all right guys so scaling on salad has been a little difficult this uh first 3060 rig I built has been solid at $2 a day very little hiccups no issues there and then I started building out these 3090 machines these are Zeon 12 cores with 64 gigs of RAM and RTX 390 in each one they all have 500 gig nvme drives um 750 W gold power supplies everything's identical this one makes $5 a day this makes 250 a day this one is calculating and it grabs jobs every now and then so I don't know if maybe there's just a supply and demand issue I did change my network around and I have given each one of these a dedicated 100 up and 100 down line to try to equal out the load uh because I was worried maybe some were pulling too much and not enough but um that seems to have had no effect on them