what's up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the Brandon coin YouTube channel and today is an update video on my jazz Miner it is the x16 Q model um it I don't know exactly how long it's been we'll find that out when I go get on the computer but I figured I would show you guys uh where I have mine located and how it's been a really good like profit heater so uh I this is my kitchen right here going into my living room I actually have it positioned behind my couch so let me flip this around and show you where it's at all right so I have the Jazz Miner right here it's actually sitting beside two desktop computers and it's a little narrower than a traditional full tower computer and it just puts off a good amount of heat and helps offset some of my heating costs inside the house being that it's right behind the couch it's actually really nice cuz it keeps it super warm right in this area but um now let's get down to the meat and potatoes show you what this bad boy is actually earning all right guys so I recorded a video when I first got this device the link for that will be down below in the description if you want to watch it when I unboxed it and got it set up it was super super easy um that was 2 weeks ago which was the 11th of November um I actually had jumped around and tried some different pools and I had settled on um two miners pool let's pull that pool information up right here and you can see current hash rate 1.92 average 1.
.96 so we're averaging slightly higher than what these are advertised at which is a 1.95 estimated daily profitability holds out just above $4 a day so I'm happy about that now they don't take in power cost here so we'll take power cost out here in a little bit even though this is offsetting my heating cost so I would be paying for heat if I wasn't paying for running this device um last 24 hours I earned $4.22 worth of eth proof of work which was 96 coins um and total paid has been 18 um which is $ 7883 now um I told you we started on this one on the 11th but if we go over here to our payouts um they don't show all the payouts here let me see um not that one there we go so you can see I I connected to uh at that night of the 11th and it really started pulling in rewards on the 12th onward um so we have roughly 19 days into mining with this device and it has generated $78 so we're looking at about $4 and 10 cents a day so this thing has been literally Rock Solid um since we've plugged it in um uptime on this device is probably one of the best out of anything that I have running in my house now uh unfortunately L I am running on T-Mobile home internet so it is a glorified hot spot so we do have outages for small periods of time literally every other day if not every single day but total run running up time at 1 day 22 hours um I consider that very very nice uh for for my internet now this is the dashboard I got Auto Refresh on I'll turn that off when I'm not looking at it you see this temperature she's running absolutely ice cold and that's with it being inside my house where I like to keep it around 70° F so yeah fans aren't working hard every everything's just chugging away it's all happy happy gol lucky um what else let's see here I think that's pretty much everything on on that side now I did want to take a look at and people were asking me when am I going to sell and if I go back and look at eth P or eth W um coin price there we go uh obviously the all-time high was crazy um because you know in the beginning it was what what what was it right here $100 $99 now it has been pretty much flatlined around $3 to4 for basically a year no two years January 2023 yeah so by the time it hits January 2024 um it was around $35 back then so in 2 years it's made a a dollar give or take all right guys sorry about that I got a phone call but anyway let's check out if you were running this and settling off on a daily basis and paying for power and not offsetting any heating costs or anything like that so this unit is right at 600 uh 20 watt time 24 hours a day divided by 1,000 that gives you the Kow it's Burns 14.88 KW um in the winter time my electricity goes down to 10 cents per kilowatt hour so I'm burning right at a148 a day minus .48 uh so this unit is profiting $262 a day if you sold off every single day now I am not selling off every day and I am going to be using and documenting uh my journey and basically I'm hoping ew does something big cuz I'm holding I'm holding out for for the pump whenever it happens so um we'll see when this unit will actually Roi uh and then when this unit will start actually making us money in the future but in the meantime I don't think selling off as you go is the way forward so if you're interested in one of these you can head over to Jazz Miner um I don't I think they were redoing their website last time I had a jazz minor product list let's see let's take a look like together live uh so yeah there's the x16 Q Pro that's a little bit better than the one I have I have the regular Q where does this direct us to if we click buy now oh my goodness shipping in December 2024 buy Now log in okay so I believe you can I know you can get this price cheaper unless the prices have gone up on these um from a distributor or a third party so you can take a look at that and um you know look in your local area let's see hold on Jazz miners for sale this is the auto corrected for Jasmine RS for sale that's not what we want want um H give me a second let me do I went over to crypto Miner Bros by the way this is not sponsored by them um so I don't have any kind of discount code or anything like that but I'm sure there's other you know creators out there uh they actually have the x16 Q for 22 2300 22.99 um so there are better deals than going direct through the Jazz Miner website so um you know do your research shop around a little bit make sure you use a trusted uh reseller and happy hunting so I Al I'm also curious is anybody else stacking eth W what do you guys think it's going to do longterm please drop it below in the comment section and other than that I will see you on the next one peace adios have a good weekend bye