[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] n yo welcome everybody to the live stream welcome Bros okay so got a fun one today so this is going to go along with my general fun video I did yesterday and after that video I got hit up by many people red panda you want to buy my gpus you want to buy my gpus you want to buy these 6600 XTS you want to buy these 6600s you want to buy these 307s Panda you want to buy my 309s I know that I'm in a very priv is it privileged privileged stage where I can I have the ability to get these types of offers but it to a regular person they're not so I just want to start off with that this this type of thing of me trying to buy gpus is probably not going to be relatable to most people because they don't have access or the uh the means to get into contact and like Market with these people network with these people you know what I mean so it's I I I just wanted to I'm I'm not trying to to boast or anything this is just something where we're going to do some fun stuff okay so yesterday um hold on you know should I do you guys want to do you guys want the chat on the side or not you guys want the chat on the side boaster yes okay I'm putting the chat on the side hold on okay hold on okay all right that's small [Music] okay uh okay okay here we go okay okay all right a lot of you guys are talking oh hold on let me home bre crypto are these being hosted no I am not hosting them I want them with me I don't know don't know if you saw my video yesterday it's going to coincide with my 10 octom Miner my R my R8s my GP risers R8s that I have that are empty and I want to fill them I want to fill them all up top chat okay I'm on sorry chat's going fast right now I also did a poll bu this 108 RTX 370 xc3 ultas I didn't put Ultra in there but they're xc3 models um so $27,000 or $250 each of these 370s that I've been offered okay so um I I want to read I want to get opinions from everybody but I also want to do something fun in which we compared if I were to spend $27,000 right now what if I put that towards 409s or what if I put that towards 4060 TI and you you guys are going to help me on the average price on these okay and then we're just going to we're going to calculate and then we're going to do I want to do a comparison of like how much hash rate combined that I can achieve on 108 370s compared to like if I were to buy 27 Grand worth of 490s how much hash rate how much a lithium hash rate would I get on those versus 108 307s you you know what I you guys know what I mean and then compare the wattage of course we're going to use probably a lot more power than uh you know having less cards less gpus so but we're going to I just want to compare and then like the efficiency as well which is a big factor okay I mean for me in a sense I'm I'm okay cuz my electrical rate is generally lower and if I'm able to hit this this number soon in the next couple months of course I have demand charges and stuff but I might be able to get down to five or six cents USD that would be amazing that would be amazing so then maybe it won't even matter really what my what my gpus are going to be but this is just something fun this is just something fun um to go through okay okay Subs welcome bro this is going to be uping can't wait love nerdy numbers sub you are the you are the the the numbers man my friend I again I wanted to stress that this type of like offer I've been offered is it's some of you are saying 250 is too much some some of you some of you are saying 250 is too much and you know what the person that offered it to me I have bought from them before and so and I understand the quality of like you know EVGA cards everyone knows is like above and beyond anything so whether or not you know EVGA xt3 models have you know they have great fans they're amazing quality I don't know if that alone is worth its price you know what I mean like if these were Zotac 370s and I was buying them for 250 each it would it would probably not be a good buy because I would most likely have to change the fans or something change the thermop pads you know do do all that do all that fun stuff you know so with with these 307s I wonder if you know it's just because of the quality that it's worth that extra you know that extra little bit you know what I mean um okay Patrick Murphy does it come with mobos PSU Etc no it's just gpus um I have decided not to take they they are currently in x12s Ultra uh Ulta minor x12s but the logistics of trying to ship those to me would be ginormous and very expensive and to ship the gpus in the octom miners I don't think would be a good thing and it would probably it would probably have a lot some damage um Raphael Bella all of them have Samsung memory I don't know I'm assuming the 370 xe3 Ultras have Samsung memory I have a few already and I recall they are Samsung so yeah they should be should be um with all the new cards coming out you will get 470 TI for that price soon seven nefro what what what say that again 40 what 4070 did I did I even put that in here 470 TI okay let's put that in okay all right okay so I I I I want to do like like Pro we'll do pros and cons after this is something where I I want to get more like like what are the cons if I were to buy these 370s right now what are the pros if I were to buy these 370s right now all right so we I think we'll do that after we number crunch here okay comparing what you know I didn't even I I didn't even put as6 in here like what if I were to buy $27,000 worth of I don't know ks3 m i don't you know should I put should we do that do you guys want to theorize theoretical on asex or just strictly G gpus I'm assuming you guys just want to talk about gpus so you know what I'm going to remove I'm going to remove I'm going to remove that 20 GPU I can think of a con no time for 20 GPU rigs you are B you know what you're reported and banned right now 20 GPU rig God damn it uh M something con 8 gigabyte resale value will not hold up well that is definitely a a great con mind something definitely you know what and we're going to we're we'll go through that my friend that is that is definitely a good one to talk about 100% 100% 100% okay um I will not be silenced Seb we all know you won't ever sell these cards 100% 100% I I have NE I did not sell any of my gpus in the bull run so in in a way if I'm just going to continue to mine you know for the next couple years maybe resell value doesn't matter I'm just going to continually generate profit in a sense so in that way it may not matter but we're going to talk about that after let's talk about that after okay so fun stuff let's let's do it 27 Grand how much is a 4090 right now someone give me an average price what's an average price of a 4090 the Best Buy one is the Best Buy Founders Edition card is 1,700 7 $1,700 right Yan elb Pro you can start mining now and hold the coins for appreciation you're 100% right y know but we'll we'll do that we'll do the pros and cons after Bros after after that'll be a fun thing after okay let's do some some fun number things okay you guys are saying 1,800 2,000 18800 uh mind something what's up bro please check Discord message all right uh okay hold on hold on I got to switch screen here hold on hold on hold on make sure my disc okay going uh god tier best GPU spreadsheet okay hold on loading loading loading loading loading okay hold on let me open it up here okay oh this is good this is nice uh I remember so um mind something this is is from hash rate are these numbers from hash rate.
I also want to get numbers from there but I'm also going to ask you guys cuz I want to get like exact most efficient alium hash rate and wattage and like kapow and I want to compare like AMD Nvidia and then we're going to we're going to do the efficiency number here and see overall with the the amount of that the amount of money I'm going to spend is it going to make sense either way so we we'll see we'll see we'll see find something yes have Apples to Apples okay nice nice okay we'll go we'll go to this we'll go to this after right here efficiency grade nice nice 409s nice okay okay we'll come back we'll come back to this we'll come we'll come back to this I think another thing is to consider is the dollar per gigahash right the dollar the dollar the amount of spending versus how much hash rate I'm getting so that that's another like metric and it's not just efficiency but more so how much I'm spending and then how long it takes to break even on those on those 27 Grand if I were to buy all you know versus these cards right the 370s versus these cards okay $2,000 find something it's that's in there too oh okay oh where is that oh here okay street price okay $1,500 49 well that's not okay okay I mean grade 35 Red that's nice okay um well we're going to have to update some of these cuz I know they're not 1,500 now right like uh some of these prices let let's do let we'll do we'll do it updated on on this one here on my side cuz we're doing it based on my 27 Grand okay all right you guys said $2,000 for $490 now $2,000 on average let's see amazon.com streaming the wrong window oh my God I'm sorry oh my God okay M something sent me this this sheet here right here we're going to go through this after we're we're going to we're going to get prices of the gpus first we're we're going to get prices we're going to get prices of gpus first okay let's get PR let's get updated prices here okay fail I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry all right we're we're at we're we're at the right screen now we're at the right screen okay you guys said Patrick Murphy says 1,800 okay let's do it $1,800 490 is that on average right now 4090 PNY on Amazon is1 1951 $2,000 for an Asus tff 2,5 39 for Asus Rog holy crap 2500 bucks us wow that's crazy wow 18 the aib 490s are over $2,400 on Amazon $1,800 you know what I'm going to have to say it's $2,000 now I'm going to have to say it's 2ou there's no I mean I don't see anything under I don't see anything really under 2,000 realistically okay if I were to try to get my hands on 490s in bulk