Welcome back into another 99 Bitcoins Video we are exploring the topic of how To find the next big explosive meme Coins out there in the crypto space and I personally believe there are two ways Of doing this one is you do your Research you do your due diligence you Take a risk at a coin that got like you Know 10 to 100x potential but you know There's a level of risk attached but you Do everything you can in order to make Sure you're making the right decision so We're going to uncover how you can find Some of these coins and what you can do To ensure that they maybe are the right Ones to get into and number two you can Position yourself to get in before the Retail money to get in before the major Pumps and you can use things like you Know Google Trends to find the search Volume and what I mean by that is Getting into coins like Sheba enu before That retail money flows in and sends Them flying to the Moon which Effectively you know diminishes your Upside potential increases your risk and You know the downside price potential is Maximized because of this so you want to Get in when memes are effectively dead Because you've effectively got 50ish Days per meme cycle to get in so you got To find the LOL you got to find when you Know Meme coins are dead again and you Have a good 2-year window to be doing
That and again Google Trends is Reflecting human beings it's reflecting Human behavior when we type into Google The keywords that we're typing in you Can see here mcoins are flying right now I don't know if you can see above my Head but look at the search volume you Got this big volume Spike so everyone's Talking about meme coins so for me it's Not the time to allocate massive Positions of liquidity or my portfolio Into mem coins yes it can be be fun to Get in get out quickly but there's no Way I'm going to buy a meme coin at this Price and hold it there's no way I'm not Allowing that the happen you're going to Fool for the Trap so you got to be very Aware of this as well guys so let's talk About it um mem coins 48.2 billion Market Capital at the moment and we can Just break down some of the popular ones Right now for example if you got into Shba Inu before retail money you getting At $4 billion MC you ride up to what Recently hit a local high of 20 $81 Billion MC over here go to Bunk as well You can see bunk was outrageous you can See over here in the bare Market it was Positioned at like 20 to sort of 50 Million MC started going parabolic Ripped up here to what looked like 1.49 Billion so did a 15x I think was Something outrageous maybe even 100x Actually yes 100x it did 100x corrected
Down to 600 million then went up to like 2.43 billion so it did a from this Position here it did like a 4X so you Can see how getting in low for meme Coins around that 5 to 20 million Valuation is where the major money is Really really made in most cases Dogecoin as well if you look at market Cap of Dogecoin you got in 8 billion in The bare you actually made a 3X if you Bought in in the bare Market which isn't Like incredible money to go to the bank About or you know really kind of create Generational wealth but 3x is still a Big one especially for Dogecoin it's got A Bigg market capitalization now what You can also do whilst looking at these Particular coins for example we take um Sheu as an example what I would Personally be doing over here is Checking out websites like d.y where you Can type in a contract address for any Project get that contract address over Here so for example like we're on Shu Coin market cap of course this is where You can do exploring or beam coins um You got ethereum so you can pull that Token address that contract address go To D.f plug this in and when we hit this Right here it's going to give you a Contract analysis and let you know how Safe a particular project is another one We could try just to test this is you
Know Meme coin recently gone absolutely Crazy and if we do get that contract Jess and we plug it straight in over Here we can see again you know what's The safety of meme is it going to show Us meme coin safety here is 100 of 100 So we know sheu Bonk Dogecoin mem coin These aren't scams but they are Extremely volatile and they'll usually Surge for a good few weeks and then die Down again and it just kind of happens That way all over and over again now You're probably thinking okay I'm new to The mem coin space now a lot of these Coins are accessible through exchanges But remember non- custodianship if it's On an exchange technically you don't own That cryptocurrency so if you want to Actually own the cryptocurrency and do It the correct defi way the first step Into doing that is by having some sort Of wallet that allows you to take full Ownership such as for example a metamask Wallet which will be your portal through To web 3 meme coins and all this kind of Stuff through the erc20 main net which Is ethereum or the B20 which is binance Alternatively if you're looking for Salana based I icos or mem coins Phantom Will be your goto extension here and you Go to wallet for Chrome or your mobile Phone so this is fully Anonymous this is Your own wallet that is unique to you You'll be given a 12 seed phrase which
