[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] good morning everybody welcome welcome to the live stream man weren't we just over 100k Bitcoin like just last night like every seems to be going all the over the place what's up Bros welcome Steven welcome Frogman welcome digital appolon what's up almost time to go ski you're going to go skiing nice Alex Petro what's up Mi was scribble ogre MGT what's up Mr Max voltage welcome to the live stream welcome SLO Squatch you are banned you're officially banned from the channel Max Max can you uh oh man I don't have it up here Max can you DM me your rigs that you wanted to sell the info I don't I don't I don't have it could you send me that Max thank you um Rizzo good morning Mike The Miner what's up ogre what up what's up I already said hi to you stealth mine some 10 what is up man what is up Jared M you'll hit a lot of automated cells as people lock in profits for portions of their portfolio at 100K 100K psychological 100K looking for higher than that for sure okay all right today's topic today's live stream today's topic of today's live stream is so I've been seeing now uh not only with my portfolio but of course other people's portfolios um some people are mining certain said coins over the past couple years past year and some people haven't but the numbers don't lie so over the past I'd say it's let's just say yeah 60 days or 90 days here um Doge coin has been one of the biggest as of now okay as of now all right things are still playing out okay I'm just saying as we're ramp seems like we're we're just ramping up here okay Dogecoin has been one of the biggest gainers of I guess for mainly proof of work whether it's for Asic mining um Dogecoin you can't really can't really GPU mind Doge unless you uh Auto profit switch to like using like unminable or something like that or uh mining Dutch has like a couple of GP minable coins that you can you can Auto Trade into Dogecoin but anyways besides the point anyone who has been who was mining into Dogecoin has basically seen a 300 to 400% gain and I held not a lot but I had a decent amount a couple thousand Doge okay like 19 or in terms of dollar value but that turned into almost 12 Grand so it almost it almost went up 3 to 4X okay so Dogecoin has done really well all right I'm curious if anyone else has been uh mining into the Doge Doge coin um Mass boost Doge never fails in the bull run ever Mass boost I I totally agree with you um but there's been a few other coins that are ramping up here okay some of them I have in my portfolio some of them I don't so we're going to continue on this uh just I have a lot I I want to I want to talk about here I got some some rigs and also some potential rigs that I want to go through okay that I am keeping track of how much El leian we've been mining uh another one is my bitmain ka3 uh which we've been mining over the past year uh for the less than a year actually so I want at that I have hit break even my cad rig has hit break even the bit main ka3 has gotten its money back and more we'll go through that we'll go through that in a sec but anybody mining handshake hns I wish I was I have a few of those HS lights that could mine handshake I did not mine into any handshake I've been mining into sea coin uh so anyone did anyone get into anyone get into handshake let let me know let me know let me know anybody anybody in the chat anybody in the chat serpent thank you for the raid good sir serpent how are you uh DJ 22 thank you bro Patrick Murphy what's up man uh why only 18 likes yeah why only 18 Li 186 people here 46 likes smash the like Bros let's get to 100 get to 100 likes yeah I don't know many people in the community that was mining hns but it's already it's gone up 325 over the past 60 days so hns another prominent going up coin here if you've been mining it throughout the bare Market uh you've probably been uh doing very very very very well uh okay next coin cortex I never mind cortex uh I mean I minded it in the past but I never mind a lot I never mind a lot I I think I already lost lost that wallet but cortex is it looks looks looking like it's it's doing well over 300% up as well uh Caden okay here is where I I have been keeping track of a Caden Asic minor over uh since January 13th and you know what I'm going to start a new we're going to start a new sheet here because it's now what's the date today December December 7th December 7th 2024 all right you know what I'm just going to copy this whole thing cuz the numbers are a little bit different now it's changed just just a little bit so we are now at uh how much uh cad have we mined now 36 9.82 36 9.82 okay so this has gone this has gone 36 9.82 nice okay uh so what's the what's the price of uh kadana right now a178 okay so at a178 um that would be why is this not hold on times 1.78 there we go okay there we go days since started so this isn't we're going to talk on another uh four more days here so it's one 329 329 days since we have started mining okay so currently with the initial cost of the ka3 back in January 13th of 2024 of $ 37,8 86 cents plus all the power costs that I've been mining with this thing which I've been paying out of pocket thank you Patrick mvy for the 4 months