[Music] a d [Music] [Music] n [Music] n [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] w oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] n [Music] hello Bros hello hello hello can you guys hear me hello hello hello all right welcome to the live stream Happy Father's Day all of you yeah Happy Father's Day all of you all right A lot of people ask me to do a salad rig I'm here to build a little solid rig today real fast and people tuning in may not know what solad is it's essentially renting out your PC what we're building here is literally just a computer I'm building an open air computer the reason why I'm doing it with a 3090 by the way is heat dissipation that's really it I I I don't want to have it enclosed in a computer case all that kind of stuff um so there there's actually there's actually a lot of things I want to go through um regarding solid here okay just before I build this let's just go let's just go into the screen here all right so you guys have probably heard of salad a lot of people have uh made videos on it I've I've learned a lot from the technicals I think the technicals was the first guy I watched uh regarding salad and then it was Brandon coin and then the mining King got into it and then uh who else got into it red fox got into it um Hawk got into it a lot of people have gotten into it and I understand that this has nothing to do with crypto mining it actually has zero nothing to do with crypto mining but but it does relate in a way which crypto miners have potentially a lot of idle hardware and you know what they might as well do something about it and try to make something out of it um so with salad though okay it's I know a lot of people refer to something with AI guy and the only way it's it's referred to that is because someone that's renting it is using it for something of that regard you personally you getting into it it's simply you renting out your rig it's it's that's it that you're not you're not doing the you're you're not doing the renting you're not doing the uh whatever the job is needed for whatever they're trying to do okay whether it's crypto mining uh they said in salad you can actually have that option enabled but I don't I don't think a lot of people have that option enabled um but from what I've been learning it's like they're salad is sending container jobs uh to to your rig okay retro mic anyways going along uh before we before I I I before anyone gets into this okay big disclaimer all right but before anybody before anybody gets into this I highly recommend people understand and get their whole network set up because I don't know I don't I haven't seen anyone go in and see what these containers have access to okay I'm not saying that salad is trying to do anything uh you know nefarious but for people that are are renting these okay just I would highly recommend that you can somehow separate the mining rig sorry separate the salad rig from your main network if at all possible so how I personally do that I use something called a ubiquity dream machine uh Pro okay actually special edition and uh I use this to create vens and then enable something called Network isolation okay this is a very easy way all right this is probably the easiest way and I believe this feature came out like last year and normally how you would you would isolate your vlans separate your subnets is firewall rules now ubiquity has this very simple way one click one click button and you can you can just isolate your network okay so what what isolating your network means exactly okay is completely isolating one network or VLAN from other networks vlans on your router it works by automatically by creating firewall rules when you enable it this is this is uh very very simple way to especially if you get into anything uh regarding rental renting out your rigs or anything like that um it's always best to understand uh network security and uh you know separate separate what you're doing from other people renting your rigs from your day to day your Wi-Fi your Wi-Fi can be on a separate VLAN um you know you want to keep all that stuff separated all right so just just beware all right I just beware of this you can at least do something like this to safeguard yourself okay now another disclaimer before anyone gets into this okay before anyone anyone else gets into this is uh you are going to be running your gpus at Max all right they're they're going full boore there's no undervolting there's no underclocking or anything like that um now I haven't seen some of my gpus haven't been 100% utilization I don't know if some of you guys have seen that some of them have some of haven't it depends on it depends on the container or whatever people are using your your rigs for retro mic VLAN hooping cough cop yeah uh I I I haven't seen anyone there's no Reports online from ubiquity no one's been able to crack that unless yeah I haven't seen anyone crack it so I mean there's always going to be there's always going to be uh some type someone spaed off out there to do something like that but you got to be you got to have the tools to do that and there's always there's always going to be uh cves as well there's going to be uh updates ubiquity updates their stuff all the time there's always uh security updates so that's another good thing regarding ubiquity but there's another thing of updating your updating your uh dream machine is going to pose some uh potential issues so updating your router is not always a good thing anyways let's build let's build a rig retro not everyone is Rich like Panda can afford ubiquity well that's that's the that's the cost of doing business if you're going to be getting into something that makes money then you're most most people you know if you want to make money and you want to secure yourself that's the unfortunate reality uh getting into anything really you know crypto mining everything really if you want to be safeguarded you want to safeguard yourself Safeguard your hios Safeguard yourself