what are the chances of me trying to get the Best Buy the Best Buy $1,700 Founders is is that is that possible best buy.com let me go to best buy.com um 4090 okay hold on let's let's let's go here uh can I open this up okay MSI 4090 slim 1,800 gigabyte 1,800 okay Amazon is inflated like crazy oh 7900 XTX for 1,049 is this a is this a good deal Patrick Murphy it's $1599 USD MSRP okay okay well with taxes and everything it's probably going to be close to 2,000 so I'm going to say average 2,000 I think that's good I think I think that's good I think that's good okay so 27,000 divided by two grand that means I can get 13.5 490s all right let's just put 13 let's just put 13 all right considering my time considering taxes shipping probably on average I could probably get the 490s around $2,000 $2,000 each okay there you go there you go there we go sebs not even not even two full rigs mind something can you also filter by open box Oh you mean the Best Buy one uh where is the Best Buy I closed it okay let me open it back up I didn't Best Buy uh 4090 open box o open box open boock 409s none none right now nothing I'm assuming a lot of people are probably looking at open box 490s yeah okay okay refresh I did it nothing there's no there's no okay when I when I don't do open box then it comes up with these numbers 17.99 okay and then if I do open block or is open box open box it doesn't show it doesn't show any only laptops okay all right so all right I'll give it benefit of the doubt 14 all right I can get 14 of them 1439 409s okay 4060 TI what's the price of 4060 TI now and this is if I can get them all right average price someone we'll think about average price of a 4060 TI Michael Cassidy 460 TI 8 gig $380 12 gig is 475 Micro Center oh all right there's the okay 8 gig or 12 gig let's just put 12 gig okay how much for the how much for the 12 gig 12 gig version on average Max Max I'm going to go pick up a 4090 Fe right now caught one expired Best Buy order woohoo nice nice expired Best Buy order how do you even get those Max that's amazing like scouring best buy.com like every single second um mine something red panda 343 plus tax for the 4060 TI 12 gig all right let me put that in Best Buy 40 retail 4060 TI is 400 uh okay 460 TI 8 GB is 399 for the founders mind something 343 plus tax which one which model is that mind something you left 6600 off the list STI we we can we can do that we we can do that yes sure you could probably get 10 or 15% off 40 60 with these deals okay uh calculate 400 MSRP for calculator 400 mind something 343 for 8 GB on Amazon okay let's see Amazon let me go to Amazon you know what let me let me open up Amazon here here 460 TI 460 TI 400 489 for the 16 wait 460 TI 16 gab that's not 12 gab that's 16 16 gab who told me 12 GB 16 gab 40 60 TI 8 gigabyte okay um 439 439 399 is it ah here we go 384 for MSI 43 384 389 39 5 29 384 you said B something you said what what model was that what model was that uh where's 8 gab on Amazon which model oh 349 here we go Max and oh that's a 3060 TI Max Maxim 3 349 Maxim 4060 TI icraft what the hell I've never heard of this before 372 nice uh M something looks like the deal is gone oh okay all right but okay so anyways I think we can lowest price I see here is 384 and then the Best Buy for 8 gab one is 3.99 so let's just say let's just say $400 average $400 realistically $400 okay let's do that all right let's let's so how much uh $27,000 divided by 400 bucks that means it can get me 60 68 4060 TI 8 gigabyte cards yes okay let's do let's do now the 46 CTI 16 gigabyte 4.49 so 50 bucks more 50 bucks more for the PNY RTX 460 TI 16 GB card Amazon is 16 gab yeah 4 450 449 three three 439 for the Zotac one so like 40 bucks more 40 bucks more okay let's just let's just let's just do 450 on on average shipping time whatever all that stuff so $27,000 divided by 450 that means I can get 60 I can get 60 4060 TI 16 GB cards okay BC don't get Zotac I know 100% I would I I would not considering that I'm just doing by I'm just doing I'm not even doing it by brand here well we can do pros and cons VC I know I don't know if you want me to say it or not but we can do pros and cons here okay I want to I want to do the we're talking about brand and quality and stuff after okay 6600 XTS what what is the average price I can buy somehow in bulk if someone is selling a bunch of 6600 XTS home brew crypto Stream 5 years from now fellas I have $270,000 to spend and I need to get my power down to 4 [Laughter] cents uh Joker Miner Founders only I wish yeah I wish okay 6600 XTS what is average price what's average price average price okay buying new I doesn't make sense it has to be used so if I were to go out go Facebook market place so 6600 XTS new are like 200 bucks 220 220 6 2 229 okay that's new but used used would be um 6600 XT used would be what I just recently sold I guess someone bought a a 6600 XT cash app only Parts oh $135 okay factory refurbished 220 180 182 135 174 189 179 man1 179 plus $40 shipping what plus $19 shipping dude 160 okay yeah these are expensive these are weren't these like $120 like half a year ago these have definitely gone up these these these cards have definitely gone up in prices here um okay Patrick Murphy I would buy used $150 or under okay uh Subs 6600 maybe $180 on average yeah yeah okay yeah let's do that 180 sure let's do 180 okay so $27,000 divided by 180 so wow I could wait I could get 150 6600 XTS whoa did I do that right $27,000 ided 180 150 wow there you go uh Merl Weinheimer you'll never find $150 used 6600 XTS on eBay I I 100% agree I don't even think I could find 150 6600 XTS at $180 on average it's probably I'm going to say after everything it's probably going to be $200 honestly I feel like this is more now if I were to do this now it would be like $200 like shipping all that kind of stuff like dude that that would wow that would be a lot of 6600 XTS uh okay all right 6700 XTS 6700 XTS mobile B Tech yes I bought plenty at $120 each R box what you bought 6600 XTS for $120 um shes I've never seen any bu deals on them almost ever I have there's only one person that I was able to buy bulk 6600 XTS from and he's in the chat already and actually I don't know if he want I that's all that's all I'm gonna say just got three 6700 XT hellhounds on eBay for two days ago for $300 okay $300 each all right good enough for me 6700 XTS 300 bucks 27,000 divided by 300 bucks 90 I get 90 60 700 XTS okay z z RX 6700 XT on Alibaba for 260 is that that doesn't include shipping right shipping you probably have to tack on like another 50 to 40 bucks each that's pretty close to 300 over Vortex just buy the gun overbo tech this is triggering triggering you so much sebs you need another 10 R8s for 150 gpus oh hey Seb you're not right you're not wrong that's that's very true 10 R8s at 700 bucks each 7 time 700 * 10 is what that's 7 Grand I need to spend another 7even grand on another on another uh server case yeah that's you're very right this number here actually I only need 80 I only need 80 of these 370 xc3 Ultras to fit my 10 uh R8s that I have now so I theoretically don't need to buy 108 but we'll see we'll see we'll see okay 6800 XT how much of 6800 XTS now AliExpress is weird good prices tons of orders but reviews all one star and they claim their DOA yeah well I then I wouldn't I wouldn't buy those on AliExpress okay okay how much is 6700 XTS now $400 okay $400 okay all right let's do the math $27,000 ID 400 67 so that's 60 68 sure 68 6800 XTS okay all all right 6800 RX 6800s how much are these 6800 6800 uh 330 someone just bought one for 330 330 look okay looks like 30 $330 $350 all right I'm going to say I'm going to say 350 yeah non XT $27,000 / 350 = 77 77 6800s okay 30 60 TI okay 30 60 TI I just realized you know because we're buying this in bulk right now and I'm comparing to buying like used or new MSRP gpus it actually doesn't it's not fair I just realized this is not a fair comparison what we should what we should do is try to get what would be pricing for bulk of all these gpus what would what like the bulk of 6600 XTS would be 130 or something yeah it's not fair this is not this is not a fair comparison I'm comparing it to not getting bulk on all these gpus which I'm getting bulk for these gpus so that's not it's not a fair not a fair comparison but I'm in a way I'm comparing it in which I'm not getting I'm not getting a deal for when I'm going to be buying if I'm going to be buying these other gpus by myself without any bulk so H SS you don't have bulk offers for the other gpus though I guess you're right you're right I don't I don't have bulk I don't have bulk offers for 68 460 TI I don't have bulk offers for 77 6800 you're right you're right you're right um mind something to make it fair check price for 37s average price and adjust prices rather same 100 you know what here we just do this you know what this is great yeah you're exactly right just add what's the average price of a 370 right now what's average price 300 I think it's 300 we just add another row here RTX 370 dude these have all gone up 315 340 330 315 this one's got this one's 250 Founders someone bought one for 250 plus $36 shipping 254 XLR8 $63 shipping okay I'm just going to put I'm going to put 320 $320 uh so 27,000 divided by 320 that' be 84 i' get 84 of these 307s nonbulk Joker Miner hey I bought that 370 Fe quit showing all my buys did you actually you did not you you didn't Joker Miner did you is this you you probably did um homber crypto Chum change will give you bulk pricing and tuck you in at night terrible terrible shes 3070 B run prices for 3070 2025 in my opinion $250 Is Not Great bulk rate in this case but it's subjective uh you're referring okay Patrick mvy for the EVGA xc3 Ultra you think 250 is not a great bul price what price do you think that these should be what what price what price would you say Patrick muray you're 10 to 15 to 20% higher on eBay because of the fees something like FB Marketplace if they gave you that kind of data would be close to the fair market rate I don't have American Facebook Marketplace