GPU MINERS REJOICE! Karlsen changing algorithm to KarlsenhashV2

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hey guys rpim here hope you're doing well having a really great day we got an amazing announcement from Carlson Network they are now going to cater two GPU miners by switching out their algorithm which has been dominated as you all know dominated by a single entity that has been mining Carlson also an EXL AI Nautilus pugd a little bit purin and you know radiant alium before and so Carlson coming out of the gate here one of the first ones out of all these other coins here to become Asic resistant by going to a new algorithm called Carlson hash V2 based on the uh iron fish's algorithm uh fish hash uh plus so this is going to happen on mainnet September 9th 2024 at approximately 1337 UTC time uh this is definitely leite speak code here so this is great news for GPU Miners and this algorithm will be predominantly memory okay it's going to be memory hardened and so that's how it's able to cut out you know as6 and it's not it said they're going to move out fpgas but fpgas will be in my opinion will just be a little bit more competitive so you know they're not going to like blow GPU miners out of the water in terms of you know how efficient they are but it's going to close the gap essentially a bit closer but that's also going to depend on is anyone going to make a bitstream and is it going to be public you know that's a whole other that's a whole other uh conversation but anyways let me quickly read here we are excited to announce the upcoming hard Fork on Carlson Network mainnet introducing the world's first fish has implementation in Rust and go with a one blocks per second dag this hard Fork will transition our network from Carlson hash V1 to Carlson hash V2 incorporating the new fish hash plus algorithm uh after extensive development and testing we are now prepared to implement this significant upgrade hard Fork details block height uh this uh hard Fork is is scheduled to occur at block height uh 26 m962 and9 on the Das score which is estimated to be reached on September 13th at approximately 1337 UTC uh so the new hashing algorithm Carlson hash V 2 will utilize fish has plus a highly secure algorithm inspired by Lolly Deb's fish has white paper all right so Lolly Deb as most of you know is the creator of LOL minor all right so they'll obviously have to do an update to add Carlson okay A Carlson hash V 2 and let's see when's the last update they had April 20th was their last update uh from Lolly de here for LOL minor so I'm going to assume LOL minor Regal rajel Miner a bunch of other ones will probably have uh Carlson hash V2 coming up here in the next what two weeks okay so as I'm recording this video it's going to happen pretty soon okay pretty soon uh basically this algorithm is designed to be fully Asic resistant and move out fpga Hardware fostering a more decentralized and Equitable mining environment hopefully I I hope that's the case because do some of you guys remember when iron fish moved to the new algorithm fish hash I believe this is April 2nd all right so that was a couple months ago April 2nd is when they changed algorithm so that's when you know Iron fish's price here I'm just correlating stuff here that you know back in April 2nd the price of iron fish was like $185 but since then okay since they're you know they new algorithm implementation here uh iron fish's price has been just just been going down straight down it's 46 cents now so I recall when that did happen that on hash rate.

You know all the profit calculators they showed ironfish at the top of the charts on all the gpus for I I I think it was good a good month or two that it was up there right and the difficulty for iron fish obviously went up which because it was on the profitability charts at the top and a lot of minor GPU miners flocked over to it okay uh which is a good thing okay right gpus we we love we love gpus for the decentralized factor and common Hardware that you can get anywhere off the shelves but you know during this time the difficulty of fish has iron fish during this time was pretty high but then as time went on as profitability started to dwindle you can see here the difficulty had started to go down and down and down and down but that that makes sense because of the price of iron fish has been dwindling down so I hope with Carlson here okay I'm I'm suspecting that once this move over does happen that uh potentially I'm not saying it's going to happen but if Carlson can hopefully sustain uh a lot of the GPU Miners and you know how ironfish did for a good month or two that if Carlson can do this similar you know maybe it's probably going to be less than a month I'm guessing maybe a couple weeks there might be a ton of people that move over but the thing is I think that not everyone is going to move over to you know Carlson uh V2 which is going to be like iron fishes iron uh fish hash algorithm right which is memory hard so the power consumption is going to be a bit higher okay than normal than you know if you're mining like flux or Nexa you know kind of like mid Middle Ground there so I know right now it's summertime and so I don't know if a lot of people are going to uh be able to switch over you know they like 307s or you know 309s whatever anyone that has gpus right now that going from especially if people that are mining zealous you know under 8070 Watts on 3070 typically if people move over to Carlson V2 which is the fishh algo okay it's then the power consumption if you want to get that sweet spot may be over 100 110 to 120 watts on a typical 3070 so that will be something that we're all probably going to be making videos on overclock settings that could stuff for Carlson another thing I hope is that you know these other projects can follow suit P day consensus coin atilus nexell uh whoat you know all these other purin you know the all these coins have been dominated as well by The Entity so you know these coins if they could also move over it would help uh spread the load essentially from uh all the GPU miners because there's a lot of GP miners as we all know so it'll be interesting but in two weeks time I will Ely update you guys on when this comes out as the miners get updated and uh in terms of profitability as most people really do care about that and just I guess the biggest thing is to kick off the entity that has been mining on uh Carlson okay so yeah this this went from like 24 terahash to like like 100 so there's like a 80 or 90 terahash minor uh The Entity on hero miners okay which has just dropped you know mining Carlson on gpus you know down the dumps right you can't it's not profitable at all to mine Carlson on a GPU anymore it just doesn't make any sense so you know we've been seeing zealous uh one quick note I forgot to mention you know zealous uh they did have a hard Fork uh I think in June or July to their new algorithm zealous hash V2 uh which is predominantly going to be more memory hard as well supposed to kick off you know the as6 and uh make fbgs a bit more competitive too so maybe in the next week or two right we're going to see Carlson and zeis at the top of the charts here and uh of course that's going to depend on Carlson's price if it's going to you know generally stay up and sustain itself I don't know if the entity is selling every day or not that begs the question but my prediction here is going to be that we're going to see Carlson and zeis at like top two and of course depending on your electrical cost if it's going to be uh good or not for mining uh you know the new Carlson hash V2 which just real quick I wanted to just touch on which gpus are probably going to be great on mining on Carlson V2 or I guess their iron fish algo pretty much so I think the you know hbm2 memory cards probably uh I know that these CMP 210 gpus have been quite popular recently with some people I've been meaning to buy just a rig you know to test uh for myself I may do that probably after this video so you guys don't all buy it but don't buy it just I I don't know how good it's going to be but uh you know also I think some people also have these 170 hxs now I would not buy these at $550 I think at one point I did see them on Alibaba for like 230 or $250 so really depends on you know what you you can get these prices at uh prices for these gpus but also what your electricity cost is going to be because yeah right now it's really not that great I mean if you have these gpus I mean you're profiting if you have under 10 cents but uh generally they're not really that good so I guess the whole the whole mindset here for you know GPU miners is mining in huddle right it's waiting for Price appreciation anyways let me know what gpus you guys think are going to be good um I think 37s will probably be just fine for anyone that has it uh like like myself I have a lot of 370s but hopefully all the miners um the software developers LOL minor Regal Rio Miner out with their Miners and uh going to be optimized and uh hopefully we can get nice efficiency off all of our gpus AMD gpus will be interesting to see but may take a bit more power uh which may come down to are you going to run your gpus a bit more power these days especially here with the summertime who knows right that's something some of us uh may not do but some may do depending on your environment all right my friends that's it that's all I wanted to talk about let me know what your guys' thoughts on today's video and uh Carlson moving to the new algo which is going to be GPU Centric all right I'll see you all in the next one have a good one peace out

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