from creating BM uh wallets downloading nefarious wallets with viruses malware you you want to separate your network you want to se you want to do that kind of stuff because it's imperative that you you protect yourself so whatever it takes if you're getting into something like this you really should you really should learn some type of way vling firewall rules Network isolation it's it's always we always we need that we need that if you don't do it it's uh you're opening yourself up to all that stuff all right so I am going to be making a little salad R here from Parts I already have the only thing I bought on this whole thing is the 6 4 gigs of RAM that's that's what I've been told 64 gigs because of the container uh the Lo the the work the main Money Maker is containers that's what I've that's what I've been told here so I got a 5950 I got a 550x motherboard uh sorry 595x CPU AMD coupled with a pro b550 I don't know retro mic I believe this is yours or chump change I don't know who has I don't I forgot which one this came from but also have a thermal right assassin 120 rsv2 this is a CPU Cooler I got off on Black Friday I bought like 20 of these for like 16 bucks okay and uh I got a 1300 watt PSU that I had laying around and I also have an RTX 390 yeah RTX 3090 okay so apparently this makes this makes like $5 a day currently $5 a day all right so excuse me okay Yankee if it ain't broke don't fix it all right we're going to now I'm On Top chat I I real I realize the chat is not moving so let me go to live chat and oh man there's a lot more messages there are a lot more messages oh all right okay hello everybody crypto Craig what's up man I'm in the TP link club good old TP Link Good Old TP Link okay so I am building it on one of these uh Amazon uh open air frames all right like this this is just it's it's not a computer case this is my computer case it's just an open airframe style because uh when you're going to have your GPU on at all times and if it's mining or doing something I need I want I need air air dissipation if you're if I'm doing multiple I'm probably going to have like a a big box fan or some type of fan blowing across all the rigs at the same time so okay let's just quickly build this I already put on the the CPU Cooler I didn't want to waste any time I already put in my one tbte uh nvme SSD right here already so that will be for Windows which uh I ah I know I I hate that we're going we're going back to Windows but I that's that's okay that's that's fine more more reason to really separate your separate this rig uh you know do network security all that kind of stuff okay PayPal is too trade five for me why support Financial Giants and be in uh that's well that that okay so the payouts for salad is in Fiat or gift cards now that that is something very interesting but as of right now as as of right now and I know this is probably going to change after I do this live stream and after this video as potentially a lot of people by the way if you guys are going to sign up for salad please use the sign up code bcoin it is Brandon coins referral all right I I don't have one I don't need one you please use brand if you're getting into this use Brandon coins use B it's called bcoin all right use use bcoin it's that's the uh that's Brandon's uh solid referral okay support support Brandon and you will be good you will be good all right salad is not a crypto project nope it is not it is not TS but people are all right Retro Retro mic I got a all right retro mic no no more trolling no more trolling any another another comment you're going to be uh you're going to be banned I'm Banning you all right I got you know what I got all the motherboard screws I'm going to install the ram there we go okay there we go another one here 64 gig kit Viper patri I got this for on sale on Amazon for it's like 10 $15 us all right uh what is the open air rig you're using is it on eBay no this is just a like a $25 Amazon open airf frame from from I got on Amazon okay all right that's it now I'm going to install the GPU uh yeah will this fit the question is is this is this going to fit let's see uh uhoh it's not going in oh there's little slit there's little slits oh this there's a little slit at the very bottom here this is not this is not going [Music] in ah it fit okay there we go there we go oh that looks sick okay ah okay um now oh this this is not the right screw that is not the right screw um is this the right screw hold on 3090 yes yes this is a RTX 3090 I have about 10 huh oh this is not the right SC about 10 390s that I am going to be uh setting up right now I have 439 sitting doing nothing so I I I better I better uh get them doing something um I have another six that are mining currently and obviously going to stay Mining and by the way I'm still crypto mining everyone thinking I'm getting out of crypto mining I'm you guys understand for people that are here you guys understand how many crypto miners I or how many gpus I have right lot of you I got a lot of gpus I have a lot I am crypto mining a lot frame too tiny for that big dog card oh yeah oh yeah this this is a very large and that screw does not work where are my motherboard screws I I am missing I am missing a I am missing a few screws is this one no let's see I need that small one I'm not seeing anything vegetable related on this plate uh John English tck okay there we go all right now I need the PSU very easy man this thing looks pretty SI dude this build I'm I'm loving this build this looks pretty cool okay oh PSU this way yeah this way all right and it's going oh that actually no that that will not work because this this is hitting this oh that's not going in also it's got a oh oh it does have oh it's got to go this way damn now it's now it's all lined up ah that sucks that sucks okay oh that's okay RPM only has 12 card rig or something uh I have I have a lot of I have a lot of uh I have a lot of 12 card rigs on in Octo miners uh server cases okay all right it's in power