all right what is up ladies and gentlemen so this is I got in on trade the other day somebody brought it in it is a GeForce GTX 560 TI actually EVGA model and uh look at that look at that goodness it takes dual six pins in the back I feel like that's a lot of power for a 560 but um yeah yeah cool looking card I'm going to plug it in see if it works um I don't know what exactly I gave for it it was part of a bigger deal not much but uh I was wondering can it mine and how good can it mine I believe this is only a 1 GB card so we are going to be limited might have to throw it onto um random X which I don't even know if we can do that anymore can you do that anymore maybe see weird is I'm selecting you know GeForce 500 a start search and then it brings drivers up like I can download them but then it doesn't actually download them I've tried this one I've tried this one let's go back to this one February 26 2018 it pops up boom click download I'm going to click right click save link as maybe there we go insecure download blocked keep huh I guess maybe their older downloads aren't signed or whatever I I'm not sure but um if you just click the button regularly watch like like it just says thank you and nothing actually happens so yeah if you're looking on an older driver and you want to actually download it you're going to have to click right click save as just thought that was a little odd but um yeah and if you have like a super new driver like I have a driver on here for a 3070 um it will not pick up the 560 TI correctly see you got the little little triangle there so yep let's get the correct one installed and check it out all right so a buddy of mine had reached out to me and he's looking for a Snappy you know cheap office computer um so I was telling him about some of those little pre-builts I had but he really wants like an i7 6 core at least and I was like I have an alien wear and it's got a 80 700k in it but it's also got a 1080 ti so he's like let's pull that 1080 TI out of there put something basic in that way we can get the price of that machine down and I'm going to be stoked because I finally will be able to get this machine out of my office so let's pull that down here and swap that GPU real quick so this machine's got 16 gigs of RAM little water cooler on it and this 1080ti let me lift that up out of the way I don't know why this has been like one of the hardest systems to sell I've come down on the price and come down on the price I think the last price I had given somebody you know was like 300 bucks for this this but I'll gladly just pull the GPU out sell it separately and then get this this machine sold with um a lesser GPU in it now What GPU am I going to put in it I'm not sure what I have have down there let me do some do some digging see what I can find all right so that was a happy customer he came in and he ended up just deciding on just using integrated Graphics it's going to be using an office he doesn't have any kind of Graphics like software he's going to be running and I was like that's fine I can cut a little bit extra off the price um but I was looking at this alien wear or Dell 1080 TI and they didn't spend the money on a back plate but they did spend the money on having a red PCB probably didn't actually cost them anything extra but I just thought that's kind of cool you don't really see red pcbs very often or ever little carbon fiber sticker um all right now going over here checking on the old 560 TI EVGA checking system compatibility let's see here oh goodness this is not going to be a fast process we will be back all right so as you guys can hear the little fan is screaming and that's because uh at 100% of um fan this GPU is still 72° c um it we are getting 133 hashes on um a Cuda 8 XM rig it would not run Cuda 10 I guess due to the age of the card uh 133 hashes is equivalent to um like a dual core low power Celeron that burns like 10 to 15 watt uh and this this is burning significantly more power than that so is this efficient to mine with no can it mine anything else being that it's only got 1 gig of vram no I don't know anything else that can mine um and actually make any money now let's plug this into the calculator real quick let's see here hold on random X mining calcul [Music] we're getting 100 I say 130 hashes calculate that comes out [Music] to about a penny a day so should we run this no is it profitable no um did we enjoy enjy doing it yeah it's still it's still kind of fun to go back and and play around with old Hardware now let's go ahead and close the miner there we go we'll turn auto fan back on should start ramping back down eventually one of these days oh goodness don't tell me the fans hung up there there here we go okay 92 91 it's coming down uh now what am I going to do with this card I kind of like it so I think for the time being I may end up throwing this into um something I don't know we'll see that that'll be for another day but regardless GTX 560 TI in 2024 for mining for display output potentially I don't know I didn't display up to it cuz I don't have any DVI plugs at the moment um I need to get me another adapter but uh for mining yeah there's there's better options all right guys I'm going to jump off here youall have a good one aios guys fighting with this thing it's uh it's saying that it wouldn't recognize ink so then I open up new ink I put it in there it won't recognize that I've unplugged it plugged it back in I'm going to throw this thing out the window window it's driving me crazy cuz now I just wasted ink on it um but yeah so I guess I'm just going to package up orders and then write the order number and then go home I have a printer at the house I'll print out all those slips and then I can go drop them off then take my printer from the house to here or maybe I need to get me a better printer for the office cuz I print so much but in other news um I did H I do have user accounts fully enabled now so if you go to the web store and you click up here you can log in and that way you can see your orders you can look at your tracking numbers your status all that kind of stuff uh more information and uh I believe I have enabled to where you can request refunds um all kinds of stuff so you can log in there and then if you are interested in the affiliate program you can uh log in and see your affiliate status and what you've earned under the affiliate dashboard so yep made some made some good progress today oh and I took that GTX 560 TI out because it was doing really weird funky stuff and my system was not stable with it in I don't know if that's just due to the fact that a GTX 560 TI on Windows 10 Pro is is not optimal but I stuck the Old Dell uh Alienware um 1080 TI in here so I really like the red PCB maybe this will stay as the the the office GPU for a while who knows but anyway I'm going to pound out the rest of these orders and then go home and print out the uh packing slips and yeah I'll be back here tomorrow so thanks for watching guys I'll see youall on the next one peace
Mining on a 13 year old GPU