Kaspa Miners are PISSED at Iceriver for doing this…

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e [Music] [Music] down d [Music] n [Music] [Music] what [Music] [Music] m [Music] good morning everybody or afternoon or evening wherever you guys are watching what's up everybody Welcome to the live stream stream happy Saturday well actually I don't think it's really a happy Saturday the past couple days I have been I have been hearing it from a a lot of people recently and it's not good it hasn't been good just short story a lot of people who've ordered maybe like a week or two ago or even like you know a couple weeks ago of the pre uh ice River batch pricing that you see now for July people are pissed people are very mad that the price like a ks5 l has dropped from like and on some resellers that were were selling it for over 10,000 maybe just a couple weeks ago is now selling for five under $5,000 50 like a no that's 100% that's 100% cut in price o in over a span of a couple weeks and people are people are living and and and Ice River pulling this move I guess first as they now have I don't my my whole thought about this is that they're trying to get people to fomo in for those that bought on ice River okay they they're giving them an actual a coupon a pretty decent Siz coupon I think it was $80 for a ks0 Ultra and then uh a k5l coupon was $2,400 so sure it it's good for those that maybe pre-ordered on Ice River before then but if you bought on a reseller's website you some people are not getting anything some people are not getting any coupon whatsoever all right and and that is super unfortunate super unfortunate um so I uh H there's just so many things I I yeah there's so many things I want to go through it's just I it's it's just a I'd say an S stor I'll just say it's a [ __ ] storm all right [ __ ] storm of what ice server has done here and uh some people are are pissed people who ordered the k5l a couple weeks ago or a month ago they still haven't received it they they still haven't gotten it yet the the the the previous 10,000 uh or 7 8,000 9,000 whoever whatever the price they bought it for um a couple weeks ago the ks5 L it it was meant for and of uh June 15th to June 30th shipping it's mid June now they should be shipping out now and another thing to take note is I've noticed the network hash rate has been climbing uh every day actually uh looking at the uh here thank you to mass boost for putting this together um the hash rate has actually been climbing about on average about 1.08 petahash a day and this is up in real time so this the projection here the projection and obviously in the next month or two um I think the average hash rate is going to be a lot higher than that because we got a lot of Big B we got a lot of big batches of these miners uh being released onto the market and of course can't forget the Caspa Mission schedule 5.6% decrease in the uh Casa block reward uh Casper per second sorry uh is going to go down 5.6% every month everyone knows that already okay so that is is going to be quite interesting to see how much the the yield is going to be now a ks5 l currently is 321 Caspa a day just like just a couple weeks ago we did a we did a live stream okay we did a live stream I said I said I'm not going to buy any new castle miners retro mik Tech donated $2 retro mik thank you what is this crypto talk thank you for2 salad now what is this crypto talk we need salad now we need salad now I just realized I'm On Top chat let me go live chat okay just couple weeks two weeks ago couple weeks ago I said I'm not going to buy any new cast miners I gave you guys my reasoning and look what happened now it's I didn't I didn't predict that they were going to drop the prices but I predicted that the amount that you were going to buy I would have just bought Caspa instead and you know before that Caspa uh Casa had a massive rally so at that time when I said I was going to I wanted to buy Casper miners but then I was like you know it's better to buy the coin at this point but now now know that the prices have been SL slashed in half I I want to do a I want to do a uh Casper yield uh uh test here so just a couple weeks ago ks5 L was 7700 uh I guess plus tariff if you bought it from Ice River directly if they were going to value that at 7,700 there's another 25% right another 25% to my American friends unfortunately so that thing would cost like $10,000 you have to pay another like $500 tariff Bill upon that so people who pre-ordered this a couple weeks ago never got it and then now they're getting they're getting effed by Ice River and then they go in and and they try to lower the damage by getting you to buy another minor with by pretty much half price giving you a $2,400 coupon for the k5l $2400 coupon so they'll they'll bring this price down to what 25 is it25 $2,400 for ks5 for those that pre-ordered on the ice rers website okay anyone that actually pre-ordered on the ice server website for the k5l you get that coupon but for anyone else that ordered from other resellers this is where people are pissed off people are not getting that type of coupon from the resellers okay they're not getting the $2,400 coupon from reselling so M this is just this is yeah a lot of people are pissed and they don't even have the miner yet people who bought it for 10,000 uh couple weeks ago they still don't