I hate power outages.

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hey guys RPM here hope you're doing well having a really great day I don't even have to I don't even have to talk loud cuz all my GPU mining Rigs and as6 and everything are off guys I just had a power outage at my house here I thought I would Vlog about it because of my disdain of having a power outage and all of my gpus and as6 off it's been a couple hours actually now since the power's been out I thought I would record this and and just I don't know have anyone else been through this recently during the winter time notoriously through the winter time is when we have a power outage and I'm sorry I'm going to flashbang you guys here I'm going to turn on the flashlight so just giving you a disclaimer okay here we go we're going to turn it on 3 2 one okay that's better okay so all my gpus are off okay all these ones here the 6600 XTS these are all off I mean everything's off as6 are off like I think almost $300 to $400 worth of as6 per day generating revenue is completely off so all of these guys are off all of my big boy Cas miners are off now yeah nothing nothing drawn at the wall there of course exhaust fans everything is off all the little tiny miners are off all the Caspa KS Z Pros are all off yeah oh man H geek of all trades can you can you save me sir please save me save me from this power outage okay all right here's a shot of all the octom miners in the back here pretty quiet it's kind of eerie actually all right so the big thing I I kind of wanted to talk with you guys actually in this video is I'm looking for a well I should have looked for it like a couple years ago I've had my network setup like this for quite a while now and I have not invested into a freaking UPS okay a UPS that can actually you know have all of this stuff here my ubiquity setup some of my servers and whatnot on a battery backup system and I have been slacking I have been wanting to have a UPS in my home here for the longest time and yeah now that the power's out here I forgot to mention you know when everything's off something is probably broken okay I'm assuming a lot of my a lot of my PCS a lot of my salad rigs which obviously yeah these are all off you know probably have some like Windows corruption on the I don't know nvmes or ssds here all of these little tiny miners I have on my little low power shelf are all off right so I wouldn't be surprised if something uh failed but I'm wanting to get a ups for this stuff here because this is obviously important my ISP my router uh modem there is off obviously so I'd like to have that on a UPS to have you know at least at least a couple hours of power up time and then also my dream machine pro ubiquity dream machine pro I would love to have that on the UPS as well I I don't know I don't really need the uh the poe 24 port on as much or the my 10 gig as much but maybe yeah actually if I can have everything on but I would need at least I don't know maybe half an hour to an hour of up time that that would be nice I know that's going to be very expensive actually the reason why I haven't bought any UPS over the past I don't know two years since I've moved here and renovated and done all that stuff as you all know is just because UPS's are not cheap so I've been looking on like Facebook Marketplace or like I actually saw a big one like an eaten like a tower one I think it was like you know half the size of a 42 rack it was pretty tall but it was like 6 grand I'm like do I want to spend six grand to you know keep all this up for you know a couple hours which you know a big one like that it was like a 8 or 10 KVA Tower like massive tower for a UPS system so I'm like probably don't need that I probably don't need to spend that much but even if I were to find like rock mounted UPS systems but again if you guys have any options let me know down below I have been doing some research I would like to have a 240 volt UPS backup that I could plug in I do have a 240 volt Outlet back there I do have a 120 volt Outlet too but uh I would rather have a 240 volt battery backup system that can output to 40 volt as well okay so for my network equipment all that kind of stuff so I would love to have that and yeah I just I love that I'm I'm wanting this now because I I only really truly only have power outages during winter time during like the rest of the year knock on wood it's it's not it's not bad like I have rarely any power outages or or burnouts or whatever during the year it's just during the cold times during the windy times that's why the power is out okay the wind has just knocked out the power uh here at my house which is just it sucks man I got the Nova I was having lunch so I got a notification from my Emporia system and also my sensor push gave me a notification that you know all the Gateway was down this is the Gateway right here so I got a notification from that I didn't get any notification from my ubiquity system obviously I think that's because the power went down that could be probably circumvented if I had a UPS so if everything else went down in my house but then the network Rea would stay up for at least 15 half an hour I'm sure you know yeah I would get a bunch of notifications that way especially uh my security cameras and whatnot are on the poe switch here so yeah always fun always fun to have a power outage wherever you are mining it's it's not fun I'm just I'm not looking forward to when everything