I guess we’re not there yet.

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Hello everybody welcome welcome Bros I don't know if my computer is working but it's uh it's uh [Music] um should be okay should be okay I don't I don't know actually oh wa VC thank you for the five gifted Subs good sir Yankee I wish lukew Miner what's up man a pirate uh I don't know what's going on maybe my computer is getting hacked Carm Hawk good morning Hawk what are you doing up so early Krypto bedal static Kaiser toxic Miner Nick congrats on the gifted Subs congrats Bros congrats xp1 Panda prepare yourself for 200k Bitcoin xp1 I'm ready XP XP I I ready good sir please where's the 200k Bitcoin I see you know that's what I think that's what we're all waiting for we're all waiting for that is that is that going to happen soon we need it we need it so bad that mean if Bitcoin goes to 200k that means the market cap of Bitcoin would be like 4 trillion when's it when is it coming Patrick Murphy I don't pay you good money for your excuses get it done Patrick Murphy you bastard uh let's see uh it's a pirate what CPU uh what CPU do I have uh this is a this is is a 12 gen uh Core i5 12 600k I'm yeah I5 12 600k maybe it's the CPU I mean it's working now but for now I don't know I changed out my I changed out my Ram I had a set I had a brand new set of uh 3600 uh mehz RAM I don't know is a pirate on a on a ddr4 motherboard replace the [Laughter] PC [Laughter] uh uh Pearl rival why has altcoins dpeg from Bitcoin see that's see so that's kind of what I want to tie in with uh with uh with GPU mining I guess like um we haven't seen you know we haven't seen like those you know like a dollar making like a dollar on a 3070 like we haven't seen those those times yet I mean it it it is creeping up though mind you like mind you like a 3070 I'm my Benchmark is my electrical cost and how I've been seeing like maybe a month or two ago a 370 was making you know Revenue wise like 35 cents a day now it's at 50 cents a day so there there there has been a climb like over the past 60 days on like a bunch of GPU minable proof of work coins like 55% 64% beam up 85 you know everything across the board is going up but it's not like it's not substantial enough for for us to see you know like a a typical RTX 3070 making like a dollar or $2 a day like we're we we haven't we're not there yet that's that's what that's what I wanted to that's what I wanted to get at and another thing is we we haven't seen like the funny thing is an rx5 580 at 8 cents if you're mining block X breaks even pretty much at 8 cents or 9 cents uh which is funny funny to think about but we we have seen we did look at eBay we did look at eBay the other day and it does show our RX 580s people have actually been buying rx580s which is freaking hilarious look at this look at this someone dude someone bought a 580 XFX RX 58 8 GB for 70 B $70 1060 for 50 bucks like people like November 17th November 17th this is this is literally this is today literally today people are actually buying these cars so Parts only someone bought a parts only RX 580 for for 30 bucks so there's there's legit people out there buying these cards I don't know what for but um used GP prices are creeping up in price as well dude 490s in Canada cost over 3,000 I can't I cannot find any 490s any no 490s near me D people how how did this person buy 4090 for for $1,000 how's that possible 4090 24 gig 1449 from Portugal open box okay some of these prices are are pretty are decent some of them 2,000 look at this this is Bid RTX 490 bid founders luk Miner I still got some for 1,300 us local that's that's pretty good I don't have any I don't have any local Brian 3K Canadian what is that 800 us God damn it Brian yeah it's around like uh freaking uh yeah yeah here you know what here let's go to xe.com let let's see let's see is be uh let's switch this so yeah I saw one on on my Facebook Marketplace for 3,000 Canadian that would be 2129 us freaking Insanity um but I'm Legit I I'm Legit trying to look for 649s for that octo server uh that if you guys didn't seen my unboxing video of that massive box that's what I'm I'm been trying to look for um so I'm trying to look for like not huge 409s or like blower style 409s look at this what somebody bought this oh look at this manly what is this oh oh somebody bought it great is this a blower style look at this one this one's like a smaller this one has a this one's not like a huge 490 but I'm waiting for octo server cuz they sell 490s like the smaller ones uh smaller form factor ones for I don't know how much but they would fit well in that server so that's what that's what I'm trying to that's what I'm trying to uh uh look for but anyways anyways um yeah I've just we're not there yet I