have it and now that they lowered the price to five granted this is for their July 1st and July 15 batch okay so you know even worse even worse so people that are just getting them by the end of this month for the June batch like couple weeks later people that we're going to get the July batch is going to be for in in the in July for people that order this at under 5,000 dude that is that is horrible that that that is that is terrible my resell to is selling for cheaper than coupon price I would not recommend buying from a person who doesn't have a website to be honest um doesn't have any order tracking or anything like that uh I I I would not I I would not in my in my personal opinion you do you but what do you want me to ask ice River at mining disrupt send me your questions via Discord serpent uh sure man sure yeah sounds good sounds good sounds good I thought everyone sold uh old castle miners and bought the new shiny castle miners that's being a catalyst for the price drop uh yeah maybe yeah but honestly I think it's just inventory honestly I think it's I think it's inventory people were not uh ice River told me actually a couple like last week they said they did they they said the ks5 L wasn't as a a hot buy so I think that's why you can see their batch here July 1st and July 15th was like 2 weeks after their previous batch and then they just cut the prices and then they are also undercutting they're trying to they're trying to get people to buy these because of bitm they know bit m is going to come out here in August all right bit M's going to come out in August and people are going to be people are going to be pissed off that their ks5 l in the next month depending on how many depending how many uh are going to release they're going to be they're going to be they're going to be uh seeing a lot less a lot less yield but we we don't know we don't know granted we don't know how many uh we don't know how many bit main ks5 ks5 Pros are going to be uh are going to be uh put on the market so as of now it looks like the dollar per gigahash for ks5 B is like a04 is 40 cents per per gigahash so that's that's amazing yes that's that's pretty good that's that's pretty good but let's do some fun let's do some fun math here I bought 10K 10 Ultras Lal five before coupons five with C coupons nice jeez okay okay I the only saving grace here I just I should have started off I should have started off with this is that Casa's price has to appreciate a lot more to have uh a a positive effect on profitability on on all these on all these Caspa as6 okay I mean everyone knows right that these Caspa as ks3 M's are still making $25 a day now all right I'm assuming over the next couple months I'm going to think this is going to be going down to like I don't know under 10 but then yeah all the k2s the ks1 are Ka boxes all of these are going to be all of these are going to be in the in the in the in the pennies it's going to start heading there it's going to start heading there I feel like but it all depends it really all depends on Casa's price the Saving Grace here is Casa's price uh kinro Evo red pen money I'm happy my k5l but selling for 14,000 and now and now 5,000 it's no funny yeah bro you're not alone you're yeah you're you're not alone someone uh I had a couple messages from people that are that were pretty mad that just for the fact that they never received their ks5 L yet and then they go ahead and they drop the prices down for like another two weeks later batch a drop in like okay you spent for you spent uh you said you spent 14,000 and now it's down to 5,000 there you have a you have a $99,000 difference there in a span of 2 weeks of a shipping date from your previous June 15th to June 30th $99,000 what kind of that is I'm sorry but that's horrible that is that is horrible that is really really bad really bad um I someone was asking about overclock for for castle miners uh use PB farmer overclock uh PB farmer uh this one right here PB Farmers ice River overclock uh they also do uh 5% goes to the Caspa developers as a as a fee so it's pretty good good on them uh to do that yeah um overclocking mind you okay overclocking just be mindful you know there's the disclaimers obviously uh you could burn it up all that kind of stuff just do it at your own risk you know make sure it's uh make sure oh it's actually 1% is directed to the Caspa development fun now oh okay that changed oh okay so nothing goes to the developer everything goes everything goes to the uh Caspa Development Fund oh that's good all right okay um bot life gamer well that is the risk you take for buying an Asic and it's always been there uh yes botlife gamer yes I you're you're not wrong you're not wrong but it's it's it's it is a lot more apparent in this scenario here it's it's really apparent here and man yeah that that man that two week play that that two weeks of $9,000 difference really ah that really sucks man that is that that is what that is what hurts that is what hurts right there nothing beats the nothing beats the bath I took on 2 E9 20K in 2 months nothing beats the bath at E9 20K in 2 months oh you bought the E9 at 10K well in theory okay if you didn't mine and hold then you I M and held my E9 I got pretty much 10,000 back but it depends I guess depends on what depends what time frame you bought it but when did you buy them if you bought