[Music] hey guys red pen running here hope you're doing well having a really great day this video this is going to be a howto video on how to mine Carlson they actually just switched out their algorithm from Carlson hash to Carlson hash V2 and this is going to be an algorithm which is a little bit more memory hardened and so the biggest reason why they switched this algorithm was to kick out the potential as6 or massive fpga farm that was on their Network recently so they've just completed their hard Fork today and they are now on Carlson hash V2 so I'm going to show you guys how to mine Carlson now on the new Carlson hash V2 using hios as well as Windows okay I have my 20 GPU rig here I'm going to show you guys on the new Regal Miner and as well as in hi I have a AMD card for $66 XT there's a new SRB minor that's also released with the Carlson hash V2 algorithm as well and also and hios I will show a RTX 370 rig example okay for NVIDIA using Regal Miner latest version as well so let's begin and thank you to Hero miners.com for sponsoring this video to show case to you guys how to mine Carlson on their mining pool so let's begin first with a Windows example so first things first before you get to mining Carlson okay you'll want to look at getting their wallet so I'm on Carlson coin.com okay and this is where you can see all of their resources but as well as their wallets that are available they have a web wallet desktop wallet and mobile wallet so I highly recommend using their Carlson desktop wallet uh this is going to be the most secure most decentralized way to store your coins I guess Carlson in this case they also do have a mobile wallet and as well as a web wallet which I will be using the web wallet as an example for today to mining to just as a easy test here okay so anyways first things first make sure you get your Carlson wallet and now let's go back to the Windows machine here that I'm going to Showcase to you guys mining an example using Windows okay so we're going to download the latest Regal Miner 1.9.0 this has the Carlson hash V2 algorithm update here so we're going to scroll down and I'll have this link Down Below in case anyone wants to download it we're going to download the Regal 1.90 wi.zip so I'm going to click on that and we're going to save this just in my downloads folder here and now it should be saved right there we're going to go to show in folder we're going to go to the downloads folder now okay so this is where we are going to right click it we're going to extract this folder okay just where it is or you guys can save it wherever ever you'd like now it's going to open up in a new folder or you can just double click into it and you'll now have access to the Regal Miner batch files so I'm going to open up and right click and open up the uh edit actually so we're going to right click and then edit just to open it up here and you may get something like this I'm just going to hit uh run anyway and now it's going to show up like this so here is the batch file and this is the stock one from Rego minor I'm going to remove these two colons here okay because this is where we're going to be mining two hero miners okay I'm just going to just delete all these other ones here as we don't we don't need these okay make sure it looks like this now we're going to make sure we have the right stratum okay for mining to Hero miners so here on hero miners.com this is where I'm going to choose uh uswest this is I'm on the west side of North America I'm going to highlight copy this and uh wherever you are you you want to choose the closest mining pool to your location okay so now we're going to go back here we're going to paste this into uh here right here okay just replace whatever stock one was there now we're going to enter in our Carlson wallet which is over here okay on my web wallet or the desktop wallet or whichever wallet that you guys decide to use again preferably the desktop wallet just to be safe now I am going to copy this we're going to go back to here we're going to paste the Carlson wallet here and there it is now I want to enter in some parameters for the gpus that I have here because I want to run them efficiently okay so just an example for my 50hx is let me implement the overclocks and here are my settings I have decided to use for overclocking the 50 hxs okay I'm using– lock- C clock 1110 and d-m clock 750 okay this is the uh memory clock offset and this is the lock core clock so I got these settings from hash rate.
And you guys can go on here and just keep in mind these are just general overclock settings and you guys can go check it out yourself and also you know change the numbers yourself to get the efficiency that you want to achieve but hash rate. has General overclock settings okay so just a a little warning there but let's now go back here and let's go ahead and save this batch file you're going to go notepad save close this now we are going to run the batch file we're going to right click it and run as administrator I hit yes here and now it's going to start mining Carlson on the Carlson hash V2 all right so it looks like it's building a dag it's 4.83 gabt for the dag size so 4 gigabyte cards are lower will not be able to participate in Carlson mining so anything I like below 6 GB vram should be fine uh but anyways looks like it's just starting up to mine I just want to show you guys what hash weight I can achieve here on these 8xs we could probably fine-tune them but I just got some general overclock numbers here from hash rate.
