P Bitcoin is down 20% Bitcoin is Crashing down to $65,000 what's going on guys I hope You're having a fantastic day and Welcome back to 99b YouTube channel I am Your host Omar Khan and today we're Taking a look at what's going on with Pepe coin is this end of Pepe coin Should you buy up a bag of Pepe coin What's going on with Pepe and coinbase Launching the perpendicular trading There's so many things we got to cover Here in this video but before we start I Want to ask if you haven't already smash The Subscribe button down below as it Helps with the channel tremendously now Let's take a look at what's going on With Pepe sorry my last video my Camera's all messed up if you watch the Bitcoin video uh I wasn't here in this Little circle over here uh but hey we Got to fix now we got to fix now all Right let's take a look at what's going On with pep Pepe first of all Pepe is Still trending in the top 10 it's Trending number 7 it's down 35% in the Past month 12% on the day and 20% on the 24hour now I understand why this would Cause a lot of panic if we were in the Stock market but we're not we're in the Crypto Market guys at one point we had a 170% day on Pepe obviously we're going To see a 20% dip the second I saw Bitcoin start dumping earlier today I
Anticipated this was going to happen With Bitcoin with all meme coins as well Including Pepe because people are going To panic soell but if anything you guys Watching this video right now are super Lucky cuz now you can buy in at the low You're going get 30% discount this is Black Friday all over again overall guys Look in the past year we're still up What 10,000% like this compared to just a Couple months a couple weeks ago in February look at the price difference Between now and February it's absolutely Insane it's like people forget Sometimes how much we've grown just from February till now which is absolutely Insane yeah I know in the month we're Down about the month we're down about 30% on the day we're down about 20% but This is just a correction along the way Cuz we have some bullish news for Pepe Let's to go ahead and take a look so From Pepe's Twitter um The Source we're Adding support of Pepe per perpendicular Features on coinbase Advance the Operating 1,00 pep PR perp markets will Begin on or after 9:00 p.m. on April 18th this is pretty bullish adding Another way you could be trading Everyone's favorite pep Bay coin right And coinbase Trader post this as well Again coinbase being one of the largest Exchanges in the world it's great we're
Getting pep Bay attention right also Talking about Pepe's attention even the News is talking about Pepe again these Are all things that make you bullish for A cryptocurrency when the mainstream Starts talking about a coin right when Innovation is taking place again cuz Pepe has been an Innovative coin Throughout the bull market it literally Launched during the bare market and held The market by storm it held trending for I believe 8 weeks trending number one Now he's training at number seven it's Been in the top 10 spot the entire Beginning of the bull market so far is Absolutely insane Pepe is again is going To be the biggest meme coin this bull Season potentially even the biggest beam Coin ever and it will become eventually A top three mem coin trading right under Shivu and Dogecoin so mark my words Talking about Shibu and Dogecoin if You're into the Doge themed dogs and you Like getting into products early and you Like making money let's talk about Doge Rers for a second the world's first Traveling chain Doge this is launching Very soon guys they already raised $3.2 Million and in one day and 6 hours the Price is going to rise byy now before The price Rises get into super super low Pre-sale prices guys this is a Multi-chain Dogecoin where you buy and Buy and claim Doge verse on any of these
Following chains eth B&B polygon avax Salana and base again salana and Bas Being like the two most popular mem coin Chains this bone run right not only that But they also have staking as well so You can buy earn money on your actual Doge ver so not only are you going to Buy at a super low price you could stake And earn even more and it's a range apy So it's a dynamic range apy so it's Going to be changing over time but right Now the apy is 310% you're not going to want to miss Out on this steel of deal the dogee Token will be launched on all these Different chains utilizing Superior Bridge technology doers will be Seamlessly multi-chain in just a few Clicks with low gas fees the cosmos is Making the Doge culture multichain you Take the multichain with the staking With the tokenomics this a solid project You got to take a look at now let's go Back to Pepe Pepe coin spikes on Coinbase international plans to list Perpendicular Futures the crypto Exchange offshore aims to open Perpendicular markets for the popular Memec coin on April 18th popular mcoin Pepe jumped on the news that coinbase International Exchange the us-based Crypto exchange offshore arm for the Institution will open a perpendicular Futures market for the token next week
The exchange said this on the expost That it will list pep perps on coinbase International Exchange and coinbase Advance and commerce trading on or after 9:30 a.m. UTC at April on April 18th the News spark hopes among traders that it Could foreshadow a a potential spot Listing for the fourth's largest meme Coin boasting a $3 billion market cap Right this is pretty bullish now we're Anticipating that this is going to help Pump the price of Pepe a little bit Which unfortunately didn't we instead Got a little bit of dump followed by Bitcoin stump but that's totally fine in Long- term it won't matter this is super Big for Pep Bay pep B coin price set for 54% Rally from pop analyst Martinez Forecast indicating the potential for a Significant rally investor are closely Monitoring Pepe coins performance Moreover identifies the price range from Here to here serves as a critical Threshold according to analysts Furthermore He suggests a daily close Outside this range could could be Extremely bullish for Pep bcoin again The whole world is bullish for our frog Themed Legend yes legend that pep Bitcoin has become like always guys it's Not Financial advice always do your own Research and due diligence but again I'm Very bullish for Pepe this might be a Time to load up the bag while you're
Getting it at a low price and also make Sure you check out Doge first I'm going To link that in the description below as Well like always not Financial advice Always do your own research and due Diligence before investing any money in The cryptos we cover on this channel and That wraps with the video until next Time it's your boy Omar peace [Music]