How to Mine Jelly Fish coin

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what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the brandoncoin YouTube channel I hope everybody's having a great day and it is December 13th 2024 just for reference and this is going to be how to mine jellyfish coin which is actually the coin that me and my team had launched uh about a week ago we launched it a little over a week ago we launched it on December 4th uh 2024 and I've I keep getting asked how do I mine jellyfish coin how do i m jellyfish coin what is a salana token so technically you cannot mine it but we have a we have our favorite website for that unminable obviously you could mine something through some other website and convert it but unminable just makes it easy for anybody so if you're looking to turn your computer and um use some of the available or extra resources maybe when you're not using it um or you have a dedicated rig you want to turn on to it uh there is options so let me show you one of the easiest ways to get up going so we're going to go over to this screen right here you're going to want to go to unminable [Music] docomo video or anything through unminable uh so you can use any any service this is just an easy uh quick way to get up and going now um at the top you can click on start and start earning and you're going to want to set this to Bonk so Bonk is just a coin that has super low withdrawal uh limits and right now now the the payouts with free free payouts with no fees is set at 15,000 Bon and uh it's on the salana network which is good because uh we're on the salana network with our coin as well so we're swapping it inside the same network we in now um where the issue you run into is a lot of people are like why don't you just mine salana and then convert salana into a jellyfish coin well the I don't know why it keeps moving me down right there um salana has a super high withdrawal limit so the minimum withdrawal on salana is $11 whereas 15,000 Bon is less than 60 so in the time it would take to get 11 or one payout on salana you could have what you know 18 19 payouts if not more on Bonk and that that lets you get into the network and swap to not only jellyfish but other coins sooner as well so just lots more options and obviously you could take this guide and you could tweak it and click on start earning something different if you wanted to earn something different but for right now we're going to set this to Bon and the next thing you're going to need to go to is to get started so click on get started and then click right here where my face is at let me move myself out of the way where it says un minor you're going to download that and install it sometimes it does trigger some antiviruses uh and it'll show up that there's a virus inside of there that's because mining applications were commonly and still are commonly used by a lot of viruses they will infect a lot of computers and they will turn miners on those computers to mine for the person that is deploying that virus now if you are using the miner for yourself obviously it's not a virus uh I've used unminable for a long time I I know a lot of people that have used unminable uh there's no question that there's no issues with unminable and viruses so uh you may have to tell Chrome to allow the download um if you've been in the space for a while it you know it's just part of the process so download that follow the prompts install it you don't have to do anything special um once you get to that point then you'll look you'll have a window that looks something like this right here um it's just got like some news and updates that kind of thing we're going to click continue and then you can click autod detect um or you can go to the settings page and I'll show you a little bit of that uh if you click autod detect and you have a graphics card in depending on the graphics card it might be able to mine something it might not the autod detect on unminable is not always the greatest so if you Auto detect and go next and start Mining and it doesn't M anything then you come back to this part this page and go to the settings page and um pretty much all Windows computers you're good to go to mine on the CPU so if your graphics card is not doing well um and or if you're just not experienced with picking the correct algorithm because you can click GPU and then you can click how much vram you have and then select different algorithms for each of those and all those have different profitability um and we can go in a more in a more in-depth video in the future but the easiest way and the most common way is just click CPU click random X for the mining algorithm uh and then you can set it for your mining intensity to low or high the way I explain this to a lot of people if you set it on low um for example then you'll still be able to use your computer and it won't bog it down too much if you set it on high I don't suggest using your computer at the same time obviously bigger uh CPUs have less problems than some of the smaller ones um so just take that with a grain of salt if you set it on high I would only mine on your computer when you're not using it now we're going to set mine to low because I am streaming right or sorry I'm recording right now so I don't want it to mess up my recording we're going to click save then we're going to click next and you're going to select a coin or token this is where you select Bonk so you drop down window type in Bonk and see where it says sa that's the salana network that's good then you need to enter your address um I'm using Phantom wallet if you need just a quick little video on what Phantom wallet is and how to get it set up I will have that that link Down Below in the description um Phantom wallet it's nice it's just easy it's fast that kind of that kind of thing so um whenever you're in your your Phantom wallet and have it set up it'll look something like like this let me get my face out of the way again move me there we go um it'll look something like this all you have to do is click on salana and then click receive your Bonk address is your salana address just like your jellyfish address is your salana address all salana tokens are going to come in and out of your original salana address that's that's how it works it make it really simple makes it easy so copy your salana address and then go back to unminable put it in where it says enter your address and then you can enter a referral code uh I suggest using your own referral code it helps with the cut down the fees do not use my referral code this is this is going to be a test over time and I will be revisiting this uh to see how much I earn and I would prefer not to have any referrals in there mucking up the numbers if that if you know what I mean so we're going to click Start right here and uh I'm going to let this bad boy pretty much just run in the background on low um for the foreseeable future now let me open up and check the logs um right here down in the bottom the little oh we got a subscriber right this little people this little piece of paper right here where it says check the logs you can click on that and you can see that it's actually doing something if it's not doing something sometimes it'll have an error in there um so you can figure out what's going on now let me close that local hash ratees 600 500 we're not putting down a lot of hash rate but we're also not using using a lot of resources now this is going to earn a ridiculously low amount of Bonk over time um a good way to actually see that is you can go to uh start start earning Bonk go down here type in or click on CPU make sure it's selected random x what is our our hash rate right now 580 and you can type 580 so we will be earning 321 Bonk a day or 9,000 a month so that's not not great um I'm actually you know what we're going to we're going to pump this up we're going to stop this we're going to go back we're going to go back we're going to go to settings and we're going to set this bad boy to high because low just ain't going to cut it we're going to start that and we should get a much better hash rate much much better hash rate let it spool up real quick and ladies and gentlemen I on I am on a really old system I'm on an Intel Zeon from like bajillion years ago uh so some of these especially some of these AMD systems these newer AMD ryzen 7 ryzen 99's uh they put down a lot of hash rate so you can earn quite a bit of coins over time okay so that's better right now we're putting down 2700 while we're recording um so 2700 we're looking at almost 1,500 Bon a day um and so that means we'd get a payout about every 10 days right now um now if you have a graphic card in there you can run two instances or two of the UN Miner applications and you can mine on the CPU and the GPU at the same time uh but for right now I'm not sure I'm not sure what I'm going to do if I'm going to mine on this GPU or not I have a 3070 in here and I think that would earn significantly more than the um the CPU but I don't know I'm not sure now um I'm going to let that bad boy well I'm actually not because I wanted to show you how to swap inside the wallet so we're going to stop that you can actually enter your bon address right here or your salana address search it and then you can see your stats obviously we don't have any stats because we just started right now um but we're going to close that and then to swap to your jellyfish token all you got to do is once your coins are in here you can click on a coin your Bonk will just show up right there you can click on it and then you can click Swap and we're going to pay in say for example bon bon we don't have any so it's not showing up uh we'll leave it on salana and then we'll receive we're going to search for jelly FC is the ticker so you'll notice there's some unverified and then there's some pump fund tokens there are some scam ones out there um people made copycat coins so you have to make sure you click the right one uh you just go over here and click the little circle on the right side for information um this one has status graduated created on pump.