supply is in dude this is this is pretty sick this is pretty sick okay this looks really cool I have not this is the first time I'm building on one of these open air frames this is like the first time okay all right I'm plugging in all the all the power supply cables and then we'll be able to turn this thing on all right I'm doing the motherboard the motherboard one all right we go okay all right now the CPU one techman they said on server shelves well you could rack them you know what I that that could work that that could work actually though how would you uh you know what I need I would need you you need to have some you need to have some type of mechanism to screw it into the into the rack though you know you need to some you need have some some kind of mechanism there to uh hold it okay uh I'm doing the CPU the CPU one CPU cable is going over here CPU power this is this is just a PC what we're building here is literally a PC what's great though is I can I can easily you know if salad is no longer a thing which I'm I'm assuming over the next week or two salad will it depends on how many how many jobs are they're going to be able to uh provide to all the people that are are turning on all these machines such as myself here okay is is it going to is it is it going to be lucrative that's that's the issue here all right so who knows all right next one is the pcie cables for the 3090 Krypto KJ I can see your your cable management Krypto KJ I'm not even done plugging these in get well look at this I Cable Management I'm ready for cable management all right you bastard someone banned crypto KJ right now bastard VI gaming do you still have the barn for mining RPM uh yes and I actually have a video talking about the barn tomorrow I actually have a video for tomorrow a vlog regarding the barn uh a short story is I might be I might be bringing it back but before I do that it needs major cleaning I had it on the wrong side I had the PCI on the wrong this little this stupid little two pin ad two pin adapter is not going in we go okay one more cable then we're done going spread it out spread out the PCI I'm going to put it on the bottom one dude this looks this looks nice I like this this is nice um yeah guys I I'm getting I'm trying solid because right now it does seem to you know it's generating a good amount of money which I can then convert that into crypto so that's going to be that might be more lucrative then obviously GPU mining right now and I I already have 3090 sitting doing nothing so I might as well try it that's what I am going to try here ever eaten a rotten salad uh Yes actually Costco I got super sick one of those Co one of those Costco salads I thought they didn't use electricity uh what didn't use electricity salad no I'm pretty sure it does pretty sure now I know some of them it depends it depends what type of workload it is then it it could it could draw a lot or not or not but uh the container the container ones are the ones that are the ones that make the most that make the most money yeah you get cash on salad to pay for electric and not have to sell crypto for mining winning uh I mean yeah yeah I mean you don't yeah I mean you won't get crypto right so what's this you're not mining crypto you're you're you're mining for you're you're having you're renting out your rig it's a total it's totally different it's a totally different uh investment strategy or uh whatever utilizing your Hardware in a different in a different way same Panda I have a few Q 390 laying around I might as I might try it building now too but breakfast breakfast first golden wolf yeah I mean you might as well if you have some 3090 sitting around doing nothing okay I'm just cable managing because who who called out cable crypto KJ called me out for cable managing management so I'm going to do some C management now so this is really all the this is really all the power the power cables I need motherboard CPU and three pcie because I I don't have an SSD it's an nvme that's already installed on the motherboard so this makes it a lot nicer this makes it a lot better Cable Management here oh man this is this is much better I'm going to put one more over here oops there we go oh looks so good it looks so clean uh one more [Music] okay look at that done we're done we're done oh man this looks so good this looks so good okay let's see if it actually turns on that's that's the biggest that's the biggest thing here let me uh let's plug in the monitor okay uh which is going into the GPU okay now I need 240 volt power okay no that's not that's not a power cable that's a c19 that's for an Asic solid mining paid or scam uh I'm pretty sure it's not a scam RP building another baby Happy Father's Day hey MH what's up man thank you Iowa RPM ignore my comment probably a good idea Happy Father's Day Iowa what did you say pizza nuggets greater than salad your title is [Laughter] crap I uh the I'm sorry I just saw that thean I just saw that that's thean that's great I love it I love it best best uh best title ever all right let's see if it turns on automatically I don't think so 3 2 1 no oh it turned on okay I don't need to do the screwdriver power motherboard method all right let's see if it something shows up on the screen uh I don't see any smoke I don't see anything coming up on the motherboard uhoh or maybe the monitor is not monitor is not turning on huh nothing uh-oh yeah the screen is on no signal uh let's see MH thank you for the donation you don't need to do that bro MH good to see you man salad is total salad now well Krypto KJ board was used for mining check the onboard HDMI red panda m ah you're right that's you're right that is uh that's potential the you know what I should just reset the bios then I should just reset the bios but okay let's let's see if that HDMI onboard works I don't think so okay hold on let's see 5950 x no GPU oh yeah that's right 5950 X doesn't have GPU okay we're going to have to do motherboard motherboard reset hold on let me let's