How many GPUs am I Crypto Mining with NOW?

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[Music] he hey guys arpm here hope you're doing well having a really great day this video I am here in my other crypto mining basement because I need to inventory and potentially fix a few octom Miner cases here because I am needing about 6 X8 ultas for about 48 of my RTX 37 some of you guys may know I bought a bunch of 307s and so I am just needing to get these server cases to my other crypto mining basement you guys know the rack that I just put up of a bunch of GP Riser R8 server cases and I still have about yeah 48 307s that I need to populate in these server cases okay I was going to buy new R8s but you know what I might as well use the server cases that I have currently which are these X8 Ultras and actually there's two in the barn we're going to go there in a second but I was wanting to show you guys here just me just troubleshooting and testing all of these uh six of the X8 Ultras before I bring them to my other basement also get in all the uh hios images and make sure the motherboards booed up maybe repaste the CPUs reseat them receip the ram you know add batteries you know do all that kind of stuff before I populate the uh 307s which uh you guys know here here is my other uh 3070 farm with the GP Riser R8 so right now I have uh actually this is a good time to talk about uh how many gpus do I have online total right now I want to do a GPU count of all of my rigs in hios just to let you guys know how many gpus I have online currently right now in case anyone was wondering and uh just keeping tabs on my farm how many gpus I have let's let's do that right now but we'll do that right after award from today's video sponsor coin mining based in the United Kingdom coin mining Central has been in business for over 5 years as one of the top leading suppliers of crypto mining hardware and cryptocurrency related products with free worldwide shipping they have competitive pricing and offer secure and tracked delivery for Peace of Mind secure and encrypted payment options using numerous cryptocurrencies and bank wire transfers account management for your orders professional customer support and even bulk Asic Miner deals in which all new miners come with a manufacturer warranty check out coin mining today and use code RPM for $135 USD off each product ordered links in the video description below okay so let's get the GPU C so I have 175 gpus in this basement okay this all of these here okay I actually have one rig down right now which is the 12x 5700 XT rig right now it's off it's in a Mystic minor because I'm having a lot of issues with those 5700 XTS no matter what overclocks I put uh even stock it just crashes the whole rig so I'm going to take this rig out one day and I'm going to re thermop paste and uh maybe repad those 5700s uh that's an issue uh oval board Tech gave me the idea we may we probably need to do that cuz the gpus are quite old and uh I think the memory just there may be overheating may may have an issue of some sort so that'll be for another video but anyways currently right now all the gpus I have mining right now I have 175 in this Farm then my other farm with the 307s all 307s I have about 80 online online but I'm going to be having another uh Another 48 online soon when I get the other six uh octom miners up X8 Ultras right we just talked about that then as well I have 48 uh 6600 XTS okay that are mining at the other basement currently okay so that that is uh that's going just fine okay so all together all right if we did the math okay let's pull up the calculator uh it's going to be uh nope we're going to reset that okay so let's do uh 175 plus uh 80 currently on plus 48 so that's going to give us 303 gpus online I have 303 gpus online currently okay which is quite insane right including these uh GTX 1060 3 GB cards that are spec mining right now and uh yeah this is just it's just crazy cuz you know GP mining profitability right now is doing really good GP mining is on the up and up here I mean that makes sense cuz as the Market's been going up here so yeah guys 303 and I'm just going to add like another uh 48 3070 soon once I get those on so I'll 351 and as well those other 12 UH 60 uh 5700 XTS once I fix those it'll be 363 and then other gpus I have I do have a few more 5700 XT these are the sapphire Nitros that I've been wanting to get up I have six of those and uh varying other gpus that I also uh want to get up eventually but I'm going to have to take out the gpus in these currently cuz these are going to be for the 307s okay so I may hit up you know very soon I could hit up to 400 gpus online so that is a number I am going to see if I can attempt to hit and when I do that would be utterly insane that'll be just insane okay guys let's go on now rest of the video I am just going to troubleshoot the rigs here octom miners just make sure they boot up in the hios uh with the new hios image and uh see if I can see it on hi then that'll be good to go so I'll test one by one for the rest of this video but before I do that let's go to the barn I need to get another two more X8 Ultras let's go there it's like a GPU mining graveyard in the barn here okay so here are the two X8 Ultras one was right there another one here this one has two gpus in it uh these are 5700s uh mechs so hopefully this thing works but just a just a quick look at the old mining barn with the graveyard of mining frames with motherboards on them and power supplies I