thank you Patrick yes I still love you um uh so 329 days times6 uh $681 a day in electric at 9 cents which is posted at Terra hosting shout out to them Terah hosting.com of 2024 we are now at $594 35 now how much Caden have we of mind on this single ka3 well right now it's been mining about 12 Caden a day some days it's more some days it's less so around there so in total I'll change this to seventh now uh since January 13th 2024 I've been mining and hodling all of the Caden and so we have 3,698 2 kadana as of today with kadana being a178 which I think before was like a87 last night um but anyways as of now as of as we're doing this live stream $1.78 per one Caden the whole bag that I have mined and huddled since January 13th is now worth $6,595 we are now over uh uh this minus this we are now in profit $620 $ 62031 so so what have we' concluded here Yankee 45 months holy crap man Yankee thank you for the 45 months man you've been oh my God Yankee that's a long time we have come a long way my friend dude we have definitely come a long way we've definitely uh dude all right uh Steve Smith red P of mining I got an hns mining since 2021 I have a couple hs3 and hs5 mined almost at seven digits holy crap Steve Smith that's that's a lot of money that that's that's a lot of money that's like yeah almost a million dollars in H&S Jesus damn see this is where this is where I'm getting my Deja Vu feeling since of 2020 2021 with kadana mining if I just held all that kadana like that single IB link bmk1 mined like 50,000 kadana at one point when kadana went up to $28 I'm and I'm not saying that's going to happen again but if it does happen again like holy crap man that that's that's that's going to be insanity but anyways anyways this test this test that I've done since January 13th 2024 Kaiser thank you for the 10 gifted Subs you're crazy man thank you um this test okay proves the mining and hudle method of Caden worked out so if you if somebody actually bought a ka3 back in January 13th of 2024 when these things were making maybe a couple cents I I think at the at most you know way back then the ka3 was not making anything I mean if you if you guys remember the ka3 okay K3 now is making 20 after 10cent kilowatt hour the ka3 is now making 14 bucks which is because where we are in the market right now with kadana has been up over the past month it's it's it's even over the past 3 months I mean Kad was Cadena was not profitable at all on any Asic except for the ka3 maybe it making like a buck okay at 55 cents can any at back in October you know 52 51 cents now we are here we are a dollar over A180 okay $1.78 which is it's quite insane now so it's now been realized okay the true power the true power of mine and hudle has now been realized it's it's been realized here not realized in the sense that I haven't taken profit I'm not taking I'm not am I going to sell this Caden right now no hell no hell no am I selling this kadana at this point no no no no no no no no no no I'm you know I'm I'm going to I'm going to I'm just trying to be realistic maybe maybe I'll sell it all at like5 or $10 or something like that but then watch watch it go to like $50 which I do have I do have a theoretical if this bag of 3690 CAD went up to $50 if CAD was $50 each kadana this would be $184,000 [Music] worth DJ mines I said Thank you before you you're not listening to the live stream you bastard you bastard RPM gets gifted 10 Subs I just said I just said Thank You Kaiser DJ you're not listening to the stre someone banned DJ right now this guy DJ go scroll back I already said thank you you no no don't give me that no I will ban you DJ my KD Box 2 worth it now uh KD Box 2 I let's see KD uh no maybe at like 8 cents but not really not you're not breaking even you're still losing the katd boxes all the gold shells are still losing but if if if if if and it's just a matter of when if CAD goes to like three bucks yeah like these miners will be Prof will be at profit will be a a profitable minor but will it be a profitable minor for a long time how how high was CAD during these levels November 11th till April 2nd of 2022 so this was a good like half a year of profitability for kadana Mining and those k3s didn't come out until like May of 2022 pretty much at the tail end of when Cadena went all the way down in pricey went all the way down in price so it was it was only a good like 6 s November December May yeah so 7 months 7 months of like mining profitability for kadana um so is that going to happen again well 2025 I mean if if this this fouryear cycle here it's if it's ramping up altcoin seasons are altcoin season is is pretty much showing life here uh then kadana should be in theory another very profitable Asic mining uh adventure for anyone that has uh for anyone that has these uh uh ka3 yeah definitely yeah cuz like yeah this thing was yeah now before back in October yeah look yeah here I man I love this I love this website mining now so 3 months ago back in September this thing was at 10 cent kilow hour making negative 63 cents a day and I TR I remember when somebody was selling a bunch of these like hundreds of these k3s on eBay for like 1,500 bucks could you imagine you bought all of those k3s and then like