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what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the brandoncoin YouTube channel I hope everybody's doing well and what you're seeing right here is the latest and greatest single chip solo mining Bitcoin device so this is the bit a 601 aka the bit a the bit a gamma and this bad boy will do over a terahash on a single Asic chip and it runs at a ridiculously low what are we at 19 Watts right now not even 20 watts so they can be tuned up uh but you have to be careful about temperatures looks like we're running pretty cool here on the Asic chip and the voltage regulator but um yeah 1.4 terahash they do you can change the core clock and the uh core voltage they got a little readout screen right there yeah there they are so anyway let me flip this around and explain what these guys do if you don't know all right ladies and gentlemen so the the bit ax gamma right here a lot of people are like how much does it make a day how much does it make a day these devices were not meant to mine in a in a pool fashion where you would mine in a pool with a lot of other Miners and they would make a very small piece of of a block whenever uh the pool hit a Bitcoin block and it would just spread it out evenly now obviously the bigger device you have the more it would make these are powerful but they're not that powerful uh let me show you what they would make on a pool and then explain what they are designed to do which is actually solo mine and that's more like hitting the lottery than it is getting a daily paycheck all right so you'll look at that Bitcoin mining profit for per day these things actually can make a profit per day due to the fact that Bitcoin is up over $100,000 now when Bitcoin was lower they did not actually turn a profit so they make right at 8 cents a day and burning 20 watts at 10 cents per kilowatt hour you're looking at Burning about 4 cents or 5 cents in electric cost so you're making what 3 to 4 cents a day profit now uh these devices are upwards of $150 I think they're they were on sale for Black Friday and Cyber Monday but we'll pull up what the the current price is here in a little bit but this is not what this device is meant to do and this is at the 1.4 Tash you can pull a little bit of extra power out of them uh but it's not going to make that much of a difference so these devices Were Meant to hit a solo block and a solo block has all right guys so the reason why I wanted to talk to you about Solo or Lottery mining is because a lot of people don't NE necessarily understand the concept and the concept is you're going to put this device on and it's going to try to solve a Bitcoin block think of it it as a block of transactions but only one person gets to solve that block in the whole entire world that's why people pull together a lot of power so if one person in that pool hits it then everybody in that pool gets a piece of it that's just how some of the pools work primarily uh but if you hit it yourself and you're not on a pool you're just solo mining you get all the rewards the rewards are a little over three Bitcoin so right now with Bitcoin at $100,000 that's over $300,000 the problem is the odds to hit a Bitcoin block even at 1.4 terahash are currently one in three chance per day is 1 and 3.5 million and your time estimate your estimated time to statistically hit one is about 9,500 years the problem with that this whole estimation chart is there's been two Bitcoin or sorry bit a Supras which are lower power devices they actually hash have a hash rate of about half of a gamma um they have both been confirmed hit Bitcoin blocks this year those devices have an even worse time estimate they're at sorry I'm getting another phone call I'll be right back sorry about that anyway um so those devices the time estimate was around 19,000 years to hit a Bitcoin block well two of those events have happened this year so I don't know about you but it hasn't been 40,000 years so luckily there's a chance but now do not buy this device if you think you're going to hit a Bitcoin block because if you hit a if you think you're going to hit a Bitcoin block you're obviously not going to hit one cuz that's how the world works and Murphy's Law um but I did want to say We'll flip this around and we'll show you how much these things are running for and then I also have a discount code if you're interested in getting one all right so over on bitcoin Merch this is what the page looks like they're 199 and if you use code Brandon 4 it knocks off a couple bucks $192 and then they do make stands for them and you can uh they make little like you can swap this fan out for a knock to a fan um it doesn't really make much noise what you're probably hearing is my diesel heater in the in the other in my garage out there cuz this thing is is pretty quiet but yeah if you're interested in that I got a link Down Below in the description and you can use my code at checkout if not that's cool too anyway guys um I will see you on the flip side and I'm actually thinking about um I have the other one my bidx Supra in like a stand I'm thinking I might end up getting a board and mounting them to a board because uh I I want to get more of these especially I want to have like one of every generation so I still need to get my hands on a bidx ultra um that was the generation before the Supra so that way I just have you know each and every one now there are special editions and I don't know if I'll be able to get lucky and get one of those the white paper Edition bit ax looks amazing check it out Google it white paper bit ax all right guys y'all have a good one I'll see you on the flip side

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