don't think we're there yet for we're not there yet for GPU mining um though it is creeping up it's it definitely is creeping up okay so it's it's it's getting there it's definitely getting oh we saw uh you know the uh you know the octom miners from pcsp and know the infamous um2 $20 uh let's see here it's not working our website's not working uh here we go the infamous pcsp the the remember this okay the ones with the 470s like literally like a couple weeks ago this was selling for 220 $230 $229 about $50 cheaper or $60 cheaper $50 cheaper no 60 plus 30 plus yeah 60 bucks cheaper so it's gone up 60 bucks no 60 bucks the prices of them are creeping up so it's just interesting to see that this has gone up to this has gone up 20 $30 as well VC uh how many 490s do you want VC I am looking for six do you have 49 I'm willing to trade what do you want to trade what do you have BC um today I bought an ice server al2 from Crypt Miner Bros using your coupon to get $70 discount nuke uh al2 an al2 interesting let's see what's a what's a al2 al2 light and what is the price of them right now what is what is this let's see al2 al2 al3 Al box 3 al2 late 749 ah this thing ah okay is this thing even what's what's this thing making right now and what is aium at what is is leum at I I don't check at all anything with the leum a116 oh man oh alium better make alium better make it alium al2 al2 light makes right now at at 10 at 10 cents kilow hour makes $216 a day okay income is$ 344 after 10 cents electric 224 okay all right that's not that's not terrible for a little tiny Miner like this okay interesting backwards Miner red P of mining 43 GP rig oh my God oh my God heck no it does not make that much BC wrong al2 light yeah I'm I yeah let me check another site let me check another I say al2 al2 light okay on hash rate.

It says $4 it says $4 a day uh after 8 cent after 10 cent after 10 cents this thing makes 273 so we're we got a little 70 Cent discrepancy here interesting I got one running now 0.52 24hour oh oh okay so wow BC the the numbers are real real bad then don't scrap with Texas what about six 1770 supers you mean 1660 supers in an octo server I don't think that's going to work backwards minor I ran out of pcie lanes the BIOS error was 43 so the max is 43 with that server wow backwards minor 43 that's crazy that's absolutely crazy that's absolutely crazy um still no Wi-Fi on the al2 light there's still no Wi-fi I have not heard of any uh I have not heard of any um firmware update uh for those things for people that have them I have the I have the ks2 late the The Ice River one the yeah the ks2 but uh warranty cont tutorial now this is where their this is where their firmware download is let's see uh ks2 ks2 light oh there is a there is a firmware here but al2 light I don't see any I don't see any al2 light firmware so I haven't heard of any firmware update for the ks2 or al2 for the for the Wi-Fi so yeah no no no Wi-fi Cracker Jack any recommendations on script merge mining miners cracker Jack oh it's that time again well I I hate I hate to recommend script miners right now because these things used to be a lot cheaper like a couple months back and even like a year or two ago they were even better so from my perspective now it's like sure you know where we are in the market right now this might they might this might be the you know beginning stages and so the thought process of buying L9 and uh or DG On's or anything right now you're you're you're going to pay a little bit more you're you're paying you're definitely paying a little bit more of a premium on on these things um and so my recommendation I I I don't know if I can recommend you know buying this stuff now because it it's it's definitely a couple thousand more now for for for a lot of this stuff like I know I know a lot of people are looking for um l9s uh l9s is probably one of the most sought after but the the price okay so crypto Miner Bros it looks like they have spot pricing $3,299 right now November batch December batch 12,200 January batch 11, 2 200 April batch $76.99 oh my God so dude this is this is going to be dude that's like 6 months 7 six months from now April L9 dude I mean by then who knows maybe we could have insane times crypto might be insane by then but you know I I just it's the prices of these things have definitely been going up they've definitely been going up but if you're willing to take that risk right now the L 9's if you can get the current batch right now it's it's definitely making a pretty penny these things are making uh I know it says $55 a day 63 65 uh daily income right Revenue so I think I'm mining Dutch this thing makes like 72 or $75 a day right now $70 a day on mining so manave HTO says this is 3 to 4K more than 4 weeks ago