so if someone wants to look at that I mean overboard Tech it's not great it's fine it should be 220 per unit at that quantity right now okay okay 220 okay I don't think that's a great bulk price 200 to 225 is a great bulk price I am ho in my ho in my humble opinion okay I'm buying single 370s for 250 got 10 in the last 3 weeks at 240 Average Jeff okay okay I'm going to have to agree I remember seeing 307s for like 175 like 6 months ago but that was on that was that was on like uh dreams gr right and I I never saw that anywhere on the used Marketplace even my local Facebook Marketplace anyways anyways what's what's do I need to compare 3060 TI 3090 5700 XD and 470 ti do I need to do these two you you guys want to see this or no 3060 TI okay what's a 3060 TI average right now 360 TI H 30 60 TI 264 264 290 253 255 248 237 240 so like 250 $250 if I were to try to find them myself roughly $27,000 time 2 this is all just I can buy 100 okay yeah that's the same I can buy 108 360 TI um Patrick Murphy 5700 XT law for the laws $90 average yeah yeah probably hey 4090 how much is 490s how much are how are 390s sorry somebody on Facebook Marketplace in the in USA how much is how much are 309s for you guys I remember they were like 600 bucks you know a couple months ago six 6 700 bucks now they're 700 900 800 76 so I'm going to say like what $800 $800 is a good average M something 7 to 900 yeah I think 800's are good is proba I could probably yeah I could probably find them on average $800 now as of now I know maybe yeah six months ago it would be like $600 divided by 800 33.75 so let's just do 34 bu 34 309s this 4090 buy really it makes me laugh 14 490s for 27 $1,000 uh sebs 3090 is too thick for R8 that's true that that is very true the 390s would not fit in there uh shipping last 4 got on eBay nice uh great or good mining what's up bro is this where I can I can get in on the 370 by Group by yes yes okay um 5700 XTS 5700 XTS let's see let's see 5700 XT I I'm not entertaining this idea but it's just for fun just for fun $129 $40 shipping jeez two dude who what who just February 6 someone just bought this for 194 $28 ship with $28 shipping dude it's got 137 142 149 170 140 139 I'm I'm going to say on average let's just say 1 130 let's just say 1 130 135 I don't know I don't know $27,000 divided by 135 that could get me 25700 XTS 27 Grand I could get 257 Aussie J if you get these 370s does this mean you'll finally do the 20gp rig [Music] okay all right 40 all right someone wanted me to do the 4070 TI is this is this even an option is this an option 4070 ti do do people even sell these used I'm I'm assuming they're selling them for like a lot I don't think we can get these used 650 12 GB 700 700 729 what are they brand new 47 470 TI 829 89 859 799 849 39 Oh that's a 60 TI 470 TI 779 wow okay so like this guy paid a little bit under MSRP like 650 750 620 so I'm going to say like what on average I can find them for 700 bucks 700 bucks a good number 749 granted they're probably going to be like gigabytes and Z tax uh 86 let's just say let's just say 7 let's just say 750 just trying to buy them in bulk used somehow just say 750 I don't know 750 divided by 750 I can get oh 36 4070 TI what that sounds so bad that sounds that sounds so bad 36 times 750 27 okay granted that's not bulk really if that was bulk it maybe if I did like $600 if I could find them for I I don't think you can find 470 TI for $600 that's imp it's impossible don't think there's anybody in the world I would get like I can get 45 of them maybe at $600 highly highly unlikely okay okay all right now the fun part the fun part let's let's combine all the hash rate that we can achieve okay what does a single 3070 do on a lithium what what's the what's the Giga hat we're going to have to do this by uh in in gigahash I think yeah in gigahash hash rate.
Hashr downo what what's the most efficient I know sometimes hasr downo does not have the most efficient numbers but since we are doing this live I can get the most efficient numbers from from you guys we can get help from you guys here Ash right I know says 0 uh 1.32 gigahash 1.32 gigahash so what's uh um Patrick Murphy 25700 XTS sound sexy as hell oh my God terrible BC you could get e300s which mine most of those alos BC you're you are right you're you're not wrong you're not wrong overboard Tech 1.16 GH 62 Watts 18.85% 16 gigahash that's 12528 gash 125 uh I have shortterm memory 28 gigahash and then you said a 3070 can get at 62 Watts wow Jesus 62 Watts times or yeah 108 * 62 that' be about 6,6 96 Watts 6,696 Watts nice nice this is just that so hash per watt watt per hash or Jewels per Tera hash whatever like basic miners use um would be this divided by this okay okay all right there we go okay now I guess this 80 84 of them if I were to buy them at $320 each so it would be 84 time 1.16 gash that would be 97.44% 44 gigahash and then uh he says 62 Watts 60 uh 84 / times 62 528 5208 equals that all right that' be efficiency the same cuz we're doing the same 307s but just less because if I were to find them one by one by myself that's why it's much less here this is bulk okay anyone just tuning in this is bulk okay comparing it to like buying MSRP or trying to find them on the used Market by myself it obviously the prices are much [Music] higher okay all right next next um okay some of you guys are getting 1.4 gig at 92 Watts roughly software uh sebs I sent you AMD hash rates in Discord most efficient settings as tested by kiwi Crypt Miner okay nice nice o boort Tech 490 5.24 one gigahash okay holy smoke 5241 gigahash 287 Watts okay five okay so 14 of 490s times that's a monster 4.2 41 gigahash that's going to give us 73.3 74 um I put there we go like that 73 gigahash okay what's the power though the power you said is 287 287 * 14 4,018 Watts 48 watts that's going to be watt per hash of 18 so similar similar to the 307s really wait Can Can we confir is this confirmed is this confirmed is this confirmed BC your your what per has calculation is backwards uh no it's not uh oh oh wait you're right oh wait you're right BC yeah you're oh my God why is it not oh what it should be wattage divided by this oh wait what did I do on the first one D3 times E3 oh you're right BC what the hell why did I do it backwards ah okay yeah it should be wattage divided by hash rate okay there we go but overboard Tech is doing it the other way so you know what let's just let's just do hash per watt we're doing we're going to do hash per watt we're going to do hash per watt let's let's let's let's change it back we'll do hash per watt let me let me switch that let me switch that all right let's let's do it this way let's do it this way okay let's keep going I want to do this faster uh 40 60 TI does what 4060 TI is 1.47 gash 88 Watts okay I'm got to put that in 1.47 gigahash uh time 68 be 99 99.96% 0.016 that's that's pretty good that's not bad that's not bad um uh overbo Tech 40 series will show very favorable for on Al FYI they suck at memory hard yeah we're we're going to get to kapow in a second this is where this is where I think like the 3070 bulk is going to be is going to shine it's going to be in the Kapow and like eash that's where that's where I that's where I'm going to say the the value is going to be because we're going to we're we'll get to that we'll get to that 460 TI uh is there any difference between the 8 gby and 16 gab on a lithium 4060 TI 1 1.38 gash 72 [Music] Watts overboard Tech okay I'm going to go with your number then times 68 94248 and then you said that 70 72 Watts 72 * 68 Max H to H to W is much easier to understand larger numbers are better yes yes higher the number better uh 68 68 * you said 72 Watts that's 489 96 well that's much that's that's much better but Patrick Murphy where did you get the other 46 TI number from where you getting these where you getting these numbers from Patrick M is that from hash R don't I know I'm using I'm using all the numbers from ol warch so far I got to go to the dentist but good luck don't don't stop using [ __ ] software [Laughter] numbers I never use software numbers I have a pmd2 okay 40 60 TI 16 gab I I'm not sure about this one oh so I don't even think on hash rate.
there is there even any uh here Ada let's go to Ada 4060 TI is there is there a there's only one 4060 TI here okay 6600 XT let's go P Patrick Murphy I saw you had the 6600 XT where is that okay 0.71 gigahash at 38 Watts okay yeah that sounds about right I also have I have uh a lithium rigon with 6600 0.71 time 150 106 6600 XTS 106.5 gigahash and then wait Patrick Murphy 38 Watts yeah 38 Watts okay 5700 watts oh that's pretty good wa wait is that right this is the same efficiency like as a 370 are we is that is that right uh home brew crypto 6600 XD is 710 megahash at 38 Watts software oh 38 software Watts okay that's not right then it's definitely not 38 Watts at the software it's it's not 38 Watts at the software okay it's more like it's more like 52 I'm going to say so let's just do like let's just do 50 52 * 150 7800 Watts yeah that that sounds better all right yeah all right yeah there's no way there's Absol abolutely no way a lithium hash rate efficiency is the same as a 3070 there's there's no way there's absolutely no way overboard Tech 0.75 ghash at 41 Watts Hardware okay okay okay I put 52 I was being more generous okay but you're saying it's like three Watts more at the at the at the PMD okay all right let's do that then let's do that I I can't confirm because I've never tried a lithium on 66 or on a PMD so 6150 6150 Watts so that's I mean that's still that's still pretty that's still pretty close son of a Rabbid Panda why bother with Alf when the they're already fpga on it because I wanted to see just the efficiency for this core algorithm okay this is probably going to be very similar to like radiant I got radiant on here too and we can do radiant after but I'm assuming it's going to be it's it's going to it's going to mimic like the same okay all right um now what now what now what 6700 XT 6700 XTS uh hash rate okay let's do it sebs uh am