[Music] yeah [Music] yeah yeah [Music] [Music] y [Music] y [Music] yeah yeah oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] he and of course I was muted the whole time of course of course I was muted the whole time smash the like Bros welcome to the live stream going to I don't even remember what I talked about Ah that's great that's the first time I I don't I think that's the first time I've ever I was ever muted and I never unmuted I feel like Max voltage Now where's Max Max man Max is rubbing off on me terrible terrible welcome wel everybody good morning or good afternoon for everyone that's here so what has transpired now since I guess another since another the past 24 hours of krc2 well a lot has transpired and I just wanted to go through the positives and the negatives during the krc2 launch essentially first things first we all know Casa mining has been great over the past day it was definitely I saw pretty much a 3X in terms of the yields that I was able to Garner over the past you know normally I'm getting like 500 Caspa a day then yesterday I earned about 1,700 Caspa um now it's the second day I'm still earning uh hasn't been the next day yet but it the year s have definitely been going down the transaction fees have been going down okay so you can see yesterday it was you know we were we were at like what 700 600 ,000 Casa transactions per hour now this morning uh it's been dying down quite heavily all right it's been it's now hovering between 200 and 300,000 Caspa transactions per hour so that makes sense and the block rewards uh have been uh the with the transaction fees have been coming down so we're going to be getting less than what we did yesterday of course but ultimately it was great it was all great but at the expense of people who were trying to Mint tokens on krc2 and notably through the cwar wallet all right so this is where you know this wallet here again I I said it before I was muted the issues that Caspa was having yesterday during the krc2 launch wasn't an issue with Caspa itself it was an issue with the cwar wallet okay I just wanted to I wanted to stress this that that distinction there okay the the issues that people were losing their cast okay um was due to the castore wallet for people that were trying to uh Garner the are trying to Mint the krc2 tokens so in the beginning yesterday all right people out of nowhere apparently when they were using the Casper wallet their transaction fee was set at a thousand some of them some of them were sending a th000 cas as a transaction fee okay some people were this guy said I lost 2500 Casa for transaction fee um absolutely ripped off 3K turned into $90 through minting fees how is this even allowed so you know during this time people were having issues trying to Mint and the transaction fees were like the software I guess with the casare wallet notably was putting a a much higher number an insane amount so I mean that makes sense because okay look when kc20 started yesterday uh in Pacific time my time we started seeing the block rewards start at like I think it was like what almost 5 5 a.m.
yesterday and now look at this you can see some of the transaction fees on some of these blocks were over a couple thousand uh per block like cou could you imagine solo mining if some people solo minine some people did you can actually see the uh the person icon on hero miners here this is just some these are just some of the blocks these are not all of them okay but just notably seeing that some people did solom mine some of these massive blocks which is which is quite insane but majority of them are pool are uh are pool mind so but you can see during the beginning you know when people were having these issues during this time when kc20 when they were trying to Mint um the tokens so people were getting people who were mining we obviously benefited from this right us miners we saw the massive amount of Caspa going into our wallets going into our accounts for people that are mining and uh ultimately at the expense of people who were using this cwar wallet Okay C cwar I I I've never used this wallet um but I think people were using this in order to uh in order to uh Min the krc2 tokens don't quote me on that I just that that that's how I've been reading all this here people have been um getting drained of their of their Caspa so this happened quite a bit this happened a lot actually during the those first couple hours then Shai desay said he was I gu found the bug in cper yesterday about 11:00 p.m.
