Kaspa MINING is gonna get difficult very soon.

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[Music] [Music] congratulations Jerome G for winning the ice River k3m this is going to you buddy congrats man I believe you're in the New York area in USA so I'm going to be shipping this to you right now I'm going to turn this off and uh ship it okay so congrats man thank you to everyone who participated in that live stream giving this thing away that was a lot of fun that was a lot of fun but anyways guys today's video I just wanted to talk about I guess Caspa and you know how much we've mined on this a river k3m since January 8th of 2024 of when we received this this was a about a $9,000 unit and I ordered this back in mid December of 2023 so I got it you know January 7th of 2024 turned it on and ever since I have been mining and holding all the Caspa so so far as of uh it is January 4th happy Independence Day to my American friends I have mined about 52,000 Caspa since then so a good 6 months mining with this thing and uh we gave gave it away about last week cuz we hit over 9,000 but because the price of Caspa has been kind of coming down a bit uh the value of the bag is no longer worth 9,000 but that doesn't matter I promise to give it away once we hit 9,000 cuz the cas went up almost 20 cents so congrats Jerome G but anyways guys yeah this k3m it's been an interesting an interesting test in a in a way for anyone who ordered one of these back in December of 2023 you know you theoretically gotten your money back if you did the mining and hudle Method now I didn't have another one to do like you know a one that was mining to nice has or mining to I don't know usdt or something just to see if that would break even faster but we already did that video where I showed the cost basis every time I got a payout in Caspa if I were to sell every day into dollars I wouldn't have gotten the $9,000 back okay versus Mining and holding so that video I did you guys can go watch it it just proves that Mining and holding is the better strategy rather than selling every day on uh ice R Casa as so I have okay uh which thank you to Crypt Miner Bros and also mop.

And I plan on getting another one I plan on getting Three ks5 L's okay and I want to do three different tests one is going to be mining and holding Caspa the second one will be mining to nice has for BTC and then the third one is actually I'm undetermined yet whether I'm going to put that to unminable into usdt Tron and see which one will get its money back okay I have about I'm going to say about $5,000 investment on each one and then we're going to see how fast or you know how long it will take to break even on whichever one was the fastest Mining and holding Caspa mining to nice hash Bitcoin and another one to usdt so I am going to plan that out very soon they're coming pretty soon and I'm going to be mining them to a singular tangum wallet and we're going to keep track that way okay and a little shill here from myself sorry my voice is kind of out I do have my own RPM tangum if you guys are interested code RPM for 10% off link down below if you guys are interested okay so I'm going to turn this thing off uh just to show you guys this k3m is mining for 13 days this is the one that I repasted so it seems like it's getting a little bit more uh you know more hash rate okay it's advertised at 6 ter has I'm getting 6.2 so yeah I think the temperatures on this thing is pretty good but let's go ahead now and I'm going to put this to sleep I want this thing to cool down before I pack it up and turn it off okay so I'm going to do that I'm going to hit save and okay succeed and I just heard it ramp down so I'm just going to I'm just going to let this thing cool down before I just unplug or turn off the power because you know I do this with a lot of my other as6 as well because I hate just you know turning it off while it's still Mining and like you know very hot and so I think it's just best practice for anyone that has these just to you know have it sleep all right but still on but not hashing if that makes sense so looks like it just rebooted and it's uh it's just going to cool down now and not mine all right so what I wanted to also talk about in this video regarding Caspa I know last week there was a I guess uh the KRC 20 all right and uh that was I guess implemented on mainnet it was turned on and there was a bit of trouble on the network in a sense and uh some nodes had issues but the biggest thing for I guess C miners us that are mining Caspa we were earning a little bit more than usual so I'm just on Caspa dp.org and uh just looking at the past you know 50 blocks uh right now it's not high anymore but before like let's say uh five or uh a week ago and we were hitting up 120 to 180 almost 200 Caspa per block because of transaction fees all right a lot of those extra uh Network fees that they were going to the miners so that was really nice but it was shortlived all right it didn't last that long and now we're at 103 which is the uh right now the Caspa Mission schedule uh is at 103 uh Caspa per block 10383 Caspa per block so we're not seeing any extra uh Caspa right now and this is what you know this is because yeah krc2 it was busy on the first 2 days but now it's not it's not anymore okay so I guess when the gets congested and busy again uh whenever that happens I I don't know if that's going to happen again you know CA mining uh could be good but as of right now the KRC 20 you know after about a week it was shortlived those profits that we got extra from mining Caspa for those you know one or two days it was great but then it it died down so on the 29th I believe that's when it happened you can see here there was a spike a little bit of a spike in uh rewards all right for this cas three I'm I earned about 173 Caspa that day but you can see now it's gradually it went gradually went down the second day because it was uh kc20 and then uh it and then it went back to normal okay 148 145 and uh this is the the day now as of recording July uh 4th so uh that's not done yet but you can see it was uh pretty much evening out here and then it went up that day on the KRC 20 day so it was a good day or two that you know the rewards were great and such but uh you know I'm just curious you know in the future if you know Caspa is going to get adopted a lot further and there's going to be any more you know further projects that are going to build on Caspa on the krc2 chains that would be uh that would be good obviously but you know since Caspa is so fast I feel like the transaction fees and depending on the adoption and all that kind of stuff it's it's really it's really not a lot right now so we'll see in the future for Caspa mining uh but otherwise we all know the emission schedule as well there's a 5.6% decrease in emissions every month because of the emission schedule so crazy times are coming guys and I feel like you know the bit Main k5s and ks5 Pros are releasing this August September and also actually right now as a recording July batch of ice Rivers the ks5 L's k5m are releasing now and people are getting them and I'm going to be getting mine soon as well so that's going to be quite interesting uh to see what the year s and also the dollar value is going to be uh for Casa mining right as everyone seems to be quite bullish on Casa mining all right I'm going to unplug this now and uh let's just feel is any heat coming out nope it's all cool air so that's all nice and cool I'm going to turn this off all right and uh now I can I can hear myself better now unplug the power cable and this is going to be packed into the original ks3 m box so Jerome G congrats again my friend congrats man on the k3m I guess you know anyone who bought one of these and mined in January and uh mined and huddled it worked out people have gotten their money back uh for I guess a December uh batch on these ks3 M's but all right guys that's all I wanted to talk about let me know your thoughts regarding Casta Mining and uh I will see you all in the next video you guys have have a good one peace out peace out

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