let's uh bios bios reset where is the is there a clear seos button on here where is it clear Coss there's there should be two jumpers I need to I don't see it h seos battery oh it's underneath the I think it's underneath the GPU it's underneath the GPU okay I got to take out the I got to take off the GPU let's take it out oh I got to stand up for this one dox myself on my [Music] monitor right there the battery is right here all right right here H there was there's two pins I think it's this I think it's this one I'm pretty sure it's this one system fan J2 yeah system this might be the BIOS reset jumper right here anyway going to put it back in okay all right this is the start of a well balanced bu Sal balanced salad John English Tech you bastard okay let's put it let's put let's put it all back in I'm putting the GPU back in okay and we're going to turn it on now let's see all right let's try again power cable all right here we go well you know what I'm going to put ethernet as well just to see if there's indic lights on the motherboard okay here we go 3 two one now in theory it shouldn't turn on automatically if igpu was uh also power on yeah so it's not going to turn okay that's a good sign that's a good sign it didn't turn on when I turned on the power supply so I got to do the motherboard uh jumper trick uh which H there we go all right it's on it's on let's see will it show up on the screen please show up on the screen yes yes thank you all yes perfect retro mic to you plug in the CPU Ain power and check the LEDs to to see which fault code it was throwing ah wow I think it's okay now retro mic retro mic is this was this one of your motherboards yeah mouse and keyboard I need a mouse and keyboard okay oh this thing looks really good this this build dude I love it it's so nice and easy and clean and light too this thing is this thing is light I don't have to worry about a big ass case Okay mouse and keyboard all right here we go HDMI uh uh USB not HDMI there we go okay all right we're going to run we're going to run setup F1 to run setup all right let's I just want to see what the temperature of this thing is temperature of the CPU and the mouse and keyboard are not working mouse and keyboard is not working let me try the other USB port nope this this is restart okay all right oh it turned on without me even hitting the doing the jumper thing oh that's that's interesting no signal now h no indicator lights on the ethernet oh boy we broke it [Music] we broke it hold on I'm going to leave it off for 10 seconds hold on hold on hold on let me try again I'm just curious why okay all right didn't turn on I'm going to oh it did okay release camos battery again okay yeah hold on let me just see here yeah all right let's res let's reset it again wait retro mic said there is a there there might be indicator uh LED error code let's see I want to see if there's an error code hold on it's white there's a white light there's there's a white a white light ah all right pull the video card use onboard Richard says let me let's let's I I'm going to pull the GPU and reset the bios one more time let's let's just do that that cuz I don't I want to do it with the GPU in and the ryzen 550x doesn't have Onboard video Onboard video so that's uh that's not that's not going to work okay all right putting the battery back [Music] in okay man I I love this Frame it's so easy to work on it's so easy it's like an open air open air test bench okay let's try that let's let's see oh we did we did get we did get video out in the beginning but it was asking for um for the electric Happy Father's Day to you too man okay white is the GPU oh you're saying the GPU has an issue huh interesting well let's turn it on okay it didn't turn on this time I'm going to jump the motherboard okay motherboard's jumped let's see if I can get another bios F electric thank you for the five gifted Subs good sir amazing mining of the north was gifted a sub Gordon Murray Scott Jinx Darren tains congrats Bros congrats congrats yeah is this GPU bored why is it I'm not I'm not getting a video I'm not getting video out now oh man it's dead maybe the USB ports wait what let me try these two I right maybe the USB ports were shorting something a odd it posted the first time yeah that's that's really really weird that's really weird uh Luke please uh seems like the GPU because of the white light man it seems like it's posting though try a different GPU okay I have another 390 I can try I can I can easily swap it out RI Ry motherboard can't handle 32 gig dim uh okay check out check out uh this is a what is this what motherboard is this this is a MSI Pro b550 Ry check out b550 MSI uh Pro MSI Pro b550 oh this is yeah this is weird maybe the GPU is bored that's but the wrong the the the the GPU was working on my other test bench before tains disconnect the keyboard mouse try again yeah that's true it stopped working when I plugged them yeah that's true all right I'm I'm plugging both okay that's that's a good call we're going to try without the mouse and keyboard maybe my mouse and keyboard is shorting it or something I'm going to leave it off for 10 more seconds yeah I have 64 gigs of RAM they're 32 gig sticks yeah it did post earlier a little bit it's I got this this kit by 4 64 gig okay turning it on let's see do I have to reset set the jump no go it turns on automatically that tells me that tells me the BIOS wasn't reset I don't think the BIOS was reset because why does it turn on automatically it's should I know it was like that for crypto mining yes it was like that for CPU mining uh crypto Craig are you sure the GPU is fully seated the case may restrict it fully seated hard to tell crypto Craig uh let's see let me go back let's go back let's let's let me look at it [Music] it's it's definitely in the clip the clip is also up as well the the PCI clip is up so oh man I knew I would have an issue today I'm just is there another place where there's a seos is there another place for the seos