yes the prices have gone up like 3 to 4K yep 100% 100% they they've the prices of these things have definitely gone up and uh it's uh so if you're willing to take that risk now like it's it's very it's very interesting so [Music] um uh if you are if you are planning okay if you're if you are planning on buy I'm not I'm not saying it's a bad time to buy I'm not saying it's a bad time if you're if you're planning on buying go check out my website I got coupon codes to all the top Asic minor uh websites you get uh some of them get $70 off some of them get $190 off uh yeah yeah so check it check it out I think coin mining Central let me see what their prices are let me see uh I think they just gave me $190 coupon L7 let's see L9 okay let's see L9 January November batch 13888 oh that's a that's quite a bit more than I think crypto Miner Bros what was crypto Miner Bros 18 13888 13888 let's see L9 l o the vul D1 Miner oh no that thing is like 4,000 watts 13299 oh way cheaper yeah minor Bros seems to be a little bit way way cheaper way cheaper um at this point in time for November batch even uh okay but yeah anyways I just do your own research um this stuff is is uh you know you're paying a pretty penny now um who knows though if crypto keeps start going up Dogecoin goes up even more then uh you know these things you could resell these things for much more later down the road just depends on uh if you want to risk you want to risk it now um obviously the best time to get into this stuff was like last year when the L7 was like selling for like 22 $2,300 at one point and now they're selling for like 78 ,000 so uh it's uh yeah that that's how I how I look at it you know the bare Market was the best time to buy to buy this stuff um now you're getting into it it's you're you're tacking on a bit more uh you're tacking on a bit more risk so um Z pirate thumbnail showed GPU why are we talking asex again because someone asked me a question a pirate listen GP mining is dead Asic for life just kidding just kidding I'm it it the interest in gpus and as6 is is such a it's such a it's it's quite a huge difference now it's it's it it's very apparent that a lot of people are are getting into uh the Asic mining game because of the money aspect gpus I mean I'm I'm I'm still full on I I have I have three I have essentially three locations now with gpus with hundreds of gpus now I still got to set up the barn I really got to I really got to get the barn going Z pirate all in CPU mining H I do think uh Patrick Murphy I do think there is a Tipping Point where the returns are going to Warrant the release of the next gen minor uh Patrick M Murphy you're talking about for for what when Joko Tech I dude Loco Tech I have absolutely no idea like I don't have any faith anymore like I've had no faith actually actually since the beginning I I they haven't had a an actual freaking prototype of this thing yet so I'm still very skeptical extremely skeptical Kaiser what happened to stop avoiding I'm not avoiding any question all right what happened to locco Tech I don't know you tell me you you tell me I hope nobody I really truly hope nobody pre-ordered this thing here loo attack here the last thing they said all right all right let me let's let's go look at their let's go look at their their their Twitter all right let's go see here uh let's see see all right um let's see all right here we go here we go all all right for everyone all right it says here for everyone eager eagerly waiting uh local Tech's final power simulations simulations for our script ASAC they're finally here we achieved an impressive 0.079 Jew per meah has on the 12 nanometer node meaning each Asic will have a hash rate of 9.75 mahash at 0.77 Watts exciting times ahead we can't wait to bring our product line to Market in 2025 I don't I don't know like like we need to like we we legit need to see an actual freaking hash board I don't want to see final power simulations okay I mean I feel like they're just I don't know what's going on I I don't know I I'm really I'm I hope I hope people don't lose money on their pre-orders I really really truly hopefully hope that nobody loses their their preorders retro mic tech locco tech equals squirrel 2.0 oh my god sqrl oh retro mic if that happens again bro we called it like we we definitely called it like long ago oh my my God that'll that'll be super sad that'll be super sad uh Jason tiger osor right P of mine when will we see another Code 42 on your radon sevens never I am never taking those radon sevens out ever again never again as a pirate 12 Nom laau that's bad yeah you're telling me is it fair that they they fair to say they fed everyone yep uh smoking down trying to work out the next gpus to get 637s on 6X 170h X's 370s cheaper