Is UnMineable Scamming Us?

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what's up ladies and gentlemen in this video we're going to be talking about the crazy fees and is unmineable scamming people um I always knew that unminable fees were kind of bad I just didn't have any idea now the technicals actually referred a channel on one of his posts and he was like guys go check out modern mining so I went over there modern mining is still a small Channel but he's not going to be small for long uh really like the way he does his videos and specifically I watched a video that was titled unminable fees are insane I did the math hold on let me mute this phone call I was getting right there um and I was like you know I'm I'm using unable let me look at it my justification for using unminable is I'm using you know lots of different cards lots of different computers even have my little Asic on it and I can just point them at all these different algorithms and they all pay out to The One coin that I'm trying to get but you know everybody's like they claim a 1% fee everybody that's been in it knows that they do more than 1% they're they're skimming they're scraping or I whatever you want to call it something ain't right um he does the video at the end of the video uh the results are about 15% 15% 15 times higher than what they claim that's that's insane um now I don't know if he used his own referral code because you uh somebody mentioned that and you can use your own referral code on your own system and it gives you a a quarter of a percent back uh or Kickback so then that would make it for 14.75% or 14 and 3/4 still an insane uh amount of fees now um he did it over a 24-hour period with a single GPU um obviously you need everything to be almost identical for every you know for it to be a valid test he did a great job with that um I'm thinking I may replicate the the testing um over a little bit longer period of time so and I have some identical gpus at the shop um and then I have some identical motherboard so um I'm thinking I might take you know depending on what I have that's matches exactly um I think I have like five or six 1070s or 1070 TI I don't remember exactly what they were but um that way I could put them on a riserless motherboard uh I have identical riserless motherboards identical power supplies identical Ram uh and then identical cards at least they're all the same manufacturer the same brand and the same submodel I believe they were EVGA uh what is it the um sc's so they're all EVGA super clocked 107 TI um obviously there's better cards out there but we're trying to keep everything ex exactly the same uh to see the results uh but I was kind of given unminable the benefit of of the doubt you know hey if they're taking five 6% whatever it's worth it um once you're creeping up over over double digit percentages though um it is no longer worth it so uh I'm not saying that modern mining did a bad test but um it was a a small period of time and before I go and flip everything over to another setup I I definitely I think I think running a test would be good um make for good YouTube content and then officially just you know put another nail in the in the coffin so to speak of unminable um are they scamming us literally are they scamming us so um now if you are with the unmind team or you are you know own unminable all that kind of stuff and you're seeing this video I'm not meaning to throw shade at you but uh in the community everybody looks at unminable and knows that the fees aren't right everybody does like this isn't just some like small percentage a lot of people still do use unminable but do they know how bad it is is the actual question um so that's what we're going to get down to here in the next uh few days I'll do a video on the setup and then we'll do a video on results uh may have it go out longer may you know do it after a day uh see what the results are and then after a week and then may may drag it out to a full month um I'm thinking that that'll probably be good if we can get some some solid numbers but uh yeah yeah um if you guys have any recommendations please comment down below let me know um that would help out for the testing uh obviously I'd love to have like all brand new stuff but I think what's more important is to have as close to identical matching Hardware as possible um instead of trying to just you know throw newer cards in it so to speak um yeah so regardless we are still on the the journey to 100 million Sheba had read a couple comments a couple people were like oh man I did really good on that back in the day it did good here it did good there then there were some comments that are just like bro where what's what what's wrong what are you what are you doing and um I don't know what I'm doing nobody knows what they're doing do they so they do it um but yeah so we're we're going to mine up 100 million Sheba whether it goes to zero or or goes to a penny a penny would be insane it's not I don't think it's possible but um you know we can dream just another lottery ticket uh anyway other than that I guess I'll see yall on the next one I'm going to do a recap video on um the uh the 100 million Sheba Mining Adventure probably once a week so look out for that I've already added another GPU here we we'll show you this one we'll show you this one I added another GPU to this riserless rig up here um the Fan's broken on it so I have a fan leaning up against it it's a 1660 TI uh MSI so the the Shroud was broken off and that fan locked up so I have just another case fan right there and it's don't give him no slack tell him he can't he can't pull that again can't be leaving us again got to stay this time all right for real bye

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