Israel T Israel time I don't know what time that is in Pacific time um but he says I was very sadden to find out that some community members lost funds due to complete unavoid avoidable third party bug right 30 part third party bug tarnishing what otherwise would have been a Uno equivocal un I man I can't my English I just woke up today day of C ation for our community since hearing of the bug and despite having to leave for a flight in 3 hours I've spent most of my efforts trying to understand what happened and what could be done I'll get back to this below all right so I'm not going to read all this but there's a lot there there's there's a lot there just referring to the third party wallet c c my wallet all right so that's it that's all I wanted to touch on and uh ultimately for us crypto miners uh it was great for us but not great for the people that were using uh mainly the CW wallet okay so that's where majority of the issues was happening uh during during this during this time so people were the software was automatically putting in a thousand cast as a transaction fee which is crazy H so that that's why like you know we were some people that were trying to transact we saw a metric F ton of transactions uh the block rewards were you know sometimes in the thousands if not five digits we saw one that was like a 13,000 Casa block here like this is this this must this must have been like a fat finger uh transaction [Music] fee this this must have included fat finger [Music] transaction um all right so I'm going to go I'm in top chat I'm going to go to live chat live chat and pop out all right so I'm going to read your guys' comments here we are done for talking about this beginning part now okay so that's why uh we have we may have seen just an insane amount of uh of the the miners were able to benefit from this because the software was putting like a thousand cost as a transaction fee so just crazy just just crazy just insane so um did anybody find a solo cper block and smash the like we got 167 people here 32 likes and smash the like button takes you one second happy Monday by the way happy Monday um okay so did I find I'm still on top chat okay did I find any Caspa blocks yesterday I found I found one I found one and that was only 108 Casa block I'm so sad 108 I didn't get Jack I got [ __ ] all yesterday sorry for swearing I got nothing zero zilch on my solo mining ksz Pros uh gold shell uh KS Ultra got nothing I got absolutely nothing I was good in the beginning the first couple days I I got five blocks in the past four days which is good I mean for my 11 Terra has but I didn't I didn't I did not I did not get any of these like 600 500 600 700 Casper blocks nothing brutal just brutal just brutal just brutal did you guys get any let's see BC I don't have enough hash rate to solo mine um better than nothing no Andy stole them all sacred blue eight solo blocks average 325 little bits mining nice it was about 3 months ago or so someone was attacking their pool and kept going down for periods of time top Cal John English Tech uh I might start a solo for a week or two for fun I have eight Ultras four pros and four KS zos one ks5 L at the ice River facility um yeah I mean I obviously did better pool mining obviously because I mean during this time you can see we we we Min like I'm normally getting I was normally getting like 00 Caspa under 500 Caspa a day and then boom 1,700 yesterday so not bad pretty good pretty good pretty how much let's see how much was that that's that's a nice little that's a nice little payday here let's see 1,700 cast 17 I got 280 us I mined $280 us yesterday that is that is actually that is actually really crazy to think about see now did I find any block if I solo Min look at this if I solo mined yesterday which was the 15th I only I would have only found three blocks now that could have been worth almost 1700 Caspa but I don't think so yeah see I found one block at 3:49 a.m.
So that that's when kc20 didn't even start yet 956 that's when that started to tail off and and then at 1:00 that definitely was less than 500 Caspa uh per block so I I'm going to say I did better pool mining I definitely did much better pool mining than solo mining 100% 100% the next the next 5 days here I did find five blocks but I'm pool mining so but my effort here is 3.95% 3 95% o that sucks that that really sucks so hm interesting very interesting I I'm sure you guys had better luck than I did definitely had better luck than I did yesterday so great times great great times indeed yes transactions are definitely tailing off here going down it's going down uh let's see 17 in one day that's more than I even have in my wallet Krypto KJ what do you want me to say what how should I respond how should I respond to that should I say you you should have get more CPO then get more miners then just what do you want me to say to that crypto KJ how should I respond like okay I'll give you 17 you want me to say give you 1,700 Caspa is that it is that what you want me to say uh M something I'm back what did I miss mine some 10 you bro you didn't miss anything except just I just explained like why uh what was happening during the whole KRC 20 day uh people