what's up guys this is your boy red cloud today
i'm going to be showing you guys how to mine two different algorithms on one single mining rig so
to do this you're gonna need at least two graphics cards or more let's go check out my mining rig
and i'll show you guys how we do it shout out to my boy kai so i started up my mining rig for two
different algorithms now before this they were both mining flux but i'll show you guys how easy
it is to set this up so you guys can split your mining in two so i've got my 1070 ti here we're
chilling mining xrp on unmindable if you guys want a video on how to mine xrp or shiba inu click on
the video right now and then we've got a gtx 1050 ti which i'm actually gonna do a hardware
review on i'll show you guys the hash rate what you can expect to make on a graphics card
like this and then we've got everything here on the cheap little dell oem board both the slots
over there i can't get a splitter to work on this motherboard unfortunately it just doesn't have
i think the bandwidth or something i don't know someone who knows that stuff comment below we've
got the pico power supply powering the entire motherboard plus a fan in the back there and then
everything is being powered by a 900 watt platinum server power supply if you guys want a way to get
a platinum power supply and a pico power supply you guys can check out parallel miner in the
description of the video anyway let's head over here to the actual miner so what we do to swap
between miners is we press control a a and then that swaps us over to where this is mining flux so
we're currently mining flux on miner pool and then um yeah so basically the efficiency it's at 12.6
soles and then it's running at 66 watts so it's really not too much and then we just swap back to
see that we're mining basically mining ethereum on uh unminable and then that's going to be exchanged
into xrp so i'll show you guys how to set this up in hive os boys so if you guys are new to hive os
and you guys haven't signed up be sure to sign up with the link in the description below and use
code red cloud gets you guys free ten dollars to mine for free on hive os for three months
so be sure to set that up we're here in our farm and you guys probably like why is this guy's
name tow farm don't worry about it not important what's important is we get you mining okay let's
head over to our wallets and make sure that we have our wallets set up properly so first
things first you guys will want to have the wallets that you guys will be mining for so
we've got our flux wallet and then we've got our shiba inu wallet this is about 20 shiba inu
wallet um that i'm mining to and then like i said if you guys don't know how to mine toshiba i got
a video up it's very popular so go check it out anyway um once you guys have set up your
wallets uh we'll go over to flight sheets and then this is where it gets pretty cool because
we can actually run multiple flight sheets at the same time so for the coin ticker for the first one
let's say we want our first card running which is our my 1070 ti so we'll go to flux and then we'll
go to our wallet we'll add our wallet go to pool and flux natively is in hive os so we'll be
able to add it straight to here so minerpool.org and then on my 1070 ti we can run it on a variable
diff for n a so each of these you're you're gonna have to know how to set up your actual coin
uh this is just an example uh for the miner we'll just set up in g minor the miner is really
where it's it's the most important thing so setup miner config is where we're gonna go and then
um you know you can fill all this stuff in if you guys don't know what your actual rig needs
like uh just watch a few other videos i have a lot of other videos that explain this stuff but where
we're gonna really be focusing our our mind here is the extra config arguments every single
miner has an extra configuration slot that you guys can fill information for usually they
have it basically explained here it's usually in the devices or gpu or nvidia's explaining it
basically right here we've got devices 0 1 3.
So some devices are either named device 1 2 or three
and some of them are zero one two three et cetera so for g minor this is a great example um it
uses device zero so device zero is actually your first graphics card so since we're using our
first graphics card my 1070 ti this is perfect for this so i would just hit apply here we can go
ahead and add the next miner so for the next miner the coin ticker is the sheba new wallet um and
then the pool um we're actually going to configure this one in minor and then go over here and we're
going to pick um t-rex miner for this one t-rex miners fantastic miner all right so we filled
that stuff in for the sake of the video what we're gonna do is we're gonna hit devices here all
of these have this so it's very easy to set that up and then what we'll do is we'll actually
change this because this is our second gpu so we would use device one most of the
miners use zero as the first one just an fyi the only one that does not do that from what i
can tell is phoenix miner so keep that in mind when you're using phoenix miner once you've hit
this you'll have to obviously you know test it to see if it works but most of the time if you
guys set this up appropriately like you follow along with the video you guys should be able to
set this up fine i'm gonna name this um sub to me because you should uh and then we're gonna create
the flight sheet all right we're back at my worker so i'm gonna click my worker and then i'm going
to launch select flight sheet uh launch flight see whatever and then we're going to look for sub
to me and then click it and then hit apply and then you will launch your miner and i'll show you
guys it mining in two seconds hi guys so here's the proof in the pudding we got the msi 1070 ti
mining by itself on g minor and then we have a trx miner also running which is got the 1050 ti
and that is mining on etc hash so simple enough really not too complicated uh it did take a little
bit of finicking for me to first figure it out so if it takes you a little bit just comment in
the section below and i will answer every single question for you guys hope this video helped you
guys out if it did be sure to give it a thumbs up and subscribe to the youtube channel it seriously
helps me out a lot i'm gonna be having some twitch streams soon as well as a new discord coming in
the next few weeks so be sure to tune into that thank you again for watching the video if
you guys have any questions at all feel free to comment in the section below i literally
read and comment and respond to every single comment so just an fyi hope you guys
have a wonderful rest your day peace out you