starts coming back on here probably something is going to die and I'm assuming a few of these uh few of my solid rigs are not going to do well and uh they're probably going to do a boot check in the beginning but for any like big boy indust industrial you know Asic miners out there I don't know for people that do like curtailment I know curtailment is huge for a lot of Asic hosting so what is the like process for you guys when people curtail like do you guys go into your Foreman software do you guys then you know turn them off of some sort or put them to sleep so they stop hashing or when curtailment happens do they just like shut off the power during a certain time and then everything just turns off you're not worried about putting them to sleep or anything not hashing just full bore hashing then when the power goes out then that's that's it okay then the power goes out so pretty similar situation I have here where you know my power went out and you know these as6 like I have alphapex dg1 plus here and a bit main uh this is a ks5 pro Casper Miner that was mining full boore right and then the power ConEd out so yeah that that's not good like I would not I I know for a fact you know doing that like unplugging the power while it's like hashing full boore and uh just to have it turn off like that I I don't I don't recommend that and I know a lot of people also not recommend doing that as there you know there's worries of like the the hash boards cracking you know at that Peak heat and when it turns off you know the fans aren't moving like when you're turning off the Asic taking out the power cables you're also turning off the fans as well so having that like residual heat on the hash boards while the fans are off like that's that that I don't think that's good so like I'm I'm just curious for those that are having Asic miners for you know during curtailment like how does that process work for some people and you know does is that actually you know does that affect these miners that much is that a is that a huge deal for you know Big Boy miners like these now for my smaller ones here I feel like you know it is a big deal as well same idea like they're all hashing away you know full bore some of them are like 60 70 you know some of them are 80 deg C then the power con out and the fans turn off and then the the hash boards are just burning and I've had times when my power went out you know a few of these as6 died I've had some as6 die before because of power outages now I was thinking of taken out my pdus before the power comes back on if the power comes back on at my house here it's possible that it can come back on and then turn back off you know I hate when that happens because then you know these miners could cause a little bit of a power surge which I would really hate for like the control Boards of these you know Big Boy Asic miners or even you know little tiny Asic miners as well so I yeah yeah you know what I'm just going to it's probably fine like I've had power outages before here and you know everything turned back on just fine so I'm honestly not worried that much but I think this time because I haven't had a power outage for quite a while knock on wood right I haven't had well this one is not this one's not coming off there we go okay okay there's the third one and I think it's a good time that you know I actually take these out and like inspect uh some of these pdu cables just to make sure they're okay let me take this one here yeah this one this one looks to be this one looks to be okay it's been been about a good year and a half since I set up this this area so yeah I've never uh I've actually never looked at the ends of these cables for uh quite a while so I think it's I think it's good that I I just inspect these just just in case for any like meltage going on here oh there's oh we got a lot of got a lot of spiderwebs going on in this one but looking at this I don't see any black or burn marks or anything on these so these ones look these ones look pretty good okay you know what I want to inspect the other four that I have for the gpus I really hate that my 307s are down I really truly hope none of these uh R8s are down I have a gut feeling I probably yeah most of the I bet you the anything the ssds a few of these are going to be dead and I'm going to have to replace them yeah I bet you I bet you guys a million bucks that that's going to happen I will let you know if that happens but yeah when the octom miners go down because of a power outage most cases I have a few you know octom ssds go down and I need to replace them which is which sucks so you know what I don't think I'm going to need to take these ones down I I think I I did run this like a good what year ago so it should be it should be fine yeah it should be fine okay guys I'm going to end the video here I just wanted to give you guys an update here that my power went out so uh whenever it comes back on I will maybe I'll record a video and see what has come back on and what you know what died and what broke I hope nothing broke I hope no Asic miners broke but all right I'll see you on the next video let me know your thoughts have a good one peace out peace out man I I really I I need to get a UPS super bad please guys let me know a UPS I really hope my Apollo 2 didn't die H this is the first power outage it's been through please no don't be corrupted uh please no corruption please

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