that were using casare wallet and like sending out a th000 Caspa transaction fees like the wallet was automatically pre-populating the the the fee and people didn't look at it and they just sent send and it was just like oh well there goes a th000 Caspa for the transaction fee um some people lost 2500 uh it was a glitch definitely a glitch in the system glitch in the uh in uh in the software so but it wasn't an issue with kaspa directly that the the block like the whole network itself was fine it was just a third party wallet password and so all the miners were able to benefit from that all the miners all of us miners were able to see the thousand plus transaction fees on these these crazy blocks crazy it's crazy um uh let's see BC take a look at cast politics transaction fees transactions and then fees let's see total fees paid did update yesterday uh total fees paid total fees in Caspa $21 million $21 million in fees have been paid to miners wow wow the day before that was 120,000 C 120,000 then the day before that was 5K 2K 7K 8K 1K but damn $21 million in Caspa dang oh this is in Cas 21 million uh Caspa wow that's that's crazy wow that is nuts that's definitely that's definitely nuts average transaction fee so averaging before was like 0.7 0.8 then coming up to 2015 uh September 15 2.4 an average 2.4 Caspa was the average transaction fee look at that look at that blue line just goes straight up straight up [Music] boom uh median transaction all right look at that look at that a dollar 1.33 kaspa boom uh DJ mines I think this was a fun test to show what the future potential could be if more things are built on Caspa DJ mines you're 100% correct um it was great it was it was good it it was really great it's this is this is something really good for miners yeah this is great what other wallets allow KRC 20 [Music] um I heard zelor was also was also one but I think Casper was the main one that people were using again had a glitch uh Patrick gu yeah it got me uh it got me for some Casa 2 I had 2,000 last transferred over to Mint and only 15 only got 15 million nacho and zero Casper so I paid an average of 14.25 per coin oh my god Patrick Ryan oh my God that's that's brutal man dude mom 10 says I am now curious if Caspa was $1 and we have 10 BPS how much will it cost to send Caspa when the network is busy well yeah I mean this would show uh this this would basically show that if caspo was a dollar and the fees was September 15 was average like a do 1.33 Caspa that would be like a dollar it would be a133 then uh mind something around a133 yeah or the average transaction fee yes average fee per transaction was 2.44 Caspa so if Caspa was a dollar that'd be $2 41 damn I mean still good but I mean damn for miners dude miners if mining was insanely was if if the network was constant like this like constant transactions all the time like could you imagine like mining just being really good all the way up until like 2037 till till the very last Caspa is mine that that would be that would be interesting that would be interesting will it happen I I don't know I don't know uh Patrick uh they see me coming I guess there's still some tokens left to Mint though not all are 100% red panda mining I I don't know I I I don't have that up what's the what's the what's the website again what's the kc20 uh where you can see all the projects all the tokens [Music] [Music] uh clex C Flex C Flex that's the one that's the one there it is main net all right did anyone do RPM let's see I anything nope not even created time to create I said I was going to create mine yeah it's still busy it's still very busy people are still minting some of this stuff yeah um but if C goes 10 BPS fees will go down yeah find some 10 red right but with 10 BPS it should be reduced to 10x correct I don't know I I I I don't I don't know it's by second right so if 10 10 blocks per second is this this in per second like fee per no fee per transaction this is per transaction it's not like by second right which is one supposed to be one BPS one block per second so in theory 10 blocks per second yeah I don't know I yeah then then yeah maybe that's divided by 10 if that's the if that's the thought process yeah so what's what's 10 divid by $241 20 uh 10 BPS 20 20 cents yeah 20 25 30 cents my math is dj5 through Super Chat DJ what you do DJ contract you never donate keep your money imagine 20 new smart contracts come up to Caspa imagine the fees flowing on plus costat those fees up plus tier one exchanges I hope so man I mean I hope so I I I I I really do hope so it there's been times though some projects who go on tier one exchanges they've just ultimately went down after that so I don't think tier one exchange doesn't necessarily mean a bullish thing sometimes it is sometimes it isn't so you know I guess the big thing is for Americans there is no tier one exchange