reset I don't think so Ron Ry if you have the motherboard if you have the uh if you have the manual open I just want to confirm is this part at the bottom right the camos reset jumper pull the battery and short the pins yet the technicals I did yes I did we did we did just do that like twice now now some now we're thinking the GPU might be the issue ah man of course we have issues during a live stream of course [Music] okay ah I'm stupid oh I'm so stupid the seamos reset jumper is right here it's not here it's not here it's here ah God damn it it's right beside it normally I remember some motherboards have the jumper for the seos down here uh ah God damn it I didn't see that all right well let's try it now let's try it now please work [Music] please please work I gotta what time what time is it cuz I got to I got to be mindful of the time I got to my kid has a class so I got to but I got to get Windows on here and salad installed and all that crap shouldn't be too bad okay let's try again Moment of Truth please work I'm going to do it with everything mouse keyboard I'm hopeful okay everything let's do it the technicals how are you man technicals what's up man all right here we go 3 2 1 it should not turn on I should have to to turn it on myself by jumping the okay so it didn't turn on that's a good sign that's a good sign that means it reset I'm going to jump the jump the pin now Brandon coin bro Brandon coin good time to come online bunch of workloads got picked up this morning nice again if anyone is going to get into this use Brandon coins affiliate the co the the affiliate code is bcoin all right bcoin all right is this going to turn on oh man I don't I don't think we're going to I don't think we're getting anything here after resetting maybe it takes a bit hold [Music] on no it's dead look not no not even any uh indicator light but I bet uh let me see on the motherboard white it's a white light okay it's a white it's a white light all right it might be the GPU then here damn it ah 3090 this better this this 3090 better not it's 3090 better not be dead it's 3090 I swear to [Music] God uh Biz the king's reject the Google says MSI B is the white for GPU ah yeah yeah yeah yeah uh yeah someone said that earlier as well okay all right let me get another 390 then let me get another one hold on did not expect this in this live stream okay something always goes wrong always all right I got another 3090 [Music] this is not take out these things okay all right it's in now I need my [Music] screwdriver okay that's put all the p in and let's hope the worst thing I want to do is having to receip the CPU I hope we don't have to do that uh Ry says uh oh Luke says the ram is it in the right slot uh yes it should be uh should be in two and four no dual Channel I'm putting in the PCI here [Music] okay okay all right let's turn it back on let's see okay let's try again uh here ethernet maybe it hopefully it's the GPU uh I mean hopefully not actually I don't want a dead 3090 you know a a nonworking 3090 is not a good thing that that would be that would be horrible okay let's try again three two one watch it go up and smoke make sure everything's in oh it turned on automatically that's not a good sign that's not a good sign oh man that's not a good sign why did it turn on automatically try without the GPU okay well I won't be able to get any video out ah yeah it's doing the same thing white light it's a white it's a white light white light again oh God why is this happening why is this happening uh I knew always always having issues try a different P slot technical single stick of ram okay okay let's do that then let's do that that might that might be it single stick of R right we're going to take off the back the back slot one all right let's just try reing it just for good measure all right all [Music] right okay let's try again I'm going to try it without the keyboard and mouse this time all right it should not turn on why is it turn on by [Laughter] itself reset BIOS first it's under the GPU uh it's the location of the light not the color oh okay well we can just go like this [Music] then what does that say what what does that say I can't read it I can't see it CPU oh my effing God are you kidding me are you kidding me are you kidding me it does it say CPU God God damn it the te the technical says Ram problem can also cause CPU light as uh IC okay reat the CPU oh my God oh my God why why [Music] why all right I guess we're going to try the CPU then okay what time is it oh my God this is such a fail stream 9:00 already oh man I got to go in like 45 minutes okay let's try let's just do it let's just do it oh my god um we're going to not we're not going to all right I'm going to try a different GPU um after this so 3090 is just such a hog to set up okay okay all right 3090 please all right so let's check the SE let's just reat it then oh man my life doing this live is a horrible thing I'm going to blame I'm going to blame retro Mike for this wait is the ram in backwards usually the sticker is facing the CPU uh I don't think it's backwards it did turn on into the BIOS one time nope that's that's definitely the correct way that is definitely the correct way okay I am taking off the CPU God damn it let's see I need to clean up the CPU as well ah got to redo the thermal paste I got to do all that again okay okay I'm going to clean off this other side here hold on okay all right let's check the CPU here we go [Music] magnify there we go I see some thermal paste on the left three bent pins where God damn it I don't see any bent pins I do see some thermop paste on the left though I see some thermal paste on the left all right let me rub this off okay all right let's look at the motherboard wait what the hell wait is that is that thermal paste inside the CPU socket or no is that is that thermop paste right there oh no that's just a gray square is there a little speck is that a speck right there what is that little speck right right there what is that