[Music] [Music] [Music] he hey guys ARP here hope you're doing well having a really great day I am officially done wiring the four 240 volt 30 amp circuits for my GPU rack that's all done I'm going to go through in this video talking about just all this stuff here and just getting a checklist done of what I need to get this all going and then I'll talk about the gpus as well so let's begin with this so the 30 amp two 40 volt circuits I got four of them here took me about maybe a good half a day to put the rest of the conduit up here 1in EMT conduit that goes up to here and I did buy the wrong uh EMT clamps uh this is a 1 and 1/2 in which I was supposed to buy a 1 in one so this is not even doing anything it's just free hanging because it's actually being held up by the anchor screws from each of the meter boxes which I have about three each and some people had some reservations regarding that the weight if I had the pdu cables in that it could bring this whole drywall piece down I guess we'll see I guess we'll see if that happens or not I do have anchor screws like I said so we'll see if it would be able to handle the uh weight from the four pdus that I'm going to be having plugged in here shortly so wiring it in here into the EMT the connectors pulling the 10 gauge wiring through the each of the boxes here was was quite hard um it was uh cuz I had to be mindful each of the lengths were a little bit shorter as I went so the first box was just fine second box was fine third box it was getting a little bit short then I went I came to the last box and putting the wire in for this one it was a little bit too short it came maybe like a little bit here like an inch left that wasn't long enough so what I had to do was push in the 1in EMT here okay into the wall a little bit further in I had to drill a little bit more so I could push this in so that the wiring would be you know technically a little bit longer all right so it was normally maybe this EMT was maybe like over here uh so that because I shifted everything over about two or three inches then I was able to have that extra extra wiring for this last one which was a bit short but I finally managed to get that in okay so I am ready guys I'm ready for the power I also have all of these meter boxes labeled as well GPU 01 GPU 02 GPU 03 GPU 04 this corresponds with the breakers all right the 10 gauge wiring that goes into the breakers okay so I have it all labeled on the C panel here GPU 1 uh GPU 3 then on the other panel it's this one and this one which is going to be GPU 2 and GPU 4 okay so that is yeah all ready all done I tested it out with a pdu and I got one plugged in already okay so just to show you here okay this is the 240 volt 30 amp pdus that I am going to be using here so as you can see right I can see the amberd Watts all that stuff on the pdu as well 226 volt okay um but again right I have a meter here I also have a meter up there and I also have my Emporia energy monitoring system which I'm going to put a circuit sensor on these as well so I essentially have three different ways to measure the I guess power that I'm using on these right so I have one pdu here another pdu here third one here and a fourth pdu right right here now I wanted to get some feedback from you guys and actually before I do that I want to announce another giveaway of a KS Z pro thank you to BP and so we're giving one away on Sunday this coming Sunday and all you have to do is comment on a video which I'll have linked down below to Mr overboard Tech you also have to subscribe to him okay make sure you subscribe to him and also comment down in his video that I'll link down below you have to comment with what you like about crypto mining or what's positive anything positive about crypto Mining and also uh which country are you in like USA Canada Europe whatever any whatever country let me know and then on Sunday I will choose a winner common picker for an ice rer ks0 Pro so it's that easy you guys don't have to buy anything nothing to promote thank you to Mr BP he's the one who graciously gifted us 14 ksz Pros to give away to the community so we're already halfway there I got five left Mr leus Gra one on Sunday congrats to you my friend so good luck you guys good luck link down below to Mr over bortex video make sure you subscribe as well okay so you guys know evj RTX 370s I got pretty much all 108 here now I do have some a few other branded ones from my other mining location but I think together have 111 or 112 370s here I have I think 24 more in the boxes here three of them here I'm going to open that up later and yeah I am ready pretty much ready now to populate all the GP Riser R8 server cases I got 10 of them here and we're going to put them on this shelf okay this is what it's all about that is what I have been trying to do this whole past week here and I am almost there guys almost there okay so let's talk about the pdus so these pdus which I ordered from Alibaba I ordered 10 at a time because I did get a custom batch made with the uh 8 right c14 C13 and c14 uh connectors and as well as the c19 C20 connectors as well along with it does come with a uh meter as well but I don't really need that but it's nice to have and also 30 amp uh breaker okay you guys can see here so it's nice to have now I'm wanting some feedback from you guys how should I mount this or these pdus four of them onto the Shelf I was thinking okay here let me go over here I was thinking of like zap strapping them to the side like right here okay I had them zap strap around okay like this I can have all four across here now I think I can only fit maybe one or three across here and then I'll have the last one maybe on the side or something but the thing is these GP Riser R8s come with an adapter actually okay uh you guys can see right here this is a regular pc cable but it's adapted into a single uh c19 C20 N I do have a another cable that goes into a pdu just an extender but natively right I can then theoretically plug this c19 n into this side of the pdu now since I have four 30m