I going crazy or is he one decimal off uh this is by gigahash uh combined so I think we're okay I think I think we're okay um okay 6700 XT let's see rdna 3 no rdna 2 0.87 gigahash at 39 watt software no way that's that sounds amazing 0.87 okay 0.87 * 90 all right that's 78.3 78.3 gigahash and they they said 39 watt software I doubt I I don't know I feel like that's not true but I'm going to say like 40 I just say 40 43 I don't know 43 3 * 90 it's 38 3870 [Music] Watts that seems really efficient uh Patrick mury I already posted them 0.87 gigahash at 39 Watts that's that is really a 0.87 Time 90 78.3 gigahash okay so 39 Watts so I I put 43 time 90 3870 yeah wow that's um mining alt f4 my 67 XTS are8 0.88 megahash at 90 Watts 0.88 uh 8 887 megahash at 90 Watts okay that's a lot that's that's a lot um Patrick Mur I copied them from hash done know okay okay I see I see I see uh 67 XT is very good on Al yeah wow I'm I didn't know that that's that's actually that's actually amazing amazing um okay whatever going along though 6800 XT 6800 XT um P whatever you said you put already 6800 non XT 6800 XT 1.62 gash 104 Watts okay 1.62 time how many can we get 68 110 gigahash wow 1 110 gash and then 10 you said 104 Watts that's at the software so it's probably a little bit more 108 110 maybe times 68 being more realistic 7480 7480 Watts that's going to be hash per watt of 014 M I feel like I feel like the 6800 XT like the the numbers that they have here is not like the most efficient a lithium 1.62 104 Watts oh man I wish I had a 6800 XT I could try but okay well I don't have every single GPU so it's hard to say it's really does anyone here have a 6800 XT does anyone here have a 6800 XT anyone have have it mining a lithium what are your numbers uh mining alt f4 they are all amazing at kapow yes 100% yep yep 6,000 series are amazing that is Joker Miner that is why I am buying up all the 6700 XT hell hounds for Al nice Z pirate Power numbers on hasher for MD cards are so wrong I I definitely remember that um I do not have 600 XT okay sebs I have a 6800 XT Seb what numbers do you get on the on the 6 uh 6800 XT for lithium the Lord X Lord of lore 1.8 gigahash 120 watts at the wall does that include the motherboard motherboard Ram backwards minor 1.66 out of 111 software okay okay Patrick Murphy 232 gigahash 158 Watts okay you're talking about the 3090 yeah we'll get we'll get to that we'll get I'll just do that now while every when I while I get people's 6800 XT times 34 34390 78.8 78.8 okay at 158 Watts yeah 158 times 34 that's 5372 5372 Watts hash for watt is 0.14 oo 390s oo not as efficient um sebs I sent okay you sent me on Discord okay okay s perfect oh man this is okay this this this helps this helps out a lot if I can open it there we go all right okay perfect perfect okay all right let's do this all right SE has 600 XT um a lithium efficient hash rate he is getting 1.26 uh gigahash at 70 Watts wow wait is that right yeah that's right so 1 262 time 68 that's that's 85 gigahash 85 uh 81 okay and then we have the power you said 70 Watts 70 * 68 68 00 so 4760 4760 okay okay that is now more in that that's now more efficient there you go that is now this is now in line with the 3070 6800 XT can do the same efficiency as like a as a 3070 granted I'm getting a bit less in hash rate um but okay yeah Subs that's great you said this is a kiwi Crypt miners numbers before right okay um 6800 non non XT so let's just do 1.111 time uh 77 I can get yeah 85.5 I can get 85.5 pretty much the same uh and then you and then the power is uh 56 Watts wow pretty good 56 wait kiwi Crypt Miner doesn't have a PMD though he he doesn't have a PMD I remember looking at I remember looking at his AMD tests he he doesn't use a PMD so I feel like these numbers are going to be a little bit more but I don't know okay whatever doesn't matter that's we'll we'll get back to it 4312 43 312 so this is going to be hash per of ooh ooh this the non 6800 XTS are are pretty good are pretty good too uh sebs he subtracts Rig Power measure that at the wall okay nice Okay okay then that means this the non dude that's really good this is more efficient than the 3070 that's that's freaking good we're not even on the Capal I'm going to be surprised like I'm not I'm not going to be surprised I'm going to be like all right should buy I should buy 27 Grand worth of AMD [Laughter] cards uh granted I'm going to get much less hash rate but I am going to use like 2,000 Watts more [Music] power um Shadow those numbers are 9 months ago yeah uh you're not wrong you're not wrong uh Z Miner my uh RX 6800 is 1.38 at 77 Watts 1.38 at 77 Watts okay right now 38 time 77 see AMD is always tricky because yeah see so I could I could maybe I could then maybe get 106 okay let's put it in here then 106 gigahash uh 26 and then you said 77 Watts so 77 * 77 that's almost 6,000 Watts 5929 5929 that so the efficiency efficiency drops a little bit Z going with the Z miners numbers okay but I'm just going to I'm going to stick with the sebs numbers here from kiwi Krypto sure I even though it's 9 months ago it seems like it's in line it's in line you know 6700 XT is wow crazy good crazy good GPU okay 30 60 TI 30 60 TI that should be easy 30 60 TI let's see here on Al lithium 1.13 gash 76 Watts anyone else get any more efficient numbers on a 360 ti What do what do you guys get 1.13 * 108 I can buy 108 360 TI that be 122 122.4 gigahash that's a little bit less than the other 307s I could buy but the power 76 watt 76 * 108 8208 8208 oh that is that is not that is not efficient that's that's a lot more wow that's a lot more power what what's oh bch how if he he's not here how did he tune these 307s to go all the way down to like 62 Watts or something if the 30 60 TI uses 70 something wow that's crazy wow that's crazy Patrick mury 0.73 ghash 81 Watts uh that's for lithium yeah software is going to be like 100 I think I remember I tested okay so 0.73 time 25700 XTS 146 G dude the most gigahash possible but the the power is going to be like 200 time 100 Watts that's like 20,000 watts that that that doesn't seem efficient at [Laughter] all um Patrick Murray 470 2.69 gash 152 Watts okay 2 69 time uh times uh 2.6 you look at the density here density Factor I'm like in a way I'm also saving money because I'm not using so many R8s right so we can fact we can minus out like a couple thousand in R8s because I'm using only 36 gpus versus 108 that's something else to consider that's something else we got to factor in that's that's something else we got to factor in um 36 yeah 80 uh 152 watt 152 watt time 36 oops 5472 5472 Watts okay yeah efficiency are you sure the 47 TI only does is it really not as efficient as there's there's no way the 4070 TI should get more efficiency than the 3070 there there's no way there there's there's no way 4070 TI should be more efficient than the 3070 2.69 152 what does anyone have any better numbers for 4070 TI that just means you got to buy more gpus to fill those remaining [Laughter] r um Homebrew crypto 6,000 series AMD is best bang for your buck I doubt you'll find them easily in bulk I homebrew crypto I 100% agree 100% agree it would be impos I don't know I've never seen anyone sell these in bulk sorry I had one chance I actually did buy these 6600 XTS in bulk because of because of BC if he's still if he's still in here BC are you still in here okay let let me do the math on the 5700 XT again holy smoke let me let me do that again oh man 5700 XT not even did I pass a leum 0.73 81 Watts yeah definitely okay yeah the gigahash is right but it's the power power at the wall is going to be a little bit more so times 200 cards that's yeah 19,000 Watts yeah I mean yeah it's not good the efficiency is not good on the on the on the 5,000 Series yeah okay all righty so on a lithium wise just caring about a lithium um oh oh this is not this is not column this is not doing it right he you know I'm going to delete this row here wait what's going on why is this not why is this not sorting correctly huh there we go okay okay oh I forgot to add another column the dollar dollar per per hash dollar per hash we totally forgot to do this one this is very important too um so that divide bu the hash rate and autofill sure okay uh sebs sorting doesn't work because you merged cells Row one yeah I I I just yeah I figured that out yeah I removed it okay all right so judging by the Numbers we have now just for lithium it looks like efficiency wise the 6700 XT beats beats out the 3070 order the the 108 370s that I could potentially buy okay so that I'm I'm a little bit I'm a little bit surprised here I didn't know I mean I did know the 6000 series were were decent on a lithium but at these numbers I mean it's man 6700 XT is a is a great GPU is is a really good GPU did I do a video on this GPU a long ago did I mine a lithium no it wasn't a leum it was something else it was like some other coins but otherwise that's that's that's really that's really efficient that's really that's pretty good um okay so now what now what do we do um now the dollar per gigahash okay uh so sebs dollar hash should be 27,000 divided by the hash ah you're right you're right I did it by singular price I did it by singular GPU you're right you're right this is is this is combined hash rate and this is a single price GPU you're right you're right that's y hold on let me go back here I just delete all this I could just do I just do um equals 27,000 / hash rate there we go uh dollar per gig this is all this is all dollar per gig so so sort by now which would be the most cost effective what would be the most cost effective purchase because I'm getting okay so it says the 5700 XTS would be the best dollar per hash because I get the most hash rate 146 I got 146 gigahash with 25700 XTS the dollar per hash is $184 per gigahash simply because I have a crap ton more cards here for how much it's worth um if I had free Power then this if I had free Power this this buy would be obviously be amazing uh actually no come to think of it like we just actually yeah no we have to buy more motherboards