Free Bitcoin Faucet in 2025

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what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the brandoncoin YouTube channel and a lot of people have been interested in like the faucets and the cloud mining stuff that you can do that you don't have to actually have Hands-On Hardware um so as you can see behind me I was actually just doing a little bit of like cell phone deconstructing so we have some cell phone content coming out soon but today specifically uh we're going to talk about one of the websites that I've actually been a part of it for years now um this is not a sponsored video they didn't reach out to me um but I was looking and I was going to create a video talking about all the free faucets you can go to where you can get you know free cryptos from here free cryptos from there kind of like you know airdrops but more like traditional speaking um this website is called like for Bitcoin um I have been a part of this website for years um I didn't see where I could see uh like my uh let's see here stats yeah I don't I was going to see how long I had been a part of the uh the website but um I figured I'd show it off and if people have you know some free time I'm going to keep it open on one of my extra tabs that way you can hit it but um let me just go ahead and and show you what it looks like so let me move my face over here and this is the website and um it's it's got a lot of stuff going on right now but the big one is free BTC you click that um you can see right here I have 2512 satoshi's right now and then every hour or every 60 minutes you can actually hit verify I don't know if I I can do it again yet I don't know if it's been an hour but you roll a number 0 between 9885 and you get two Satoshi which is you know 2/10 of a penny give or take right now but if you roll a higher number you know anywhere between 9886 to 9985 on sorry about that but um yeah so if you roll a higher number in between any of these ranges then you win a larger amount of Bitcoin now they do have all kinds of other things on here like different rewards programs and staking and all that kind of stuff um I'll probably get into that in a a future video but I just wanted to go over like the basics like just the the straight up faucet aspect and a lot of people think like oh you know crypto faucets aren't worth it it's just a small amount of money but it is literally free it doesn't cost you anything so let's just click roll someone has already played from this IP in the last hour you need to wait 43 more minutes before playing free BTC game again by the way don't use the same account and try to use a VPN that breaks their terms of service and then they can cancel your account now as you can see I have uh a little bit of the Toshi's in here and I used to play this like religiously I don't know why I fell out of it um now the withdrawal the minimum withdrawal fee is kind of high uh let's go to withdraw and to do an instant withdrawal it the minimum withdrawal is one two three 30,000 Satoshi uh for a slow withdrawal it's the same and then for an auto it's the same as well just slow and instant you pay less fees so um 30,000 Satoshi I think that is what that's like 30 bucks give or take so you will have to win or or sorry you know roll quite a bit to earn up 30,000 Satoshi that's why they have these other rewards programs and that kind of thing you can earn interest on your coins that if you put coins in there um you can gamble with with your coins that you win um so for example let's just say uh every hour you got the minimum of two satoshis a little bit of quick math here uh 24 times um your two Satoshi so you'd get 48 Satoshi a day as you can see to get 30,000 Satoshi it would take quite a while um now I I have gotten lucky and actually gotten the 21 Satoshi quite a few times uh but I have not gotten any of the higher amounts of Satoshi ever on here so um be that as it may your V your mileage may vary say for example if you you averaged it out and you got you know 40 60 a day 60 Satoshi a day by 30,000 still a lot take you 500 Days take you a almost two years um so that's where they come in with all these other programs they have these like daily rewards where you can spin these the the wheel but you have to buy their tokens to get that uh you can go over to the multiply BTC which is straight up gambling so you can bet bet Satoshi and roll higher or lower it's it's straight up just dicing um I'm not a big dicer I'm not not a huge Gambler uh because I just lose most of the time but yeah so you can bet on what looks to be different matches soccer matches rewards okay so you also get rewards points um redeem your rewards points I have 167 points I don't even know how I got these points um win a Lambo lucky winner will drive home in a Lamborghini oh you can buy tickets amount one H I don't know there's a lot to it but um yeah so I am going to be compiling a list of all the different faucets that I come across but I figured I would do an individual video on each of them as well um and then I'll link the the final video I'll have links to each of the individual videos um I will keep trying this one um you know day by day and see you know what I can find how if we can game the game or game the system I'd love to hear from any of you guys out there are you using free Bitcoin have you ever used free Bitcoin um looking it up online this website's been out since like I think it's like 2013 or 2014 um and it does actually pay out um I've I've seen where people have have pulled out a significant amount of money out of here uh and left reviews so I guess it's legit I don't know as always with crypto do your own research don't go and deposit money in here um that's not what a faucet's for a faucet is for withdrawing money ladies and gentlemen so with that being said I'm going to jump off here y'all have a good night and I'll see you on the flip side adios ladies and gentlemen

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