right there does that look fine looks normal okay what's that little spot in there oh boy oh boy all right it looks fine though yeah you guys are saying it looks fine okay all right let's put it back in let's put it back in I have thermal paste all over my hands go damn it the things I do the things I do for entertainment never again um take out the envme too mining Chambers Revenge attack of the sead Dust oh God okay let's put in this let's put it back I don't see anything wrong here all right wiggle it I wiggle it I gave it a little wiggle all right all right let's back in okay I need thermal paste now God uh this is an MSI Pro b550 VC I bought a whole bunch of these off Chum change and uh Mr retro mik now there could have possibly been some some damage from uh from Shipping but all right I don't I don't know I I don't I don't think so we did post a little bit pretty hard to make salad okay putting the CPU Cooler back on [Music] [Music] okay done let's put the fan back on if reing the CPU makes it work I'm going to be I'm going to be pissed I'm going to be very angry all right that's in CPU Cooler fan pin back in okay all right let's go all right now what uh I'm going to try you know what I'm going to get a I'm going to get a AMD GPU just for good measure I just want to no you know what no no no we'll stick to the plan we'll stick to the same plan 3090 we'll still stick to the same time [Music] all right okay lugging in the [Music] pcie max voltage I feel like I'm watching myself I just installed 950x with thite cool on that abside motherboard last night Max voltage oh my God man Max and I'm having major issues the motherboard is just nothing is nothing is posting it posted for a second it posted for a little bit here okay right let's turn it back on HDMI I need the HDMI all right here we go sorry 3 two 1 I Hate Everything I I it turned on automatically again check the ram could be the issue uh issue okay I God damn it if this patriot ram is bad I'm going to be really [Music] bad brand new brand new Ram oh let me try the other stick then ah all [Music] right why did it turn turn on automatically that's what I'm confused here we go 3 2 1 I swapped the stick it didn't turn on it didn't turn on that's a good sign that's a good sign I'm going to I'm going to jump it now with my screwdriver okay I turned it on with my screwdriver oh man if it's a bad stick of RA I'm going to be pissed I'm so mad right now I am so mad right now Amazon how dare you screw me over how did oh wait wait wait what wait what where did it go are you kidding me wait what what did uh wait why did it go off it just went up it just went on and off uh all right I'm going to turn this off okay ref Flash the BIOS how can I do that I can't do that if I can't get into the BIOS how can I do that ah see now it turned on see it turned on automatically oh there we go oh we're in we're in we're in we're in oh [ __ ] we're in preparing for automatic repair diagnosing your PC oh what oh I have OS on here oh my good okay well all right uh uh oh okay we're in the Bios now what the hell just happened okay this bios is 0313 2023 0 0 013 2023 that's the BIOS version can someone tell me what the latest bios is oh my God so this is I okay is this the reason why I have a bad stick of RAM is this the reason jeez man never turn it off again well ah I'm so mad okay well well it's not over yet let me see if I can install Windows uh Rizzo says 2024 0321 okay no mem compatibility update the BIOS okay all right fine fine we'll do it your guys's way we'll do it your guys's way my motherboard update okay ah you guys always make things so difficult all right can I do it uh is there no we have to do it through the M flash right okay and I need to download on a USB stick right I need I need the BIOS I need the BIOS on a USB stick okay it just turned off turned back on let's see if it goes in let me get a USB stick and uh download it it on there let me get my USB [Music] stick will it boot back up into the into the BIOS area that's the question Kingston okay all right uh yeah okay I'm going to I'm going to go to the website MSI MSI b550 Pro V b550 VC okay okay uh there I got it download no that's the [Music] manual uh there we go all right hold I'm taking you guys with me all right support um manual document drivers and downloads uh bios here we go okay so the one I have is 03 oh we're like five versions behind AMD security P issue patch support for new ryzen 5000 CPU we don't even have this bios for this 550x what what is that is that possible wow wow okay all right this all right all right fine download all right let's let's do it okay I'm going to extract this uh we're going to copy this out back over to here okay all right I'm going to reject it and we're going to try it and then I'll put the ram stick back in how about that all right I'll put the ram stick back in okay all right uh this is the windows oh shoot can I take this out will it refresh if I put this in oh it refreshes ah no it doesn't no will it see the new will it see the new USB uh can you can you can you F5 no you can't F5 five in this ah damn it looks like I'm going to have to reset okay I'm going to have to re uh all right I'm going to I'm going to reset it reset it go back in Escape I got to go back in click on something else and click back ah damn it Max I didn't see anywhere I could click out I can click back in all right we're going to put it we're going to go back we're going to go back okay we're back in So if it was that Ram stick man that just that just makes me mad that makes me really that makes me real mad I took out the CPU and everything repasted it cleaned it changed out the GPU Jesus Christ terrible I'm going to try the ram stick in slot number four though uh once we do the BIOS update I'm going to try I'm going to try all right yes perfect this is the BIOS right here okay uh you sure you want to select this file yes all right I'm not touching this please do not turn off nobody touched this rig nobody touch this