the same time as when I was doing that theoretical uh test then okay let's do let's do a let's do a theoretical thing here now okay so would you rather buy Caspa right now or buy the minor all right so if you bought from Ice River 48 4,800 plus shipping is what another $300 so $5,000 what's 25% tariff on $5,000 that's like 1,00 uh no uh 1,250 so let's just say this thing is let's just say this thing is $6,500 all in after said and done 6,500 bucks all right let's 65 6500 6250 okay p5l how much would I cost to buy Caspa right now at let's just say 16 cents 16 cents here let's do 16 all right and let's put in 6250 that would be 39,2 78 Caspa all right let's go all right so if you bought Caspa right now uh it would be worth that much okay all right so now it's uh what what what time is it right now what thees date today June 15th 2024 all right what is the yield currently of a ks5 l 38 318 okay just like not even a couple weeks ago it was 375 couple weeks ago the yield was 375 now it's 318 so that happened within a span of a a month with casos network hash rate uh climbing how much did they climb here over the course of the month two okay May 16th to June 15th we have climbed we have climbed 80 85 84 petahash 84 petahash of Caspa hash rate has climbed in one month holy sh no wonder no wonder okay so 318 Caspa yield so we calculated last stream like a month ago it was an 18% uh pretty much on average the network hash rate climbed month month by month including the 5.6% drop is about 18% on average the network hash rate was climbing every month so adding 18% plus 5.6 6% that's a 23.6% decrease per month and this just this is just a guest this is not this is just guesstimate okay so by the time you get it it's probably not going to be 318 honestly I think by the time people get theirs it's going to be like I'm going to say like two with everyone coming on I'm going to say just realistically 290 a day by the time everyone gets it and the next admission schedule drop it's going to be like 290 a day so if you were to buy a ks5 l right now You' you'd get you'd buy like let's say 40,000 Caspa okay you can buy 40,000 Caspa if you were to mine it by the time you get it the first month you would Mine by 80 8700 Cas for the next month 6600 if there's a 20% increase month to month you'd see here the amount that you would be able to buy versus you're able to mine after 2 years you would not be able to you know theoretically mine that that that amount back if the the hash rate climbed 20% every month but I don't think that's going to happen right it's not going to climb 20% every month but here let's just what do we change this to I don't know let's just say let's go let's go 15% 15% maybe like a little bit more realistic I don't know so yeah maybe you can mine you can you can maybe mine your yield back in maybe 7 months but I think we're not we're forgetting that in August the bitmain ks5 and ks5 Pros are going to be shipping out and uh in September they're going to start turning on now I don't know how many we don't know how many ks5 Pros or k5s are going to be sold in the market there was some rumor from uh Lila mining who is has close ties to bitmain saying that there were 20,000 that were allocated to or 20,000 that have been sold to resellers and trade you know all that kind of stuff so 20,000 units has have they sold 20,000 units of these I don't know I I don't I don't know but that's we did the calculation that's almost another 400 or 600 petahash if that 20,000 units would be almost another 4 I think it was 420 p aash of hash rate that would just double the hash rate so man that would be that would be that would be that would be crazy BC says don't forget that if you buy cast you don't pay electric on that uh BC you are 100% you're 100% correct 100% 100% okay so after talking about all this okay the numbers here we just don't know it could change we don't know we honestly don't know I I'm I'm personally I am I'm getting one and I am going to be keeping track how much Caspa we're going to be mining and seeing we when we could break even on it okay and this is the Saving Grace here for people that are buying these is that Casper price for people that are mining and holding has to go up the casa price has to keep going up the Saving Grace here is the price appreciation of Casa that's that's it the the end goal the end game for people that are mining kaspa is the price appreciation that's it and in turn if there is price appreciation and the you know mining profitability wise of these things are still good in a way then you can also consider that you can try to sell the the minor okay you can consider that you can try to sell these now as we've seen there's a very small window there's a very small window for people to sell these min miners um just yeah there's these miners the there's like a new I feel like there's a new model coming out like every month every like two months or every month or so there's like a new model being announced and the efficiency gain is is is obviously it's it's it's gotten it's gotten a lot better like as you guys can see we're like a 0.15 Jews per terh on a ks5 pro ks5 ice River was uh oh there's a here I server is uh 22 you know there's so many new miners coming out it's just insane man it's like like people just yesterday Vos coin released a video about the Dragon Ball Miner he just