shipping cost and faster to get what are your thoughts in terms of longer lasting mining cards Smokey Den um uh I think um I don't think you can go wrong with 370s uh yeah I I don't think you can go wrong with 307s definitely not how much are 30 how much are 307s now RTX 37s let's see how much are these so okay people okay people have been buying these for over $300 okay definitely the price of 370s are going up if people are buying these for that much money that's uh that's a sign GPU prices are going up 100% wow uh what about the CMP 210s these are really good gpus too um now is anyone actually selling these right now let's see uh $250 ooh 250 175 clever trading 88 selling 42 sold huh hey there's some people out there still selling these for a decent $34 shipping though oo yeah these are really good the CMP cards are are really good though they're not great on like core a lot of core coins but they're really great on like memory ones kapow zealous uh Alo uh it's good on it's good on a lot of a lot of those coins Smokey Den the 178 HX are 286 each where where CMP 170h 645 five these are like over $500 gpus how where are you getting them for 286 I will I need I need to build a rig of them dude there's there's some people there oh Parts only 269 oh Smokey Dan not telling so I can keep the cost low Smokey Dan you message me on Discord right now do not gatekeep do not gatekeep the seller from me you bastard I I know where you live uh buy them all tell then tell Panda hey hey that's not the way okay that's not the way that is not the way all right I ordered three from Canada backwards Miner 170 HX okay nice nice nice nice uh Patrick mvy no I really don't think they're trying to F people I think they didn't properly estimate something resulting in them needing more cash than anticipated um Patrick you're talking about local Tech yeah I don't know man it's kind it's they they they have claimed claimed to have this out like last like I think second quarter of this year now it's like fourth quarter this year I don't know man I I'm I hope I hope so like I hope it comes out but so far it's not looking hopeful we haven't seen any actual like hash rate like you know like an actual you know prototype you know that type of thing so retro mic at LTC something I was talking about local Tech about sqrl and they laughed and they they laughed at me and they said software firmware was the easiest piece huh interesting interesting um BC best price for L7 9.5 uh BC I don't know I don't think I would I don't think I'd buy l7s now man I I I don't I don't know man I you know I'd probably look at the alpha PEX the alphapex d1's now are I think they're they're in stock dg1 pluses they're they're in stock though how much are those let's see let's see Alpha pack Alpha pack yeah Alpha pack uh 10,800 definitely have gone up a couple thousand over the past couple months definitely but they're in stock the alphapex dg1 pluses are in stock and what are these making right now let's see 45 uh 504 $ a day so another tack on another five or six bucks on mining D so like 60 bucks a day on this Miner that's crazy yeah that's that's actually that's really crazy at this point in time um all right uh bros we're another 10 more minutes and then uh 13 more minutes then we're hitting up uh okay I need I question for you guys what what kind of what computer should I make I I need uh uh I I need to make a new computer I think I I'm going to I'm I'm just going to do it today I'm just going to buy a new computer all right uh which CPU should I get am I going AMD or am I going a Intel uh Oliver rxd is pumping oh is it let's see rxd radiant oh I mean it pumped a few days ago not uh yeah yeah it's it's going yeah radiant is going up a little bit um it's still not it's still not up as uh what it what it was like before but uh it's doing something it's doing something um okay back to the CPU all right what do you guys are saying AMD Max all right Max says AMD all right let me let let me do let me do a poll let me do a poll AMD or Intel AMD Intel start Pole the fud is about the 9 9800 X 3D but way too expensive I will go Intel Dom G okay interesting um build a dual epic max out uh jock Miner reach out to Brown coin you fool he'll fix you up good okay uh I don't I don't want something old I want something new I want something new I want new uh let's see all right 86% of you all right a lot of you guys are just saying AMD okay but what okay here okay here this is the question though here let me start the poll which AMD processor which one the 79 50x uh wait 79 50x yeah 7950 x uh the 7800 x3d or what's the new one 99 what wait wait wait wait what's what's the new one you said 99 AMD AMD 9950 AMD CP just 99 9900x 9950 X okay 9950 X or 9900x what's the different all right