GPU Scammer got scammed

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all right ladies and gentlemen got a little talking head video for you guys tonight I hope um you'll enjoy it uh anyway so this is something that I have experienced I I do own a little small computer shop so I buy and sell used Hardware um no big deal every now and then I get something that's bad or doesn't work 100% I send it out people contact me no problem send it back in we'll get you a refund or we'll get it swapped out um well this wasn't the case uh in the past I had gotten a bunch of like scam orders in they were buying like completely random stuff didn't match up um like ridiculous orders like trying to buy buy out all of my inventory um and it was uh Shopify is the web store that I use was labeling them as high risk for fraud or high fraud risk and then it'll give you like a report and it'll show like IP address if they were VPN if the shipping and billing doesn't match all these like different things uh how many credit card attempts how many credit cards they tried to use blah blah blah blah all the way down the list so um I tightened up my preferences so I wasn't getting any more of those those orders everything was good now I just experienced somebody like a actual person not some kind of like you know Mastermind uh trying to do a trying to you know defraud um and essentially pull a scam uh so what they did is they got on there they ordered a card and this is where they went wrong and I didn't know that everything was good until till the end and we'll we'll get there um but their their name and billing address match the card um and they had it shipped to a UPS pickup location um so on the UPS pickup location it automatically had it uh checked for um pickup by signature only uh ID verification awesome so um the time comes it gets shipped off they go and pick it up and then you know on my end I can pull up the the tracking information oh it was received by and the first and last name match perfectly signed everything's good no joke an hour later they put a uh a claim or chargeback claim in against me of course the bank already you know takes my money away gives it back to them and charges me a $15 fee because you know frig me right um but then normally there's not a lot of recourse you know you can like go and submit a counter claim and all this kind of stuff but what's cool on this one as I guess this had like the the perfect Symphony of of amalgamations of information um together and ready to go and it automatically filled out a um fraud something report whatever anyway all I had to do was uh provide the UPS tracking uh screenshot that it was picked up and received ID verification signed by the same first and last name that ordered it which also matches the billing address which also matches the the credit card that was used like everything everything lined up um and then I just got an email back this was like a week ago just got an email back and I have apparently won the case against and I didn't even realize it was like a case but I won the case against this person so um I will be awarded my money I'm I'm I'm being awarded my money back that for the card that I sold obviously I'm not getting the card back um but it's just like Yay I'm winning my money back you know push comes a shove I'm happy because in the past you know you you live and learn on your your first couple chargebacks and that's when you start tightening down the ropes um but yeah so word to the wise if you're trying to scam um don't have all your information in there and then don't have it I I think maybe he thought since he wasn't having it shipped to his home address and he had it at a UPS pickup location it was going to be better but I actually now had like a print out report that he not only showed his ID but he signed for it so it was even better on my end it's always it's funny how it all worked out you know um obviously dealing in e-commerce and dealing in shipping stuff uh I know you're going to you're going to deal with like the scams and people trying to to get one over on you that that's just part of the game um but but yeah I just thought this one was funny and I kind of wanted to share it with you guys because it's the way it all worked out um I I had already thought like oh man I lost that one you know um that stinks it's gone I think it was a 2070 super so it was a decent little card not a ton of money but I mean it's still a good amount of money because I paid for that card so instead of trying to flip it and profit some money I lost all of it and I had to pay to ship it so it's like a double whammy um but regardless yeah yeah so if you're trying to scam people don't scam people and also I know there's a lot of people that complain and they say their order won't go through they'll go and type everything in and they go to check out um and then it just says processing and then it says processing failed or order failed if you're getting that make sure you're not connected through a VPN because I've turned off VPN sales um I was just getting way too many uh fraud trigger reports and I know a lot of people are like oh I don't get online without a VPN you know I don't get up I don't get online without a VPN well you know what it I'm sorry um I just I was getting way too much junk coming from vpns so um if you're going to buy something you need name address you know CCV code uh all the information that you would need basically on a normal purchase online um yeah and it's all going to match yeah um and I think there's like an allotment for your um I don't believe I turned on on the uh you can do like geolocation from your shipping address to what you're logged in IP wise but I didn't want to do that cuz sometimes what if you're out of town or what if you're on vacation and you're ordering something um I don't think that's that's fair but yeah so um anyway yeah just just chilling kind of happy that I got the email uh about I'm I'm winning my money back um it just feel feels good feels like I won something even though I didn't technically win it I I won it you know um and for the guy that you know did that to me frak you or woman it could have been a woman with a a manly name um yeah yeah freak you man all [Music] right other than that yeah that's uh that's how the cookie crumbles so I'm going to get off here y'all have a good night uh doing a Sheba coin update video tomorrow cuz we're we're cruising like right along we're getting close to 2 million so we're at 2% of our goal almost 2% of our goal I think 1.7 million so 1.7% there ladies and gentlemen looking for that magic 100 million regardless um yeah anyway the video's over we'll go celebrate winning he

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