Man these Iceriver AL0 Alephium miner PROFITS are dropping HARD!

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hey guys RPM here hope you're doing well having a really great day well I have the ice River al0 here this is the new alium Asic Miner a little mini one very similar actually pretty much the exact same size as like the ice River KS Zer as you all know and k0 pros and whatnot same body style in but for alifia mining instead of Caspa so as of recently ice River has ventured into alium but it feels like that it might have been bad timing because bitm has also sold and also as of recording shipping out their a1s and al1 Pros so I'll show you guys in a second but the hash rate has been climbing for alium and so these little miners here I got a gold shell uh Al Box 2 right here 720 ghash you know 360 watts and then the al0 is 400 ghash at 100 Watts so actually this thing is two times more efficient than the gold shell miners which the gold shell miners have pretty much been disappointing from the get-go and for a lot of people that don't know the pricing structure that gold shell has been releasing over the past couple months and recently it hasn't been good hasn't been good on gold shell but ice River comes out with their Al Z here which has been pretty good in terms of their pricing but whether or not these are going to stand the test of time as bitmain has been turning on those Al ones or you know shipping them out as well I've been seeing that on mining pole stats here on npol that a bunch of hash rate has just opened up has just turned on here so I've added about another two or three petahash on the alium network thus the profitability of these miners hasn't been very good okay so I do want to you know talk about that but also show you guys the web goey of this Al Z and yeah but just a quick go around on this thing I mean it looks just like a you know ks0 Ultra ks0 they even have the uh warranty sticker thing here it's it's really it's really all the same now internally I don't know what the hash board looks like so in live stream I will take this thing apart and we can see you know what it looks like probably change the thermal paste see what the thermal paste is thermal pads maybe do the copper mod as well we'll see but I'll see you guys in the computer okay so here's the ice River Al Z the web guei as you guys can see it's been mining pretty good over the past day hasn't had any issues granted I just changed the wallet address I was mining to another gentleman congrats to you my friend and for this video you guys just have to comment down below your thoughts of the ice River alz and alium in general and uh I will be giving away 24-hour hash rate for alium of this alzero so comment down below and I will choose the winner 6 hours after this video is uploaded so good luck I will pin your comment and uh put your alium address in there as well so I can put it in here but as of right now I've been mining it to cryptex and this is a pool where I wanted to try it out because someone said it looked pretty cool the web guei looked good not sponsored by them in this video but I just want to try it and it seem to look pretty cool I do have the AL Zer and Al Box 2 connected to cryptex uh just recently and uh it's cool that you can see like the minor software say iserver minor version 1.1 albox 2.2.4 interesting to see that there but uh overall Al Z looks like I'm getting a little bit more higher hash right here and about you know the AL box to do 720 ghash I'm getting 740 here so it looks pretty good okay so the web guey mining setting looks all pretty standard you can put this to sleep mode there is no like you know low power mode or anything like that user setting you can change the password former upgrade but there is no log on this Al Z okay so that kind of sucks but anyways going now towards now just talking about alium okay so in terms of a lot of these miners turning on and pool just had a bunch of hash rate turn on and uh about almost almost three pedh which we did the math I think it was about almost 150 potential a1s that have come on antpool and antpool is bit Main's direct mining pool okay their own pool that they have and you know they can have people mind to it but they're the biggest pool for alium so you know what's not to say that you know that hash rate has been coming down here a little bit so maybe they were just testing them out then they're packaging them up and then shipping them out but uh that just shows you know there could be you know a couple hundred of these things that were manufactured and they're going to be shipping out so the profitability of alium here has been coming down okay so just like I was looking at you know the AL box sorry the AL zero uh just yesterday it was making over $10 to11 a day now it's making $6 a day okay this is after 10cent kilowatt hour mind you so you know just when a bunch of hash rate has turned on recently today as of recording okay it the profitability was just cut in half because the network hash rate jumped up two times so that's just with a small batch of like 1501s okay think about it when we get a bunch more you know maybe more of these Al box 2s shipping out people that have bought these potentially probably not because the pricing of these albox 2s and their new announcement of the al2 albox 2 plus uh the pricing is not great at all so you can see just within a span of a day and the 2x of network hash rate that has come online over the past day here has cut the profitability in half so just just be mindful people looking into buying alifia Miners And I mean man we've talked about this before even when the al1 and al1 pro announcement came out the big boy Asic Miner from