Mew token is getting a binance listing Down nearly 9% on the day this might be The optimal time to load up on some Mew Token welcome back to the 99b YouTube Channel I'm your host Umar Khan and Today we're taking a deep dive on Mew Token that has potential to be the Biggest cat meme coin in the space Before we St the video I want to ask if You haven't already make sure you smash The Subscribe button down below as it Helps with the channel tremendously will Help you reach your 2024 crypto goals And like always guys not Financial Advice always your own research and due Diligence before investing any money in The coins we cover on this channel as I'm not a financial adviser and this is Not Financial advice now that's put out Of the way let's talk about what's going On with MW token we can see first of all Guys we're currently sitting at $389 Million market cap top 150 coin and we Can see we're down 7% on the day looks At about 20 hours ago a whale sold uh 40 Million worth of M so about $200,000 at This price about 43 or sorry $49 so down A couple but again whales are going to Exit whales are going to enter but There's some big news that might Actually cause this price to pump so you May want to load up now and that big News is the binance listing you heard That right so just a couple days ago we

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Had an announcement that just in binance Futures to list Salon mcoin mu on Perpendicular contracts with up to 50x Leverage this was exactly directly from The binance account on 5:00 p.m. uh June 17th and then we see the binance post on Yesterday announcement binance uh Futures launches USD USD uh M for new Perpendicular contracts up to 50x Leverage now this is mive for two Reasons one now people trade with Leverage two it's uh put their foot in The door for binance meaning we can Potentially get get that actual binance List in the future and we know what That'll do for the project in volume Remember when binance listed a couple of Projects for futures it caused it to Pump when bance actually ends up listing This project on their actual uh uh Blockchain and when you can buy on the App it causes the projects to even pump Even more so that being said there could Be a massive bag to be made with Mew and This binance listing going back to Things guys in the crypto Market we're Seeing a little bit red across the board We're seeing red on the week on the day And even the hour for Bitcoin eth uh we Can see even B&B even salana just right Across the board salana having the Biggest Di down about 10% fear and greet Index is currently sitting at 55 neutral So again it's not amazing but again it's

Not terrible either in the mix of things There a lot of uh of pumping and dumping Going on so that was anticipated but for Mew token the potential is crazy cuz Again when we go to top meme coins right What do we see we see a dog we see a dog We see a frog we see a dog a dog a dog And then we see like this blue frog hey There's no there's no cats right the top Catcoin right now is Mew right but There's so much more for this to grow First has a flip book of meme then then Uh the dogcoin then Brett if this is get To a billion dollar market cap a binance Listing this could be a massive Opportunity for us investors especially In the crypto space uh so again what is This token it's cat in a dog's World Mew Uh for too long the dogs have ruled the World now it's time for the cast to Shine powered by salana which is great You can buy on the website with they Have the juper plug in and it's a simple Website so I will save them save them All all of them it's a dawn of a new era So total Supply 90% of the burnt LP 10% Airdrop to the salana community so again It's just a clean straightforward simple Website not too many gimmicks which is Good you know sometimes you just want a Simple uh website simple meme coin Project we don't need to have a 100 Different utility coins mem coins are Just meme coins remember pepcoin which

Arguably one of the biggest meme coins Is just a mem coin there's no utility There's no uh crazy website it's just a Simple website right same with do uh Dogecoin Dogecoin right Shu massive Amounts of utility dog fat roll out Utility Floy roll out utility which is Great I'm not saying we need only Shitcoin but there is a space in this Projects where it could just be a Community coin talking about a coin with Utility though we have to talk about Play Doge a cryptocoin that's currently About to go live it's on pre-sale and They've already raised $4.7 million in The span of two weeks this project has Crazy upside potential so what is play Doge it's the best play to earn Doge Companion game play doge is Ultimate Mobile play to earn game that brings Iconic doge meme to a the life of a Tamagachi style virtual pet secure your Play tokens in the pre-sale to earn Crypto while you're playing nostalgic 2D Adventure games so they're mix in 2D Adventure games so basically tamagachi With Doge bring it together you awesome Utility project and also it's PL to earn So the more you play the more you earn And again in 1 hour at one day in 20 Hours they're going to have another Price Cy so if you want to get it at the Absolute lowest price now is your time To strike Link in the description below

To load up you buy with eat US Car B&B You do all connect on the website uh They have an about tab which is clean The website is the whole design is Absolutely beautiful solid role map in Place the tokenomics are looking great Everything about this project looking Solid even on social again not the like The highest engagement or the biggest Community yet but already 5,000 Followers in the span of a couple weeks Is pretty impressive to say the least Great UI great design and again if That's how it's going to actually look On the mobile app I can imagine it could Be very popular in the play to earn Community again I'm pretty bullish on This project but going back to uh Mew Again the binance Futures will launch The usct perpendicular contracts with up To 50x Leverage is absolutely massive For the project this was some good news We were waiting to see especially on Such a red week red Market we need some Good news and that's the good news we Got this could be absolutely massive for Mew token if you want to see the latest Greatest updates for me token smash And Subscribe button down below that's the Video guys like always not Financial Advice always your own research and due Diligence until next time it's your Friend Omar peace [Music]


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