mining and yielding and understanding price of appreciation do do do do you guys do you guys do any of you agree with this or don't agree like I I I I I'm not seeing much I'm trying to I don't know i' I've said this i' I've said this type of this type of mentality this type of mining strategy I think since the beginning of my channel and uh I think till this day though because we still have new miners coming in a lot of them don't really understand thought process of buying an as6 minor or heck even buying gpus it's the what I just explained is the exact same thing you're you're you're you're spec mining um any coin and you believe that it's going to price appreciate in the future it's the same it's the same thought process um yes we do okay a lot of you guys all agree okay that's I just wanted to make sure because it's like I feel like we have to say it time and time again in order to be like in order to um just hone that that in and just remember like remember why we are mining because like there's a lot of benefits man there there there's a lot of risks Yes actually I just thought of this like you're running this you're running this as a business and you're depreciating the hardware it's actually really it's you're actually lowering your risk a lot rather than buying the coin because if the coin decides decides to just drop you have nothing to back it up but with piece of Hardware if you bought that for $32,000 you're depreciating that you're lowering your taxes by depreciating the hardware over two years a year whatever you're I everyone's laws are everyone's tax laws are different um but you know it's it's it's it's yeah it's like a no-brainer it's like getting crypto for free you're mining it for free when you're when you're depreciating a piece of Hardware that's that much and you're also also expensing the electric as well um and you're just yeah anyways not tax advice not Financial advice don't uh gam of smoky Dan says don't buy beyond your means and never take out a loan to buy Hardware save up do do your own research learn and grow and Pace good for you uh Smokey Dan that is one of the best advice yes okay so crypto mining just don't go balls deep okay don't invest thousands of dollars if you can't okay it's it's it's a very competitive game it's unfortunate the unfortunate reality of crypto mining is that you got to pay to play right you got to pay to play it's a sad reality crypto mining is a zero SU game there's going to be winners and there's going to be losers GPU yeah it's unfortunate that for people that have much lower electricity um costs are obviously going to win out because they're going to be making more profit in a way um depending on their and also depending on their financial situations everyone has different everyone has different risk tolerance and all that kind of stuff so just just do it do invest get into mining within your means okay don't go balls out don't go too crazy um I started small I started with a small mining rig five years ago um obviously getting in earlier is the best um here we are today we're obviously kneee in the crypto mining a lot of people are kneed deep so it is a competitive game now okay crypto mining is it's it's a lot more competitive now and if you don't have generally lower electricity rates uh it's it's it's obviously going to be a lot harder it's going to be a lot harder for you to get into it because then you're going to be paying a lot more uh it's you're going to be paying you're depending on your financial situation you're going to be paying more um and it's going to it's going to it's going to go against your bottom line so just just do it within your means for sure man just do it within your means um don't don't don't if you're leaving paycheck to paycheck that's that's that's hard man that's hard okay I missed a donation uh hold on uh oh I missed I missed a lot of I missed aot Auto donations oh my goodness um Simi dot uh yeah okay I I uh thank you for the five there man uh Simi dot thank you for the five again well I bought a ks5 already I just wanted your opinion I'll be holding the coins into this bow run not selling every month uh Simi dot that great good good call man good call I mean yeah you're going to have to look at the opportunity cost okay we already we already did the calculation there um you're you're going to have to see you know there's there's opportunity cost versus uh opportunity cost is the alternative um which alternative is going to be the better opportunity for you so that is that is going to be mining and holding the Caspa but it's not Financial advice because you don't know if Caspa is going to go up much higher than much higher than it is now but that's the that's the that's the risk you're willing to take and you believe that Casp is going to go um much higher than it is now okay hop thank you for the five I asked this to hobbyist hobbyist the other night uh I'm sorry that you asked that question to the hobbyist uh I like I like your point of view as well I have $650 do you go budget GPU rig or Asic and what model um man 650 bucks ah yeah I mean I'm assum do you have free electric hopsack what's your electricity cost that's the first thing I ask hopsack what's what's your electricity cost DJ mines with a $2 DJ take risk if you don't you will have two wait for 2028 that's I like that DJ I like that thank you thanks for the donation hopsack 5 Cent kilowatt hour what you have 5 Cent kilowatt hour what are you doing man2 superat what are you what are you doing you will have to wait for you got to be wait wait hop SEC where do you have 5 Cent per kilow hour and how much power do you have like how much like how many amps do you know how many amps you have like are you in a are you in a house are you an apartment like 5 cents tell me tell me where that is that then I'll give you my opinion because like if if I had five cents if I had 5 cents per kilowatt hour right now honestly I'd buy everything I I I'd CPU mine i' GPU mine I get A6 that just run you you could literally run everything and you'll be you'll be just profitable you'll be you'll be super fine and buy ah just every Everything five bro dude 5 cents you you're profitable on anything 5 cents you you are profitable on any any type of mining