all right what's up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the Brandon coin YouTube channel and I got a couple of these in on trade um somebody was wanting to get some gpus and they were trading in some of their old box miners so I showed you I have another one of these in my office it's a little bit worse condition than these are uh but this is the Doge minor mini uh like version one from gold shell they run off of a six pin power and an ethernet cord no Wi-fi nothing outside of that so you can run it alongside of like a mining rig uh or you can power it off of a server power supply so I got I got these in that made me wonder like let's plug them in I obviously need to test them this is one that's got like the uh you know the little Doge etched in on the side and basically spoiler alert before we get too far in the video These do not profit uh anything unless you have free Power and then they profit a little bit so we'll get into that um but this is a little box Miner that you can plug in and it will mine Dogecoin and Litecoin together at the same time um they're made by gold shell and these were discontinued at least a few years ago if not maybe longer um they have been replaced by the Doge 2 and then the Doge 3 and then the 3 plus which I just reviewed the other day um and they have gotten better like efficiency and stuff but being that I got these in for a decent price I'm going to try to turn around you know make a little bit because I middl Manning it um and then potentially if you guys wanted to pick these up these are great little you know space heaters for the winter time um if we go over here hold on one second there we go sorry can't show all the classified informations but um here is the Asic uh Asic minor value page for the mini Doge and this is the exact one that we were just looking at uh so if you run them on full power they do burn 233 watts and get that 185 megahash income daily is 26 Cents now at 10 cents per kilowatt they burn 56 cents a day so you're technically losing 30 cents a day um now if you were running this in the winter time and you were just using it for some heat then it would offset some of your heat cost so you could you know basically like what heater pays you anything imagine if your heater paid you a quarter a day or seven bucks a month or even you know 100 bucks a year obviously you don't need a heater all year unless you live somewhere ridiculously cold but um just giving you guys some examples of what these could still be used for today um another thing that some people did bring up to me in my Doge uh mini Doge 3 plus video is some people are running these at a loss just to stack Dogecoin and then I saw that there were people replying to each other oh why don't you just buy the coin um and one person had a really good response and he was like it's easier for me to spend a little bit on electricity a day um then I pay that bill at the end of the month then it is for me to like set a regular buy every single day um so now does that make you know better Financial sense that's all up to you obviously there's been plenty of times where buying the coin made more sense than mining the coin um but that's not what we're here to talk about uh we're just here talking about the old Mini Doge now obviously if the coin price of Doge or Litecoin goes up then the profitability of these go up as well um nobody knows what's going to happen or when it's going to happen all that kind of stuff that's that's a whole another topic um as for like pricing let's see here um these were released in 2021 so yeah about a little over 3 years ago um so pricing on these wow these are expensive um it looks like the only two places that have them in stock is million Miner and Exxon Miner and they're almost $400 US um I I'm able to offer them quite a bit cheaper than that so if you do want to go check out um my web store it is bc- um and I will be offering these with or without a power supply uh I do have I think it's six of these coming in um if they sell good great if they don't I fig here I got me some little heaters for the for the winter time um I think one of them is a Wi-Fi unit which is a newer model than this we'll we'll check that out in the future but I figured making these little short like kind of review videos on some of the like older components that I have coming in that um maybe or maybe getting close to obsolete uh these things really never made a ton of money to begin with um but it could get you into Mining and uh potentially if you have really cheap or free Power um it can make a little bit as well or you know heat up your bedroom dorm room that kind of thing somebody did say that they had a bunch of box miners in their dorm room uh in college so uh don't suggest that because that is a good way to get in trouble but anyway guys I'm going to jump off here I'd love to hear your thoughts do you still have any of the original Mini does are they running um would you recommend them would you not recommend them and um yeah other than that I'll see you on the flip side and uh peace out adios this is who is bothering me while I was recording the video all right let's see here going to power this bad boy down it doesn't I mean it it puts off a good amount of heat but it ain't nothing crazy being that it's only like 200 and something Watts what's crazy is like this is a KS Zero Ultra and I feel like that puts off more heat than that even though that's technically less power so this this definitely has to be putting off more heat it's just flowing it more I don't know all right well anyway guys for real video's over you ain't got to go home you just got to get off this video bye
Mini Doge Miner v1 in 2024