So yeah you can see 1110 core the uh 5,000 MHz memory plus 750 the memory offset there and looks like we're getting about 28 megahash at about uh 100 Watts 96 Watts around there and so the whole rig is getting about 194 megahash at uh around 700 Watts for the whole rig around there so how profitable is that currently well I I put those numbers in and it looks like we are profiting currently about $25 but that could change depending on the network hash rate so anyways this is the windows example for Carlson mining now let's go into the hios uh testing now for the new in hash V2 so in hios let's do the AMD rig example now okay so we're going to go to hios for people that already have hios you will just have to update to the latest version okay and hios already just today uploaded the new version for SRB Miner and Rego Miner as well if you're doing Nvidia which we I'll show you an example on 307s in a second but you're just going to want to update your rig okay for the new SRB minor here 2.64 so it's just going to going to update here uh next thing while that's going all right you may want to do a hive Das replace to update your kernel to the latest version some people might be on older versions in which case you can burn a new hios installation or remote access to the rig and you can do a hive replace I'll show you guys that command real quick here so just logging into my rig here to update to the latest hios version just type in Hive Das replace and then d-list and this should bring up all the different versions and you'll probably just want to get the latest stable version so you're just going to type in one and it says if you want to install H USA you just type in yes and enter and it will it will go okay so you'll get the latest uh kernel version of hios basically doing the latest version updating the kernel is for you know vulnerability fixes updates security fixes it's always best practice to update to the latest uh version for the underlying base a system image of uh Linux which is what hios uses not windows it's Linux it's a Linux system anyways let's go ahead and begin start mining Carlson so I'll show you here we are going to want to add the wallets okay so in your hios farm you want to go to wallets okay then you want to make sure you add a wallet here okay and we're going to type in kls for Carlson now I'm just going to get my Carlson address from my just example uh test wallet now we're going to go back to here we're going to paste it in here the wallet address you can give it a name if you want if you want to but you can hit create okay so it's added and it's uh where is it it's right here okay so now we are going to now go to flight sheets and we are going to create a new flight sheet for Carlson and we just created the wallet and I just realized I had two of them but for next example I'll just use that pool now we're going to use hero miners so hero miners looks like they've already updated it in the web GUI in hios which is really nice alternatively you can go to Hero Miners and also check to make sure that their pool is updated which it is 11 195 is the port number and just correlating to their names here us or Canada or whichever country that you're near you'll want to choose your closest one alternatively you also want to have some backup pools just in case so I'm just going to choose us West and East as the back up now we're going to hit apply now the minor in this case is is going to be SRB we're going to click on that next we'll just want to verify the setup minor config make sure all the parameters are in here so it looks like the Carlson hash uh V2 wasn't selected so you want to make sure that this is selected here okay and then make sure you got the wallet here uh maybe as well as the worker name I also put the worker name here uh the URL which is already specified in the hero miners that we chose already uh then that's it hit apply apply we're going to create this flight sheet now I give it a name this for my 6600 XT create flight sheet okay that's there we're going to go back to my workers now okay now you want to go back to your rig that you want to mine on and this is now where we want to enter in some overclock settings for your GPU so in my case here let me enter in my 6600 XT settings okay so here are my overclock settings I'm using for my 6600 XT again I got these numbers from hash rate.
