[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he [Music] hey guys RPM here hope you're doing well having a really great day I have another Ka box here which I am going to demonstrate to you guys the thermal differences between both of these one which is rening stock well actually they're both rening stock the difference is this one here I have a 120 mil fan on it to extract more heat from the KA box so right now this thing is running at about 58 to 60° C this one according to the web guei is running about 82° C or about 180 fah which is incredibly hot and we're going to see how hot the back is here okay so let me get a reading of just the back plate there it looks like that is the hottest part it's about 78 uh de C right in the center there it was about 80 a bit I guess a little bit further up but look at that that is extremely hot on this Ka box okay that has no fan right now and yes it provides a lot of heat this would be great during winter time but I'm afraid and I've had reports of other people's gold shells over the years that have died as you all know heat degrades the circuitry this is why I am worried about these Ka boxes I'll show you guys the differences in the computer let's go okay so we are are connected to the web gooey of both of the KA boxes just to show you guys here they have been running for almost 22 hours right now almost hitting up 23 hours but you can see here okay the temperature on the one with no external fan 120 mil fan is 81.9 De C right now with a hardware error of 6.24% average hash rate here shows 1143 uh gigahash here 1.43 terahash now we'll go to the one with the fan it shows 59° C so just by adding a 120 mil noctua industrial PPC fan 3,000 RPM about 110 CFM on the rear we have lowered the temperatures from 82 to 59.4 and we have a hardware error of 1.85% and average here is showing about almost 1.2 terahash okay so pretty crazy another big difference here I want to show you guys because of we've had these higher Hardware errors you can see looking at the hash rate here okay let me switch it up here you guys will see how much higher the average hash rate I have on the cooler 12 mil fend Ka box versus the non-cooled KA box you can see the difference here okay look look when I switch it right lower hash rate on the hotter one Higher hash rate average overall on the cooled one and another positive thing is that I've dropped about 30 Watts on the cooled one because there's going to be less heat right and less resistance that is going to be put on the chip so it's going to be drawing less power on that Ka box which is great Okay so we've lowered about 30 25 to 30 Watts on this 120 mil cooled one here okay the fan takes about what 5 to 8 watts but we're still saving power against the other one that's running stock here and getting low lower hash rate and more Hardware errors actually I can show you here uh also the fan see the Target Temp on the stock one I think is about 82° C but now that we've dropped it down so here's the other one it says about we're running at a temperature of 58 okay so the fan the fans the internal fans which are two fans inside are running a lot lower RPM right now okay so they're running at about 1200 RPM 1140 RPM there's two fans and then the stock one without the external 120 mil fan is at 2500 rpm or Max I think I'm not sure if this is Max Speed but we are unable to change the fan speed in the minor page there's nowhere to do that there's nowhere to change the target temperature so I did talk to Gold shell James he did notify the developers to see if they could do that so we're going to see if that comes out eventually but I also want to show you guys here okay the differences between the hard wear uh chip air so I'm in the debug mode on this gold shell okay the debug mode in the web goei just go/ debug and uh brings you brings up a bunch of more metrics here but looking at the hardware errors for the one with no external fan you can see it's it's pretty nuts we got a lot of Hardware this one has 1,600 Hardware errors over the past 22 hours okay and then as well uh this is the one with uh the external fan okay so this one has showing a lot less and so that's in my opinion it is translating to actually less hash rate on the pool okay so the past 24 hours the K box 01 this is the one with the external fan this one has an average of uh 946 GH it hasn't been 24 hours yet but I wanted to record this because there is a d drastic difference past 3 hours we're at 1.2 terahash the K box 02 is the one with stock no external fan it's at 1.09 terahash average over the past 3 hours and I showed you guys the difference here right look at this look at the difference here in terms of the just in the hash rate chart on the web guey itself a drastic difference okay the hotter one lower hash rate overall the one that's cooled down less resistance lower wattage about 25 watts we're seeing higher hash rate overall and also on the mining pool as well okay I wanted to show you guys this difference here okay so that's what I wanted to really get at in showing you guys the differences here whether or not you believe this is a you know the thing that you should care about I think so because you know I know a lot of people that have these that have had broken gold shell boxes and over time like I said in the beginning heat is a destroyer as uh you know chips can expand and overall break the whatever the GPU die whatever the die is uh on these Ka boxes you know potentially in previous history as we all know heat is not a great thing for circuitry especially for computer equipment okay so take that as you will this is just a disclaimer for everyone just adding a fan on the back seemed to do quite well as you guys can see here and it shows in the hash