released a video like he got one from I think Asic Marketplace and he did a review on it and like uh he he I I I I didn't watch the whole thing but um I don't think he was he didn't mention the efficiency or anything thing of the other miners but uh like you can see like the Dragon Ball Miner is like $10,000 and then the ice rivers are like you know a bit a lot more efficient and they're selling for like $5,000 so I hope nobody buys like the Dragon Ball Miner and like also like the wind M no don't buy the wind Miner the wind Miner is crap um I don't know gold shell Ka box like for $2400 yeah this should not be $2,400 now the gold shell Ka boxes the KA box Pros these should be like $500 now like these these should not be $2,000 like this uh greater good M Dragon Ball Miner is late to the game yeah extremely late to the game extremely extremely late so there's oh man going okay people just tuning in thank you guys for watching thank you guys for coming in Smash the like here let's get to 100 likes the the whole point of the stream was to acknowledge the people that I was talking to that pretty much got effed uh and buying a you know10 to $14,000 k5l just a couple weeks ago and now ice River drops the bomb and cuts the price like a lot so from 14,000 the gentleman I just we just read in in the chat you know uh Keno I I have my ks5 L for a month now I expect at the end of the year to have recovered my money to have won something aeno Evo yeah I mean if you're Mining and holding that's that's the play that that's really the the play like there there there is no point in mining and selling if you believe in Caspa because think about it like you're if you thinking Casp is going to go to a dollar like think of it this way this is how I think of it if you think Caspa is going to go to a dollar one day I'm not saying it's going to but if it is then your k5l that you have right now you're mining 317 Caspa a day that's like mining $317 a day that's that's how I think about it if you're Mining and holding you you are waiting for cas's price to appreciate you're waiting for like that all coin season the Bull Run you're you're you're wanting to see you're wanting to realize those gains right you're you're wanting Casa to go up that's that that's that's the whole that's the whole point of people that are buying these miners right now they're believing that you know Caspa is going to go up a lot more than it is now that's that's the whole point that's the whole point and I don't have a crystal ball nobody does every everyone seems to be very bullish on Caspa I mean I'm I'm very hopeful full as well opium copium maybe but who knows we really don't know we really don't know maybe bitmain's been propping up you know bit M's been uh Market making Caspa here and uh is you know selling these miners maybe it was Ice River Market making and uh you know trying to trying to sell their miners here and you know it's you know it's just you know the analogy of or the analogy yeah you know people that sell shovels in a gold rush are the one ones that make the most money are the ones that just raking it in making the most money it's the same idea here with you know manufacturers of Asic miners they're these guys are the ones that are making the money and and the people that are buying them I mean the people that have been buying a Caspa miners over the past year have been doing well okay if you got first batch okay I'm not going to discredit the people who bought first batch greater good mining is here he can tell you his story go subscribe to Mr greater good um is is to um understand oh like I have another great example like I have a ks3 you know what let's check this out cuz we're giving away a k3m uh okay let's go here excuse me look this k3m I bought January 8th or January 7th 2024 so it's been 6 months now since I have been and holding all of this casot and I said I said once I hit $99,000 break even plus a little bit more electric I'm going to be giving this away I'm giving this k3m away once we hit over $9,000 the bag here I have mined 49,0 34 Casa thus far since January 8th of 2024 so six pretty much 6 months now and I'm I've been doing this test here keeping track of this because I'm just doing this as a way I I do this on so many miners you guys look at my playlists on my YouTube channel on a lot of asex if you do the mining and huddle method you will always generally get your money back I know it depends it depends on the cycles and the timing but so far literally every Asic I've gotten into over the past year two years it is and you're doing the mining and hold method you're able to get your initial investment back that way and I'm not going to discredit the the part of buying the coin would be better than buying the buying the miner and Mining and holding two different investment strategies in most cases buying the coin does very well but timing is everything as well so that's another thing I also wanted to I forgot to talk about is like like sorry I had a cough there is that is buying Caspa at this point in time a better idea a better a better investment strategy than buying the minor because what if Caspa in the next couple months goes up to a dollar what if Casa in the next month in the next year in the next six months goes up to a dollar or more I'm not saying that's going to happen but you know are you going to be a if