Hardware really you you are profitable on any hardware hopsack like 5 cents per kilowatt hour I DJ just said 5 Cent go all in yeah I I would go all in I I would go all in on anything I I I for $650 though like 600 50 bucks I mean you can't really buy a an Asic you can't buy any of the the big boys for 650 bucks uh I don't an s19 I don't know I wouldn't I wouldn't go Bitcoin anymore uh there's no altcoin as6 that are $650 that would that would be um uh option not opinion uh hopsack Northeast oh sorry hiccup Northeast Ohio City aggregate opinion house have about 30 to 50 amps of 220 volt I can play with okay 30 to 50 amps bro 30 or 50 m uh yeah I mean yeah okay so you only have 650 bucks okay well you're you're you you you can you if you can somehow spend more than that but okay if you only had 650 bucks I mean h i mean like what 6 like two that would realistically buy you 470 TI uh not even how much is a 470 TI that thing only makes like a dollar right now ah this is really hard we're thinking like really small scale here like you can buy like two 30 30 2370s you only be making like a dollar to150 uh let's see what kind of CPUs could you buy uh 7950 X is are like how much 400 bucks 500 bucks uh uh I don't know how much I don't know how much CPUs are but CPUs are doing pretty decent still A6 um I don't really what what as6 cost 600 650 bucks there there's really nothing out there for 650 bucks an s19 s19 uh uh no I mean yeah s19 at at S9 at $5 but this is still generally higher electricity rates you know what I would honestly I would honestly go 37 I would honestly go gpus um I I would honestly go gpus you're you're going to you're going to be able to be you're going to be able to be profitable okay 5 cents GPU mining you're going to be you're going to be profitable another thing to think about is that you have the ability to just mine and hold as well because your electricity rate is so low and you're only having a couple gpus anyway I mean like you're you're going to be able you're going to be just fine uh I I would start small if you if you're just getting into crypto mining uh hopsack have you have you gotten into gpus like have you done GPU mining before DJ M says demo Hive mapper or geonet with $650 I I I I I I also I can't say no I cannot say no to the demo Hive mapper geonet have been good but there's long wait times I I don't think G maybe geonet does not have long wait time but Hive mapper is a long wait time um demo Doo I'm not sure how long if those are sold out or not but you know if you want to get your feet wet GPU mining is tried and true you you you you can't you cannot you cannot you cannot go wrong with GPU mining um I cannot say too much regarding the deepin stuff I'm I'm not heavy into deepin uh Hive mapper uh uh fries Foundation geonet helium all those all those types of things but man if you had 5 Cent per kilowatt hour dude you have 3050 Ms oh my God I dude you I I would I i' I'd fill all that up with uh I'd fill all that up with something so you could you would be profitable You' be profitable CPU GPU or even Asic so yeah uh hopsack yeah I I can't give you like a like a final like determination of what to buy because with your electricity with your electricity rate it's you possibilities are endless okay with your 5 Cent per kilowatt hour you're you're you're competitive against those industrial Bitcoin miners you're you're competitive against those big boy Asic miners so it doesn't even matter what what model you get you're going to be profitable um but if you're if you want to get your feet wet GPU mining is going to be I think one of your Best Bets to live uh to live to experience and learn um you get to learn how to build a PC you get to learn how to how to mine spec coins you get to learn wallet management you get to learn um how to do this how to do that check out Exchange es uh I think GP mining GP mining is one of the best gateways into everything you're you're not going to go wrong you're not going to go wrong with uh with with starting out as a GPU so okay that's my final that's my final take that that's that's that's my final take with altcoin season still coming in my opinion GPU is is going to have its Heyday you guys you guys see and for all those people that don't believe in ravencoin for for all those people that don't believe in ravencoin you guys um you you heard it here first this is not Financial advice but ravencoin I believe ravencoin will have its uh will have its time um hops SEC again with the five I Min $5 I mined on my 6950 XT currently I have an s17 mini Doge Pro and a kitty Box 2 just looking at my next small expansion nice man HP that's awesome I don't see I don't you don't have any gpus in thatx on my 6,950 get your feet wet man get get some gpus man get a g get one GPU just looking at my next small expansion that's awesome man but get yeah get get one GP you um okay okay guys I think Hawk is streaming now is Hawk streaming okay hold on oh my YouTube is going to lag here okay guys we're going to move over uh thank you all for the stream thank you all for the stream I appreciate all of you you guys smash the like on the way out I'm going to redirect all of you to Mr Hawk crypto mining okay I appreciate I appreciate all of you guys for coming in I hope you guys enjoyed today's live stream let me know uh he said he he getting GPU goldfish brain R Smokey Dan I'm I I didn't read that okay good hob SEC sounds good sounds good hpack if you need help just come on Discord we got a lot of help oh Simon thank you Simon w 3 MCT Simon thank you for joining the channel bro thank you for the sub thank you for the sub man okay see you guys later thank you guys so much I will redirect everybody to Mr Haw crypto mining smash that like on the way out I will see you guys in tomorrow uh for a video or live stream I might do both save okay I'll reductor you all uh anyone else ordered the Avalon 3 uh you know what Adon the I actually have an update I want to do an update video of the Avalon 3 tomorrow um there's a lot of shipping updates I want to I want to uh explain that to all you guys okay peace out peace out DJ mines thanks so much man helping him out all right peace out all track peace out peace out guys thanks so much thanks so much peace out peace out e