got a lot of these 1200 W EVGA P2 1200 W psus that I could use for my CPU mining rigs but I did buy a bunch of those Pico psus so that's why I'm going that route okay you know what I should really when I got time and I said this before I need to dismantle all this stuff and like I don't know give it away or something cuz I hate that this stuff is sitting here doing nothing okay I have I do have a plan uh with this red shelf okay guys I'm going to bring this down to my other basement the one with the where the 307s are I'm going to be placing all the CPU rigs on this shelf somewhere this fish is not coming with it's not coming with okay anyways let me bring this down to the basement so I can test these out make sure these X8 ultas work I'll see you guys back there okay I got six X8 Ultras here I'm going to just quickly test them all out we'll go through one by one make sure they all work get the high image but the biggest thing is I think the motherboards I have a couple motherboards that are potentially dead but I'm just going to do what I did in the video I did on Monday last week to Simply reseat everything repaste reseat the RAM do the battery see if it works so be right back let me do that right now on this one I'll put it in and then we shall test it be right back all right I got everything in I am going to now turn this thing on and make sure that it boots that's the biggest thing okay let me get an Ethernet that's the first indicator to know if this is going to turn on or not and then power I'm going to just only need to power one power supply I did reseat the power supplies just for good measure okay now it's turning on okay is there indicator lights coming on that's going to be the biggest thing and I don't see any lights on the ethernet so that's not a good sign I just realized on the other side of the ethernet cable it actually shows indicator lights this one right here on the switch it shows that there's activity so that's very that's very strange very very strange all right let's uh let's try another one okay next test I didn't take out the motherboard I'm just curious to know if it'll boot into hos that's all that matters and this is the rig actually that had three different 16 series cards I have a 1660 super here and also a 1660 TI and I think this is a 1660 super or TI I'm not quite sure uh the model number but I want to give away this gigabyte 1660 TI or super all right so in this video all you guys got to do comment down below uh this is only for USA and Canada and uh just comment down below anything regarding this video what you guys like or don't like whatever anything about this video okay and I will choose the winner after 24 hours after this video is uploaded so good luck to you guys I will ship this out to a lucky winner 16 series GPU okay let's uh let's test out the second one okay going to plug in the ethernet like so oh this way and then we're going to plug in the power and this one only has one 1200 W PS2 oh okay you know what I'm going to get another one but that'll be later and let's plug it in and let's turn this on okay okay it turned on automatically we got lights we have indicator lights on the ethernet yes all right success this one looks to be good uh let me see if I can see it in hios okay let's see it should be octom Miner number 12 because 11 didn't work so let's do contrl F5 and yes it shows up yeah awesome success okay so I am going to update this one to the m and this rig should be ready uh to mine with those 307s why does the browser do that okay upgrade all right okay looks good I can see all four fans as well yeah this one's good perfect okay let me plug in the third one okay just reflashed OCT for octom minor number three network cable in let's power this thing on and let's see if this one works I hope so okay indicator light it's on yes it's got ethernet that's a good sign now will this go away it says initializing OLED oh that's I've seen that before that seems like an issue now I'm just triple checking all the cables everything seems to be in but the ethernet is lighting up upon inspecting actually before I take off the ram I do see a cable that was unplugged this one it wasn't in right below the seta looks like it was unplugged so let me plug that in and uh see if it boots up okay that Cable's in I did reseat the RAM for good measure Let's uh plug it in okay and it turned on is it going to work now please work ethernet okay we got ethernet connectivity initializing OLED this is the biggest indicator right here if it's going to go into hios or not oh doesn't seem like it's going to uh yeah I don't think this one's working oh no oh it works okay it just takes some time all right maybe it shows up in h now okay all right let's do controll F5 yes it was just a it was just a cable oh thank God thank God thank God oh my God all right okay I wonder how that cable uh got loose but uh all right going to update this and we're good oh okay number three is good so the first one doesn't work well until I try out the ethernet number two Works number three works okay three more let's get the fourth one up okay rig number four I just put the new hibos image and the rig config on there now I inspected all the cables made sure everything was in and so let's turn it on see if it works ethernet and Power I did receip the power supplies already all right let's see if it turns on right hey this one did boot pretty fast with the with an IP address is there uh light indicators on the ethernet oh let's see that's a bad sign