that that would have been the bigest bare Market play and then 3 months later allcoin season starts ramping up CAD starts wrapping up your $1,500 ka3 is going to like break even within like 2 months could you could you imagine could you imagine if you did that that would be unreal that that would that would be the biggest play ever okay enough about all right so that's that's one that's one play that's happened okay so kadana um I'm I'm actively keeping track keeping track of this uh hopefully it goes to higher highs so we'll see what happens with this but otherwise within less than a year hasn't even been a freaking year if you bought a ka3 at 3 3700 bucks oh I going to do something right after this not even a year not even 365 days within 320 days this thing has gotten its money back if I were to sell this bag right now to recoup my initial investment and the electrical cost so that's it uh Steve Smith red pen of mine what is the wallet ranking list for KDA B with 110 coins uh Steve Smith you are probably top like you're top like 200 man you're definitely that would be like top 200 I'm top 3500 uh CAD wallets like out of 3,500 people in the world I'm top 3500 which is quite funny to think about there's people that have way more way more than I do uh okay someone had a had a someone had a thing red panda what if you just bought $3,700 worth of Caden uh back in January 13th well you know what's funny let's let's check this out what if I bought Kena at uh let's see if I bought okay January 13th Caden was a126 so what's the math there $126 here what if I bought padana all right so it would be uh uh 1.26 time this uh no times no wait I'm stupid what am I doing no not times uh no we're going 37 8.86 / 1.26 is that [Music] right so I would have gotten OHA thank Kaiser what are you doing Kaiser thank you for the 10 gifted Subs again Kaiser crazy boy crazy man thank you uh so so if I bought $3,700 worth of gadana it would I would only yield I would have gotten $ 2943 kadana so this ka3 was definitely a good minor to buy at that time instead of buying the coin so this situation here is is quite funny to think about actually buying buying the minor was better than buying the Caden this is this is just this is just hilarious this is just this is the only time I've seen with a project like Caden Mining and Mining kadana where someone saying buying the coin within not even a freaking year was actually better to buy the minor than to buy the coin just utterly insane just just just just insane just just insane so this is a clear example right and I'm not again again if we go if we're look CAD chart sure what if I bought kadana at here what if I bought kadana a month earlier even if I bought kadana at 72 cents here that then I would yield a lot more here let's do 72 let's do 72 72 cents okay all right so if I bought Cadena maybe in December okay December 2023 all right just a month earlier okay so I don't want to cherry-pick you know the timing of when I bought the coin or bought the minor all right what if I realistically bought like I'd say you know I pre-ordered the ka3 it came like a month later or something sure okay and that point then yeah I I would have gotten I I would still have more Caden if I simply just bought it when kadana was 70s so again the the the variable here is when if whenever I bought the coin or whenever I bought the minor uh you know it's it could be it could be whenever during these times but I think within the next year I will probably still mine the same amount of the yield over the next I'm going to say over the next year here so I I still think buying the miner at this point would have been would have been better zap pirate let's be honest you would have never bought the coin Z pirate I I never buy the coin the only project that I've ever said to buy the coin would be Caspa the only project I've ever said to do that was Caspa because of how how aggressive it is and you know how many miners have been coming on difficulty continues to rise Caspa it just makes sense at this point to buy the Caspa I would not buy any Caspa miners at this point if you believe Casa's going to go up now it it's better to buy it because you're not going to mine the same amount amount as if you were to just buy it because of how aggressive the uh ad Mission schedule is uh Caspa right now though I mean look Casp over the past 90 days hasn't done Jack it it's it's been it's been between 10 and 20 cents over the past year and a half Caspa has not done anything it hasn't done anything yet um I truly believe it will but it hasn't done anything so right now I'm looking into we're right now we're looking at the other projects that have been doing something okay so look at this okay now Ergo all right anyone been GPU all right here we go GPU mining who's been GPU mining Ergo I have a little bag not much but I got a I got a couple hundred I got a couple hundred Ergo it's it's over the past 90 days 29% up not bad it's pretty good it's pretty good Tas is a joke Tas but like the Internet Explorer lagging behind patience BC says patience I've stayed away from KDA uh Mass boost then imagine what that K3 will be worth in the bull run if you were to sell it uh Mass boost you know what I totally