circuits right and I have 10 octo miners I was thinking of doing three R8s per uh you know pdu so in theory that I'll have you know nine or so three three three so that'll be nine of the R8s and then I'll have one left for another pdu but then I was thinking later on in the future I am going to probably add more sery cases down below okay so it looks like you know thinking of you know doing the math right now if I were to mine you know a lithium on let's say three of the R8s just three of them okay that would equal about oh I don't have it I have other as6 plugged in here but it was about 620 W so 620 W * 3 that would be what about I'd say 19 to 2,000 Watts just for three of them plugged in into those three c9s for three of the R8s so I wouldn't be at Max Power Max capacity on a single circuit right so if I were to mine kapow though then then I would have maybe but what 35 maybe 4,000 watts Max if I you know 24 307s mining kapow so I would then be okay still I I still have that overhead just in case if I want to switch algorithms on that pdu right so I think that that is a good play and plus yeah I'm yeah I'm going to be adding probably more uh 307s on uh the bottom row as well cuz I can fit 10 R8 across no problem right I can fit 10 R8s across so I think that's that's going to be that's fine let me know what you guys think about that and uh just judging by the four circuits I have right and how many R8s I have which is 10 right now I can do 10 across and then uh in the future I'll have I'll bring some other server cases over they're not going to be R8 so my OCD is going to kick in but that's okay I well then I should then have the extra capacity on these circuits uh if I was going to mine something like kapow or uh something eash even and then the whole other side of it is is going to be now if I'm going to be able to cool this this whole shelf right all the gpus that are going to be here with this 22in uh Vore uh exhaust fan that I have here that's been sitting for a while it's actually the exact same one that I have for my as6 shelf right this one over here which is actually running on low actually no medium medium mode right now and and yeah it's doing great it's doing great for my as6 my as6 are you know almost maxed out right almost 5300 Watts 4,300 WTS here 3600 Watts there so it's not it's not bad right I'm using generally a lot of power here with the three circuits so yeah the power cables should then just be easily be able to go like over here cuz all the power supplies are going to be on the back right octom miners are going to be uh all the fans are going to be exhausting out this way and then all the power supply cables are going to go into these uh c19 C20 ports just from here to here so that should be nice and short hopefully that will make it in terms of length and then yeah networking uh I totally forgot to uh buy a network switch so I already have I already have all the uh network cables I think I have I think I have enough network cables already I just need 10 for now um they may not be to the lengths the proper lengths but that's that's okay and then yeah so I ordered a network switch out 24 Port off Amazon it's just one of the cheap you know TP Link Network switches which is uh like like this one right there it's just like one of these uh $100 TP Link unmanaged Network switches which I actually just revamped my network I actually put a new vlen for this Asic rack okay so everything on that switch on that Port which which goes to my ubiquity rack is on its own VLAN now it's on its own subnet and then I'm going to have its own VLAN for this rack as well I have a network port at the top there so that Port is going to be communicating uh to one of the ports on the ubiquity which I can designate towards that vlen and this one here is going to be that GPU shelf okay so this port is I'm going to have to vlen that and all all this is vend on its own subnet as well and also my poers Shelf with all my CPU rigs all this stuff here which is actually on one of these Cisco switches which is unmanaged uh at the moment it is a managed switch but I haven't configured it nothing I don't need to because I just need to configure the port on the ubiquity which translates over the uh vlen over to uh everything that's plugged into this switch so everything on this shelf is on its own vlen so I can see by uh subnet essentially each of the IP address ranges for this shelf then I'll have it for uh this shelf okay the GPU shelf and then I already have it for my as6 self shelf so I can you know differentiate that way and networking wise I can easily just figure out what's what and you know also block communication between the vlans so that you know maybe my hi rigs cannot talk to my as6 my low power shelf can't talk to my as6 or gpus and and vice versa so yeah guys uh the switch will come tomorrow then I guess the biggest thing for me I need to do next now is start getting the gpus up okay so let me know what you guys think about the Shelf I'm going to start you know building the GPU rigs now okay and yeah uh just go to town and I guess that's going to be my content for the next next couple days here I hope you guys don't mind cuz yeah I just I have a lot of work to do it's this is I've just been working on this Non-Stop and I know Bitcoin right now is hitting up 69 almost 70,000 and uh that's exciting but you know for me right now I have to focus on this because I want to get my gpus up and I want to get that lower electrical rate as well so I got to hit that you know 35 36 uh kilowatt hours at least per hour so okay all right my friends let me know how would you uh Mount the pdus how would you mount the network switch like all all the cables are going to have to come through the backside anyway down from the octom miner so it's going to come down here I mean that's the only logical place I can think of but you guys let me know you guys let me know all right I'm almost there my friends I'm almost there let me know your thoughts I appreciate you all you guys have a good one peace out peace out