all right none of you Max voltage have you done a camos reset yes we did like four times four times max four times and the power goes out in three two what don't you dare don't you dare what time is it 9:22 oh my God I have 20 minutes to install Windows on this thing and salid and do all the other crap Windows disable Windows update or we got a Windows update I need to download a specific Nvidia driver uh power options never disable Windows update uh what else do people do ah people I I heard some people do the vram the vram thing uh some people said they do the vram in Windows thing to like 128,000 or something um what else crap what else do people do I think that's it use tiny 10 or Windows 10 window full Windows 10 full windows 11 or 10 I'm not sure I don't know what I don't know what ISO I have on the USB stick uh tune the 550x for low low power in BIOS uh Scott Jinx I was thinking because I don't know some people are saying CPU is CPU is not really utilized in in salads so like could I try like 50% mining myself in in CPU Mining and windows you know ouch that would take ages yeah well I yeah God damn is is is this really bad is this stick really it is this really bad like I'm not going to lie guys I actually have 10 more of these coming I have 10 more of these kits coming if there's a bad batch of these RAM sticks I'm going to be pissed I'm going to be super mad this this Ram looks really good too it's red damn it oh yeah I had issues with patriot ram too Blockbuster Banas I don't think the stick is bad try again after update yeah I I'm going to try I'm going to try I'm going to try good Ram ain't cheap and cheap Ram isn't good 415 uh oh guys smash the like for my my my my my problems here 78 watching 192 viewers man you guys 192 people watching me fail building a a PC with dead Ram why does it happen why does it have to happen to me like why okay it just turned off turning back on I'm going to take out the USB stick okay it's booting up it's restarting there we go it's coming back on alive let me go on the BIOS uh F1 F delete okay the mouse is coming back on hold on it's still thinking all right there we go all right let me go back in the Bios all right we're at 0311 2024 bios now all right okay now you guys are saying try the other stick okay I will try the other stick let's let's go let's go I'm going to turn it off now all right let's let me get the other stick oh this is going to be really this is going to be a really bad idea this is going to be a real bad idea okay yeah you guys won't be able to see me put it in but I'm putting it in on the fourth slot okay it's in heard a click a really hard click okay there we go Moment of Truth 3 2 1 good sign it's a good sign it doesn't it doesn't turn on all right so I got to jump the jumper with my screwdriver I don't have a power button right there we go Max why did I turn away the screen Max you know exactly why I turned away this screen okay if this if this Ram stick works I'm going to be or I don't know it might not work okay it works now run F1 to enter setup so how much RAM do we have 32 32 Patriot Patriot dim one dim two or dim two dim two is it working now God damn it oh my God why why wouldn't that other stick work in the first slot did I not push down hard enough a man really really okay it's Windows time let's go uh wait do I need to do XM profile do I do I do I need to do uh hold on uh XM profile for 3200 MHz uh profile one or profile two what's the difference here uh looks the same to me should I do XM profile or leave it live stream that's why Richard Hyde yeah probably that screen isn't glossy enough uh lowest L latency profile one all right let's do it uh say no English profile one exit XM XMP disabled to profile one yes all right let's watch it not work anymore watch it not work anymore blockchain Banis the CPU wasn't fully compatible until the BIOS update yeah because this motherboard was used for mining uh retro mic or who or chump change who uh sent this to me um automatic repair okay yeah it's going to an old installation of Windows okay come on restart shut down right I need to go CPU uh Max voltage go to uh advaned mode set all virtualization options okay all right the 550x was way out before initial bios yeah exactly exactly um CPU virtualization okay let's go back to the BIOS then oh it just turned off ah because it shut down okay turning it back on that's good to know yeah that's good to know yeah you're talking about the 50 the the x3d x3d CPUs or whatever okay guys we got to go fast 931 okay I got to oh why is it going in the windows again ah damn it control out Delete is not working F2 delete F2 delete Max voltage I blame King for not being here to help yeah I it's actually good that King's not here it's actually good he would be he would be he'd be screaming he's like ah you should do this do that set Booth uh yeah I need a boot uh USB but okay Max said to look at the virtualization options here all right Advanced where is where is all the uh virtualization stuff nvme reset AMD overclocking Max you said OC OC settings Precision boost Precision boost is on auto do you guys disable this or enable it ddr4 fabric frequency timings no manual CPU no eco mode eco mode is disabled SLC voltage no no no no oh HD audio controller ah resizable bar enabled SRV iov support is disabled SRV SRV iio support PCI devices enable or disable for root IO virtualization support do you enable is Sr Sr iov I'm assuming we enable this enable or or disable OC settings Advance tab I turned that on but I was told that's not necessary all right data link feature exchange Legacy endpoint not boot aspm control for CPU pcie is disabled okay okay you said go to OC settings okay OC settings right here ah here we go okay uh Advanced CPU performance regulator what is this disabled oh it's a benchmark thing okay AMD overclocking everything is on auto here AMD CBS that is all auto here Dam voltage setting CPU specifications svm mode uh I turned that on that is necess for GPU pass through