You guys can change the settings to get more efficiency but just general numbers here okay I'm going to hit apply and now we're going to go to the flight sheet and we're going to set the flight sheet by clicking this button here okay uh this one right here on the on the right so now I clicked it it's now set the flight sheet now it's going to take just a minute or two to start mining we're going to go now to the rig itself I'm going to log into it uh through the local IP here I'm local to the machine so I'm hit user one is my password we're going to log in uh to The Miner just type in Miner to see if it's mining or not and it looks like it's going to start mining here all right on an AMD card on Carlson that's kind of weird to say but because now that uh Carlson is now moving to the fish has algorithm which is uh a little bit more memory hardened AMD cards now can participate and be competitive now against uh Nvidia cards and of course against as6 or uh kicking out they they mainly did this to kick out the A6 and uh the fpga but looks like d has been created all right for 1,68 megabytes and let's see it's just tuning the 6600 XT H we can actually go back here and just refresh looks like we're getting 20 megahash at 48 watts ooh that seems to be extremely good extremely good just entering my number here we're going to 20.5 megahash at like uh uh 60 watts I'm going to say at the wall calculate at 10 cent K kilowatt hour we're making 21 cents on a 6600 XT that is uh that's uh not bad not bad but looks like you can see here guys it's showing up here in the web guei minor interface we got 19 megahash here according to the minor but if we go back here hit refresh getting 20.3 megahash Okay so there you guys go that's an example using an AMD rig in hios now let's do the Nvidia example an RTX 370 this probably a rig that most people have so again I need to update the hios image here hios uh software update so we're going to update this um I will probably do I need to update the kernel I do I'm quite far behind here but I'm going to see if this works but again best practice uh which I showed example in the AMD example ex Le was to Hive replace to update to the latest version or just alternatively burn a new uh image to your SSD okay so it's just updating right now and so let's go through all the steps again so we're going to go back to my 3070 Farm here we're going to go to wallets we're going to add the wallet for Carlson here okay so we're going to go kls next we're going to add in the wallet address here I'm going to copy that from my web wallet just as example go here paste it here test kls rig okay create now we're going to go to flight sheets we're going to create the flight sheet for the 307s so we're going to type in the coin on the left here it's going to be kls wallet the one that we uh just made then we're going to go colle select hero Miners and it's already populated here Us West Us East as my backup okay you can choose anyone again you can choose the pool that's closest to you hit apply now the minor for NVIDIA cards are for my 307s is going to be Regal Miner since we've had good good experience with this with this minor here now we're going to make sure the set up mining config uh this is where you want to click into this just to make sure everything is okay so Carlson hash uh this is wrong so you got to make sure if it's not working you want to make sure you select Carlson hash V2 okay on the new algorithm and make sure wallet.
Worker name is here that's good password you can put anything you don't have to put anything actually uh URL is there extra configure arguments okay so this is where we can either add the overclock settings here but just recently uh we're just going to hit apply changes here uh create the flight sheet now we're going to do the overclocks in the main page of where your workers are okay so after the flight sheets created you'll see it at the top here go to workers we're going to go to our mining rig and we're going to set the overclocks now before we set the flight sheet so just in my head I'm thinking we are we're going to be the doing the core clock here I believe it's 810 uh memory clock uh we're not we're doing the offset it's going to be I'm going to say I think 2,000 that would be in hios I think a th000 in Windows but 2,000 here then power limit I believe is going to be 180 and I'm going to hit save so these are the only overclock settings I'm going to be using uh for the Carlson hash V2 uh because we're we're a bit more memory dependent now so okay it's all set there now we're going to go to flight sheet and we're going to set the flight sheet that's rocket button click that and yep there we go it's all set here we're going to go back to overview and now we should see it mine so I'm going to log into it locally here alternatively again you guys can use the hiveos hive shell uh and we're going to see if it's Mining and let's see what type of numbers we get okay all right so it's just building the dag here and uh we're going to see if it updates uh yeah built built the dag in about 20 seconds it's setting the memory offset all right plus 1,000 uh we specified 2,000 because it's double in hios um so yeah 810 core looks like that work okay so we're getting 39 megahash on each 3070 and that is that is amazing that's pretty good so what's the power consumption so it's probably just updating here uh we're getting about 110 Watts on the 370s oo that's pretty good yeah that's really good uh so the numbers I used here just keep in mind you guys can play around with these um get the efficient numbers that you can achieve let me know down below if you guys can get better numbers on the 3070 and I'll try it out myself but also helps out other people that are reading the comments in the YouTube comments there so now how profitable is this rig right now currently it's you know it may change but look at that it's Ming the hero Miner is just fine so I'm going to take the whole rig here 317 megahash at about uh the whole power consumption this isn't an octom Miner so I can see the true power consumption we are at 1,000 pretty much 1,000 Watts okay 1,000 Watts at 317 megahash so I'm going to go with the calculator on hash rate.
we're going to put our numbers in exactly 3177 megahash at about 1,000 Watts at so at 10cent kilowatt hour this whole rig is mining at $443 revenue or about $23 uh profit after electric so that's that's great so far so good okay okay my friends that's it that concludes the howto video on how to mine Carlson on an Nvidia rig like in hios or an AMD card rig in hia west or a Nvidia rig on Windows which this thing is still going strong I like it this is good this is really good okay you guys let me know your thoughts again thank you to Hero miners.com for today's video and sponsor I'll see you all in the next video have a good one peace out.