Fun that means it was on pump. fun and it graduated to the radium liquidity pool uh market cap 353,000 this is the correct one all the other ones have no money in them and they're super low market cap and they don't have any movement so over the last week uh it's up 700% um over the last month technically we haven't been out we've been out for a little over a week but up 600% and the last day is about a 20 27% jump so uh I'm going to try to get these swapped over as soon as I can as soon as I get payouts and um I'll I'll probably revisit this video video after a month um but we're going to backspace this and I'll show you one of the scam ones for example um this one right here has no price history and the market cap and it shows 900k but uh this is all fake Traders there's one Trader top 10 holders 100% so one person owns all these coins that's a fake one go down here that's a fake one as well it has not uh hit the bonding curve market cap 6,000 volume is $186 so another fake one and then the last one is another fake one market cap 6,000 there's no price so I guess the price is also a dead giveaway as well so um 24hour volume $33,000 has been traded 618 trades and 149 Traders so um the the last way to actually double check as well is to check the mint address gfre Y is the correct mint address you can double check that mint address uh it's the same thing as like the contract address uh over in the Discord or the website for jellyfish coin um we're waiting on our uh domain name to come through so jellyfish coin website will have have a new domain name here soon but it's got the mint address you know GF re y we actually just added um the deck screener uh in embedded into the website so if you wanted to use that as well and then just some other information so anyway guys I wanted to thank you'all for coming out I really appreciate it I probably will upload this video to brandoncoin and also to the jellyfish coin uh YouTube channel so if you're watching this on brandoncoin we'd really appreciate it if you jump over and click the link Down Below in the description and join the uh subscribe to the YouTube channel and then also join the jellyfish coin Discord this is a community based coin we have 1 billion total Supply um and all four of the initial starting developers or Founders team members we call them the core team um have their their wallets publicly uh displayed on the Discord in the info section so so you can see that we're all holding um and everybody has pledged not to sell so we did buy some other coins as it's been dipping and stuff just trying to help the price keep moving um and we're doing weekly live streams over there giveaways all kinds of fun stuff so that being said I'm going to jump off here I want to wish you guys a happy weekend and I'll see you on the the flip side so adios

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