Mining PROFIT on a Karlsenhash coin with this FPGA… ColEngine P2

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he [Music] hey guys red pen mining here hope you're all doing well having a really great day this video I'm going to do a full review of this coal engine p2- X I believe this is a super scaler like a Rebrand of a super scaler a K10 plus I believe so this is not an Asic I mean it looks like an Asic minor but it's actually an fpga and so there's a bunch of fpga chips built together in like these hash boards packaged all together like an Asic Miner in order to mine a bunch of different algorithms which I want to go through in this video and we'll see what the profitability of this coal engine P2 is thank you to jingl for sending me this coal engine P2 right now on their website this is $4,300 so we're going to see how profitable this is later on throughout this video video so let's just do a quick look around the coal engine P2 so it's got two 120 mil fans on the front it's got the IP report button ethernet reset button the indicator lights here fault normal okay looking around so the control board is going to be at the top here as we can see here we got some ribbon cables to the control board and then from the hash boards here you guys can see so there's three hash boards and we got the power for the two Fen okay pretty standard looking around this coal engine P2 this is definitely used I can see that I know a couple other uh content creators did receive this and I believe they've been shipping it around so I did receive this from another content uh Creator so there are no fans on the back but it's good that there's fan grills here and yeah that's pretty much the Asic itself now looking at the power supply there's a bunch of pcie uh six pin here okay so this power supply spec is from Kenway PC it says 92 plus efficiency not sure how true that is but looking at the specs here it can run on 100 to 240 volt okay at 2,000 wats then of course it does 200 to 240 volt at 3,300 Watts which uh in this demonstration today I will show you guys the power consumption on a 240 volt power okay even though it did come with a a uh power cable it did come with this okay but I will not be running it on 120 volt I believe most of the algorithms this thing takes like 14 to 1500 watts which could segue into talking about the algorithms that this thing can mine and so let's go on the computer and do that but before I do that let me plug this all in get it turned on and I'll show you guys the web guey as well okay so I'll see you guys in the computer okay so you guys can probably hear the co P2 beside me uh I just turned it on I set it up it's now mining I'm going to tell you guys which coin I'm mining right now it's actually consensus coin CSS because it's the most profitable all right it's Carlson hash I didn't think it was profitable or was able to mine it because I was on the Jingo mining's website and it says you know it can do a lithium radiant Carlson exelia Nautilus but because it's a Carlson hash algorithm consensus coin this Co full engine P2 is able to mine consensus coin all right so it is uh currently profitable I'll show you guys the web guey and in stuff here in the second on the pool but going back to profitability all right I just want to just show you guys this cuz I know a lot of people are interested in the numbers right now so I'll just talk about this so Al lithium mining everyone knows a lithium is being mined right now by a single entity that's uh taken up almost 50% of the network hash rate so the profitability is not that great on the co engine P2 at 10 cent Kow hour this thing's only making about 40 cents a day on a lithium so that's out now uh consensus coin you guys can see here I'm making about $653 after power okay or if I had free Power it'd be about $10 a day currently if I was mining Carlson hash or Carlson coin um it would be I be making about $2 a day after 10cent Kow hour Nautilus you guys can see $3 a day neelia it be about $3 a day and radiant would be about .93 radiant unfortunately is being massively manipulated by a single Miner almost 99% of the network hash rate is from a single entity so that's why radiant is no longer profitable on the coal engine P2 but Saving Grace here is consensus coin for now we'll see how long this lasts so just showing you guys here I have just been I just turned it on mining to mining for and and it is working just fine it looks like uh looks like I've been mining about uh 2,000 3,000 uh consensus coin thus far and yeah we're going to see how long this goes but my average hash rate is about 32.5 it says in the software my average hash rate shows uh 33 gigahash it was 34 gigahash at one point but it's now it's it's it fluctuates a bit this fpga is uh pretty sporadic in hash rate but just generally just showing you guys the profitability numbers that's what it can do right now now if I had higher electrical let's say I had 14 cents per kilowatt hour you guys can see right as we get higher in electrical costs like 14 cents this thing only makes about $1 or2 a day realistically I'm I'm thinking by the time you know people get on consensus coin it may not be making $4 a day after 14 right so you know this this fpga it is versatile in a way where it can mine you know all these different coins these different algorithms is there potentially going to be more of these coins that are going to adopt you know Carlson hash is there going to be more of those coins that are going to adopt you know Blake 3 for athum a lithium for instance Blake 3 right but it's not profitable because there's a lot of as6 and uh single entity fpga Farm that's mining it right now so I'm just giving you guys all the facts here regarding mining currently with this coal engine P2 you know is $4,300 investment in this thing is it worth it at this point in time with what we know and what you know the algorithms that this thing can mine and you know what we've learned recently of the big you know fpga Farm that's mining a lithium radiant even exelia at one point Carlson you know H it's it's looking it's looking pretty dire for this minor but again it goes back to if there's going to be other algorithms that are going to come out for this thing in in the future who knows who knows so now some of you guys may be wondering r p how do you set this up well it's actually very easy I'll have it all linked down below but you just need to download the software I'll have all the information down below from Jingo it's on their website to download the tool okay this tool here is what you can use here to just set up the pool which is very easy basically we got to find the minor here uh scan the machine on your network and then you're going to go to pool set and then you're going to choose the algorithm that you want to mine Carlson Caspa Blake 3 alium rxd right it's it's very versatile right you can mine all the different Caspa uh algorithms and I just realized that we could probably mine uh the other uh you know uh Asic minable coins like the Bunga or um cedra coin um but is it going to be profitable no because the Caspa as6 are going to be mining sedra or bunga bugna so yeah it's not going to be it's not going to be great but I'll have linked down below all the information here okay let's come back out to the minor okay so there it is guys the coal engine P2 all right fpga do I think yeah do I think this is a good buy at this point in time it's a very risky investment I have to say and it's all going to be dependent on I guess the all the different algorithms the coins that are supported for this fpga right the fpga are like in between GPU Mining and Asic mining in my experience there's always that like couple months you know 3 to 6 months of fpgas and then as6 come out for that coin but I'll keep you guys updated I'll mine consensus coin for like another week or just until it's not profitable or maybe it'll stay profitable I don't think so we'll see I'll keep you guys updated about that but let me know your guys' thoughts about the coal engine uh P2 here X all right I'll see you all in the next video have a good one peace out

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