all right ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the brandoncoin YouTube channel we are back in the shop today and I was trying to hunt down a cooler I did a video on this one in the past it is a 2070 RTX 2070 um and the original cooler it didn't come with one it was all busted up and and broken so I strapped a case fan onto it but that's not enough to keep it cool in a mining situation uh it gets pretty warm so I pulled it back off the computer I let it run for you know a little while just to make sure everything was good it seems to be okay as long as you can keep it cool uh I think I think I'm probably just going to sell it as is I'm going to take the fan off of it and sell it with no cooler at a reduced price because sometimes it's just too much headache to try to find and Source a correct cooler for a card that isn't potentially worth a lot of money and that also brings up uh a point on so I had a 1080 get returned to me it's an EVGA for the win 1080 they said it did not work I'm going to be honest I don't have very many EVGA cards especially 10 series that don't work of course um they you know they wanted to return they're actually a really good customer they've bought things a few times so I was like we'll send it back let me check it out uh not that I don't trust you but it was going in on a uh a new build and I'm like did you check everything else first because man it's hard to beat a 1080 it really is is so um I'm going to plug this thing in hold on let's see here if we can get our uh our monitors on camera so this monitor right here is going to be the 1080 that is um my main display which is the 1030 so we'll get this bad boy plugged in I figured you know what let's do it on camera we ain't doctoring nothing lock this bad boy down plug this guy in and [Music] plug this guy in lock it down now we plug in our display and it is time to fire it up I like flipped for a second oh wow okay okay yeah something's going on the power like blips on and then it goes off let me turn that off let me unplug this unplug this turn it on well it's definitely not happy for some reason did we potentially just hurt our system I don't know can it be done with a graphics card yes yes it can so all right I removed the graphics card now let's see if I can even get the system to boot back up all right so with that graphics card removed our system does boot back up so yes in fact this 1080 is bad um it's a shame that this one wouldn't fit that cooler I guess you could like it could be rigged up um but that leads me to my next point is with these cards that are Asis like you know this one has doesn't boot up that one doesn't have a cooler I'm going to make a separate section on my website uh and it's just going to be um I don't know what what a good name for it is Asis items and then I'll just have a description of what it is and what it does or what it doesn't do that kind of thing I don't want to mix in dead or bad or parts cards maybe it's a parts section I don't want to put parts cards in with uh with the main cards and then people think that they're buying a good one when it's in reality not so that's how the cookies going to crumble on that one um probably work on that this evening um um what else I I did want to there was another card I wanted to try oh yeah I had this this is a strick 580 and apparently it has no display as well I figure let's let's throw it in let's give her a taste of the old [Music] beans and see what she does if I can get this plug in there there it is and there we go hit that well it's a little bit better than before it's at least running we have we have display off of the card apparently it didn't have display before so that is an improve no no this okay this is supposed to be the card so it doesn't have display yet we'll wait until we get into Windows because the gt1030 is my main display device so if we see display on this one that means it's working I don't see anything yet let's see if it shows up in device manager device manager Microsoft basic display adapter okay so it sees that there is a card there um I'm going to go ahead and download the drivers for it RX 580 drivers drivers and support Windows 10 uh adrenaline I think it's the yeah January February March that was released on March 20th wow that's actually a lot newer than I thought it would be um I don't have fast internet here so that is going to take about 20 or 30 minutes so I will be back with hopefully some results all right let's see here um yeah so installed the driver we now have display so I was like well let's go ahead and fire up some some Mining and see if it mines you know it's got display but will it mine um what just throw on graphics card yeah we'll throw it on Etc hash real quick all right we have lost display so we had display now we lost display and it looks like I can't get my mouse cursor to come up or respond so it looks like the system has locked up you know what we're not going to investigate that one anymore uh because it came in as bad with no display it does display but something's not right with it but it's the rx580 unfortunately they're just not worth too much troubleshooting um the price on 570s and 580s has just hit the absolute floorboard they ain't worth it no more so that's another card that I will put into the parts pile and list as as is not working for parts even though it could be potentially fixable it's not potentially fixable for me right now at least it's doesn't make Financial sense anyway guys I'm going to cut this ear uh this one early I got a head out I just got a phone call second ago but um if you like seeing some behind the scenes you know GPU testing that kind of thing let me know down below and I can definitely do more of them and if you would like for me to include something else I I'm all ears at this point so um yeah thanks for watching guys and also Shameless plug to me this video is sponsored by Me Myself and I uh my address phone number and email on there so you can contact me um any way possible call give me a call shoot me a text all that kind of stuff have a good one ladies and gentlemen