more CPUs more RAM more risers more octom miners to fill up more of these 57 yeah I don't think that I don't think that's worth it we got to like add in like the octom miners the R8s as well too much uh too much extra cost in wire and P PSU yeah exactly yeah uh exactly we got to factor that in too uh how do we am I even going to do thatth forget it I'm not even going to bother but okay if we minus out the 5700 XTS if we minus that out the next best one though is the 37s this is what matters this this this this bulk order 30 7s this is what matters here this this is what matters so it's in second place okay so the dollar per hash is good this is good efficiency wise it is it is in fifth uh fifth place is that right 108 yeah so this against efficiency wise roughly looks like the 4060 TI 16 GB cards are a bit more efficient than the EVGA 370s and we're talking very small efficiency gain granted I've never tested the 460 TI 8 GB 16 GB I'm getting these numbers from overbo Tech which we obviously we obviously trust we obviously trust overboard Tech um okay Ron V uh MVC in Bull Run there will be no discussion about efficiency yeah you're exactly right we want the most hash rate possible to just churn out that money everything's going to be like lots of lots of profitability lots of profits and like everyone's just going to turn everything on doesn't matter what you have it's just going to make money it's just it's just going to make you a lot of money okay all right kapow time it's kapow time so can I hide columns on here Hide column oh there we go hide column all right okay we're going to do kapow now all right I don't know why 4090 is so bad uh though in efficiency oh we didn't even how do we there we go uh 4090 efficiency wise I thought the 4090 was I thought all the 40 series cards would generally be efficient on but granted we're doing this by Price okay this is not by this is this is by Price guys all these numbers here we're not doing it by singular gpus okay we're not doing it by singular GPU this is by buying bulk like or buying multiples of in $27,000 okay the dollar per hash or the value per GPU it doesn't it doesn't exist here this is just by this is just us going to eBay and Amazon and Best Buy getting the prices and looking at what I could buy in in in theory now okay this is this the efficiency part here is more so looking at how much I'm able to buy how many of these gpus I can buy for 27 Grand okay I I think we left I think we left that out uh Seb yes Capal only algo that matters let's do it let's let's do it let's let's do it okay let me hide all these he kapow hash rate here we go fun time time the fun time begins ah okay 6700 XT what does it do on kapow 6700 I think it's like 25 I think it's 25 uh 6700 XT chor kapow 23.48% rate at 110 Watts uh let's see the secret pick is 5500 XT 500 gash and 45 Watts the Lord of Lord 5500 XT gskt blue the problem with kapow on Nvidia cards is you need to invest in smoke alarms fire blankets and fire extinguishers you're not wrong you're not wrong RPM you are definitely addicted heart addicted I am very addicted to buying gpus yes I'm extremely addicted this is why I wanted to go through all this with you guys I'm very very addicted and I'm very privileged to have this type of ability to be able to buy gpus in bulk okay so mining all F4 my 600 XDS are 15.5 megahash at 67 watt software that's that sounds very low mining alt that's like 6600 XT range like 14 15 16 17 megahash on a 6600 XT that that sounds like a 6600 are you sure um okay where's my hios I'm just going to open up my hios cuz I know I have 6700 XTS on Capal right now meoa all right okay I have 23 megahash 23 Mega has at 105 Watts um the whole rig which is an octom minor is 1125 Watts okay so let me do some funny math here so let's just say 105 * 8 840 so we have discrepancy between between 1125 watts versus minus [Music] 1125 285 Watts Delta here so I don't know how much power is the fans pulling right now 75 66% I don't know like I'm minus like another 100 Watts for the system uh oops 285 minus 100 I'm just guessing here so there's 100 there's an extra 85 there's extra 80 185 Watts maybe divided by 8 so maybe I got to tack on another 23 watts per 6700 XT here so I'm getting 23 megahash at like 10 I'm going to say 130 Watts 130 watts per 6700 XT AMD under reports the wattage even more on kapow than they did on eash Yamato Spirit yeah yeah I I 100% agree yep I 100% agree so I'm just going to plus this plus 105 like I'm going to say my 67 XTS are pulling like 130 Watts right 130 Watts on Capal right now that's that's my that's my guess that's my my educated guess H okay let's do it okay let's go back here the power hash rate so we're doing this by the whole B the whole amount of GPU so 23 megahash time 90 that' be 2,70 uh 27 this is in this is going to be in uh we're doing gigahash or megahash what are we doing megahash okay we're going to do megahash this is in megahash so 270 megahash so if on average I'm getting 130 watts per 6700 XT on kapow times um times uh time 90 holy crap that's 11,700 watts and this is Hash per watt uh we're doing hash rate divided by wattage right okay 0.176 watt a hash per watt okay 6800 let's go Aussie J during the Bull Run you could sell that R8 wig with 370s for about 5,000 per rig I 100% agree sebs I think you can get better efficiency than that I probably probably I would think so actually I just realized something 6700 XT Raven coin hash rate what did I even get on the 6700 XD I have a bunch of I had tested this before Raven coin oh I tested it 90 Watts okay 90 watt 96 Watts 95 Watts 94 and I'm getting wait 24.8 2 megahash wait a second wait a second what what's going on here why wait a sec where's the power at the what's the 74 Watts 74 watt here 74 Watt at 24.8 to wait what did I do here I don't remember doing this 20 73 watt okay wait wait wait wait wait wait 1340 core 650 600 1235 1073 1340 because I'm 10 off here 650 okay I'm way off I'm a little bit off here 600 V ddci I'm at 800 here 1235 and then we got 1,300 here oh my God I'm way off 1073 memory wait what oh I am way off here what am I what am I smoking oh wait I did s so I did s so back then I don't remember this 815c vdd Max 980c frequency [Music] oh wait a second yeah see kiwi Crypt Miner there you go one month ago 67 crazy 24.1 megahash 95.6 Watts at the wall okay Seb you are you are wow H how do I not how did I not remember this and how how are my these you know what what I got to put that as a video tomorrow I'm going to make a video about this I'm just going to call it I'm going to call it I'm going to call it I forgot I'm going to put in here returning I forgot my overclock settings for 6700 XT rig I don't know something like that something stupid like that okay you're getting old Panda I'm older than you guys think okay I have shortterm memory okay okay I I don't remember much anymore all right so wow okay let's go back so that was 24.8 2 mahash is 25 megahash at like 90 at 95 Watts 94 Watts 95 Watts all right all right we're going to scrap this whole number this is not this is wrong completely wrong 24.8 megahash times 90 that's 2.
2 2232 2232 and then 95 Watts at the wall the PMD 95 times 90 that's going to equal 8,550 all right that's better 8,800 550 oh 0.26 okay that looks better that that feels better 0.26 hash per watt mining King starting to get the 307s ready making a short King oh my god king you know what's coming to you King just just do you wait just do you wait techman member for 46 months what's up man OG in the house just buy them all making my head hurt hey you know what I want to figure this out I I want to make sure my purchase is going to be a thoughtful one okay listen I'm I'm going to be spending a lot of money here okay mining King did I miss your other Super Chat no start I like that they have a like button on here too that's awesome mning King thank you bro thank you um Min King Once Upon a Time my overclocks dude trust me dude when did I $199 through Super Chat starting to get the 370s ready making a short 370s ready you know what just because twitch emote said that I'm going to call them 370s from now on this this video was a year ago July 27th 2022 this was a year and a half ago no wonder I don't no wonder I don't remember this [Music] video H that's great okay 6 what about the 6800 I never played with the 6800 so I can't say what the hash rate is here so that means the 6700 XT kapow hash right here is wrong 23.4 megahash at 109 Watts this is wrong hash rate.
If you're watching this right now this is wrong this is this is very wrong that means profitability on kapow is even better it's even better got got to change these numbers got to change these numbers Seb 3,70 uh okay six okay um oh I forgot to go through man I forgot to go through uh mine something's uh sheet here ah let's see here efficiency let's see here efficiency plus Value Plus value per hash rate street price value oh PSU cables yeah there you go density okay here you go this is where this is where the density Factor okay grade yeah yeah yeah that's exactly exactly so as you go lesson cards right the value the value there you you're spending Less on you know motherboard all that kind of stuff interesting interesting hash rate grade 4090 100% 4080 63 oh I'm getting a phone call one second one second the 10 KS zero Pros have arrived the giveaway 10 ksz Pros I got to go pick them up they're like 45 minutes away they have arrived and they are all going to be giv away to you guys somehow I got to go they're like you got to come pick it up now it's taking so much space like damn it thanks to BP by the way say thank you to BP in the live chat thank you to BP he's the one who has donated 10 KS Z Pros for the community we're going to be giving away one every week every single week okay Bros um okay I'm I don't want to I I want to finish this I'm very I'm very curious okay so 6,800 XT uh Kow okay let's just let's just let's just get some compound numbers here 32 megahash 139 Watts all right so let's do this guys 32 * 77 that's going to be 2 464 2 464 Mega hash and then the power set is 1 they said 139 139 Watts H I personally have not I don't think I've tested the 6800 so 139 * 77 is going to be 10,703 10,703 Watts okay that's not too bad that doesn't seem too far 0.23 hash per watt okay okay okay okay okay that doesn't seem too bad doesn't seem too too bad um okay 4060 TI what's the 460 TI kapow BP rules BP Eagles Big Papa thank you BP thank you BP rocks BP VC hell yeah I'll take a few off your hands I uh I got to go get them and I'm going to record a video and then talk about how we're going to give them away we're going to do like tons of different giveaways like Discord Twitter so make sure you guys follow me on on Twitter and all that kind of stuff uh Discord as well and on YouTube obviously okay um 4060 TI kapow okay I never tested any 40 series cards so I'm going to have to go by hash rate.