let me just all right start pull 9900x is 382 [Music] uh 9 9700x is 320 uh 9950 X where's the 9950 x 950x what there's no there is no 9950 X on Amazon the [Music] hell uh luk War Miner says 9800 3 x3d is greater than 7800 x3d 9800 [Music] x3d okay I don't even have okay I didn't even have a 9800 x3d as an option there um 9800 x3d it's not even here nobody nobody sells that 99 9900 X oh 9800x x3d there it is okay how much is this 640640 $640 for that processor that's expensive uh Z pirate he is not getting it for gaming x3d is a waste that's true I am definitely not getting it for gaming this is a o what's this I 9 10940x 700 bucks oh that's an old one isn't it that's an old one uh uh and the thread Ripper 399 x uh Smokey Dan where are you uh read my last message where Smokey Dan uh if gaming get the 3D version if not get the get the 9950 X 3D work well all around 9950 X okay 9950 X 9950 X where is it where is it don't nobody sells it where where the hell okay let's go to let's go to New Egg I can get new egg in Canada uh 9950 X all right all right here we go here we go all right this is this is a $800 Canadian CPU oh oh man that is insane $567 us is that a lot is that expensive 567 us for this 800 bucks Canadian 950x 4.3 GHz am5 170 watt uh no no no no what uh Max volage 128 GB Ram 4 TB mvme okay cheap no I don't what are you guys saying is this cheap or or or not cheap I don't understand the price of AMD CPU keep going up no idea why this is why you should go with Intel uh dude I I'm Intel is I feel like Intel's been having issues with all their like their latest uh their latest gen CS um Kaiser that's cheap okay okay um uh retro M all rich AF if you think that's cheap I could build two 5950 X rigs for that price oh my God Dom G way too much I paid 369 for 7900 X3 in July now it's now it's 600 bucks that's crazy that's crazy the pirate next time in the US just get a bundle from Micro Center call it a day uh yeah I don't I don't I don't live in the states so uh let's see any bundles on New Egg uh I don't see I don't see any CPU bundles here uh Black Friday let's see RTX 470 TI for $189 no definitely not [Music] uh wait wait why is the 7950 X 3D cost more than the 9950 X at $800 wait what what am I missing what what what what what am I missing why is the 950x cost less than the 7950 X 3D uh uh lukew x3d part oh okay okay interesting marketing uh that's the goat 7950 X cost more than the 90 7950 x h that is so that is so crazy man that is absolutely that is absolutely insane uh not 3D okay well I I don't need the 3D one so that kind of so the for me to get the regular 9950 X non 3D or 800 Canadian or uh 576 us oh my God that is that is way too much that's way too much man I don't want to spend that much I'm not that rich okay um Andrew ferero did you get my email for Avalon hash rate yes Andrew did you reply Andrew did you reply to my email uh you need to reply to my email Andrew uh you need to make an account on mining Dutch good sir uh make an account you need to send me the worker name on uh mining Dutch Andrew Ferrero uh uh Max voltage then get a 9900x okay 99 9900x let's see oh that's way better oh that's way better 569 Canadian 569 Canadian is uh let's see 5 569 is I mean well okay I don't know if that's way better but that's 403 us 569 is 400 400 400 bucks us for the 9900x would you go would you go the 9900x vers versus the 9950 DX like is there much of a is there much of a difference this is the 12 core 12 core is this the 24 uh 24 12 core 24 threads Zen 5 and then the 9950 X is or no the 99 9950 X is uh is uh is the uh 32 32 thread yeah 32 thread okay I see oh the price is here oh here you go I can even see it right here damn that's crazy uh Max voltage price per core is slightly better on the 9900x versus the 950x that's true that's true that's definitely true Andrew Ferrero I don't have an email from you Andrew I emailed you two days ago uh it's Andrew your gmail.com I replied let me reply again let me here let me test here let me let me know if you got that email check your uh check your spam or check your junk email um 9900x 3D or don't buy why I don't need the 3D I don't need the gaming one uh um price per core wrapping my head around the metric uh Z pirate I have 9950 X 7900x and 9950 x a pirate is is is the 9950 X better than the 7900x like what what's the like am I even going to notice a difference if I go with a 99 like let's say if I go to a 9900 deck 7 7900x this is 539 okay that's not that's not that's like $30 cheaper that's that's like 30 bucks 20 30 bucks cheaper that's not even not even that big of a difference from the from the 7900 7900 X 9900x all right retro mik if you're going 7 00 X then go with the 7900 non X it's half the power draw and you still get 12 to 24 uh 12 to 24 core