You should only write down on a piece of Paper because that is your password Effect ly unique to your wallet ID that Will get you in and out if you need to Import you know your wallet into a new Uh device or something like that so yeah Guys me market is absolutely outrageous So you can just hover through coin Market cap and you can like click on the Seven days and you can look for coins That you think okay you know what's Going to do well we've got chams over Here CHS is a low market cap so could it Do a 10x you know it's a salana based Coin but really just looking at the Price action the volatility is is Absolutely outrageous and it's hard to Know which coins will go par parabolic It's only on dexes as we can see so CHS Would potentially do well in my opinion If it was somehow speculated to be Launching on these big exchanges so it Is very very speculative the mcoin space And I think that does put a lot of People off but the safest thing of Course is getting into the OG memes like Sheba Bonk Doge Pepe in those bare Market environments if you are in However a bull market and you are seeing A lot of coins rip to the upside and Going absolutely crazy you can use some Platforms such as firstly you know def Lama which is your go-to place to Explore all the chains more on that
Later um but once you do have your sort Of metamask wallet and Phantom wallets Downloaded um exploring websites such as Birdy doso which is effectively the the Bird eye um location where you'd go to To find all the gems the meme coins in The the crypto space on the salana Chain You can actually go through all Different chains as well but Predominantly salana this would be used For so you can look through your Ethereum contracts or projects you can Look through BNB projects things like This you can look through arbitrum and You've got all the different chains There so if we were just exploring Salana sort of 1,000x potential coins You can see here are some trending Tokens in this space on the salana Chain You could click on for example monkey With hat which is a recently trending And pumped coin but you can see this is Just pure pure pump and dumpy it doesn't Look that reliable and if you were to Look at the website if it even had a Website we can try and find out it's not Even available they don't even have a Twitter so you can see not having a Website not having a Twitter is Extremely risky and you should always do Your own due diligence check for any Faults with these contracts and see if There are any malicious things because Nothing can pump forever like the way
We're seeing it we can check out this Coin here you know um which is has also Pumped quite significantly they don't Have a website they don't have a Twitter They've got a good Community sentiment Score but this can also be bias as well So you have you have to be really Careful about what you digest altern We've got Dex stols now Dex STS is one Of my favorites um you get a lot of like Ethereum chain tokens pumping over here So if we were just to look at ethereum For example and let's find you know a Coin that has been performing well Recently we could look at I don't know There's so many um MOG over wrapped Ethereum so we've got the contract Address here of mog and we can actually Go back to that D do5 um project from Earlier we can type in now this erc20 Contract and it should pull up some Detail Look it's got a good score we can see There's no like real malicious intent Here perhaps because d. is scanning that Contract now if you went back to another Trender on ethereum Pepe jump you know Looks outrageous it's it's an ethereum Based coin let's get this address Because let's say you're a noob in the Crypto space and you see a candle like This and it's just completely green That's going to really make you like Fomo in so this is Al also about
Protecting your own funds guys you got To be careful and you know stop letting A lot of mcoin developers out there Completely you know wreck you we could Put this one in over here and it's going To give us MOG no that's not right it's Going to give us Pepe jump so there we Go now we see the dirty side of crypto Locked e rug poool risk dump risk Recently deployed contract very bad Score 43 of 100 so you know you can Start doing this but going through dexs And bird eyes like your first sort of Place to begin your journey of Speculating where to find these big Projects these big meme coins now for me If I'm here I like to look for coins That do have good liquidity as well low Liquidity isn't a good thing low volume Is also not really a good thing so you Want to find some decent like ratios and Projects that are on the Rise um in Terms of liquidity volume have a good Deck to a score of 99 ideally and just Really back up and reinforce it as much As possible here we can see $1 million Liquidity and you of course you want to Be looking for or locked in liquidity as Well we can see this is locked in by the Liquidity symbol here saying um 99% Locked liquidity for 12 months so this Is an important thing as well to Consider but this sort of coin you know I would say actually looks quite
Promising do they have a contract yes do They have a website they've got a Website so this is a big AI coin have They got a Twitter yes they've got a Twitter if you're looking at the Twitter Does it look botted does it look legit Are the engagements organic um and same For the website can you find any form of Kyc a good road map or a good Vision Good fundamentals good direction of what They want to do in the future we can see This one here is sitting at $20 million Market cap so could it have 10x Potential because that would take it to $200 million so you start asking these Questions it's only got 1.71k holders Which is really low as well in the General meme coin space so there's a few Ways you can kind of explore as well Using bird eye you know these decks um Basically got the embedded decks on the Screen and then you can go through all The trendings tokens on the day and find The ones that you like or you can go to Newly listed coins which is of course Very risky because there's no price History you're effectively aping in for Something you don't know how is going to Perform um or you can also go to a Website such as defi Lama defi Lama Allows you to go through different Chains in the crypto space for example We could click on salana because we know The one month from salana has been