forgot you you're right yeah the value what what will the value be of uh of the minor in the bull run you know what what if CAD went to 50 bucks dude if this thing if this ka3 turns out to be like a if people buy it for like 30 grand oh I'm I will I will gladly sell it to somebody whoever wants to buy it for 30,000 I will sell it but I don't think that's going to H if that I don't think that's going to happen I'm I'm being a little bit more realistic I feel like $3 to $10 range is where my bag is going to be worth I I'm I don't think it's going to go back to $28 again if it did I will I don't know what I'm going to do I don't even know what I don't even know what I would feel I sold that imagine I saw at $3 and then it went back up to $28 it would be my second my second fail of kadana mining again could you could you imagine could you imagine I did that could you imagine that happened you never doubt Steve Smith you never doubt any coin starting with the letter k Steve Smith the godamn k coins I tell you Caspa kadana what's the third one going to be what's the what's the third coin the third Asic coin that I'm I'm going to like miss out on I bet freaking stupid freaking K Coins terrible terrible okay all right I didn't see anyone I didn't see anyone in chat say they're mining Ergo so that's that's that's okay so a lot of people missed out on Ergo Zephyr anyone mining Zephyr Kayla Carlson n no holy 280 people here 86 likes smash the like Bros okay uh before I continue on before before I continue on uh let's see I got a screenshot I want to show everybody here does anybody want to buy some gpus anybody is there anyone here looking for gpus uh Mr Max oh okay Mr Max voltage is selling uh anybody Max voltage I have 24 gpus hosted at Tera Tera hosting Tera looking to sell list pricing is 6,500 make me an offer I can't refuse does anyone want to buy this if you would like to buy this please Max what's your email Max what is your email Max that's that's actually a pretty that's a pretty decent price for I don't even actually know we got to calculate all the gpus but you guys can make him an offer Max what's your email get everyone can email you DJ $270 $270 a GPU uh fully electric my Ze bag is currently 2381 Z fully electric that's a lot of Ze uh Max voltage Max all right if anyone wants to offer Max Go email him at maxv voltage.
Biz atgmailcom in the live chat sounds like Panda needs more gpus I was going to buy it I was going to buy it but I don't know if I don't know if Max will take I don't Max I'll buy it for I'll give you I'll give you I'll I'll give you uh I'll give you uh n that's too cheap that's proba that's that's probably too cheap that's that's that's too cheap that's probably too cheap um max negotiable current 250 per GPU and 250 per opom Miner is list in the price okay nobody wants that caty it's not kid I'm talking in USD you bastards USD all right oh man I I can't I I I don't want to buy any more gpus I I have too many I already have I have to set up like 40 CMP 10210 still all right I cannot buy anymore I'm not buying anymore anyways anyone wanting to buy gpus go email Max okay offer Max uh email again is uh where is Max's email Max voltage.
Biz maxv voltage. Biz atgmailcom all right Max thank you good sir hopefully you get that sold my friend all right okay are we bastards now yes Rico all of you um Patrick Murphy didn't you see RPM video yesterday with a GPU sitting on a table gladly I'll come get your 470s a dollar each no Frogman all right Max Canada 51 state confirmed uh oh man too funny is a pirate RPM we had a deal no more GPU talk yeah I know I know I know okay anyways anyways anyways zelica anyone been mining zil zelica is having some life here I am really hoping zil really Moon shots to what it was before because I mean I pretty I know a lot of people here have been mining into zil so this is one this is one project everyone's hoping that'll Moon as well uh with the market so this is one that's been people I think been mining with like OCTA space right octop space I think prominent very prominent uh coin here with as6 like the eash ones look at octop space's chart it just keeps going up it's just constantly going up so looks pretty good octop space has been doing good I've been on octop space with all my Etc eash miners um I know they recently had a uh having is that having uh mining tool stats mining pole stats show does it does it show the having uh mining pole stats doesn't even oh stream there we go new coins event calendar uh OCTA space had a not a having it was like 1.85 to 1.2 okay that happened already four days ago um Kaiser who wants a RPM 360 TI Kaiser you we're we're not giving away I got to ship you that 360 TI first okay hold on and uh as well Canada Post is on strike so I can't even ship anything um you can send me a DM on on Discord if that's easier okay all right anyone who wants to do that Discord Max okay all right I want to do okay let's uh as this uh is rabid streaming in 30 minutes okay so there's a whole bunch of other coins that have been going up and uh some of them haven't been realized yet but I'm pretty sure a lot of them a lot of you guys narai uh Litecoin Raven coin notorious Raven coin a bunch of other coins here I know a