you bought a k5l right now you know just because of the aggressive emission schedule and also the daunting fact that the network hash rate over the next couple months here could climb very well climb to 500 or more petahash um is it a better idea to buy the coin now because there's diminishing returns here that is that's happening with Caspa as time goes on here and with the amount of hardware and hash rate and the mission schedule aggressive Mission schedule that's coming up I I I just I personally feel like like we're we're hitting that that that point that Peak where buying Caspa is better than buying the minor at this point in time it's not Financial advice of course there's there's always uh there's benefits to you know running a business you know with crypto miners you can buy if you're buying crypto miners you can you know they're they are capital uh capital expenditure you can depreciate uh depreciate the miners against your income is not tax or financial advice talk to your CPA um but you know buying Hardware obviously you can lower your your your taxes that way etc etc so there people do that way as well but I'm just saying in terms of investment strategy right now um looking at you know is it a better time to buy the coin or a better time to to to buy the the miners right I I just I just feel like we're at this point in time where with how aggressive kaspa is so far just just some things to think about it's just something the think about okay I want to read your guys' comments smash the like Bros 291 people here 76 likes thank you guys for being here um all right so let me know let me know what you guys think let me know your guys' story let's let's hear it I'm going to read the comments now Max voltage I guess I'm rubing out RPM with not reading the chat Max voltage I I had to get my I had to get my Pro my thoughts out before I before I read the chat okay there's just a lot of just a lot of things there's probably more things that I wanted to say but they're not on the top of my head right now Patrick Leon Caspa A6 have two issues one Caspa monthly decrease and two cash rate increase yes yes exactly mentioned that already um but there's a Saving Grace though for for kaspa and it's it's its price uh crypto Craig red pad of mining cast hash rate is about to explode and Ice River knows it the bit main 20K units about to come out crypto Craig bro yeah I dude I'm I know I'm totally yeah ice exactly that's why ice River has pretty much done this because with bit M the daunting bit M coming out in August September ice River knows that they have to sell these before they know they got to they got to wipe these they got to wipe their inventory clean before bitman comes out in August because yeah and look at the efficiency of the ice River units here 22.25 28 um and then bit the big dog bit M comes out with a 0.15 jewels per Terra has yeah yeah pretty insane um reading the reading the chat guys you if you have if you guys have any questions or opinions put red penda mining me red penda Mining and then uh let me know and then I'll read it um John English Tech you are banned uh Rizo can we put the all right Rizo this is not about this is not about Nano 3s right now only only cos Miner someone tell ice River to ship already BC as but to 0.8 oh that would suck um in the end the best tech will win red man what's up man Alex Dua if you totally believe coin goes up and you stacking don't sell Miner this all hinges on price going up if not we are all getting it pushed in Alex daa I'm telling you buddy I'm telling you man Caspa at this I feel like Caspa is too big to fail at this point is that a statement like is that is that a is that a is that a statement I I can say or not there's so many people that are in the community the Caspa Community is so big now that people who have invested millions of dollars in the casa miners I mean here here here put puts it into perspective here look at this here look look this puts it every time I every time I look at how people a lot of people believe in Caspa I just go to Caspa pool.or I look at the top 50 miners all right I look at some of these people who have invested millions of dollars in these as6 minor this this dude look at look this guy's got look this guy's got the new k5s already look 20 terahash miners look this dude look at this or unless this is bit main like pre-mining on them or something I don't know but like dude this this guy has like he's got I think he's got 50 of these ks5 he's got 50 k5s 50 how much is that worth k5s if he bought if he has them already at an average of the first batch ks5 are like over what 25 $30,000 so this just tells me this guy spent what's 50 times like 30 grand dude this guy spent like $1.5 million on 50 50 k5s oh my goodness man that's crazy this dude is not a dude it's like Riot or hot eight probably magic lucky uh Magic lucky dude I know plenty of I know plenty of people who are just single entities like just a single person who who wants to spend millions of dollars on as6 I I I know someone cuz I've referred some people like that to some people so there it's not too far-fetched that it doesn't have to be a big company it it could be a single person with lots of money i' I've seen it I I've personally referred like I I had someone who who bought a million dollar worth of uh I think it was k3s a while back like the dude was