Really parabolic but this can help you Identify chains that are growing in the Crypto space that have not taken off yet And what if a mean coin Launches on the Ton chain and then we start seeing ton Go absolutely parabolic then that's Going to have a you know a good price Direction for ton but also it's going to Mean lots of new ton mean coins would Spawn if we look over here on salana and Look at the overall um responsible Vehicles for moving all this onchain Activity for example when we look at the Volume you can see all this new volume Coming in because this was the meme coin Salana Rush this is all volume here and With this Rush we've seen of course the Price of salana go up and what Responsible dexes like radium Jupiter Being derivative exchanges and you can See just looking again at the volume the Volume spikes coming in with the mcoin Market so where could meme coins Effectively deploy next where could meme Coins go in terms of a new chain what What chains are out there where we could See Memes actually list on to could it Be Casper could it be hadir could it be Phantom you know lots of big ecosystems And chains with big potential that's why Ethereum sitting at the top BC at the Top salana at the top because you Getting these meme coins that Deploy on These particular chains so there's
Something to also consider out there as Well use defy llama to try and identify Onchain data that is moving in the back End that you can't really see by just Looking at a chart and try and find These chains that are growing and moving Up in volume and try and identify why Like if we look at the last 7 days why Is for example bit tant now Network up Massively wires the air on network up Massively we can click onto that and you Can see tvl locked is absolutely Ridiculous I would never jump on this But you know it's all because of the Hypers swap um decks over here so Apparently according to this it's moved Quite parabolically so you can identify Also Trends and cool things in the Crypto Market um you know this was the Dex here that was of course pumping Swap. Aon Network I can't actually see The website for some reason wants me to Connect my thing I'm not going to do That just in case cuz it could be some Fishy thing But you know it's just thinking really Deep and how can we find these Trends Before the retail money finds the trends Or you can take risks out there in the Crypto markets you know we're looking at Dogecoin 20 we know it's launching Around a $10 million Market Capital with A 6 million hard cap in pre-sale 3.77 Million raised this is you know raising
Money fast it's speculated to go on big Exchanges um the Twitter is growing more And more they've got big liquidity They've got strong plans good road map Over here so it's like you know we're Looking and speculating could this do Well it hasn't gone through all of the Psychological stages of a market cycle 140 billion fixed tokens of 25% Allocated to the pre-sale being 35 Billion tokens so it's just these things You know taking risks get remembering That you have to get in out in and out Fast sorry and don't hold on to these Coins forever because that's where it Could really leave you in a bit of a Trap so guys that's kind of a wrap um on How to find the mem coins of course you Can just go to crypto Market Look at CMC coin market cap you can look At the 24-hour Pumpers and you can just Try and find what's pumping and what you Think you know is the new meta what is The alpha mem coin what mem coin is Going to keep on going up in price it's Really hard to say it's very hard it's Very much like closing your eyes and Just you know picking out a few coins And really there's no true logic or Strategy behind them but when the money Is there you've got to follow that Trend Which is effectively your friend the Trend is your friend time in the market Is also your best friend but overall
Being able to be reactive and proactive Simultaneously and have that good Synergy and that kind of crypto Acumen To identify these big tokens is also Very very important now if you're new Here as well guys please do get yourself In to Jacob crypto Clan my Discord down Below come hang out with all of us let's Chat crypto let's get to know each other A little bit better and um you know Fingers crossed we're going to see more Good movement to the upside in this Channel I've have dropped my Discord Link Down Below have a look at why we Are literally claiming to be one of the Best crypto discords out there there's a Very good reason for that and you know I Think you really just love chilling here Anyway and just hanging out and talking Lots of cool opportunities and loads of People willing to learn people from all Over the world different skill levels Different interests you know crypto is a Massive thing it's not just you know Ethereum or Bitcoin or kadano it's a Massive ecosystem with multiple niches Multiple micro communities and I guess Multiple sectors and that's what's so Diverse and amazing about crypto anyway Guys diverging thanks for watching this Video hopefully this gave you some Insight upon how you can find that next Big meme coin before people are talking About it make sure to do keyword
Analysis make sure to do social analysis Make sure to always back up yourself Check Twitter check the website is it Legit are people talking about it our Influences on it is in the news our Articles talking about it what is the Pending you know big releases is it Going to go in exchanges and you can use All these different things to help you To find those big things so thanks for Watching this video Stay equ to safe Subscribe if you like this content and See you all soon this is not Financial Advice always do your own research due Diligence have a solid plan and Hopefully things will go well for you See you soon