lot of you guys have been hoping that those will go up in the future and yeah I mean we've been seeing life and all of these and a lot of proof of work GPU minable coins um so we shall see as we go along but there's one that I'm also been keeping track of is this like 16 or $15,000 Al box this gold this freaking gold shell freaking Al box all right so this little piece of crap go shell Al Al box how much is this thing making right now Al gold shell Al box all right here we go okay all right this this freaking Al box at my electric at 8 cents for 8 cents makes 75 cents a day now 75 cents a day how how much alium has this thing mined I don't even know when I started this test I anyway I have 1671 alium so let's check let's go let's go let's let's let's do the math let's see how much alium is this thing all right alium is at two bucks all right let's go scroll down let's put it in here okay so at that time when I received the AL box from gold shell this thing was selling for15 Grand I think that was like maybe half a year ago maybe more than half a year ago um Kaiser what are you doing Kaiser thank you for smash that 360 TI with a hammer on live stream I am not going to take a hammer to a to a 30 60 TI are you insane I am not GNA break a 3060 TI um all right anyways I've been mining and holding alium on this Al box this $115,000 Al box and so far I have mined $3,400 worth so here is where like I hope alium continues to rise it's it's it's been rising um now this this is where this is where it comes into I hope that alium will go into higher highs right now it's 422 market cap now there was at one point back in February where it was $3 almost four I think it hit $4 per alium now we're at $2 per alium so is this one that's going to make it is a am going to make it well we got 299 people here 99 likes smash the like Bros um Patrick Murphy pick a winner from yesterday's video who won Ah that's a good question I did not pick a winner so we can do that right now Patrick Murphy I totally forgot I totally forgot let's do it uh where's the video where's the video GP up and up holy crap this video this video is blowing up uh let's go to pick a winner.
All right fetch the comments who's going to win and this is not a live giveaway by the way uh Max voltage those who offered 4,800 or more please email me or DM me Max nice nice all right wow this this video has 397 comments holy crap all right here we go 3 two 1 uh Stephen ESP es7 PD has won AMD rig blew up Breakers or trip I was just reading this comment uh yeah okay this guy won the 5700 XT all right perfect wait let me read this PSC rig Rickers are Tri testing the new shed electric but it was on chor Nvidia rig is on Nexa now cuz I lost my wallet. all my previously stacked Nexa oh no uh but was on Ergo for months prior and the gaming rig was on wart when not in use AMD rig will be back on Clore next week Nvidia rig will be back on Ergo in a couple weeks all right yeah this is uh okay Mr Steven now I need to find his comment that's going to be I need to find Mr sten's uh comment I can pin it this guy won the 5700 XT uh Gandalf what do you think of of DX um uh DX um man I really want DX to do well but it it it's it's been quite disappointing um if for those I've been doing a long-term test um so far DX is the worst performing one if you bought 1,400 bucks in DX you'd be down like 63% back in October of 2023 so dyx is doing really bad neox is doing bad NEX is also doing bad meow coin is almost going to hit Break Even uh but we got zelica ravencoin Ergo flx nay Bitcoin Chlor and alium alium being the best if you bought a year ago um so yeah yeah rigged it's not rigged all right let me find this Steven I got to find the Steven comment there's a couple hundred there's a couple hundred uh comments here Ste Ste Steven Davis no Ste no no no no that's not the Steven okay I have to keep scrolling down I need to pin his comment before I uh I keep going because there's a lot of comments on this video found it I found it all right harded and pinned all right I pinned this comment on that video yesterday's video all right uh you won the 5700 XP room email me contact r.com all right done done okay uh all right that's it Bros um that's it uh oh no I didn't finish my topic here okay my alium so I've mined 1671 alium so I'm curious now uh what if alium goes to5 through Super Chat I will pay you eBay value if you smash all the 5700s with a hammer on live stream Kaiser we are not going to hammer you know how much backlash I'm going to do you realize how much you know you you know how like I'm going to get cancelled so hard on the internet could you imagine I took a hammer and I was just bashing 5700s let alone a 3060 TI on a live stream could you imagine how many Clips are going to be sent across the internet on X on Reddit like my channel would blow up I would get so much hate it people like like you're going to get like the people the kids or all the people that like want to buy a GPU and can't buy a GPU they're going to be like look at this look at this [ __ ] guy taking a hammer breaking gpus like it's nothing could you imagine could you imagine I did that no no hate more followers yeah I don't think so I'm pretty dude the PC gaming Community would go