like emailing me asking like hey uh I got I want to spend a lot of money on miners I want to get into money I want to buy cast for min who do you who do you who do you want who do you buy them from etc etc like it there's tons of people out there that have tons of money um it's not just like Riot or big companies it's it's smaller people too that you know just regular regular Joe's that have lots of money that don't know anything about Mining and they want to spend tons of money I mean it's it's yeah and and and then they get it hosted obviously great a good mining big things hopefully will be happening for Caspa Rus kc20 smart contracts Tier 1 exchange Etc very good mining like I said it's too big to fail I Caspa feels like it's too big to fail now if it does if it fails everyone everyone in their dog that has gotten into Mining and you know Casa Mining and buying these Miners and people buying tons of Caspa you know maybe during these times who knows and Caspa doesn't do well in terms of its price it's it's going to it's it it will be very it'll be a very drastic it'll be a very drastic thing I hope it won't be like that because I'm also invested I have you know I'm holding Caspa as well I know a lot of you guys are doing it too it's not it's not it's not uh it's not it's not nothing new here crypto Craig it's not too big to fail if they don't bring in additional use cases IMO but it is early and they seem to have a great Dev team okay I like that I like that way of looking at it crypto Craig I like that my my whole way of looking at it too big to fail is the amount of people who have who have already been invested in it people who have spent millions of dollars in it the whole community that is pushing Casa you know right now the hype about it um believing in its fundamentals um all that kind of stuff that that's what I mean regarding too big to fail in that in that regard uh let's see uh 4k on Pepe and April is worth over 100k now uh GG that's the play what do you guys talking about uh all right I'm solo mining on solar okay how is Cass versus Zeal zeis is potential cast killer uh I um I I don't I don't know I don't think so uh GG my mind something what's up man with K heavy A6 be viable long-term After cast missions like e A6 mind something I don't know I I the whole the the viable long-term thing is going to be if Casper price is going to be sustainable once it hits newer Heights and once the emission schedule is uh once once the emission schedule is in the you know look at this like 0.3 like pass per second like by the time we get to that point like if Caspa you know if you're mining like one Caspa a month like on a k5l then Caspa should you know in theory hopefully be over a dollar it has to be over a dollar that's like you're mining $1 of Caspa a day you get if it gets to that point all depends on the price man I I don't I can't predict the price this is this is the only this is the Saving Grace here for Casa miners right now is is the price the price appreciation we need it we need it in order for you know the profitability to be there be sustained no one's going to be mining at a loss uh with these Cosmo miners nobody GSK D also don't forget Cass is not on a major exchange yet right that would be the test if investors are interested in it the okay I I know that there's I know that I know that right exchange kc20 all that yeah we've mentioned that all everyone knows that everyone knows all that kind of stuff jsk SKT blue I don't think that's that's that's nothing that's nothing new it's and there's been plenty of times when uh there's been actually there's been plenty of times big exchange listings actually have been a sell event for example a lot of Americans like Caspa there's no Caspa on like coinbase like you know you need Caspa on a tier one exchange to sell there's plenty of those people that are waiting to do that you know type of thing so it could be a sell the news event as well you know because and that's I I heard this from someone else I'm not saying it's going to happen but I'm just saying that uh once it once it becomes available on on a big exchange that's available for Americans um it could be the a selling event but who knows who knows who knows nobody knows it could be a bullish bullish event could be a negative event and I think I think it's going to be a positive thing I think it should be a positive thing and uh if if there's going to be Market there should whoever's going to do some Market making during that event I mean it it's it there's going to be Market making events during that time I'm sure I'm I'm positive it's just it has to it has to it has to rival Predator back to two 20 cents in 12 months okay all right Rizo 529 red P my almost pulled the trigger on a ker Ultra thanks for the info on this video yeah no I'm not saying it's not a bad idea to buy these or not I I'm just I I'm not talking about that I'm just acknowledging the people that bought these a couple weeks ago and then they're getting fed that the price went down like $10,000 is it's crazy it's crazy uh if you deduct your cost of electricity and appreciate the monor how can you not make profit uh Ryan Shia yeah you're yeah you're ex exactly yeah at this point in time yes you're still the amount of income that you're you're being you're generating from these miners currently you're able to offset that by