numbers here I know overboard Tech overboard Tech has tested the 40 series so but he's not here to give us the numbers [Music] um uh kapow 19.77% 68 1344 megahash 1344 megahash at 95 watt so 95 95 * 68 64 60 6460 okay so that's going to be efficiency of 0.2 oo wow 460 TI is not good on kapow not good not good on kapow right okay I think we've already determined that a while ago um is there any difference in hash rate for this 8 gab and 16 I don't think so I'm just going to put the same here uh well actually uh 19 I'm just going to put 20 Mega hash times 60 1,200 1,200 at 95 Watts 95 95 * 60 is 5700 watts okay okay so okay that's 0.21 so yeah okay 0.21 efficiency not too bad hash Force only a slight bump to 16 GB version I have both oh okay hash Force yes 460 TI is not good at kapow okay I see I see I see okay determine that okay now the lustrous 3070 my bulk deal now this is where it comes down what's the hash rate what's the efficiency hash rate power usage of a 3070 on kapow generally ampere ampere [Music] 370 uh 30.59 meash at 150 watts yeah that sounds about right so 30 30 30 megahash 50 Watts okay so 30 mahash time 108 324 324 Mega hash oh boy 150 watts though that's that sounds like a lot 150 times that sounds about right though 150 time 108 that's 16,200 Watts oo Ash for wat is 0.2 so that's the same okay so funny it's like same efficiency but it's like triple like the amount of I'm spending is double almost triple the [Laughter] power from if I were to buy 68 4060 TI I'd only use 6400 watts versus if I were to with these 108 that I may potentially I think I'm going to buy it I'm going to be then using 16,000 Watts so pretty much an extra 10,000 Watts just by looking at this though I will be gaining an extra like 2,000 megahash here wow wow interesting interesting very interesting what would okay just quick I just want to a quick quick gauge here would you guys go for the 108 370s or 68 8 4060 TI at $27,000 this is at $227,000 uh yeah value of gpus so I could have an extra 10,000 Watts but then I had to spend another if I want to use up more power obviously then I can buy more gpus right ah tell him you'll give him 25k fry Bay 68 46 because you need less cases sebs 307s yeah 40 series need to mine elf right I mean it wasn't that yeah but yeah okay you know man this is you know there's so many like comparing Apples to Apples like comparing like 6,000 watts versus 6,000 Watts uh 16,000 watts of 4060 TI versus 16,000 watts of 307s but then it's then the dollar amount that I put here 27 Grand is that that metric is out the window so I'm if I were to equal out the same amount of wattage of of 4060 TI it would be astronomically more expensive you know what I mean you know what I mean um 3070 is allrounder yes I I agree BC BC 27k equals 3.24 uh gigahash but 27k equals 1.3 1344 4070 TI um yeah exactly exactly I'm getting much less I'm getting much less hash rate right uh Patrick mury i' take the 307s now and sell them down the road into 5,000 series cards we didn't even get okay this is where I want to talk about that the pros and cons we didn't we didn't even get we didn't even get into this yet like this is where the fun begins I think because I don't think I'm going to sell them right I I I never sell my gpus so that's a whole that's a whole other that's a whole other thing um full and I think the what I was going to say later is that you know if I have these 108 370s and then the bow run came around this amount of hash rate that I can achieve here for kapow let's say for instance Capal a Capal coin decides to pop off and profitability is like oh I'm making $10 a day per 3070 yeah that could happen you know if I'm making $10 a day per 3070 that's like $11,000 a day wait did I make that did is that a 108 time oh 108 time $10 a day for instance that's that's like making ,80 $1,000 a day if some Capal coin popped off in the bow run like that that that could be that's that's a great way like to look at it um but then you know yeah you you could say sure I could spend triple the money and buy the same amount of 40 60 TI granted granted though I'd have to buy more octom miners more server cases because you know at $700 each so 7 you know you got to factor that all in as well it's it gets expensive if you're trying to equal the same amount of wattage here oh this is this is great this this is this is great um sebs you said three times the hash rate means three times the coins in your wallet I agree yes also three times the power [Laughter] consumption uh yeah okay what's the 4090 what's the 40 90 hash rate of Capal this is this is an interesting one to me I want to know the 490 hash [Music] rate Sky Doge 67 megahash 67 megahash 65 uh Patrick mvy 490 is 65 mahash 299 Watts that sounds a lot sounds like a lot 65 mahash times 14 of them okay that'll give me 910 megahash so that's okay and then the power consumption has 299 299 time 14 14 of them that's 4186 4186 power that's going to be a whoer hash of pretty much the same as the 4060 ti so fully electric if you are concerned about power consumption I'm not I'm I am I am 100% not concerned about power consumption I I have four 2 40 volt 30m circuits I need to realistically realistically fill so um that's going to be so 4 * 30 amp uh 30 amp is 120a but at 80% uh that's going to equal what's the realistically uh 96 right 96 96 amps uh usage right so 96 amps so uh it's 240 * 96 equals 20 23,000 Watts you usable uh 23,000 Watts I can use for gpus on my on this octom Miner wall with the 4 30 amps I can use 23,000 Watts usable 80% rule so um hosting that's like sending children to boarding school uh Patrick Murphy okay 6,800 okay I'm sorry Patrick mury I'm I'm going to keep going here 600 XT you said is 35 Mega .32 * 68 of them that's going to give us 24 2 4 1.76 megahash and then you said power consumption is 139 Watts time 68 so that's going to give us 9,4 52 that's a Whopper hash of25 very efficient AMD cards very very efficient um 6800 we did that already uh 4070 TI 460 TI is 323 for gigabyte cards ah good old gigabyte cards man ah 47 3287 149 okay thank you Patrick thank you 32.8 7 * 36470 TI that that would give us 183.2 and then you said uh power consumption is 149 149 * 36 okay so 536 53 64 that's hash pada of 22 H 27 TI not a strong Contender uh 6600 XT 17.4 megahash 17.4 megahash times 150o 2610 megahash and you said 67 Watts yeah that's more so 70 * 150 that's 10,500 Watts 2.24 yeah really yeah 6700 XT for the win man damn um Patrick Ry 29.63 this is for the 360 TI 360 TI is 29 29.63 * 108 this is like the 30 370 right 3200 megahash and then you said 149 Watts yeah that's like 370 108 that's going to be 16 16092 Ash per watt is 0.19 a little bit little bit a little bit a little bit down all track you haven't factored the bulk price for these other cards you should take x% off the price per cost for True comparison to the x3s start again all track we listen nobody is selling the listen the reality is nobody is selling these other cards in bulk uh except for the 307s I don't know anyone there's nobody out there that's selling 40 60 TI in bulk pricing okay there's no such thing even if you were to buy them Micro Center or Best Buy in bulk like in trying to order them in bulk in quotes bulk you're still you're going to be charged the same it's it's it's not going to be like 350 for 4060 TI or something like unless you're maybe unless I don't know unless you're some sort of reseller or you know somebody I don't I I don't know I don't know if someone could if someone could give more insight on that like I mean it's reality is I I I can't I there's no I have like this or this bulk pricing of these 370s come from another minor I don't think we're going to get from another minor like 409s you know 40 like a whole bunch of them for less than $1,800 $1,700 you know it's it's it's it's it's going to it's going to be crazy man it's going to be crazy uh Patrick mury did I miss the 3090 okay you said 50 megahash 50 point 21 * 34 17.7 Mega hash and then you said 320 Watts okay time 34 10,888 Watts yeah that's a lot o not not efficient not efficient okay 5700 XT is 26.4 mahash 107 Watts uh I have true 5700 XTS right now um I can give more rough yeah mine are silicon lottery plays a huge role on these things I'm getting 24 Mega like 40 Watts 135 Watts uh so I'm going to say yeah sure 24 * 200 okay that's four oh yeah 4,800 that's the most hash rate but the power consumption is going to be massive it's like 13 5 at the wall or more time 200 27,000 Watts that's going to go over my 80% rule 1 1.17 dude more efficient than the 3090 at that rate at that that bulk price um ask Hawk he's got a blinding deal on gpus Krypto KJ ah I love it gskt red pen of mining you also need to consider time effort stress you were going to have to set up 108 gpus have you factored that um gskt I've definitely factored that in my head here the process of me not buying these 108 bulk 307s versus me going out and trying to buy each singular GPU at decent prices on average is is I I can't even fathom it there's I have zero time I have zero time to do that okay if I were to spend my time slowly to start accumulating 150 6600 XTS at average price of $180 there's no way there there's absolutely there's absolutely