that's a really bad sign there's no ethern lights yet uh let's see on the other end if there's ethernet and there is on the other side and it's blinking as well oh boy yeah nothing we got nothing on this one an IP is showing here uh nothing seems to be unplugged okay well looks like I may need to looks like I may need to resat the CPU at a battery as well yeah this one's this one's not showing up anything no indicator lights let's see if it shows up on hios yeah this one should be number 14 yeah number 14 did not come up F5 five one more time and nothing nope that one did not come up okay well let me uh let me try and reset it just for good measure and let's see if the indicator lights nope ah we could have another broken one all right well two out of four two out of four motherboards let me let me uh let me resat the CPU Ram add a battery all that stuff let me try that be right back okay oh that took a little while but Reed everything I even cleaned up the contacts on the PCI it was a bit black there was a black line here I just wiped it with uh microfiber towel and uh obviously the CPU had the stock thermal pce so I took that out and uh yeah everything looks to be in okay moment of truth let's see whatever I did I also added a battery as there was no battery before um but I mean it does work majority of my octom miners work without a battery so I mean in theory it should work but let's let's give her a try and uh let's see what happens I made sure everything was triple checked plugged in okay let's see if there's ethernet okay that's on is there going to be ethernet lights I don't think so I think we got another dead another dead octom Miner motherboard ah that sucks that sucks so much nada nothing nope would have came on by now all right well I am going to test this out when I get back I bring these to my other basement maybe the USB to ethernet I don't know may work may not work who knows yeah it could be a bad Nick yeah no lights okay all right well two out of four let's do the other two let's get another fifth one here I labeled the ones with hion stickers that are no ethernet working thought that was pretty funny okay I got the fifth one here so I had an issue of Imaging the ssds I have a bunch of dead ssds and it just wasn't working on the laptop here so thankfully I do have a bunch of msata ssds but it's a bit of a pain to put them in and I thought that this had the m.2 slots but no they're the MSA slots so it's the bigger uh fatter older version slotted uh for the storage so I unplugged the Sata cable okay Reed The Ram just make sure okay let's uh turn it on now let's see if it works he there's no battery in this one okay okay all right we got the LED there no SATA SSD but an M SATA ah we got ethern yeah oh it went out okay it's back on normally does that a little bit when it's first time turn on for a while all right let me oh it went off again oh that's not good please come back please oh thank God it came back all right let's see if uh hios uh is going to work on this uh yeah that's a good sign when it is like that that's that's a good sign okay should show up in hia West now let's check let's check let's go number 15 and yes yes it works few seconds ago yes this one works okay all right perfect I'm going to upgrade this one uh Force upgrade and reboot after complete and upgrade okay this one is good thank God works with the Metta MSA SSD I'm already flashing a new one with this adapter uh pretty good okay octom Miner 15 that's good all right so one in uh number four doesn't work okay so let me try the last one this guy right here and uh please I hope it works let's see okay Sixth and final one we are going to test in this video all right so M installed triple checked all the cables reseat the RAM and uh there's no battery for this I just want to see if it works okay let's uh turn it on ethernet is in okay let's see if this comes up we got an IP address already all right will we see lights yes that's a good sign okay we saw this before goes off goes back on it's probably going to go off one more time all right I'm expecting it here come on it's going to make me a liar yeah it's off all right I knew it I knew it see experience experience going to come back all right it's back okay yep this one should be good should be good okay so two out of six are not working but I'm confident that we can try doing the USB to ethernet adapter on these two all right we shall see we shall see okay let's see if we can see this in hios we going to go to overview and yeah it shows up okay so out of the six uh four of them worked um but not these two all right so we will troubleshoot that when I bring these back to my other basement and that'll be for another video when I put in the uh gpus and test the ethernet adapter uh probably have to plug it into a monitor to see if it shows up and all that stuff okay guys oh that's it that was a lot of work that was actually a lot of work I am done for today's video you guys let me know um what you guys think but we are giving away this uh 1660 I don't know if this is a TI or a super or uh a non-ti I'm not sure but we'll give this one away today's video get your comments in uh what you guys think of today's video and if you're in USA or Canada Good Luck Good Luck guys thanks for watching I'll see you in the next video I'm going to bring these to my other basement now and then prep for getting the 3070 and all of these 48 all together peace out Bros peace [Music] out

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