uh Max voltage says 9900 X is the best bang for buck with the best price per core all right 9900 X this is it am am I going to have any bottlenecks you know video editing am I going to have any bottlenecks video editing with this thing great grite Ridge Zen 52 core 4.4 GHz am 120 watt 120 watt oh the 99 50x is 170 watt damn dang nice uh okay all right they have a bundle okay they got bundles uh MSI Motherboard or the Asus Pro art motherboard x870 well this is like a couple hundred this is a couple hundred dollars more Pro Asus Pro art 88x 870 dang uh v v Visa C said don't spend the money use one CPU rig you already have with the $59 X and see if it will be enough for you uh V you're not wrong you're not wrong I could use a 550x that's true that's true I could use a existing 5950 X that I have but I I just yeah yeah I could I could Max voltage are you sure it's the computer there's a good chance it could be your power supply red P how old is the power supply what brand model oh man I don't know what I don't know I don't know what brand it is it's some e GA eight it's some EVGA 850 watt uh platinum or something dude why is it dude this motherboard is extremely expensive $6.49 for this dude this is dude this is a baller dude this motherboard is balling look at this thing holy crap it's got oh it's got a 10 gig Nick in it oh that's nice that's nice 10 gig dude this is like this is like this is this is this is such a beautiful board wow wow that's that's crazy techman you had issues video editing on your 5950 X that's true that is absolutely true Adobe Premiere is Adobe Premiere good with AMD CPUs that that is absolutely true um th that is why I switched to Intel is simply because of is is because of Adobe Premiere let's see let me let's uh let's see let's see let's see let's see 6 months ago all right uh what's better Intel or AMD for Premier Pro and after effects especially when working with lots of pro all right uh Quicks sync quick sync gives you benefit for Hardware accelerated decode uh that's the biggest reason why I went Intel last time because of quick sync um let's see PR res neither M will give you that I9 will net you the most performance but isot using a lot more power Nvidia qvs Plus in Nvidia Envy Envy Envy enven Envy Dak and Cuda you may not get a lot of AVC HV H VC Source material but when you need it you need it and it's nice not needing to dub the pro res for quick edits quick sync does nothing for pror are accelerated effects only h264 decoding pror is uh okay Thunderbolt sure there are add-on boards for AMD systems but that takes up PCI space and [Music] Lanes retro mik are you having a problem with Adobe Premier crashing no I'm not I was having issues with Adobe Premier caching on my 550x before I was having issues with Adobe Premiere with my AMD CPU before I'm just wondering is there AMD CPU issues with the 79 or 80 or 9900x series Adobe Premier and 9900 [Music] uh Puget systems August 16th Adobe premere all right the Intel okay all right Puget bench for Premier Pro the Intel I9 or i7 even 14 700k gets gets 10,082 points versus the 9900 X at 9585 overall the amd's new ryzen uh Ry 9000 Series processors do okay in primer Pro but they are effectively identical to the previous generation ryzen CPUs 7,000 CPUs because of this AMD makes up no ground against the competition allowing Intel to maintain their lead in this segment oh looks like I'm going back to Intel looks like I'm building an Intel rig Intel Intel CPU Intel Ultra 7 265k what what wait wait what is this new Ultra 7 what is this 559 that's a little bit better what is this Ultra 7 Series 2 Arrow Lake 20 core ooh ooh ooh ooh this looks interesting this looks interesting very interesting 559 sale ends in 13 hours it's not 20 core 8 core plus 12 efficiency ah okay uh Max says make it simple try replacing the PSU with a seic Prime power supply first uh Max you know what I will try you know what that's a good idea I'll try changing the power supply yeah I I'll I'll buy a new power supply and just yeah yeah that's true maybe it's my power supply I don't know it's working now after I changed the ram but for now it's still streaming we're still streaming uh I already have okay I already have a I'm already using a i5 600k right now so I mean this is what I use to Video Edit and it's it's fine like it's perfect it's perfect okay let me end the poll let me redo the poll now I want to see Let me let me see Intel or AMD for for Adobe premere Intel AMD all right let's see what you guys think I want to see what what you guys think AMD or Intel or video editing I've I've always had better luck video editing with with with Intel that's for sure I don't game on this computer I have another computer for gaming uh Andrew F email no so odd I'll name the