Most asked Crypto Mining Question

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what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the brandoncoin YouTube channel I know I need a haircut but regardless I keep getting this question over and over again so I figured I would make a video and discuss it so uh this is in reference to January 30th 2024 because this information may not apply very long um depending on how crypto is so right now things have been pretty decent um a lot of lot of cryptos are up but uh we're not making big money on GPU mining we're not making big money on CPU mining um there are some small projects that are fairly profitable um but in the grand scheme of things nothing's killing it and it's it's not like the bull markets of years past uh but I keep getting the question should I buy graphics cards should I start mining um you know what what are you doing and um obviously I love telling people what I'm doing uh because it's just very transparent so um at my house I have my personal computer that has a 2070 TI in it it mines on the CPU which has got a a xon 12 core it's got the combo kit in there um I mine on my CPU and my GPU when I'm not using it and then at the office um I'm going to be mining on my main computer whatever I end up building over there probably another zeeon combo kit with maybe like a 3060 or something like that so um do I have a farm anymore no I have a lot of cards but they're not implemented uh mainly due to the fact that my electricity cost just keeps skyrocketing I'm in North Carolina I'm up to 14 cents per kilowatt hour when I first got into mining back in like 2016 um we were just at 10 cents so uh in the past what was that 8 years um we've seen a 40% increase in electric cost uh I I mean my electric bill for last month cuz we had a cold month um was was fairly expensive and there was very little mining involved in that obviously you know mining to create heat in the winter time is great but in the summertime it just introduces heat into your house and then you have to use AC regardless we're going way off track here should you buy graphics cards and get into mining right now only do what you financially can do um I would treat mining as a hobby that could P potentially make money uh but don't count on it don't go buy cards or graphics cards or motherboards or any of that stuff on credit thinking that oh yeah it's definitely going to pay itself off it's definitely going to pay itself off cuz it doesn't have to crypto it you know crypto is a honey badger and it does what it wants it don't give a damn um it has eaten up and spit out way more people than I can even count or name off so my biggest suggestion is don't buy graphics cards or as6 or anything on credit um don't spend any money that you can't afford to lose obviously I do like hedging um myself on Hardware instead of coins even though there's definitely times where I it would have paid off for me to just buy the coin and not buy the hardware to mine the coin um definitely would have been a lot better but I always like to hedge against the value of the hardware so um if the coin tanks or becomes unminable or something along those lines you still do have something tangible you can put your hands on I.E the hardware the graphics card Etc CPU um so yeah I'm I'm sorry I don't have like a clearcut answer for you guys I guess that is the answer um just if you ask yourself this if I buy this graphics card or these graphics cards am I still going to be able to pay my bills eat feed the family feed the dog feed the cat is it going to affect you financially on any of your basic stuff and if it's not then maybe go um I do suggest buying newer uh 30 series and above is recommended a lot of the 30 series for like you know 30 60s 3060 TI 3070 they got the big memory bus I don't suggest the 40 60s cuz they got the small memory bus cuts the bandwidth down um they're cheap everybody's like oh man 40 60s I can get them for you know 299 300 bucks um but [Music] they're they will get out overperformed um by 30 series cards so other than like a 3050 but yeah yeah so regardless that's that's what we're that's what that's what we're going to go with on this video um I'm sorry I didn't have like a Line in the Sand and answer for you guys where it's just like do what this and you'll be successful because there's no Rhyme or Reason people have made money in crazy ways um I've made a lot of money with crypto in some of the weirdest ways possible it's like you never you never know what's going to be the next big thing and in crypto there's a lot of big things so just being in it and a part of it is um one of already putting you A Step Above So anyway guys I want to thank y'all for coming out I really appreciate it um small update on the website uh we just got the t-shirts in and they're atrocious so had a problem with the t-shirt company for last month's t-shirts so I switched to a different T-Shirt Company these t-shirts come in and um I wanted Screen Printing and they came in vinyl uh press on vinyl and I'm I call and of course you know oh they got to get back to me because the person that did my ORD is and in and I'm like press on vinyl is not going to work my price uh that's not what I paid for um so yeah yeah if you got a t-shirt and you're currently waiting on it and yeah if you need a refund just let me know I'm working on the with them on getting uh my money back and then I'm probably just going to go back with find another company man finding a a printing company um that just follows my order has been difficult anyway um no need to harp on that I wanted to thank you guys I I'll see youall on the next one and um yeah getting back to that Monday through Friday schedule so uh uploads are going to be coming Monday through Friday again Saturday and Sunday off adios

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