what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the Brandon coin YouTube channel and I noticed that Caspa is doing its thing and just going wild um I believe it hit over 20 cents hold on let's pull it up here um yeah but that means profitability on um all the Caspa miners is not doing too shabby um right now it's at 19.99 no it's at 20 cents it just clicked over um so it is what is it July 31st 2024 who knows you could be watching this on the future and you're like man Cas bad 20 cents should have bought it or man Cas bad 20 cents should have sold it it's there's just no way to to know but I do know that right now Caspa miners are doing doing not so shabby let me flip this around and show you so yep there's our Caspa at 20 cents it looks like it's going to hit 21 cents possibly by the way this is not Financial advice or anything like that we're taking a look at so the ks0 ultas right now if you have 12 cents power um we'll start off with 10 cents cuz a lot of people said they had 10cent power um get a fresh Refresh on that it's doing a18 cents a day in income 24 cents a day in power and that comes out to 84 cents a day profit if you sold daily $25 a day or a month uh and then $37 a day or a yearly I keep saying a day um now if you have 12 cents like um I'm I'm between 13 12 to 13 so we'll go up to 13 I'm only profiting 77 cents but I'm actually since this is such a low power I am going to take this to my office because it's not even going to make a difference um I have uh an amount a certain amount of power that's pre included into my monthly rent at my office so we're going to be chugging in that dollar a day or you know $32 a month now obviously there is a reduced emission schedule on Caspa so over time it does go down along with more people on the network difficulty all those kinds of things but uh I just figured I would you know maybe show show what's going on because uh it's it's definitely not a bad thing now if we go over here to some of the bigger boys it's it's super tempting it really is uh let's see here so like the ice River ks5 L is doing $21 a day right now uh ks5 M let's take power out of it first and we can we can talk about power later well just let me put zeros in yeah so ks5 L doing $32 a day and then ks5 m is doing $40 a day um obviously these are these units are big they're expensive you're you're taking a lot more risk buying these these larger units my cat just fell down um yeah you're taking a lot more risk uh but man seeing profits like that is nuts now going up here and looking at some of these these alifia miners uh 700 a day 700 a day this is that's that's just a whole another realm is that going to last no absolutely not um but the bitmain ks5 pro and ks5 54 and then $56 a day it's a wild time it feels like crypto is spooling back up maybe something big or maybe something big is happening right now and we just don't we're just at the beginning of it uh where we're at the beginning of a huge dip that that's the one thing about crypto you just never know so anyway let's go grab my KS Zero Ultra and load it up all right so I brought this to the office and um I am going to be taking this one down I have this one turned down to low power because it was putting off a ton of heat um but then this one's only burning 100 Watts this one's only 100 Watts so we don't actually have a lot of wattage here so as long as I keep it under that set of Mount then we're going to be good um this is the test bench where I've been throwing cards on I let them mine to see if they're good pull them off there um and yeah I need to keep swapping those around but uh in the meantime this is the little office plus mining setup so try to maximize some of my earnings but anyway guys um yeah I guess that's that's pretty much the end of the video you have anything else cool to show you no not on this video Z Ultra I think I'll probably end up obviously taking that one home for the winter time this one is just solo mining right now um that one's got to go back to I don't want to say his name he let me borrow it for the uh for the video and review and that kind of thing um so that one's got to go back I'm not keeping that one I am going to keep some of these but I do have these Doge miners for sale got another one down there those are on the website so if you're interested um yeah that's pretty much it so anyway guys peace out have a good one this is a beautiful card by the [Music] way you know what I figured oh by the way I got me a fresh cut um while we're here we'll go ahead and pull an order this is order number 1525 uh I think I tried to pull this on yesterday's video which might not end up being yesterday's video canonically for you because I don't always upload them and publish them whatever uh but this is a 6600 XT that I got during the 20% off sale originally 165 got it for 132 it's a sapphire pulse 6600 XT then you also got a sapphire pulse 6600 originally priced $ 139 20% off he got it for $111 120 sorry about that let me mute that phone let me grab these so here is the sapphire pulse uh regular 6600 and where's that 6600 XT yeah it's in here somewhere I think I hope oh there it is ha so the XT is a little bit longer let me just double check to make sure yep 6600 XT so I'm going to get these wrapped up and uh sent out somebody already asked me hey when's the next 20% off sale I don't do those very often I've had maybe two of them and the past what year um but we are going to be doing some more sales and some more combo kits and Deals and stuff like that so uh the best way to stay connected is obviously going to the Discord link is down below in the description it says like shop Discord um we do also have another Discord just for uh like talking about crypto and Mining and that kind of thing that link will be underneath the shop Discord so depending on where you want to go you can either either or uh we still do talk about a little bit of crypto in the shop Discord but I do try try to keep the shop one where all my announcements um and inventory updates that kind of thing goes so it's all in one spot um for work you know work and business and pleasure I guess it's technically two different businesses but whatever um yeah all right you have a good one I'll see you on the next one adios