bit main okay which you know very reminiscent of kadana very reminiscent of Caspa even with their P S5 Pros these miners the big dog bit main is really going to just annihilate like the smaller like home miners okay once more of these come online as the network hash rate gets higher as things get more difficult you know these miners these smaller miners Al zeros the AL box which I actually have you know this is the first one that came out in April okay so it's been about 4 months now which I did have here um since then it's total mined about 15 74 alium and the initial price of this Al box when I first got it was about I think almost $9,000 so have I mined my you know initial $99,000 investment back no right now 1500 1,600 alium here that I've mined which I'm Mining and hodling okay I'm not selling every day I've been hodling all this alium it's worth almost about $3,000 okay so I'm about a good onethird way there to hit Break Even which at this point it's not looking like I could break even unless the Saving Grace here is aum's price has to at least 3x from here to get my initial $99,000 break even back okay of the first first batch of the AL zeros okay which this thing it's still mining away but for how much longer am I going to get paid you know uh you know 4.4 leum a day it's probably going to go down now to you know 5 3 2 alium a day as more and more a1s come online so you know it's just think about it you know just a simple 150 al1 came online today has cut the profitability in half so think about another half another you know 150 l1's coming online over the next month maybe next week you know it could drop the profitability down another 2x okay this this Al box that I have here that cost $9,000 for month ago will now make maybe $2.50 a day maybe less but that's going to be dependent on a lithium's price here which over the past day has been going up okay but uh whether or not this is like a bit main pump who knows this is uh this is quite interesting to look at right these smaller miners are in no contest you know compared to the big boy a1's from bitm here which are quite devastating and just don't be fooled by these numbers these daily profits you know it it's changing worse every day okay so man we've been seeing this across with Caspa recently with the ks5 pros being released and now we're seeing it with a1's being released but again the Saving Grace here is going to be you know is aum's price going to you know Moon by the end of this year you know the Bitcoin cycle 2025 is all of that going to play out so we are going to see all right for anyone that's been risky on buying these types of miners I mean that's the name of the game that's really you know mining and holding and waiting for Price appreciation has been the name of the game for a very long time for people that are mining with these types of miners so to each his own I mean we're going to find out this is why I'm doing this long-term test with you guys on this uh Al box it's not even a al2 or Al Zer I'm I'm doing the long-term test here on the first batch Al box okay this is the first you know alium Asic minor that came about uh to the market about 4 months ago okay so great times man great just fun times here gold shell and their pricing I I I don't know you guys have seen it the pricing has not been very good um but you know it it hasn't played out yet you know I'm still obviously uh we haven't had good times in the bull run yet where things are going up so I don't think it's a fair assessment to say you know it was a bad buy as some people are saying you know man these El miners maybe are a bad buy you know well we don't know that yet things haven't played out in such a short period of time I know the chart looks pretty I don't know looks kind of Caden but uh I don't know we'll see we'll see right and you know alium doesn't have such an aggressive emission schedule like Caspa does so that's another thing to consider but yeah just really depends how many more bitmain is going to release Here how many people bought these and yeah how many of these are going to turn on the network and cell pressure and you know Lea's price can be sustained uh can sustain all these types of miners that are on the network right now and continuing on into the future it's it's look it looks dire now but who knows what happens in the future right that's that's the name of the game here okay for those that are wanting to take this risk but anyways guys alz let me know your thoughts down below for 24-Hour hash rate from this thing and I will choose the winner after about 4 or 6 hours after this video is uploaded and I'll pin your comment if you 1 all right my friends uh let's go back out to the AL Z here yeah I forgot to talk about the power consumption here this thing's like 115 Watts usage rout right now at 110 volt okay 120 volt power and yeah it's uh it's it's been fine the one that that came with the AL Zer here from Ice River this is a it says 120 watt 120 watt power adapter laptop brick okay so yeah this this thing is getting pretty toasty I should have probably had it on its side oh that's hot yeah there we go and yeah so Al zero will this be a good buy will this you know Roi in however much time I don't know $800 that this thing was you know first batch 800 bucks for this thing time will tell I'll probably get mining to this on its own address there's going to be plenty of people who are going to mine to their own address on this alzer so we will all find out together everyone's been receiving these pretty much the same week so we'll we'll find out okay all right my friends have a good one peace out Peace Out ooh that's hot that's hot

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