hey guys rpim here hope you're doing well having a really great day oh look I got some got some candy here I think this is from from Europe I have a brand new bidex gamma here and this was sent to me by power mining. thanks to them this is a brand new bit ax gamma this is a 1.2 or 1.1 to 1.2 depends on Silicon Lottery terahash Bitcoin minor okay and this is advertised as like a solo Miner look at this KN to a fan on here that's pretty sick but yeah the chip in this one it comes from a bitmain S21 Pro which is a 5 Nom chip I think code name is BM1 1370 Asic chip in this okay so extremely efficient at like 15 Jews per terahash which we will verify here at the wall I do have the power adapter here okay so just reading the uh looking at the specs of this power adapter I got here so just looking at the voltage there can go from 100 to 240 volt and this is a maximum of 30 wats okay so yeah perfect I can plug this in on my 120 volt uh power North American outlet and we will see exactly what the power consumption is of this bitx gamma so really cool this one comes with a uh looks like a 3D printed backing here enclosure which is really cool and also I think it comes with a stand too I missed this so looking at the pictures online it looks like the stand here it sits like this ah very cool check that out and I think it clicks in here like that yeah I had the push in a bit more yeah it kind of locks it in right here now it's a perfect standing bit ax gamma oh man so cool okay and then the power adapter goes uh like this I believe and I think I saw on the picture online the power adapter kind of routes back here like so okay so that's how it holds this little part right here okay that's pretty cool all right power mining.
Thank you for this if you guys are interested link down below and thank you for for the candy as well I don't know where this candy comes from but this looks pretty good man thank you so much all right let's plug her in guys let's plug this thing in I want to see how much power at the wall this bit axe is going to use and I I truly love this like is this a 20 mil I think it's a 20 mil mm knock to a fan that's really cool has the OLED screen Wireless of course I don't need to plug in uh ethernet okay there's no ethernet port on this cuz it is so it's going to be Wireless for a solo mining Bitcoin essentially which uh you know this thing is advertised for you know solo Mining and that it doesn't need to necessarily solo mine just Bitcoin there's plenty of other Shaw 256 algorithms out there like Bitcoin cash Bitcoin SV and a bunch of other Shaw 256 algorithms that you could mine uh with this thing so I'm going to plug this into my wall outlet here and then I can see the exact power consumption uh at the wall okay so it's just turning on now and look at that look at that oh LED screen right there that's sick okay so it says okay so I need to connect to it with my phone and then uh yeah just set it up and uh then I can point this to my own Bitcoin node for some of you that don't know I actually have a uh future bit Apollo 2 which is a Bitcoin node also you know a Bitcoin minor as well but with that it has its own stratum okay local Bitcoin pool stratum so I'm going to be pointing my Bida here to my own Bitcoin node here locally and uh try my luck to get a 3.125 Bitcoin block okay so straight off the bat right now this thing at the wall it's showing it's saying 5.5 Watts but obviously I need to set this up put in my info and uh Bitcoin address locco pool all that stuff and then get this mining so I'll be right back and we'll see what the power consumption is okay it's mining now you can see there it's uh 1.1 terahash okay there's my local IP there it is connected to my own Bitcoin node solo mining Bitcoin right now just realized there is a reset button and a boot button on the side here man seriously I love this heat sink here that's a really really cool idea here with that KN to a fan keeps it cool I think the temperature it set was like 47 or under 50° C so anyways I want to show you guys the power at the wall 22.4 wats there okay so now I want to go into the computer just show you guys the settings the web goey of the axos okay axos is the operating system for the bitx gamma and I want to talk about the price uh in which you can buy this thing if you want so I'll see you in the computer okay so here is the web goey of the bid ax itself okay ax is the operating system on this bit ax gamma and yeah look at this really cool stats here getting about says 1.23 terahash it does fluctuate quite quite a bit but uh ultimately yeah it looks like it's going pretty good so I want to show you guys my settings here okay so I am solo mining to my own node this is the local IP address of my uh Apollo uh 2 okay future bit Apollo which is right here okay so I can actually see my bidex gamma here okay one .12 ter look at that it's connected there fluctuates a little bit but uh it is connected to my own Bitcoin node and I am solo mining Bitcoin now okay so pretty cool here on the future bit so the axos here okay so this is the bitx