depreciating The Miner of course yeah expensing electric of course that's that's that's what that's with all crypto mining that's with all crypto mining right now um uh let's see here qu bag this is the biggest rug Gerald ring ring uh quara bag what do you mean by that this is the biggest rug rug in the world is this kaspa who makes the machines who has the biggest farms I'm not quite sure what you mean by your question man uh man electron what's up man anything will Moon once red panda gives it the panda not this time not this time M electron not this time not this time bro if you if anyone is deciding to buy one of these okay after you know you guys do your own research do all that kind of stuff you believe in kaspa yada yada all that stuff if you're planning on buying one okay feel free I have a coupon it's red panda okay but just do your own research first before purchasing one you get 2.5% off on these if you if you decide to okay I'm not saying to do it but if you do decide to do it if you actually here actually if you buy from Ice River if you're in America USA you got to be careful cuz ice river is going to uh value the minor at this price so you got to pay 25% tariff uh on this okay um if you decide to buy from other so this is where I recommend do your own research on the vendors there's a lot of resellers out there that will help you with the duties paid uh DDP okay so go go to my website red pendam mine.com I have other coupons and trusted official links over here as well okay so uh Safeguard yourself don't go to ice rivers.com all right there's a lot of fake domains out there and uh people sending money to the fake ice River website supposed to be I server.

all right lot of fake websites out there just go to my website though for pend mining.com The Trusted links and uh referrals are all here helps out the channel okay all right what else do you guys want to talk about we got 10 more minutes at red panda mining me in the chat if you guys want to talk about anything else what else what else what else what else what else you guys want to talk about I burnt my 5950 X red man oh no what happened byz the Kings reject what's up Panda oh what's up man byz what's up man um hey so what's H so what what I didn't I did I miss a lot of people's opinions here let me just let me go up here uh red P do you have a hive mapper cuon I don't I don't Todd theout Todd good sir what do you think about solad [Laughter] retro mic oh man H retro mik you're too funny man you're too funny ah you guys are too funny um Todd got your mic your worlds are about to be your world is about to be uh disappoint appointed stay tuned next week stay tuned next week I uh I may or may not have ordered some stuff and um uh I'm just going to leave it at that I'm not even going to not even going to say anything you know I'm probably not even going to make a video about it not even going to make a video about it all right gskt blue I'm a meat man myself no time for non nutritious nonsense uh byz the Kings rejects are you available for a call this weekend uh uh Kings rejects not today but uh maybe tomorrow bro maybe tomorrow um yeah we can we can talk tomorrow if you want man just a little bit uh Rizo 529 R so you're saying there could be some workload rental cont continuing to talk about Mining and not salad V the latest buzzword Trad F platform appreciate you retro Mike it's fine if you do it as long as you don't abandon blockchain tech for it this is the same problem oval and I had with fast everyone turning off mining to move to AI platforms uh retro mik yeah uh yeah no for sure no for sure I I'm still like I mean you know me like I I I have I'm still I'm still GPU mining like of course I'm not getting you know how many you know how many GPU I have do do you realize how many gpus I have retro mic how many how many gpus do you think I have right now I might you think I'm going to turn off all my gpus or you know for doing solad it's it's impossible there's no way I still continue I'll continue GPU mining Mas Mas maskless ninja don't you know who I am exactly exactly don't you know who I am God damn it h I'm just kidding I'm just [Music] kidding Mr peaceful hello sir hello sir bomb backs easy 100 let's go oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I like I like it I like the bombb one it just sucks that it's 5.2 gab you can't mine ew or E fair but I mean if you're in the OCTA space and Etc it doesn't matter anyway in a sense but [Music] eh Get Wrecked retro mik you get wrecked you you Gordon Murray would need a thousand motherboards yeah Gordon Murray exactly uh serpent am man R GP mining till I die I mean I got to be honest if I didn't have like if I didn't have cheap electric I probably wouldn't have a lot of my gpus on at this point in time um but because I have generally you know 0.75 cents electric I can I can keep them on but otherwise if I had much higher I don't think I'd be able to pay out of pocket yeah uh gkd blue can I solo mine Doge on a 1660 super don't laugh I just want to know if it's possible uh gskt blue yeah you probably could I don't recommend it but you got to manually download the I think it's CC Miner uh and uh try to mine with a GPU try retro mic when fpga far barned never ever tomato frog games I bought ks5 L's and the reseller is also providing discount to new price oh tomato frog games who is the