Now I am extremely excited about Playdoh Guys honestly this is one of my favorite Ones that I've seen so far in all of the Pre-sales that I have ever seen it Combines almost everything that Everybody in our demographic likes You've got the '90s Nostalgia you've got The gaming aspect of this token you've Got massive appeal with the Doge sort of Meme status to it and you've got the Potential to Rock It Beyond a billion Doll market cap now I know that that is Very high and lofty expectations but We're going to talk about why compared To some of the other AI or compared to Some of the other gaming tokens out There and if it sounds like something You're interested in let's get started What's up everybody I'm clay bro and as You can see we got play Doge on the Screen and they are selling out fast now Listen there's only 19 hours and 17 Minutes left in this stage of the Pre-sale the pric is going to increase If you guys do not get in before the 19 Hours is up or of course if the $787,000 threshold is met either way the Price is going to increase and you guys Are going to end up paying more for Playdoh here full disclosure I have Bought in I've bought in during this Stage right here I'm very excited and I Can't wait for the 40 different stages And 40 different price increases until
We launch because then of course I'm Going to be making as much money as Possible even on launch day now if you You guys find yourself interested in Buying during this video it is very easy To do so you're simply going to click Click connect wallet and go through your Choice of how you want to connect your Wallet I like to use wallet connect but You guys can use whatever you want now From there let's say that you want to Buy 10 BNB worth for 10 BNB you're going To be walking away with 1,1 160,50 playd do guys if it goes to a Penny think about this if it goes to a Penny you're going to be sitting on what $10,000 and if it goes to a dollar You're going to be sitting on $1,160 th000 now the upside is clearly There but let's go through real quick so I can show you what they're building What they're doing a and why I think This is going to hit really hard with The cryptocurrency demographic and then We're going to compare it to some of the Top gaming tokens out there and you're Going to see in a second all of them are Floating above billion doll valuations So if you scroll through their website And if you want to you can either follow Along or buy by using the official Affiliate link that's down in the Description below these guys have Already been featured everywhere you can
See the news sources scrolling across The top of the screen but what they're Building is a tagi style I guess Cryptocurrency play to earn game now These are the mockups right now on what It's going to look like it's going to be Very simple you guys know that tamagachi Wasn't some I really difficult game to Play you you feed your pet you you pet Your pet you entertain your pet and your Pet grows same thing's going to be Happening in this game except you're Going to be earning as you are playing With the pet there so very cool graphics I think this is going to hit uh hit home With a lot of people out there and and You know what the simpler the game is Sometimes the more people want to play It so you've got this uh you've got this Very simple tamagachi Style game that They're building and on top of that Retro style arcade games will also be Available now this app is currently not Downloadable but after Phase 2 the app Development is going to start when the Pre-sale is going to end and in phase Three they're going to increase their Marketing campaign which is going to be Huge a lot of guys you know I guess uh Blitz attack the marketing campaign During the pre-sale so they can raise as Much as possible and then they let the Community kind of take over these guys Are increasing marketing after the token
Launches think about that And and then you're going to have your Miname betas that you can play and Centralized exchange listings on top of The increased Marketing that's after you get in right They they're going to be doing Everything they can to help the price Increase and get as much exposure as Possible out there and then finally in Phase four you got full mini games and The play Doge app launch is going to Take place now it's going to be Happening on both Android and iOS so if You guys Google play Samsung new losers If you got the iPhone out there you're Still going to be able to play and raise Your tomagotchi play Toge tokenomics Breakdown 4.7 billion tokens going to The pre-sale Community rewards 75 Million 1 billion going to liquidity 1.1 Billion going to marketing 1.1 going to Project funds and 500,000 going to Staking let me just show you these Staking rewards real quick guys check This out 55% annualized interest if you're Willing to stake your your playto now go To the bank right go to the bank and ask Them for 55% and see how that plays out for you I Think that they're going to laugh at you And and the guy behind the counter is Just going to look confused because he
Has no idea what you're talking about How could you possibly earn that well You can earn that by staking blade Doge Here if you guys want um how to buy it Is very simple you guys can go through This right here and get a nice tutorial On how to buy if you're unsure how to Use that widget at the top of the screen And then get all of your questions Answered in the frequently asked Questions Plage uh page what is playd do It's going to be a play to earn game how Are you going to be able to download it IOS and Android you've got the utility Play to earn plus staking and you're Going to be able to claim on the BNB Blockchain okay so you're not going to Have to worry about really high ethereum Gas fees or anything like that but take A look at this okay now a lot of these Tokens they launch with about a $10 Million valuation if you jump into the Pre-sale you're getting in and it's most Likely I I don't know what these guys Are going to launch at in terms of of Overall market cap but that's a lot of What I've been seeing now look at the Market caps of all these gaming tokens Here you can go out to to coin Market or sorry and you can Click on the gaming section and you can See three billion 2 billion 1 and a half Billion 1 and a half billion 1.2 billion One billion one billion just under one
Billion just under one billion and you Guys can see it go down here hundreds of Millions and billions of dollars for These gaming tokens could you just Imagine if play Doge hits a $100 million Market cap it would roughly 10x increase A$1 billion market cap would be roughly A 100x increase now never invest Something that you guys are unwilling to Lose all of that stuff you got to be Responsible out there right and you got To understand that these pre-sales they Are higher risk because there's no price Action to go off of there's no Tech Tech Analysis that you guys can do but if They build this app out I know you're Sitting here watching the screen right Now cuz I'm sitting here watching the Screen right now and and I'm getting Excited about how fun this looks right Other people are going to get excited About how fun this looks as well and It's going to cause them to buy in They're going to want to be a part of This and when they do and even after Launch when this game launches it could Absolutely go to the Moon I'm excited About play Doge guys I have bought into Play Doge it is very easy simply click Connect your wallet and decide how much You want to buy in with make the Purchase and let me know down in the Comments below if you guys are excited As excited as I am and until the next
Time hope to each and every one of you Have an awesome day