How To Mine RAPTORUM | Like A BOSS!!! HIVE OS Edition

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welcome everyone and today i'm going to show 
you how to mine raptorium like a boss in hive os just like in our windows mining tutorial you 
are going to need a wallet so i do recommend   finding yourself either a mac or a windows pc that 
way you can get the wallet you just go over to   the website scroll up to downloads 
here go to wallet right click it open a new tab   that way we're not losing anything in between 
here here you can see is your raptorium latest   wallet you are going to want to use 
windows 64 zip you're going to download that   and that's like i said if you're in mac 
then obviously you'll be getting the mac os   version up here which is the dot tar.gz now get 
the version you do need download it install it   that will bring you up to the wallet here it will 
take quite some time to actually download the   complete blockchain but you do not have to wait 
for it you can just hit hide here go up to receive   again just make anything you want label it let's 
go a bunch of gobbledygoo hit request payment and   that will bring up your wallet here i have a whole 
bunch saved from previous video testing so i'm   just going to open it up double click this is our 
raptorium address copy your address and that is   what you are going to need so i recommend possibly 
email it to you or something or set up your hiveos   wallet before you actually do shut down your pc 
and start mining on it so one thing i did actually   forget in our windows 10 tutorial of how to mine 
raptorium is zelcore has a wallet for raptorium as   well so once you do get that installed they also 
have a mobile version for you guys out there on   the go and you link them together here you can see 
all your assets obviously it is not here yet so   you're gonna click manage assets add assets scroll 
down you'll find raptorium under coins here so rtm   click on that good to go now just show zero 
balances that'll open up all your wallets with   the zero balance and here we have our raptorium 
address now so you can just click on that   once it does load and then you'll just have 
to find your receive which is down here   and then this is your address right here just 
click the copy again this is your address if   using zel core wallet also some people are not 
sure where you can actually exchange raptorium so   on their website again you can just click on the 
exchanges you can see the current listed exchanges   that they currently have here so trade ogres salt 
exchange dextrade uh q trade i o and graphics so   one thing to keep in mind though that the volume 
is not the highest so if you do want to quickly   sell out some raptorium or something you may not 
potentially be able to because there aren't enough   people buying and whatnot the volume may not 
be on the network to actually do it or transfer   over to some so keep that in mind when it does 
come to raptorium it is a really early project   it's only been going for a couple of years i 
believe and the future is looking really good   but again crypto is highly volatile volatile and 
we have no idea what could happen when it comes to   mining cryptocurrencies especially newer upcoming 
projects i will talk a little bit more about this   in a future video about crypto mining strategies 
and which way to actually do it next up once you   got your address and everything ready to roll 
we are do have to go over into hive os and set   up some flight sheets for us before we get our pc 
actually online you can get your pc online first   but i'm going to show you how actually how to 
set up ios before you even have that rolling so   you're going to have to make your wallet inside 
hiveos that way it does save everything for you   click on wallets here in your account once it 
does finally load hit add wallet and this is where   you'll enter your coin so obviously raptorium 
you're going to enter your address right in here   enter your wallet name like so whatever you 
want and then just hit create obviously i have   my wallet set up but this is all you need to do 
for your initial wallet setup so coin rtm address   paste the address from your wallet into here and 
then name it anything you would like to name it   then once we are done with that we're going to 
set up our actual flight sheet so we're going   to cancel out of here go into flight sheets now 
i'll set one quick one up for you right now so   raptorium my wallet that i already have made 
there's zelcor rtm i was testing that one out   once and we got a raptorium wallet so we'll click 
on that pool again i'm using our plant so we just   slam down on that north american closest one 
to you is what you always want to pick then our   miner we want cpu opt that is our dedicated miner 
and then here you just put rtm test the name here   does not matter it's whatever you want to name it 
but i am just testing right here i think i have a   couple rtf tests so i'm just going to put a whole 
bunch of t's in there just so i kind of know also   we're going to need our rtm setup here and we do 
not want to use the r plant fork we're going to   have to go down to gr that is the one where we 
looked at getting our increased hash rates and   our boost so you do need the gr fork when it 
comes to your miner we aren't quite done yet   now we actually have to do the tuning process 
in our flight sheet at the initial startup so   the command is a little bit different than 
windows you are going to have to use this so   uh quotation tune dash full quotation again 
semicolon space true i will have this down   in the description below so you don't have to 
re-watch or pause it or something it will be   down below so you can just copy and paste it but 
again this command is a little bit different than   the windows one then you just apply your changes 
and you're good to go for your flight sheet if you   do run into an issue where possibly the pool isn't 
already in hive os then i'll show you how to do it   a different way here with a custom miner now i am 
currently running a custom miner because i'm just   testing out how to actually run uh solo mining on 
raptorium so i'm using coin miners again i'm going   to go to rtm here we're going to select our wallet 
raptorium but our pool is not in here so we're   going to click continue or continue configure in 
minor and now we're going to pick the same minor   we do need so scroll down until we do find our 
minor cpu minor dot opt so again now we're going   to set up everything but inside the minor config 
so i already have my pool url selected you'll   find all the information you do need on the pool 
you are using again i'm using coin miners here   it's just someone that i found that did 
solomide so i'm just trying it out just because   don't ask anyway so again here i found the stratum 
that i do need this is the the port uh and the   address that i am going to need here yes it says 
normal gpu rig but that is correct this is what we   do need for this one now i'm going to go back into 
our flight sheet here password for solo mining   for me default password when mining normally to 