rate as well over time all right now I want to talk about the price of these Ka boxes okay but thank you to apexto mining.com for sending me this other Ka box here to show you guys the differences thank you for them I'm able to do this test here thank you to them link down below if you guys are interested interested in any of their Asic miners but looking on their website right now uh the KA box here is about 2350 so the price has definitely gone up on this batch I know it was about I think, 18 or 1,900 on a lot of resellers websites about you know a week or two ago but they already sold out right gold shell also listed this at what $6.99 or 1,700 so it's yeah this is now a lot more expensive a lot of people are now boosting up the price because the demand for this thing is a lot more but looking at the efficiency okay of the KA box here it's pretty good right it's pretty good against like the ice River uh sorry anything below the KA box here you guys can see in terms of efficiency which gets about 0.3 uh watt per hash or Jewels per uh gigahash here it's doing really well especially if you put an external fan on it and cool it down stay tuned I have the meterbox dcom if is building me like a shroud uh either for the front or the back I'll talk about that in a sec but you can see as we go down the list here the efficiency gets worse and worse on these bitmain ks3 ice River k3s uh the notorious ks0 Pro as a lot of people have and like uh these get a 0.5 in efficiency so the gold shell Ka box if you can keep it cool can do about 1.2 ter at 375 watts and it gets about a.3 uh watt per hash which is pretty good but the king of as of mining right now is the bit Main's uh ks5 Pro and ks5 which gets A5 okay hash per watt which is double the efficiency against a Ka box so take that as you will right that's a big risk and who knows if there's going to be more of these uh coming out also the network hash rate is going to climb considerably depending on how many bit main is going to create so this Ka box right now I think makes about what6 to $7 a day so understand that risk right this is all dependent on the Casp of price um also if you believe in Caspa long term then you know maybe this gold shell Ka box is going to be good for you to run at home you know just to heat your house as well a little bit I mean it's not much but it it could be something here but also looking at the dollar per gigahash okay right now with the KA box price going up okay which is 2350 now I just saw on apexto okay 2350 it's now it's getting worse okay in terms of the dollar per gigahash the higher number here the worse it is to essentially get your money back uh essentially it is kind of onar with the ks0 pro but you know if you were to maybe go for I think the best in terms of dollar per gigahash right now is going to be the ks5 L uh is River just announced this I'm not saying anyone should go buy this do it at your own risk if you believe in Casa in the long term sure go for it and considering actually the biggest risk is going to be the emission schedule which is quite aggressive and goes down about 5.6% every month so take that into consideration so what do you guys think okay of what I just talked about regarding the temperature differences I guess also the price of these things which have gone up oh yeah so let's talk about the meter box okay so the meter box has created these shrouds uh for the gold shell KS Pros now the meter box hit me up regarding these because I was having heat issues as we just talked about so he's going to figure out a shroud that you can either put in the front uh or the back I'm thinking actually now the back because I did try having a fan in the front and also in the back and uh it didn't really make much difference having the fan and the front the biggest difference was in the back because there's a lot of restriction airflow restriction here uh with this front plate and obviously the two fans that are already there so putting a 120 mil fan in the front here didn't yeah didn't make much difference maybe 3° difference but since we added the 120 mil noctua 3K RPM 110 CFM in the back it's it's much better right 60 59 58° C you guys saw in the webuy so a simple shroud maybe on the back might do better might do it justice in terms of just keeping it cooler and longterm last longer in my opinion like I said heat is going to be the Destroyer for computer equipment same thing goes with these types of little gold miners which I've had numerous people tell me that they've had failures on their gold shell like mini does so whether or not they're running uh you know above 70 80° cus that's a red flag to me and hopefully people will take that to heart because I don't want anyone to have broken especially these dead Ka boxes running around and you know thinking that oh running 82° C is fine in my opinion it's not and if you want to run it at those temperatures go for it and if you want them to die and lose money go for it but I'm not going to take that risk if you're willing to take that risk let these run at 82° C and have them die in like 6 months or less than a year go for it it's all on you it's all on you all right my friends that's it for this video let me know your thoughts I appreciate you all and if you watch to the very end comment down below your opinion regarding the KA box positive or negative comment down below I will choose a winner for 24-Hour hash rate of this Ka box get those comments down below choose the winner after 24 hours good luck everyone thank you again to apexto mining.com for sending me this Ka box link down below if you guys are interested in purchasing any hardware from them all right I'll see you guys in the next video have a good one peace out peace [Music] [Applause] out