account email you just on the road with the family Andrew fer yeah yeah sounds good man sounds good I I just emailed you again you didn't get it that's strange and you have a Gmail as well weird man okay send me another email Andrew send me another email um uh all right uh Max voltage iMovie maker yeah uh guys that is clear how can anyone vote AMD after being presented the facts Max I love you Max you're the best oh Max you're the best I love it I love it I love it Intel all right people are people most people yeah most people are voting Intel yeah I don't know okay I I I I mean I have not built an AMD I have 5950 X's I I do have these like I have a bunch of these I could make a I could make a rig in this again and try again but my my whole my whole question is just the AMD support cuz I was getting my my AMD CPU with the 550x when I was using Adobe Premiere was crashing all the time that's what I don't want right I don't want crashing in Adobe Premiere I don't get crashing on my Intel so 5950 AMD support for Adobe Premier better 2020 before I don't know uh heck notice dude this guy has a 33 minute video best CPU for Adobe Premiere can somebody can somebody watch this let's see let's see best video best CPU for okay best CPU for video video editing I was planning on buying a7700 CPU okay uh watch some videos about the latest Intel CS they're having stability issues at the moment oh I see okay I prefer ryzen workstations okay fit systems I'm I'm more so going more towards like just like like compatibility reliability uh okay not very many people talk about that okay all right well I'm I'm very I'm like the only person that's that's rarely out of anyone out of the whole Community I think I'm the only one of the only only people that use Adobe Premiere just buy a MacBook Pro Kaiser no definitely not luk Miner salana is at $233 I dude I don't really keep up with salana I honestly I don't really keep up uh salana salana salana 233 fourth place that is actually that is wow that is that yeah that's insane dude remember when salana was 20 bucks last year dude why didn't we all invest in salana back then crazy as a pirate contact Puget systems and try for a collab I don't think so a pirate I think they're they're way too big boy I'm not I'm not big boy enough uh uh I'd watch gamer Nexus vids on the 134 Ines before I jump in head first uh red pen mining uh Michael cartright yeah yeah I know I I'm not I'm not I well see so what what's with the what's with this new one then what's this new um Ultra 7 Intel Ultra is this any better might be [Music] um uh for my old 10 gen 10700k never had a problem with the do premere pro but sure it's starting to get old compared to others available now basement Flava nice Max Vol says AMD versus Intel is just another religious War where our personal uh where our personal bias affects our decision iPhone versus Android Mac versus Windows Etc Max you're 100% correct 100% 100% uh Smokey Den Intel i7s and i9s are considered the best for Premier Pro Intel's newer 13 and 14 Gen processor are particularly good options red Pand mind okay right but I've heard the 13 and 14 gen have that uh like the CPUs are like burning up or something uh uh Intel Ultra is 15th gen okay luk 9,000 Series is new AMD both generates have very little performance jump just power usage ah okay you mean power saving 125 watt i7 okay dude the I9 285k this is 816 efficiency cores core [Music] I9 this this maybe I'll get this one $849 Canadian that is that is a lot that is seriously a lot all right Bros that's it uh oh I streaming way over my time right now I think rabbit is streaming all right thank you all for watching you guys smash the like on the way out and uh Andrew Ferrero I got your email yes I got your email good sir I'll I'm going to reply to it right now replying test yeah let me let me uh send me the uh mining Dutch uh mining DCH uh worker name uh yeah you're mining Dutch worker name uh Death Valley Mining remember Black Friday is in like two weeks so maybe wait a bit uh Death Valley Mining you're not wrong that is a good idea that is a good no rabid stream oh rabbit's not streaming oh okay well I can I can continue I can continue I can keep streaming a little bit more wait no I got to drive my kid wait no my kid's got class I got to no I got to go I got to go no I got to go I got to drive him right now peace Bros peace out I totally forgot totally forgot okay no your kid will be fine no no my kid will not be fine he's no all right goodbye Bros see you later thank you so much smash that like continue on mining we're almost there almost there goodbye goodbye goodbye goodbye goodbye appreciate you all [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]

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