GPU Mining Hardware PRICES are on the rise now?

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[Music] hey guys arpm here hope you're doing well having a really great day this video it's November 17th of 2024 as of recording this video Bitcoin is almost 990,000 I know maybe last week or so Bitcoin hit up almost 94,000 I believe so we've been fluctuating uh since then but crazy times but I'm going to correlate this with crypto Mining and Hardware prices are starting to ramp up here especially gpus and also GPU mining Hardware okay so the interest right now according to Google Trends crypto mining is going up okay there's been a little bit of a jump here over the past couple weeks here obviously going up with Bitcoin and a lot of altcoins have been going up as well and so GPU mining you know it's not crazy profitable right now depending on your electric of course but it is going up I'm seeing you know depending on your electric like 8 cents 10 cents Kow hour you know you're earning maybe another I'd say another 20 cents or more you know over the past I'd say over the course of the past like two months or so okay so it has been going up along with the market with Bitcoin so what I've seen and I'm going to go back to a video that I did about a year ago I bought $5,000 worth of AMD GP pus I think about 34 5700 XTS and the rest of them are rx580s so you guys can see in the picture here just various worth of gpus so what I wanted to do right is compare back then a year ago you know how much rx5700 XTS were worth a year ago about 120 145 150 bucks people were buying them for uh back in October of 2023 so here we are today okay today November 16th recently sold on eBay November 15th people have been buying these for 165 looks like someone bought one for $229 looks like on November 14th someone bought one for $189 with $70 shipping so to me the price of these gpus are definitely going up and so my stack that I bought is definitely going to be worth more now which is going to be interesting am I going to necessarily sell a lot of them maybe maybe maybe we'll do a lot of giveaways and you know what let's give away one all right let's give away a powercolor red devil 5700 XT in this video all you guys got to do you just have to comment down below your thoughts currently about GPU mining Hardware prices have you guys seen in your areas you know has it been going up you know just give me your thoughts and opinions about anything regarding the prices of crypto mining Hardware going up all right just comment down below and let me know if you're in USA or Canada as well and I'll choose the winner after 24 hours after this video is uploaded one of you will win a powercolor red devil 5700 XT now along with the stack that I bought okay a lot of rx580s okay as well let's just look how much rx580s have been selling for recently okay so 85 59 79 all right 69 recently sold this is November 17th by the way all right today there's been a lot of people buying RX 580s for some reason yeah there's I'd say there's still a market out there for people that are going to be buying these rx5 s are they necessarily profitable right now rx580s on hash r.o currently currently looks like block X it looks like it breaks even at 10 cents okay if you have an RX 580 for mining looks like you can mine block X at about 10 cents kilowatt hour breaking even of course you're not making a lot all right it's pennies but it just goes to show that maybe a couple months ago or maybe during the bare Market times rx580s were were not profitable gpus but now as the market is going up a lot of uh GPU minable proof of work coins have also been going up over the past you know month right along with Bitcoin so this is propping up the market and we are seeing a trend now of gpus becoming a little bit more expensive and so this is where I'm going to go into are you guys going to be buying Hardware right now is this the time to get in before things get more expensive and this is definitely a type of crypto mining strategy a lot of people do buy you know buy Hardware during the bare markets when things are not profitable when things are much cheaper and then when the Bull Run comes about when you know mining becomes profitable again you know like in the dollar range you know per GPU then you're going to see a lot of this Hardware go up in price and another great example is pcsp a lot of you guys probably been buying these octom minor x12s okay I actually was one of them I got 10 of these uh over here I got 10 of these almost three months ago okay I I did a video called my the GPU mining addiction continues three months ago that I got 10 of the octom miner uh pcsp here with the 12478 GB cards in them so for $289 right now it's at 289 and I have to say like uh 3 months ago it was worth 329 okay these are 329 3 months ago all right on August beginning of August so the prices have definitely come down but another funny thing is like maybe a month ago maybe a month and a half or two months ago this was actually $239 okay so these were actually a little bit cheaper before okay and just a little shill here I don't get anything out of it if you guys are interested in buying the octom miner PS pcsp I do have a coupon code for 5% off okay so it's RPM pcsp 5 all right if you want to uh purchase one of these or multiple or whatever I mean I'm I want to talk about a bunch of stuff okay about the hardware pricing right now because this might be the time you know to get into power supplies you know extra fans extra parts you know we're going to we're going to talk about that as we go along here okay so yeah the pcsp octom miner x12s these are honestly Great Value granted you can't fit you know Big Boy cards in here unless you move the front fans outside and you know manipulate it you know better just for uh just the fans and longer cards and you know thicker cards if you're going to do that and they already do come with you know 750 watt psus three of them so depending on what your mining depending what cards you're putting in you can swap out the psus as well to 12200 watt psus I've swapped these octom miners out with, 14400 watt psus before or no sorry the 1500 watt ones uh the yellow ones I did a video about that long ago but yeah they they all should work the HP hot swappable psus will work in this octom Miner so pretty cool pretty good price as of now but in the next coming months you know during the Bull Run maybe next year you as things start ramping up here okay are these prices going to keep going up so great example pcsp has raised the price here almost 50 60 bucks over the past week here on these octom miners okay so that's when you know right that's when you know when there's more interest in the crypto mining people are buying Hardware that's when you know these prices are going to start going up across the board amongst all the crypto mining Hardware uh companies that you know sell this type of stuff okay so another thing want to talk about with you guys