no way it's like the factor my time and like the time I could have made doing something else probably like this is going to go up to like $250 per 60 but my time is sun cost anyway right it's like it's not even it's not even uh it's not even a thing so um okay so kapal done we're done kapow oh wait we didn't do the 3070 normal uh pricing 84 * 30 megahash that's 25 2540 and then 2520 megahash at 150 watts so 84 * 150 is uh 84 * 150 is 12 600 watts that's going to that 0.2 okay all right okay so let's see for 27 Grand for 27 Grand the highest hash rate that I can achieve here is going to be with buying 5700 XTS but that's 200 5700 XTS got to consider more risers more motherboards more CPUs more RAM more psus more cables All That Jazz it yeah it it's it's probably going to go up even more I don't have that factor in here but you guys get the idea wattage a lot more power 27,000 Watts 0.17 okay so we do it by hash per or hash per watt now uh the Best Buy okay efficiency wise is going to be the two uh the 6700 XT so vers okay I forgot to talk about the comparison against the the bulk 370 order so the bulk 370 order in hash rate wise is second place okay so this order this one here is second place against the 5700 XTS but granted like like I said I have to fill up my my 10 octom miners I currently have it's going to be about 80 gpus so that's yeah okay so that's that but the power consumption is going to be quite massive okay oh oh let me delete this it's going to be massive 27,000 Watts the next best one is going to be the 370s at 16,200 Watts so if I mine with these 108 gpus 370s I'm going to use that much power oh man that's going to be a lot okay so now the efficiency wise okay yeah 6700 XD wins in that regard but the 307s they're going a little bit down here so the 4060 TI are a little bit more efficient on Capal or for the amount that I'm spending uh oh I forgot to do the dollar per hash thing yeah yeah hold on we got to do the dollar per hash thing dollar per hash so that's equals 27,000 right uh divided by hash so this is Kow okay so this is by this is by megahash okay so the lower the lower the number the better lower the the dollar amount the better so in terms of the value that I'm spending to Garner this hash rate per Mega hash $833 per so the 3070 range in at at second place here because we're achieving 3,240 megahash versus you know if I were 6600 XTS I only get 2610 2.6 gigahash um if I try to buy if I try to buy you know used 3070 prices be 320 roughly only get 2.5 gigahash um sebs told you 36 TI are no slouch on me alos yeah 360 TI is is pretty good pretty good too yep yeah it is so to buy at normal like used prices for 30 60 TI that's pretty good it's pretty good not bad not bad at all not bad not bad um let's see uh so that's not yeah that's pretty good that's pretty good uh let's see here 5700 XT I just I'm just laughing at the 5700 XT buy here I I love I love this it always shows up at the top because it's like the most cheapest you're getting the most cards but it doesn't factor in like buying like more octom miners to fill up and like probably a lot of stress okay I'm going to have to say setting up 2 200 5700 XTS is going to be the most stressful thing ever I have to I have to be honest with you guys my 5700 X I got a 5700 XT rig right now that's not even up because it's been down for the past 10 days cards just keep dropping off keep dying I have absolutely no idea why um overboard Tech told me to repaste and repad all of them um yeah I just I I can't even okay all right so all right we got we got we got the general numbers here roughly you know for kapow so the 3070 bulk is pretty good okay it's pretty good and then for alium um it was also it was also pretty good hold on uh 409s is like last place see 370s for lithium is in second place 5700 XTS is first um hash rate wise 12526 for all of them so that's pretty good uh efficiency wise for lithium it's fifth place not bad 4090 is am I read I thought the 4090 was like really efficient on mining a lithium wait wait I'm stupid I'm stupid no I I was I'm comparing buying the same value 27 Grand worth okay so that's not a fair comparison okay not a fair comparison so a 4090 does what on a lithium 6.51 gash 361 Watts wow uh 6 that that's going to be a what that's going to be a Whopper hash of what 0.2 0.02 gigahash per watt 6.51 6.51 350 uh 361 okay oh this is not in dollar value I'm going to do Mega hash how do I how do I undo that okay and then um a 37d was what I just I just wanted to compare like just efficiency wise 1 point something 1.32 G 94 Watts okay2 at 90 90 90 how much man short-term memory 94 Watts this one should be number two oh so that's going to be what's the watt per hash is going to be uh divided by that so the the 4090 is 014 more efficient than the 3070 okay Patrick Murphy uh you know what I do yeah I know I know of this I know of this efficiency chart thing on like uh a lithium but it it it doesn't it's not as in-depth you know what I mean like it it doesn't go it just says 0.02 you know what I mean like I wish I wish it would um I wish it' be more like more decimal places but I guess it is kind of you know like that um okay so now what now let's do the pros and cons okay okay okay Pros let's go what's the pro of buying these you guys want to do Pros first or cons being 10% more efficient will matter little when cards are making $5 each a day yeah M spirit that is a great way to look at it great way great way8 more things that can go wrong GSK blue I don't know what that means all right we're you guys want to start with cons all right what's the cons give it to me con radon sevens are better oh my God SS no radon sevens no we're not even going to go there Noe not even we're we're not even going to go there no radon sevens yeah screw it we're just going to start both you guys are doing both all right Pros they are EVGA cons they are EVGA what's the why is there a con that they're EVGA yes I I agree with the pros these EVGA 3070 x3s are great they're also two slotted and like uh not not low profile but you know regular uh regular height so server cases are amazing with them okay cons Patrick Murphy they are not getting any younger what what kind of con is that I mean you're right you're right I mean they're a little bit older but cons you are Canadian Adam Johnson you are banned you are now banned from this channel you've been timed out for 10 seconds warranty transferable I don't care about I don't care about warranty um let's see here they are okay so a con is okay is a con is their 8 Gaby can we expand on that can we expand on that Gamers with higher resolution monitors are going to need more vram so Pros I never sell my gpus maybe trade sometimes going along hard reselling for gamers I'm going to have to say that's probably it's it is a thing it is a thing but if mining cuz mining is 8 GB 8 GB um vram for mining is going to be good for a long time like I I don't see I I don't see any I don't see any and regarding mining I don't see any negative about 8 GB of ream Patrick Murphy 8 g con 8 gab day size for Raven coin reach approximately October 29th 2030 yeah no the 370s will be gone by then by the time it by the time it hits 2030 I it'll be [Laughter] gone mind something well balanced on all alos uh well said well said well balanced on all alos 100% 100% Nick C 16,000 and Watts okay is that a con is that really a con it is 16,000 Watts really a con for kapow that is is that really a con I don't know if I could put that in or not BC Patrick Murphy if they last till 2030 there are other issues hey hey hey hey hey BC hey just cuz I have addiction just cuz I have an addiction all right Pro you can gloat that you own 108 307s well [Music] sure um mining for all density Factor over new newer generation mining for all is that a pro or con sorry I'm I'm not understanding that one con you are addicted to GPU GSK is that a con is being addicted to G is being addicted to GPU a con uh Chuck danger redend mining they will be equivalent to current 1660 sup profitability efficiency during during the bar run what oh during the next bar run oh I I see I see I see I see that's a con you're saying you're saying the 30 series are going to be the next 16 series Z Miner are they lhr 307s uh I don't think it uh shouldn't matter anymore the drivers it doesn't matter anymore it's I need 20 307s Pro the bus length comparing against 40 series yes yes Lucas bomman thank you yes that is a great technical Point bus width is 256 bit bus versus comparable 40 series obviously is 192 bit I believe like 470 is 19 192 bit bus right that's why the hash rate is not strong on uh like 47 470 tech power up yeah 40 see 40 series 40 4070 is 192 bit bus the 370 is 256 uh two RTX 370 tech power up power yeah two 256 2 56 bit for 3070 granted 8 GB versus a 12 but I mean for mining well there's even less RS on the 470 compared to the 370 has 96 tmus is the exact same 184 184 The KES Cuda KES is the same on the 470 to a 3070 so the 370 has more bus width so that's why like the memory and kapow is much stronger on these gpus in in a in a sense I love my 307s best bang for the buck currently my opinion yes yes con not as good on kapal Patrick Murphy are you talking about the 307s not as good yeah if we're comparing if we're comparing to 6,000 series you're right you're right it's not it's not I'd call [Music] him yes by by a pretty decent margin like if I were to buy 27 Grand worth of 6700 XTS I could be but granted I've only I only get 2.2 gigahash versus the 3.2 but I am using double the power yeah um it's a con it limits the multi- mining on one card z uh okay uh BC think of think of how fast you could game on 108 370s you can get a 10,000 FPS God damn it BC uh sebs Pro Are you seriously going to go out and buy hundreds of 6600 XTS on eBay no definitely [Music] not am I going to go out and buy the other gpus individually rather than bulk no no I'm Not So Pro Panda can make a 50 GP rig that is that does not exist okay that that that does not exist H for mining 8 GB is decent enough for the next run yes we got that