ape on me all right they they would go HW Tua RPM literally shark farmer literally it it that would that would literally happen it would go insane it would go insane Insanity my channel would probably it would granted I would get a lot of Engagement I'd get a lot of I would probably get some new subscribers new followers but I I don't think that's going to D what you're saying is you'll be more famous and Wealthy where's the con I don't think so I don't think so never go full Hawk to how dare you smash a perfectly good working GPU do you not know how times are tough but the cost of living and prices going up red panda money Smokey Dan exactly exactly exactly uh Yankee what a Yankee you Bast Yankee you bastard I will send you gpus you can shoot $2,212 donated $2 super CH you'd be famous think of the greed the greed no Benji 22 red pen of M favorite 120 volt Asic uh right now my favorite one that's heating my house is probably going to be the gold shell Echo series uh the echo series The edg1 M or uh I got the Caspa I I don't recommend buying the echo Caspa one but uh this one's pretty quiet it's in my living room I got it at 1100 Watts it's it's decent but the price is not good anymore I don't think I'd buy it yeah the price is not good on the on the EDG on the EDG 1M um otherwise uh man I got like mini doas everywhere they're they're fine but I think they're gone up in price so whatever you can find used man whatever you can find used um Qui it uh maybe okay so uh let's see let's see here I think ice server has their smaller ones in stock so if anything I would the oh I have the ks2 light which is a good little heater as well I wouldn't buy the Casper ones anymore but potentially the al2 light may be good may be decent maybe maybe um so I forgot to do a theoretical here so the bag of alium okay I want to get some predictions how high do you guys think alium is going to go I want predictions and the chat how high how high do you think alium is going to go so if my bag currently went let's say alium went to 10 bucks boom I would in order for me to break even on 15,000 on a gold shell a box the very first Asic I need aium to go to pretty much 10 bucks it it needs to happen if it doesn't happen then the first gen Al box was a bad buy uh all yeah DJ says 10 BC says $10 so that would be a market cap of 2 billion that would be a 10x yeah that no no sorry that'd be a 5x so that' be a$1 billion market cap all right 1 billion okay possible definitely fully electric do a poll I feel $12 okay fully that's 1.2 billion market cap all right not bad not bad not bad um uh who uh how to join the giveaway giveaway is over I rip I feel failed in mining the coins I mine none of them are pump yet c x DX Nexa rxd Cass Etc pow SDR kls I think the next bear I'm I'm going to DCA BTC and just buy a little of this and that uh my cinema X um I mean it it it hasn't played out yet so we can't you can't say that those those coins haven't played out yet um we're just we're just starting it feels like so I don't think it's I don't I don't think it's over yet man it's not over for you it's just beginning um uh yeah next bear dude next bear Market I'm this is not Financial advice I'm just going to go in all in on Dogecoin I don't give a crap about anything else after this after this bull run next bare Market I'm just going to go into to Doge I don't even care GP if I'm GPU mining I'm like I'm going to be GPU mining I'm going to be Asic mining but all of it everything is just going to go into Doge I I don't I don't care about any other coin I'm I'm just going to focus on one coin and that's it I I I don't even I don't even have to stress about it this is this is my this is my mental freedom for me for the next bare Market I'm just going to get into Doge and that's it I don't give a [ __ ] about anything else that's how that's how strong that's how like my my mental capacity now for just crypto mining is just I don't have to worry about anything I just have to just mine in the Dogecoin and that's it that is it that's all I'm going to do the next bare market and we'll see if 2030 that plays out if it doesn't Mass boost I'm coming for you just just kidding anyways uh Math mathing mathon red pen m in your CMP 10210 video you mentioned that you were looking at another better card just wondering what that card is is it the CMP 178 CHS uh mathing gon uh no it's not uh it's a it's a different one which I don't think the comp will be able to sell anymore I I I I'll let you know if it's available I will talk about it if it's not available I will not talk about it I will talk about it no the other way the other way um uh no ravencoin shark farmer no no uh Raven coin will will will will have its uh we probably have it's time but did you learn about crypto in four years Doge much WoW uh Max Nick Kane rip M do do the potential us tariffs give you any concern for the purchasing mining Hardware or will playing with crypto bypass any increases uh Nick Kane so for me in Canada I'm not worried about the whole tariff thing because I don't get hit with those I don't get you guys get hit with that 25% I don't get hit with that and I know there's I think they they're talking about another 10% upon that so 35% on as6 or on electronics