smv mode you went right by it oh did I okay smv mode ah ah okay do you enable this or disable it's already enabled smv mode is enabled okay NX mode execute page protection function enabled okay everything else looks good Spectrum spread just spread Spectrum what is this okay svm mode yeah enable disable for CPU virtualization all right okay that's it that's it you're good reboot the windows install all right let's do it let's go how do I boot off my USB um uh five uh all right hold on let me go to let me go to boot settings [Music] here boot option one ufi hard disk let me go USB stick first okay let's see if that works I don't know if my windows install is ufi or uh GB uh MBR okay reboot it's UEFI yeah well I don't know if my windows USB cuz the what when I install Rufus when I did Rufus on this USB stick I don't know if it was MV or or uh gbt there I remember doing MBR because I didn't want to do UEFI but let let's see I don't know if this USB stick is ah let's see OC Genie enabled it is not recommended to do any modification okay yeah there we go okay installing [Music] Windows let's go I got to go guys in like 10 minutes oh my God can we oh God ah what Asic is screaming in the background mine capital what's up man it's a alphapex dg1 plus and dg1 they're both screaming both both of them are screaming right [Laughter] now you won't get it done today yeah I figured I figured as much yeah ah nice yeah I'm sorry guys I'm sorry I can't believe I can't believe it came down to the RAM and I just needed to reat it like oh man why does this oh you know what this actually happens to me a lot a lot every time I do live stream builds of like computers some something always goes wrong always always goes wrong go enjoy Father's day uh I will in about 30 minutes when I have to drive my kid to the thing are you getting a salad after you set up salad yes Mr peaceful yes 100% okay I don't think Windows is load okay I don't think Windows 11 is loading on this uh this is not okay I'm going to I'm going to make another Windows 11 ISO make sure it's uh ufi okay hold on I'm going to let that go I'm going to make another ISO USB stick okay Rufus rofus Rufus 4.5 is that the latest version what's the latest version of Rufus 4.5 yeah okay uh we're going to go select ISO Windows where is my windows uh server oh boy I don't see my uh I don't see the [Music] iso oh is it loading though oh I think it's loading oh there we go okay I don't need to anymore wow why did that take forever Brandon coin bro thank you for the $2 Happy Valentine's happy fat say Happy Father's Day oh my God I'm so I'm so I don't have a key I don't have a key I don't have a product key okay Windows 11 home Windows 11 education 11 11 Pro all right I'm doing 11 Pro good idea or bad idea do people on solad do home or Enterprise or Pro I'm doing Pro Pro Max I'm Pro jock MC Miner unplug the network cable why uh okay I'm going to delete all this delete BR this is not a brand new this is not a brand new SSD or uh nvme all right there we go start all right now it's installing okay all right there we go it's going ah okay I don't need to do that I don't need to burn this one anymore Pro is for domain yes yes it is oh man I remember back in the window Windows XP days joining the domain joining the domain so that you can get the network shares automatically from active directory man those were the days those were the days man usernames and passwords active directory oh man great times unplugged Network installation or you'll need a Microsoft account oh sh okay unplugging that then I don't I don't want that I definitely don't want that I I I definitely do not want a Microsoft account geek of all trades it's all As your ad joins a cloud-based active directory now wow terrible what is the world what do the world come to jock MC Miner told you you didn't tell me anything jock MC the stick shark told me that jock mcer Get Wrecked check out fog what's fog uh Max voltage I created a separate Windows account for all my salad rigs ah nice that's that's a good that's a good idea all right guys uh I got to go I got to go now ah should I just should I just leave the stream on should I should I should I just leave the stream on is that a good is that a good or bad idea I can I'm coming back in like an hour nah I should turn off the stream unless you guys want to hear music and Loud fan noises constantly you for you forget and say something yeah let start taking off clothes you'll see someone you'll see somebody naked uh leave it on okay go have fun turn it off yeah I'll probably turn it off I will I'm going to do a second part live stream of this uh you know what I'll do a second part when I come back cuz I really I really want to get this going and I want to see how much this actually earns 64 gigs of RAM 3090 that's it one ter of space I don't know disable account in admin later ah and windows 11 man Windows 11 is definitely an issue do you need a good CPU for salad uh I heard you don't really need a good CPU at Le it has to be I think it has to be at least a i I3 or higher or I5 or higher like four core four core eight threads or something like at least like you don't need like i7s or 5950 X's from what I heard but salad did say I heard that they said that they are going to incorporate you know CPUs I guess there is there is the CPU mining aspect already in solid so uh if you disable the crypto mining then it it obviously won't uh it won't be be used um RAM and 380 are better yeah RAM and lots of vram on the GPU that's that is what is uh is needed yeah old i5s work fine yeah all right Bros I got to go I'll see you later I will continue this on later today I will do part two I really want to get salad on here all right peace out Bros thank you so much peace out peace out peace out peace out you guys have a great day thank you so much thank you Max for helping Max Max do you need help with your ubiquity system just kidding you you probably already have it fixed all right peace out Bros peace out peace out