the pool is x but here you see i am going to be   doing so so m equals solo not just m it needs m 
equals solo this is for me for solo mining again   uh you are going to need can we get in there 
there we go m equals solo so again if you're   just normally mining to the pool you're just 
going to put x here and then config override   you're going to have to tune your cpu again right 
so with the same tune config file that i do have   in the description below you're just gonna paste 
that into the tune config right here we are gonna   have to add our wallet and worker template that's 
pretty simple all you pretty much gotta do is   click right here boom that is your wallet dot 
worker name it has all that set up for you and   then again obviously we do need the gr miner fork 
for this config override and full tune to actually   work once you have all that in place you just hit 
apply changes create flight sheet once you do name   your flight sheet because we did not name it yet 
blah blah blah create flight sheet and you're all   set in order to engage your actual flight sheet 
on your miner you just click on your miner let   me go back here i'm kind of a step ahead so here i 
am rig one it is already mining but then you just   click on flight sheet in rig one uh then you'll go 
down to here and you'll see a little rocket ship   to push that and i just set that to the moon so 
i accidentally did that i do not want to do that   but that's okay so now i'm just gonna go back 
here now i'm gonna kick this one in which is the   one we're actually using so there you can see you 
can hit whatever mess up and it won't cause too   many issues which i just did but that is how you 
engage your flight sheet which is like in windows   double clicking your miner bat file and engagement 
here all you do is find your flight sheet and then   hit the rocket ship and that sends you to the 
moon and you begin mining raptorium on your cpu   now we are going to show you how to actually set 
up your cpu with overclock settings and everything   in the bios because running linux we do not have 
windows anymore you are going to have to do all   your settings so it boots up in the bios for your 
overclock settings on the cpus now here you can   see these are running headless that means no gpu 
on these boards and i cannot guarantee that that   will work for you uh i think every motherboard 
is different depending on them did some google   searching myself and this asus one here supposedly 
asus will work if you set a boot through   errors type of thing in it i haven't tried it yet 
on this one these ones are msi x 470 gaming max   motherboards and they do work headless without any 
gpu but you will initially need your gpu installed   to hook uh your actual monitor up to it so you 
can get into your bios see everything and set   your settings once you do do that then you can 
pull your gpo gpu out and throw it in some type   of rig or something so hopefully you guys can see 
this i am in the motherboard of my workstation and   this is a gigabyte motherboard now depending on 
the manufacturer of your motherboard everything   could be different example xmp profile is called 
xmp that's your ram settings in your motherboard   for overclocking running at 3 200 megahertz or 
the stock settings when i do refer to that that is   xmp now depending on your motherboard like some do 
call xmp docp in your motherboard others like asus   they actually just have the straight megahertz 
you have to set the actual megahertz what you   want it to be so things are a little different 
as well most require f7 take your advanced mode   this one does is actually f2 so here you can see 
here is actually right now xmp extreme memory   profile xmp it is disabled this i find to be the 
most efficient settings instead of running xmp   so if i hit that and i go profile one that will 
actually engage it and tell it to run right here   you can see 32 so 3200 megahertz but that is less 
efficient i like to run mine disabled off and here   you can see it's going to run 2133 megahertz which 
we're already doing over here is the 21 41.86 i   guess it's saying so i find that most efficient 
when i say xmp profile off that means disabled in   here we're not running our ram at the exact full 
speed that it does uh say to use now we're going   to set our actual gigahertz on our cpu so here 
you can see cpu clock ratio again each motherboard   will label it something different depending on the 
brand but these are the main things you do got to   look for so cpu clock ratio i'm going auto this 
is set on all core already you can see per ccx   which means per cluster of course which you do see 
in riser master each ccx are there clusters there   but here we're just going to go all core we're 
gonna scroll all the way down until we do hit 3.6   or 36.00 in the case of this motherboard i passed 
it already so scroll up come on we're almost there   right there so there we are 36 so that's all core 
now we're not done yet we do have to actually set   our voltage so here we're going to scroll down 
cpu vcore that is our voltage of our cpu again   i run everything at one volt so i'm just going 
to scroll down to the one volt or just click   on it right there done and now you just hit f10 
which is save all your settings and you're good   to go for hive os that is how you do your bios 
settings and then this time once your motherboard   your system whatever if you reboot it restart 
it whatever these are the settings it will load   and that way it is running in hive os 100 well 
everyone that does sum up this video before i go   here here i am at the coin miners pool testing out 
solo mining on rtm now i have not hit a block yet   it has been i don't even know like 10 hours i do 
need to hit a block every eight hours which makes   three blocks per day or it will be less profitable 
than mine to a pool and so far it is not looking   too good so if i'm going to let this go overnight 
and if i do not hit any blocks i need probably two   overnight to make me kind of change my mind but 
if i do not hit any blocks overnight i am going   to be switching back to the pool because this 
i already lost half the raptorium i am used to   mining just waiting on this so again thanks for 
watching guys if you need help and you are unaware   how to install hive os this whole guide was based 
on the fact that you already had hiveos installed   you have it run and you know how to add your 
rig config and everything in if you do not know   how to run or install ios please check out this 
video in the top right corner this is my complete   hive os installation guide and it will get you up 
and running ios right from scratch so until next   time guys thanks for coming out hit that subscribe 
button uh thumbs up button bell notification i'll   catch you on the next one rabbit out thank you 
for watching everyone if you haven't please   comment subscribe and like this video as well as 
check out one of these other videos if you have   not seen it yet i do try to stream every saturday 
and sunday so stay tuned for more future content

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