what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the Brandon coin YouTube channel I hope everybody's having a swell day so I'm back in the computer shop just got a phone call local guys like hey I need a cheap computer and I need it fast I need something literally just to use for like work and I'm like do you need do you like any graphics anything like that he's like nope just checking emails and just like work related tasks and I'm like I have some pretty cheap budget um like OEM units and and uh I I gave them some options these this one is a I5 I believe this one's a 4570 or 40 yeah this one's a I5 4570 and it's got 8 gigs of ram in it um I did let him know that we can step that up he did want to upgrade it to 16 gigs of RAM but he did not need in a a dedicated graphics card cuz I said we had some options we had like an rx4 um I think it's a 4 70 and then a r not a 470 RX 5504 gig and then an RX 440 or something like that I don't know or an R7 something that's worse than the 550 and he said nope integrated Graphics will be fine um and then I'm going to put a SSD in it for him and he didn't need a bunch of storage so just 120 gig SSD 16 gigs of RAM and wham bam thank you ma'am so let's get this flipped around we'll get Windows installing on it and um hopefully have a happy customer he's headed this way now so I got to get to get to moving all right so nothing fancy here not going to be putting a graphics card in we're just going to be running dedicated graphics um it had two 4 gig sticks in there so I slapped I didn't have any 4 gig sticks so I slapped an 8 gig stick right there I don't know if the setup's going to be happy with that configuration might have to pull those fours out and just run 28s uh but we're going to fire it up and see what it does also let me grab let's see here this is a 120 gig SSD so I'll get that plugged in uh that's going to be our Boot and our main drive cuz he said he didn't have a lot of software going to run it off of integrated Graphics let's get it all right so now setup is starting we are installing Windows uh I'm going with 10 Pro that's just what I like some people are like oh Windows 11 it's got to be 11 I don't think these uh these older uh third and fourth gen Intel they do not support Windows uh 11 natively you can always get around it but it's not needed not needed for his setup um I'm going to throw in a keyboard and mouse I did ask him if he needed a monitor and he was like yes I need a monitor and um that's where I think a lot of people Overlook and there's a lot of local guys that are trying to hit like the premiere like build the biggest baddest gaming computers and that's cool but I feel like that Market's saturated and there's not nearly as many people trying to hit the cheaper more affordable price points um that's like he told me he was looking around and could not find anything that was ready to go near this price point now this system with an rx550 in it and 8 gigs of RAM goes for 135 on my website and some people are like that's highway robbery you know it is is what it is um I'm cutting him a little bit a deal cuz I pulled the rx550 out so I knocked a little money off there um and then I hooked Them Up on keyboard mouse and did a monitor combo for him so a little bit of money there but uh I I I get more and more of these phone calls and I need to have these things ready to go I'm actually down to I have one two left I only have two more of these OEM systems and I I got a guy well I do have I have two up there those are bad though those are just for parts but I got a guy that I can get a ton of these from for a really good deal and they come with monitors and keyboards and mice and all that kind of stuff so I need to reach back out to him because having these are just it's a good filler price point um I can make a little bit of money and I gain a customer um it's not about getting rich on every single sale just like I always say keep that ball moving so to speak um hopefully this customer will let me uh record him coming in cuzz I haven't had much of that content lately haven't had a lot of walk-ins or anything like that so um would love to get that interaction anyway I'll cut back to it once uh Windows is done and see how this bad boy is running take through the house all right so here's the system these are the extra Wi-Fi dongles okay um that Cole said you needed and this one's already got one in it but I don't want you to like snap it off cuz they stick out a little a little bit mhm so just so you see it okay in the back yeah yeah um did you need you know how to use a computer right yeah yeah okay let me uh I'll go ahead and power this off all right and you're good to go all right so you going to start doing some work on it yeah that's what Cole said I forgot card it's in the Dodge it real quick yeah yeah that's fine I'll grab your uh your keyboard and monitor all right well it's always nice when referral got him hooked up came back in swiped it up he actually has a gaming computer and he's just using that one for like office work and getting started on like his new I don't know career that kind of thing regardless it it should treat him well he already had texted me back it is the next day now um and he's happy with it also um what was it I don't remember I don't remember oh I'm going to change how the listing is on the web store probably not tonight but here soon uh and offer them with and without a dedicated graphics card because right now they're only available with a graphics card and I understand like in that situation he may want or some people may want to save the money and not get it with a dedicated graphics card if they're not planning on gaming on it so I didn't know that you know I when I made the listing I didn't think about it but I have had already two people come in now within probably the last month and they did not want a dedicated graphics card they wanted to save that I think it's like 30 bucks is what I I mark it up for that RX 554 gig to go in there which surprisingly does very well um you would think that rx550 can't do nothing nowadays but I've already I've sold a couple of those systems for people with like kids and stuff and it they do they hammer out some like Ro blocks and and light duty stuff obviously but um yeah so if you're looking for if you're into like flipping computers and you're looking for another Revenue stream um a lot of areas liquidate like schools and Office Buildings of old OEM systems and you should be buying them as cheap as possible um obviously I don't want to out myself and where I get them and and all that kind of stuff but um look in your local area or if you're in a small area look at your like next biggest town or city uh close by because there's always going to be those OEM Dells OEM HPS that kind of thing and um they're good for flipping they are definitely good for flipping so anyways I'm going to jump off here I hope you all have a good night we'll see you on the next one [ __ ]
Flipping old OEM Computers