in there already con deploying 108 more device okay I don't think that's a con but is that a con no deploying 108 gpus I mean for Me Maybe maybe Patrick Murphy if it were if it were me I'd also try to flip or trade half of them because I like half AMD and half Nvidia yeah I'm I'm already heavy I'm already very heavy uh I'm already heavy on um Nvidia right I mean you guys know I have mostly Nvidia cards but I have my share my fair share of AMD um radon 7s a lot of I have 48 6600 XTS already which I love I love those cards um with enough zip ties anything is possible shes godam it God damn it uh BC with epic you can have 256 PC so go with 1 x you can put 256 gpus on a single rig too bad no OS would support it right [Music] right jimc this thing about the issues I have with 50 cards you're [ __ ] insane yeah I trust me I'm I'm already stressing about it like I'm going to make another Farm if I buy these 370s which let you guys know I'm doing it I'm going to do it okay and actually we're going to be trading for the for the 307s and we're not we're not I'm not actually going to be well in theory it's like yeah we're going to be spending like that much but we're going to be trading in Hardware now can you guys guess what I'm going to trade for the gpus I'm going to do I'm going to do a video for that I'm going to do a video for that con 370s aren't as good as for AI as the 4090 oh that's a that's a great Point yeah that's a great Point 30 370s AR aren't as good for AI as a 490 yeah you can't you can't agree you cannot dis I I cannot I cannot argue against that I mean if I were to cons you know what con is yeah I can't I I won't be able to Pivot to [Music] AI I guess in a profitable manner I have to invest in more like I I have to invest in bigger CPUs motherboards X8 x16 Lane stuff you know like I can't I I I won't be able to do it Con they aren't 370 TI I I don't think the 370 TI is is a efficiency wise I'm going to say 370 TI is not a good is not a good GPU cons you'll still want to buy more no trading 307s with k z Pros no first born I wish just kidding I love my son cons you'll still want to buy more training pinball Parts no is pro it isn't Pro it isn't 40 series is that a pro crypto wealth 40 series is honestly the best GPU lineup you could invest in right now super efficient low power draw AMD doesn't even care about power draw they just crank up the watts to the max not really not entirely I mean mining like radiant or lithium on like the 6000 series cards they're pretty good too you know they're pretty good they're actually very efficient they're actually very efficient [Music] um yeah they're actually really efficient um jetto mining King Sal is cast Miner so you're next maybe maybe sebs this AI con is true for the 490s too you'd still need a better CPU mobile Ram Etc yeah you're yeah exactly exact that's true yeah I forgot about that y if I mean yeah I'm going to have to invest in the CP RAM and stuff for the 490 I mean the C the costs are relative right because it's you need to have the baller CPU motherboard Ram know bigger bigger power supply more efficient power supply I don't know you know all that all that stuff it's all you're going to need that all for AI anyway no matter what no matter what GPU it is um what about the 4070 super ah I heard I think overbo overboard Tech already did the video I I'm not doing the uh I'm not he said the 40 series The 4070 super or the super cards were not were not that good so and the price for them it just doesn't didn't make didn't make sense um in a way but if the bull Ren came that 4070 super any Super Cards I'm sure they would go up in price as well so it's not to say that it's not like it's not like I can say that the 307s won't go up in price as well in the bull run so is that a pro or a con like if we're I think it's it's it's all relative anyway because if the bull run happens all gpus are going to go up in price it's not just going to be 307s it's not it's not just going to be the 40 series cards Homebrew crypto con 307s are likely as efficient as they can get no more tweaking to be found sure that's sure I can put that in but see this is okay I'm I'm curious when the 50 series comes out if it's going to be a generational leap I mean I hope it is because if I heard that the 50 Series will have the 256 bit bus or like 52 I think they said 512 bit bus on the 40 on the 5090 the the 4090 the 4090 has a uh 40 tech power up 4090 has a 384bit bus okay if they if the new flagship 50 Series 5090 has a 512 bit bus and if it goes up across the board like 37 uh 507s have like a 256 or something it's going to be the next it's going to be like the series buy of 2025 if they if they come out in 2025 so here's a pro I just thought of something buy and mine with these 307s now profit or ble profit profit and huddle coins till the B run then use that profit to buy into the 50 Series Nvidia cards I think I talked about that I talked about that in my goals video a while back I said I was just going to mine with everything that I have now you know and like save up for the 50 Series cards if they do if they do come out so I have these you know great well balanced mind something thank for this this one here well balanced 3070 on all alos that I can then you know profitably and also huddle and then you know if the bull run comes I can then use these gpus to then also churn a profit at the same time uh if they if there is going to be profitability in the Bull Run not Financial advice we'll see how that goes right uh so so at the same time I can then maybe if I have time if I have time to do it is then start selling off my other my other gpus which I have you know I have 20 series cards you know I want to get rid of my radon I know I'm not going to get rid of my Ron sevens I want to get rid of them cuz they're just so crazy but like other GPS that I have I can install those off and then you know start start going into 50 Series you know that's that's kind of like my thought process with this whole thing as well right everything um BG go with 3070 sell during the bull run for profit no brainer man okay yep okay okay the lower 50 Series are going to be 40 series they couldn't sell okay Intel arcs a750 is 200 would you buy 135 of those no um sold 35th Anniversary one please black hat team con you need a bigger basement no I don't my basement will be will be just it'll be just fine I say that now and then once watch watch summertime come around it's going to be horrible a single flight cheat for 100 cards oh Pro all track this is a great one yes a single flight sheet for 100 108 307s and they are all the same model that is a great Pro that is that is a great pro sebs pro the fact that they are all evj make them rare and more sought after in the future I'll put that here uh you know what oh uh let's let's just put that in here um the fact that they are evj makes them rare and more sought after in the future 100% right jepetto unsub if you sell R7 whatever you do leave enough room for the wife techman the whole basement is [Laughter] mine Alexander roie red pen mining if the bull run comes 108 37s would be worth more than let's say 30 40 70 supers right you're right sebs because EVGA stopped making gpus is what I mean right right right right yes right Patrick Murphy Pro increased production of panda on a Sweat by 10 God all right um okay guys I think that's it pro you can have a land party and frag friends that's true a lot of gpus for gaming okay okay guys I think that's it I'm going to do it we're going to do it we're going to do it [Music] okay but it comes with a cost there's going to be some Asic miners missing there's going to be some Asic miners that are going to be traded So Pro content yeah that's true fun stream Ty RPM s sometimes thank you that was really fun that was really fun I don't think we've we I did the best I could to put some info here you know comparing if I were to Apples to Apples in terms of buying gpus now uh other options and it seems to be it seems to be good seems to be a decent buy seems to be a pretty decent buy okay I will see you all in another in the next live stream tomorrow okay I'll see you guys I see you guys later thank you so much okay I hope you're signing those k3s we'll see we'll see okay see you guys thank you so much thanks for the fun that I I I don't know if we concluded any I'm trying to think we did we conclude anything really I guess we did and the official comparison like it's not even that huge of a difference it's a it's a difference but it's not like massive you know what I mean I think the comment of someone said in the Bull Run It Doesn't Matter What GPU you have it's it's going to be profitable with you know that's that that that that has a lot of it's very true but overall generally I cannot go wrong the 3070 is is such a well balanced amazing efficient GPU generally across all alos anyway I don't think I can go wrong I don't think I don't think I can go wrong so I'll be able to Pivot into the core alos and the memory hard alos no problem right no problem at all okay gskt blue you're probably going to buy them anyway but good debate in the Stream yes exactly I just I thought it'd be fun I thought it'd be fun just to just talk about you know maybe I was missing something I don't know if I was missing something right I didn't know did we even think about like future right maybe maybe 40 series cards is going to get some amazing optimized better optimized minor in the future watch like who knows right I I don't know I really I really don't we don't know we don't know but I just want to like thought provoke think different perspective okay all right New England New England crypto what's up bro what's up bro BR crypto how are you all right I'll see you bros later have a great day thank you all for the stream buy $27,000 worth of rx580s team JFK you are banned you are now banned from this channel peace Bros thank you have a great day that was a long stream wow that was a really long stream peace out peace out smash the like on the way [Music] [Music] out [Music] [Music] [Music] oh