from China so that sucks I mean it sucks for you guys um I mean if anything the play is right now is to like try to buy all this stuff as much as you can well H maybe not actually because another thing is I think I've been hearing a lot of uh oh I forgot to talk about it someone emailed me the other day about an uh okay uh they ordered something from Nash and I know this is not just strictly from Nash but like this guy said uh his declared amount his Asic uh was returned back um uh customs in the states they returned it back because the declared value was was not true so I know DHL and like a bunch of and I'm assuming a few other uh logistics companies are now cracking down like Customs are now cracking down on the lower declared value okay so this is uh it's it's getting it's getting it's getting worse no for sure ordering as6 or ordering Hardware right now from China Hong Kong like it's getting worse and uh for for for you guys in the states that is um um Canadian postal workers strike is more concerned for red P yes you Canada Post is a freaking on is on strike I can't even ship the two gpus I got to ship out or three gpus now um stupid stupid just just brutal just just brutal um uh okay okay uh all right what time is it 9:50 all right is uh is rabid stream here uh I don't see rabid rabbit does not have a live stream up uh is rabert going to stream I don't he usually has a stream up okay um anyways as pirate mining uh when I order stuffff from China I have to show invoice so declared value means nothing still getting taxed yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah no for sure um and it's happening more so now um uh it seems so they might be cracking down tariffs are coming to play more tariffs I mean it's things are getting I mean okay I think like for anyone wanting to buy like L9 or like Dogecoin miners right now I mean there so it double triple the price now like l9s used to be like 6,500 bucks like it's it's gone up insane now I don't I don't think I really at this point you we've already missed the boat I think and I though I'm not saying that like next year though like with Dogecoin this high or maybe still continuing to go higher how long is that going to sustain so you may still have a chance that you could get your return on investment your initial Break Even of 15 grand or whatever how much you ever paid for an L9 now um which I'm I'm actually doing a real test of selling every day with an L9 right now A $115,000 L9 so uh I think I almost have like 800 bucks worth so I'm like you know I'm on the way there but it's going to be it could be a long road or could be a short one and uh may not get my money back so we'll see we'll see we'll see if that uh if that happens or not um Kaiser $2 thank you thank you for T bro use my UPS account for all the giveaway Kaiser I okay I'm going to go to my UPS box and see and see what that is because I know UPS shipping is expensive for all of the giveaway uh travels travels do you have a uh are you getting a star plug deep in Miner or Eevee charger that that minor that's coming uh travels Travers I have not looked into it um honestly I've been just so crazy busy on other stuff right now but yeah I'm I'm not so much in the dpin stuff uh except like demo I'm I'm in the demo Doo I have that uh new LT1 which I haven't made a video yet uh Steve Smith can you please share what you did to use the flash m.2 for the bc250 I want to buy one uh Steve Smith uh are you talking about that uh m.
To to USB reader adapter uh I I used um uh uh here uh where is it um there's a bunch of them man um uh let's see this one no I have uh it looks like the one I have looks like damn it where is it if anyone has a link uh put it in the chat I can't find it maybe they don't sell them anymore it was like a it was like a combo it was like a combo um m to USB adapter ah this this uh this one this one this one I think it's this one I think I think it's this one uh n m Min minias m m.2 yeah this one this one this is the one I have it doesn't come with two USBS though but it it's similar look look for something like this man look look for something like that uh BC check your purchase history I I I don't want to log into my Amazon I don't want you guys to see my real name and address and all that St uh Steve Smith hope hopefully that helps you Steve Smith Steve Smith does that help you let me know um Rizzo do you plan on try to sell A6 at the top of this bull run or hold them and keep mining uh Rizzo I do uh okay so uh yeah yes or no um yes or no uh so I have um okay so right now okay I have I have asex hosted at three different places okay I have three different I have like 11 five six A6 hosted at Tera I got another seven or eight hosted at meter Mining and then I have 11 or 12 hosted at D Central in Canada I am I'm thinking this bull run coming up coming up here of uh selling my whole farm at D Central I got s a few s19 JS I got a K7 over there s19 K two E9 pros and a few other as6 that uh are hosted at D Central so I'm looking to sell it as a whole package including the uh I think it's I'm at 7 cents over there 7 cents USD kilowatt hour so I'm looking to sell that whole package uh for somebody for a good price I'm not going to like I'm