for kaspa in America so for people that are holding kaspa in America and they want to sell it in the cash that might be a bad idea that might that might be a bad idea I don't know I'm just that might be something to think about TPS average TPS let's see here 103 transactions per second oh yeah 103 transactions per second look at that look at that what what's the average what what's MasterCard uh Visa right now per second what is what is Mastercard and Visa right now he1 exchange should increase trade volume AKA fees BC I hope so ding Miner is this like BTC ordinal the quicker you are the more fees you pay you'll get your mint in line everyone else may not hence the loss of their coin we dark MC Miner I'm not sure man J MCM I just emailed you yesterday I tried sending you kaspa I couldn't it just failed right I tried sending you too H um uh Samir body b r in mind what memes did you meant none none I i' I've absolutely I've minted none I I did not get involved in uh I did not get involved in KRC 20 other than other than mining of course which we saw pretty a pretty insane increase here for me I was getting less than 500 Casa normally a day yesterday was about 1,700 Caspa Min so yeah the fees were fees were pretty pretty good pretty good um crypto more oh red panda mining there is a k Panda cast coin being minted K Panda oh look at that K Panda 60% minded no I want this one I want nudes I want this one I want I want this one look at this this dude minted 42 billion nudes this guy knows this guy this guy knows he knows he knows what's up he's 0.1 of the of the token Supply already Ah that's awesome that's that's awesome uh K Panda K dude what's this test 51% minted who who's buying test uh deployed time top cat cats Casper 100% 100% 100% these ones are all taken kpaw all gone Top Cat all gone I just minted some K cats K cats um ma Mega yes 100% gone I love it love it Becker 100% minted nice white says Visa is 60k transactions per second okay nice in events like back Friday Visa they reach an average of 15 to 2,000 TPS okay so for Caspa to to average about during this time yesterday about 103 transactions per second I mean they they haven't tested like Visa Master Card capability so yeah I mean that'd be cool one day if they can reach that if they if they if they could reach that one day let's see let's see that'd be cool that'd be really cool um Bon 26% SS 100% interesting Loki fter money news and some of these man who's buying all these wait holders literally only one holder holds all of energy am I am I reading that right oh this is a a Prem Min Prem Min minted wait pre mined and then somebody bought all 100% of the co wait what energy okay that uh jeez mint okay this one's mint Fair mint 80% on one address 20% on the other okay wait this this looks bad but who's who's just getting all the wait a sec vote minted 9 99 9, 99,9 this one's minted 100% on one address wait what's going on here s let me see okay this I mean 30% on one address 19% on the other okay there's really not much okay there's actually not that many people like the spread is like not very well spread out at all on some of these minted coins interesting dag Knight 31% on this address and then the rest is smaller not that much he well what where's most of the minting gone to like cpall let's see okay this looks a little little better okay this this looks a little bit better uh DJ says there are a few projects doing that on purpose they claim it and it will be fair to manually issuing it out wow what the what are you kidding me what kind of crap is that Mars yeah look at this Mar is 100% 100% minted by one by one address Jesus man that's crazy vote 100% on vote very interesting iy 45% minted H interesting um Casper the ghost announced since they launched their token and is now worth 30 million market cap imagine creating that in 3 hours and we out here making pennies Casper the ghost and Casper okay so Casper let me see let's see Casper uh there's two of them all right this looks a this looks a lot more spread out 0.85 at the top holder and then it's just trickles down so a bunch of people have a bunch of people have uh Casper okay interesting there the second one here uh nacho let's see Nach nachos nachos is this the one nachos no it's Nacho I don't see nacho it's not showing up here I got 3 million nacho uh Dean Iowa hello welcome Iowa welcome we're just uh just trying to look at um okay the website's borked for me it's kind of Frozen now whatever I click on it's not opening okay website website's Frozen I'm just going to I'm going to get out of here all right okay well that was good other than that H casos price um did not follow suit I guess no I guess the market also went down so looks like Caspa also went down with bit bitcoin's at 57 now we were at 60,000 yesterday so Caspa is now what Caspa is now 1648 16 cents looks like it's