reseller I there was a couple resellers I was told that they would not be honoring any coupon so which reseller which reseller is that which reseller Mr tomato frog Darren are you getting a 490 for solid next week no I'm not buying anything like I'm not buying like a like a 4090 no I have yet I I don't know if anyone knows this but I have not had a 40 series GPU in my hand this whole year ever I have stuck to my guns I made a video saying I am not getting into the 40 series I I stuck to my guns and I still have not bought any 40 series for mining none zero DJ what's up man DJ are you far away or are you or DJ you got you can watch stream over there nice man DJ what's up man 22 Red Man red pen of mining is your code good for Township yet red Med yeah uh it should be let me see uh let me do this offline here uh yeah RPM yeah it seems to work yeah right there yeah code discount code RPM yeah yeah seems to work yes sir anyone looking for a tangent wallet the RPM the RPM tangent wallet is available is available yes ah frogman what did he say DJ so dang hot nice man uh did frog game answer my question or no no he didn't not yet okay no sorry tomato frog games okay BC yeah where's my tangent I ordered it right after it was available VC email me email me tomato frog games we didn't get effed resellers are also passing through the discount no no no no no no no tomato frog games I'm I'm not okay I'm not saying F in terms of uh in terms of the coupons I think the coupons okay it's kind of a double Ed sword but it's people who pre-ordered people who bought I'm just these are for the people who bought a couple weeks ago the ks5 L's for like you know 10,000 and they haven't even gotten them yet okay these are the people who are angry and pissed off okay and then at the same time then they tried to persuade you again with a $2,400 coupon you know $2,500 off a $5,000 k5l that trying to entice you to spend another couple Grand to buy another to buy another ks5 out from them so it's writing's on the wall there's a reason why they did this and they're making people that bought you know these you know trying to get them to spend more money on these they're trying to get people to buy these because they know what is coming they know the the big boy the big dog bitm is going to is going to uh destroy so it's a doge eat dog world yes there you go there you go tomato frog games I I can I can show you numerous numerous posts and emails people that are pissed off okay I I if depending on what depending on what time frame you bought ks5 L's people are not happy people are not happy about it I'm about I'm I'm just about to buy Michael cartright yeah it's been a couple months for me too i'mot tangum is the only is only fast at taking money Michael cartright BC please email me your order number email me order number contact red pen.com Michael cartright BC email me contact red mining.com I will forward it to the to the uh prospective people okay Michael Cart right BC please email me your order number or the invoice whatever I will uh I will uh I will get in contact with them tomato frog games ice River strategy is boss been defeating bitmain at every turn by discounting and releasing earlier units well yes and no but at the same time they also effed over the people that didn't receive their minor they spent 10 to $4,000 on a ks5 l you know a couple weeks ago and they still haven't gotten it yet and then they dropped the bomb and lower the pricing so uh depends how you look at it depends the time frame depends when you bought it um yeah okay all right Bros uh that's it that's it I uh that's it for the live stream my friends um uh I'll let you guys know I personally do have a I think it's it's going to be a July batch ks5 L coming so I will then when that time comes I will keep track of all the pass but mines um if again if Casa price appreciates pretty soon like 19 cents 20 cents I will be able to give this KS 3M away finally all right hell you know what okay if I get that ks5 L I'll do the same thing okay we'll see how long it takes to Roi or break even on uh let's say $5,000 or $6,000 if you guys want me to do that if I get one of these things you want me to give it away if I break even on it like if we're doing that test again you want you want me to do that no yes all right you want me to keep it okay thank you thank you all right I get to keep it all right perfect awesome awesome thank you you guys good retro mic Get Wrecked stay wrecked send the wife my love retro mic you no DJ I hope you're doing well man DJ I hope you're doing good buddy hope you're doing good Rizzo did someone win the nan3 uh Rizzo I got to go see who the winner is I got got to go uh I got to go to GLE I got to do that all right excuse me 229 299 bucks for KS Zero Ultra all right Bros all right Bros I'll see you later you guys have a great day I believe rabid mining is streaming now so I'll head on over there but hit the like button on the way out Bros hit the like button on the way out I'll see you guys later you guys have a good one you guys have a good one I appreciate all you guys have a great day go touch some grass go outside and peace out F peace out have a great day have a great day thank you [Music] I'm [Applause] [Music] I'm I [Music] [Music] I'm what the [ __ ] you [Music] I my [ __ ] you [Music]

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