not going to like super inflate it but you know I do need to make some money out of it but uh yeah uh I will I will uh when that time comes probably the next couple months maybe uh I will I will sell I will sell I sell those oh I have an L7 ah I got an L7 over there too so that's that's going to be a big that's going to be a big sell too an L7 maybe I can sell that for like 10 grand or something uh that'd be nice that that would be nice that' be nice um okay so uh man what else what else you guys want to talk about what else what else have we at right now um Steve Smith can we talk about the ROI on a D9 Steve Smith an Roi on a D9 I have not been keeping track of my D9 so I can't say but my D9 oh which is hosted at D Central uh the D9 is making like 10 bucks a day right now I think uh at all right 8 cent kilow hour you had free no okay well my my D9 on mining Dutch is making 10 bucks which I can actually show you I can show you guys uh mining D mining Das dutch.
NL let me log in here in uh let me log in wallet earnings okay I can show you guys my my earning here okay so my D9 my D9 yesterday made 10 bucks $10 23 cents in Bitcoin yesterday so I've been Auto profit switching my D9 on mining Dutch and it's making $10 a day so a lot of the calculators are a little bit off a little bit wrong because I know with with mining Dutch it with the X11 algorithm um for the d9s it is mining a few other merge minable coins so that's the that's the power of mining Dutch with the d9s or even l7s or Dogecoin miners you're mining that extra you're mining that extra um uh extra coins uh Hightech reviews where are you mining KDA uh pool flare pool fl.net been mining here for the past 320 days 329 days um how much Haw Tu a coin do you to buy zero bombb minor ex100 minor is the new EDC 50 $50 a day dude I think ah man ethereum classic octop space bro these coins dude I I still believe ethereum classic is going to have an insane run and then all of these ethereum classic miners are going to be worth a f ton or are going to start being worth an F10 um profitability will probably start ramping up on these things and uh yeah yeah yeah there's a there's a new announcement of the new Juan Swan minor Juan minor C1 5.6 gab at 12.6 uh 12.6 gigahash 3300 Watts 0.261 efficiency so it's not as good as IP Poo's new one or it's not not as good as my bombb Miner uh my bombb miners have been great the bombb ones have been real good so far they've been really good okay uh gross all right I got to go my friends I forgot I have uh I have an appointment uh for my son um any final remarks any final questions uh the x44 for the win fully fully electric when is that x44 coming out q1 2025 how much is this thing going to be worth dude this thing dude it I mean is there where where is the pre-order I don't know anyone that's pre-ordering these I don't know where but but 23 gigahash at like 2300 Watts dude that's going to be a monster monster just a monster um DJ DJ I tried not I didn't say I I tried DJ you know what I was trying to do right DJ I didn't uh I tried to be pessimistic cuz I don't want I don't want to raise the difficulty you you know what I'm talking DJ you know what I'm talking about Ty buddy you're welcome DJ you're welcome uh travels travels I sent you a link for Star plug on Discord okay travels travels I'll take a look I will take a look um Z pirate any news from locco Tech or was it all a lie dude dude I swear the whole locco Tech thing I swear man it's it's it feels really it feels like uh sqrl all over again and a few other companies in the past I don't feel good about it I I really hope it's real because I don't want people people who pre-ordered this thing I hope they get their money back or I mean I hope they get their money's worth or whatever or I I'm man it's I'm really afraid so far it's not I have not heard anything positive about this so max voltage no emails or DMS make me an offer I won't get mad at your offer as long as you don't get mad at my response Max Max voltage uh I'll see Max i i max I don't know if I I I should not buy anymore I I should I really shouldn't buy any more gpus but I I'll I'll I'll think about it I'll think about it but please everyone go email Max uh crap I don't have Max's email uh saved anymore Max voltage.
Biz gmail.com come on people offer offer the uh for Max's gpus Bros come on let's go okay all right peace out Bros peace out rabbit is a sick is he sick rabit going live no rabit not see anything rabbit Ser sick oh he's sick oh no hopefully he feels better everyone go go message rabbit go ask him what he's what is he doing go ask him hope he's okay uh maxage everyone save r pen mining from himself yeah yeah please don't make me buy more gpus for the the love of please I'll do it I'll buy more I'll buy more if anyone's looking for Hardware I got coupons and official trusted links on my website red pandam mining.com little show from me there go visit there if you guys are interested uh I got coupons on all the top websites there all right I'll see you all in the next live stream tomorrow I'll see you guys tomorrow have a good one peace out peace out peace out peace out thank you all thank you Kaiser thank you so many gifted some too many [Music] [Music] n [Music]