$HANK IS TREDING!!! What Is Hank Coin?!

BK the dog a new meme coin taking over The meme coin race currently trending Number three on coin market cap what is This project let's take a look welcome Back to 99b YouTube channel I'm your Host Umar Khan today we're taking a deep Dive on this token Hank the Dog uh this One is going crazy as we can see it's Trending number three on coin market cap And we're going to go a deep dive to see What this token's all about overall Crypto Market looking pretty good today Guys we're seeing a little bit of red in Terms of overall Market down 1.4% but The volume is up almost 40% on the day Fear and greed index currently sitting At a 65 not too shabby $70,000 Bitcoin Looks like it's really around the corner We see ethereum even coming very close To $4,000 we're very bullish ahead for This project but what's going on with This project that we're looking at right Now Hank uh ticker simple Hank trending In at number three we can see on the day We're down roughly 17% on the week we're Down 30% by the month we're up a Whopping 220% what is h token why is this puppy Pumping literally up to % on the month With a $1.5 million market cap which is Not verified just yet this is looking Pretty bullish let's take a deep dive Before we do that guys I want to show Highlight a quick project Doge versus

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Chain traveling Doge guys this pre-sale Is ending in literally 6 days this is Your last chance to load up a bag uh Before it's all gone so make sure you Load up link in the description below What is Doge verse Doge verse is the Doge goes multi chain buy and claim Doge Vers on the following six chains e Binance polygon avac coinbase salana is Coming literally everywhere featur on Ton of different articles multi- Bridge Util IL utilizing Superior bridging Technology doers will be seamlessly Multichain in just a few clicks we see a Solid road map ahead with five solid Phases to continue Market continue to Incentivize the community this project Has a ton a ton of poent potential great Tok economics in place as well and this Project has staking Yes you heard that Right you can earn passive income on Your investment earn up to 47% with Dynamic range staking and they're Literally taking over the Internet they Have over 22,000 followers on X and They've just started promoting this Approximately a month ago now which is Insane 23,000 we can see the pre-sale Ends June 3rd the claim is claim date is Going to be June 5th this project is Going to be absolutely insane they've Raised over $15 million in Mark cap this Is not to be played with but let's go Back to hang token let's do a deep dive

On token I just want to take a second to Highlight do as it's going crazy let's See what is this project Hank the dog Say hello to Hank Pep's just a dorky Frog but I'm Hank the coolest dog it Could buy Hank and join the community Talking about Community guys they have Over 2,000 subscribers over on Telegram And on X they have over 3,000 followers Which again this is a brand brand new Project so we are relatively getting in Not just that guys they made a massive Announcement 20 hours ago Hank is about To conquer the entire crypto world and Therefore taking another big step Forward top 10 tier one centralized Exchange listing coming soon this could Be absolutely massive for the project Especially if they're not bluffing on This overall crypto Market guys this Whole month has been looking so great Especially with Donald Trump also Basically covid crypto saying he's going To be in favor of crypto and now these Mem coins are starting to rise out of Nowhere and again we're very bullish Trying to find that next 100x gem but What's Hank so about introducing Hank The Dog this six sarc powered uh crypto Sensei Sensation that fet with that's Fetching attention with more bark Than Words hangs here to shake up the crypto Meme Market get ready to wag your Wallets and play with the six Bones on

Salana blockchain and we can see Tokenomics take your symbol hang there a Total Supply zero tax zero buy and self Fee uh the mint has been revoked and Liquidity 100% burnt cont addess is over Here we see a road map so phase one Hyper buildup uh what's it called doing Some magic for phase two and then phase Three living the meme dream and guys Here's the typical meme fashion this is Not actually a road map this is just you Know it's just a quick little doohickey We can see Hank is peeing on looks like Dog with hat Shibu uh Dogecoin Bonk Floy And even Pepe specifically he's peeing On And the p is still coming on the dogs as Well crazy they have a how to buy tab Their live charts which we can see I Want to see what the liquidity is the Liquidity is here Mar cap 1.4 billion And I think it's about the same on yeah 1.5 billion again Mar cap hasn't been Verified yet but Dex tools I guess in This case would be a bit more accurate On the deck screener we see their Partners are all here look at the Mexi Listing uh Jupiter bird's eye Dex tools Uh and then we see Hank in his yellow Lamborghini which hopefully I guess They're promising the holders will be Driving their yellow Lamborghinis really Soon we see as well 21 hours ago super Bullish trending top three on coin

Market cap again which is absolutely Massive the more the on trending tab Guys the more and more eyes going to get On it even myself guys I literally found This from the trending tab so the Trending tab definitely helps a project Get more eyes on it and more eyes means More investors more investors mean Bigger project at $1.5 million guys is Absolutely insane we can easily see this 10x from here and realistically speaking 100x is not too shabby think about it so Many proes went from 150 went to 150 Million overnight at 1.5 million this Looks like a golden opportunity but like Always not Financial advice always your Own resarch and due diligence before Missing any money in the cryptos we Cover on this channel let me know how You feel in the comment section below if You want to buy a bag of doers I'll link That in the description below as well That ws the video until next time it's Your friend Umar peace [Music] Oh

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