okay so I've been accumulating some stuff now to go along with what's transpired you know who is now the president of the United States has been talking about tariffs so one thing with that I've actually been looking into buying extra Hardware okay and where we are right now I guess in terms of I'm not an economics person but you know as things are getting more expensive potentially and you know interest rates are dropping inflation money prto gur are we going to have tariffs are things going to start costing more money now okay so this is where I'm looking into buying extra stuff so one thing I'm I've been you know getting stuff EXT stuff is like hard drives so one thing that I've been ordering recently for like a lot of my GPU mining rigs is ssds okay a lot of my octom miners okay have the 120 gig ssds the Patriot bursts I've been using a lot of these even in the past two years I have I've been buying the bulk pack okay so if you buy the bulk pack you get 10 120 gig ssds for 80 bucks all right bulk packaging make sure you click the bulk packaging link down below by the way helps out the channel at no cost to you but you know in the future next year when things start going crazy do you guys expect this type of stuff to go up in price maybe I don't know maybe not but I'm like preemptively buying this type of stuff as extra Hardware extra parts just in case I need it next year or you know when something goes wrong need to change out the octom miner ssds the these stock ssds on these octom miners are horrible so I highly recommend definitely recommend you know getting you know new ssds for these and I think this is one of the one of the best values that I've been I've been buying okay I haven't seen anything else better if you guys know something else better let me know in the comments down below now another thing I've been getting extra on is power supplies okay so parallel Miner and also deep inth mindes so these companies you know I've been seeing the power supplies for these are still reasonably priced and uh you know deep in the minds for instance I've used a couple of these before I really like their setups they have a 1,400 combo here with the breakout board and the cables for $127 uh there's a lot of different versions here from 110 volt to 240 volt so yeah there's many different versions here but I think these are great values before they get even more expensive I know Back in the Day 2021 these types of kits were going over $180 to $250 right with the the whole setup so it's much cheaper now and including like parallel minor as well they also have kits here um I've been buying a lot of the to show you guys here I've been buying a lot of extra power supplies uh just extra 750 watts and I bought a bunch of the uh dell uh 1400 Watts for 15 bucks so I bought I bought a good 10 of these and a good 10 of the 750 watts just as spares because you know during the bull run these things were not cheap right these things were going for $60 to $80 at one point so this is why I've been just kind of like hoarding this stuff now before things could potentially get worse right and I'm saying this because from experience we have seen the prices of crypto mining Hardware go up you know remember RX 580s being like $500 at one point granted that was with ethereum I don't know if we're going to have that thing again where you know a lot of GPU minable coins are going to lift up the market profitability so we're going to see right and that's what I'm just getting ready for and the prices of this stuff is cheap now okay is is pretty good now link down below to parallel Miner and uh also deepen the mines uh if you're looking for stuff just you know I was looking at their bulk deals uh deep in the mines they actually have like 10 packs of mining motherboards now I'm I'm no longer you know doing the open air rig uh style but it's just interesting to see you know one of these mining motherboards back in the Bull Run were were like 500 bucks so it's funny that you can get like a pack of 10 for like $1,000 actually this is is actually interesting I've been looking at this pack 10 pack of uh biostar TB 360s this has the eight uh pcie slots okay on the motherboard with the CPU and Ram uh sorry looks like you need to buy the CPU and RAM separately but this is uh this is this is interesting right this is actually really interesting uh to to look at 1,000 bucks for 10 of these it's like you could build like 10 open air like put these on like wooden MDF like wooden platforms on a shelf or something uh for GPU mining so I thought you know it's pretty good value and you have to buy it granted you have to buy the CPUs and RAM but but uh to coincide with that actually nerd gears might have you know extra CPUs um also bees crypto mining I was looking at you know you could potentially buy those CPUs cheap you know on eBay or at bees crypto mining I was looking at be's crypto mining they got a lot of different you know crypto mining Hardware here so whatever deal that you guys find that could be a good deal you know check out these websites I'll have a link down below I'm not affiliated I'm affiliated with some of these but not a lot of them anymore but uh yeah nerd gears great site bees Crypt mining great site you know uh GPR also great site for a lot of hardware for GP mining Hardware whether or not you guys see deals or not but um yeah guys just look around okay like this is I I feel like this is it's coming back again and if things are going up to where Bitcoin could go up to 150k to 200k expect the GPU mining proof of work minable coins are going to be are also going to be going up as well and when that time comes and if you don't have the hardware ready to turn to turn on and take advantage of you know when these times get good again you know or you're going to be reselling the hardware okay when times get good whichever your crypto mining strategy is okay it's uh it's looking like this could be our last chance to buy this stuff before it gets worse okay I could easily make this like an hourong video talk about a lot of different parts but you know what I'm going to keep doing this as I see stuff uh links down below to the websites I talked about as well as my red pandam for trusted Hardware shops you guys are looking for Asic miners or any you know nerd gears or any other you know Hardware resellers out there I have coupons for a majority of them okay so check out my website here and uh yeah this should help you guys out uh if you're looking for Hardware get a little money off and at the same time it helps me out helps the channel out as well okay so let me know what you guys think don't forget to comment all right your thoughts about just are you guys seeing Hardware going up as well let me know let me know down below okay and I'll choose the winner after 24 hours for a 5700 XT Red Devil GPU all right get you get your guys comments in everyone have a good one peace out

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