following it's following back nacho is the winner of kc2 8.5 million nacho nice so is nacho is nacho like on an exchange okay wait Nacho's on polygon contracts this is polygon is this a different nacho am I spelling nacho correctly uh it's probably not on coin mic uh nacho no no it's not on nacho business nacho business John English Tech uh yeah this is a different nacho nacho on polygon straight down yeah okay so once nacho goes on Exchange yeah who knows that might be amazing actually huh interesting interesting okay uh uh okay I got to go in eight minutes is there any final remarks you guys would like to do anything anything you guys want to talk about and then I got to go go to my other my other basement DJ mind says I think the Kasa meme decks needs to be built first uh that makes sense that makes sense because how how else would you uh how else would you trade the KC 20 tokens yeah that that makes sense yeah you need a um you need a DEX to to to trade yeah that makes sense that makes sense lol l o l la la 88% minted 69 million H some of these names man some of these nacho see when I put in nacho it just brings up a bunch of other coins here Nana dude there's a there's a lot here there is a lot anyway um rad CP man how are your Avalon miners doing I'm still zero solo block found with my three Brad CP man uh let me check I have not checked my bch miners in a while uh let's see let's see solo mining Avalon zero I have also found zero as well very sad extremely sad um tuban jar are you seeing any people making RTM assets they launched today uh art tuban jar no I didn't even know that I didn't even know they had assets that's cool though Iowa yeah I got something for you right are you starting the RPM coin on Caspa uh no no I'm not as much as I want to no if someone wants to take that on I'm down but no I'm not taking that responsibility uh Krypto KJ see Discord CAT scan okay what's CAT scan CAT scan nacho ah okay yeah well it's not loading it's it's definitely Frozen uh dark mode please holy crap okay there we go um all right search my ticker nacho nacho there we go complete Fair mint 287 billion tokens oo oh yeah fair Fairly Fair distribution here that's pretty good 2.5 billion okay wow there there's legit a a bunch of people that have nacho wow they only do top 50 here but oh total number of holders is 17,25 people whoa total 177,000 member uh holders of Nacho that's pretty good wow that's really good damn I should have I should have got in on that damn total transfers 86 ,000 transfers 8,664 transfers uh cryto KJ thank you for the link thank you for the link awesome awesome holder distribution okay good other holders 85% of the supply all right so that's that's good that's good to know uh Iowa mining client of mine said nacho creators cashed out at 100x Price jeez truck danger wallets not necessarily people oh okay nacho wow man wait if there's no decks how could you sell how do you sell this if there's no if there's no decks like like through Discord or like middleman or escro or how how how are they how did they cash out uh Iowa P2P oh okay okay okay that there you go that that makes sense daily mints 434,000 wow interesting very interesting he says he's currently at 10x okay wow interesting awesome that's crazy that is very very crazy dude this one address has a metric F ton of tokens on his address that is crazy do he's got all these look at all this look at all this this guy's got so many course he's got a lot of Nacho crazy okay cryp KJ you can earn royalties from minting if you only the token ah okay oh that's how they that's how they make money then that's pretty cool okay well that's it Bros anything else otherwise I got to head out I got to head out now uh hopefully that was informative as to why we got some insane blocks yesterday um at the expense of people's software notably the cwar wallet was sending out an F ton of transactions transaction fees H amazing amazing telegram Marketplace ah okay all right uh jock are those cast funds of yours stuck on trade over yes yes of course always uh all right thank you all you guys have a great day smash the like on the way out Smash It smash it and uh otherwise I'm never solo mining ever again I I didn't find any big solo block yesterday super mad super pissed all right goodbye goodbye everybody goodbye goodbye goodbye mine Capital yeah I got three 4X on my ultra yesterday uh yeah I pretty much I did that too I I'm nor I was normally getting 500 Casa but then I got like 1 point uh700 so about yeah 3 to 4X I got 3 to 4X as well today is going to be a little bit less but uh who knows how long that'll last who knows who knows all right goodbye Bros you guys have a great day enjoy the sun if it's sunny near your area peace peace I appreciate you all you guys have a great one bye-bye byebye [Music] it's [Music] [Music] [Music] I I [Music] [Music] [Music]