gamma itself okay so I put in the IP of my local node which you guys can solo mine to your own Bitcoin pool of choice there's many Bitcoin solo pools out there but uh yeah otherwise yeah here's my info strum and uh that Bitcoin address and then the worker name and yeah so it does have a fallback stratum as well so that's pretty cool you can put that as well I only have one Bitcoin node so I only have the fall back to its initial one but maybe I can use ckp pool.or but otherwise yeah there's Network here you can see I'm connected to my Wi-Fi locally there's also the log here uh you can show the logs if you want also then the dashboard this is where it shows the the uh info of how hot it is look at that it's pretty cool it's pretty cool 37.5 de C now looks like think it's dropped down uh when I last looked at it but uh maybe the start up it was hot but now yeah look at that 1.2 terahash so that's the advertised power consumption of this thing so yeah the efficiency is roughly pretty much 15 to 16 jewles per trash but though when I did the calculation on my uh on my spreadsheet here it's about 18 I'm getting about 18 .5 watt per has advertised is uh 18 or uh 15 watt for hash but supposed to be 18 Watts but I'm getting about 22.4 but again that's because my voltage is quite low here so yeah just take that with a grain of salt so anyways yeah guys I want to talk about the price of this thing okay so thank you to power mining for sending me this bitx gamma okay so the price that I've seen on their website here if you want to order which I believe is sold out now okay they they actually already sold out of this but uh if we were to let's say uh pre-order they do have a pre-order button here sold out but pre-order with discount so they have a discount here with the power supply noctua uh fan looks like you have the regular silver fan I believe but with the noctua and also the stand which I I showed you guys uh add to cart okay if we add to cart this the price of this is going to be uh $159 or €60 which I believe in uh USD would be about $168 us so I think this is the best price I've seen out of anyone out there that includes the stand you know the enclosure the power supply and also the noctua fan that's pretty good that's pretty good 168 bucks that's the cheapest I think I've seen out of anyone else okay uh so if you guys seen any cheaper let me know but uh link down below to power mining.
Thanks to them looks like they do pdus uh mining containers mining containers as well that's pretty cool so if anyone is interested in their products go check them out link down below but yeah I think uh this is pretty cool for anyone that wants to just get into you know maybe trying their luck with Bitcoin mining I got to be honest not a lot of people are going to get a Bitcoin block okay it's very rare okay I think in the past year I was looking at CK pool.or and I think like maybe only 10 or 12 Bitcoin blocks were found in the past year so out of like hundreds of thousands of people out there that have these types of miners solo miners you know there's like the obviously the nano3 as well there's a very very very very low chance you know uh the probability of getting a block is uh is very low but uh I know a lot of people compare it to like you know buying lottery tickets yeah sure this is like you know trying to get a uh lotto ticket every 10 minutes right every block if you're mining Bitcoin or trying to solo mine Bitcoin it's going to be every 10 minutes so you can look at it that way but trying your luck on $168 us little device here at home why not but out of the hundreds of thousands of people out there that are also doing the same thing trying to get a Bitcoin Block it's going to be very difficult it's going to be very difficult but this is a very entry-level way to essentially get into into Bitcoin mining you could pull with this you could pull mine with this thing as well mind you but uh you're going to be earning very very minimal amounts of Bitcoin like pennies pennies worth of bitcoin so I have it solo Mining and going to try my luck uh to my own node here okay let's let's go back out and check out the unit okay so here's the bit X gamma I I truly like the stand here this is one of the first like bidx stands I've ever been sent and uh just looking at this this is pretty cool oh I feel a you know decent amount of heat coming out of this thing decent you know air flow coming out of this noctua that's actually actually pretty cool and yeah really good presentation I have to say from power mining.
Here thank you so much and yeah there's the power consumption looks like it's come back down to 22 Watts okay so maybe it's going down just a little bit as it's been ramping up and uh mining away here but yeah let you guys know if I get a Bitcoin block but highly unlikely highly unlikely so let me know you guys's thoughts about this unit if you guys have a bid a and if you're solo mining Bitcoin do you guys think uh this is a good buy or not and yeah I'll see you all in the next video have a good one peace out peace out peace out [Music]