Hashrates testing On The NEW RX6600 NON XT

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hey guys welcome back to caveman mining 
hope everyone is well and having a great day   on today's video we are going 
to be testing out the hash rates   for the new amd 6600 and this card was released 
last week and we picked it up last week   uh able to scoop this up from micro center the 
second day it was out and we have our little test   bench here just a small rig one psu intel i5 eight 
gigs of ram uh and we have the card here hooked up   and cranking away so when we first tried to 
test this out we actually had to swap the   motherboards out because i can show you on 
the ground i have a little bit of a mess here   that i have this old dell motherboard it 
is a core duo i believe the chipset is   a 700 series chipset pretty old probably about 
2008 or 2007 that chipset and we could not get   the card to work on it we were getting an error 
of code 43 and pretty much i did everything in   my power to get it to work driver updates chipset 
updates bios updates you name it threw the book at   it and couldn't get it to work so for the sake of 
time i did have another motherboard laying around   a little bit newer chipset and uh yeah connected 
right up fired up drivers worked card ran and   started hashing right away so first things first 
i want to get into the hash rate uh review of   this card and you can see we are mining ethereum 
out the gate so uh we're running nb minor 39.5   and uh we're pulling a hash rate of 29.12 okay 
and we've got a couple i just fired this up so   we get a couple of shares uh here nothing rejected 
three shares and i want to show you my overclocks   for ethereum so we've got a memory clock here 
of 1900 so you got to crank the memory way up   the core clock is at 13.05 we leave the power 
limit at zero and i've got the fans at 81   so i've seen pretty much people with 
varying results uh getting into the 28s   uh high 27s and mid you know mid to low 29s 
actually haven't seen anyone break the 30   mark on these cards yet i'm still kind of trying 
to figure that out and play with it but uh yeah   these were the best settings i could find for 
ethereum uh and pretty power efficient in the   software so you can see we've got 57 watts here if 
we take a walk over to the space goats power meter   and we'll do that right now we will get the live 
at the wall reading and if you guys can see here   we're pulling about 122 watts at the wall so 
that could be because we've got the fan going   could be two because i have my other rigs um not 
powered on but i still have the power connected so   let me let me go ahead and see if i can unplug the 
psus from those other uh rigs to see maybe that's   interfacing with this a little bit so give me just 
one second on that we'll take a walk over here we're gonna switch off the power 
supply on the back of this guy   we are going to unplug and bear with me here 
just uh i'm gonna take a little care that   power supply for the server power supply 
we're gonna go around back of the rigs   and we're gonna stretch out over here flip off 
this switch flip off this switch because we've   got the two combined there let's see if that makes 
any difference at all because that's all running   into the same pdu even though we didn't have 
those rigs on it could still make a little bit of   a difference and yeah you can see now we dropped 
well yeah we dropped to about 114 115 watts at the   wall so uh that made a little bit of a difference 
all right guys so we are now running raven   and we're getting around mid-13s to low 13s and 
hash rate 1320 ranging to 1307 to 13 11 to 13 13.   on there and we look at our overclocks 
we are at the core clock of 26.05 and the memory all the way down to 
1750 and our fan at 61 percent and a   normal power level uh there so clearly puts 
a little bit more strain uh on the card   we go way up in terms of um you know pushing the 
core uh clock but uh not too bad i've seen some   better results in hive os so hopefully uh when 
we do some tests in hive on this card we'll get   into the 14 mega hash range but let's take a look 
at the power in the software we're sitting at 99   watts so that's fine but let's take a walk over 
again to the wall and see what we have at the wall   it's going to be clearly higher than before 
and we have around 164 165 watts at the wall   running raven coin so let's uh do one last quick 
test we're going to test out the hash rate on   ergo and i will conclude with some thoughts 
all right so we are now running ergo and   actually doing pretty darn good in terms of hash 
rate probably one of the higher hash rates i've   seen thus far uh on ergo so we've got 55.98 we'll 
see if we can get a little bit higher there 55.86   uh power level uh running at 90 watts in the 
software getting a couple accepted shares already   so that's looking pretty good just to take 
a look at the overclocks for ergo so we have   2614 for the core clock so pretty high on the 
core memory maxed out at 1900 okay and then again   running the fan at 61 percent so that looks pretty 
good you hear the card it's pretty quiet not too   uh toasty in terms of the heat coming off of the 
card so that looks pretty good you have 55.87 55.86 so sitting almost at that 56 mark in terms 
of hash rate let's again take a walk over to the   wall and see what we have for the ergo power limit 
here at the wall and we're doing better than raven   coin uh we are sitting at a hundred well bouncing 
between 149 watts to i saw a spike up to like 162   163 but able to achieve underneath 150 watts 
which is pretty cool at the wall so yeah let's   take one last quick look at the hash rate uh see 
if we got anything higher or any other variance   and uh nope still sitting at the 55 87 mark 
seems to be the steady mark but pretty cool   uh impressive on the ergo house rate so yeah 
guys uh this has been a cool quick little test   so far not bad numbers the efficiency is pretty 
decent in terms of the power on this little guy   we are going to be interested to see what we get 
for results on the hanging rack we're going to   be hanging this thing up and we'll have five cards 
up there we'll run a hash rate test on the card in   hive os on the hanging rig to see what we get for 
hash rates and power efficiencies and we will do   all three of those algorithms so we'll start 
with ethereum and we'll go with um uh raven and   then ergo to finish so yeah my conclusion on this 
card so far is i really like the power efficiency   the price of the card itself was pretty decent 
not too bad so return on investment based off of   the market hopefully be around the five or six 
month uh mark uh on this card and yeah just uh   pretty much easy easy to go good on the power and 
decent on the mega hash so we'll see if there's   anyone out there that can kind of refine 
or come up with better clocks or as these   mining softwares improved to see if things get a 
little bit better i feel these cards have a little   bit of unlocked or hidden potential but we'll see 
where things ride so yeah guys let me know in the   comments below have you been mining on the 6600s 
what type of algorithms what type of overclocks   and efficiencies you've run and most of all if 
you like the video please hit that thumbs up   much appreciated hit that subscribe button we can 
keep the channel content flowing and going and   yeah with that said we will see you 
on the next video take care guys bye

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