hey guys RPM here hope you're doing well having a really great day this video I wanted to talk to you all regarding the ant Miner L9 that I have been mining with over the past 3 days now 4 days actually and I wanted to show you guys the exact mining profitability I've been getting with this thing over the past couple days and also talk about how I am going to break even on this you know $155,000 Miner we got from crypto Miner Bros thanks to them they are the sponsor of today's video if you guys are looking for Asic miners go check them out they got a lot of different Dogecoin miners if you're interested and also the new IPO v2x that's available there use code red panda if you are interested for 70 bucks off link down below going along here okay so we did the video on December 2nd on receiving this at minor L9 pretty cool ASC minor very profitable Asic minor as of now of course okay but the biggest thing that I was explaining in the beginning which a lot of you guys commented on on how should I break even on this $15,000 November batch of l9s okay this is an L9 November batch that I got here here's me probably see I'm opening it up just making sure all the pins and everything was plugged in everything was pretty good except for one of the uh six pin PCI going into the control board I pushed that in a little bit more but otherwise it came to me just fine and it's been mining away just fine okay typical Asic minor very easy to set up but anyways so I just wanted to start off with reading a bunch of your guys' comments okay so just let's just read some comments of how you guys said you would you know break even on this L9 as of let's say December 1st it's pretty much December 1st since I started mining on mining Dutch to a brand new account by itself okay so we can see you know how much we've earned and you know everything you can see the L9 here connected by itself on a brand new account here I already have like a couple hundred bucks in crypto on here already $31 after 3 to four days here which is pretty insane okay of how much money this thing is currently making okay so we're trying to get the $15,000 investment bag I guess including electric as well which uh uh we will calculate as we do more update videos on this but I wanted to read some of your guys' comments here so Mr Ron Watkins says he says I would mind to Doge and hold but that's what I'm trying to do I love the optimism by naming it l901 uh next one from lukewarm Miner he says honestly uh sell 30 to 40% of it to cover costs of running other equipment as well huddle the remainder for a massive 20 to 40% pumps okay so he's uh you know we're assuming there the 20 40% pump would be including the rise in potentially some of these coins like you know Dogecoin which has been you know over the past 60 days here Dogecoin has gone up almost 267 Litecoin 96% and we have a whole bunch of other merge minable coins uh that this uh you know Dogecoin mining it's Litecoin Mining and then merge mining Doge Bells uh oxp like all these lucky coin junk coin Bells all these other ones that are on mining Dutch that's what you can see here I have all the different uh different coins that have been accumulating here haven't you know haven't sold or haven't you know changed any of them on mining Dutch yet but you can see you know over the past 4 days already $31 which is uh which is pretty crazy but anyways just reading some more comments here um another person said uh White wizard says I would hold on to everything until the unit is paid itself off and sell off once it reaches a price point I'm happy with that's what I did with GP Mining and it worked out quite well it all depends on how much patience a person has at the end of the day you know that is so true so the first part he said here I would hold on to everything until the unit is paid off itself so I've actually done many of these tests before okay maybe four years ago maybe some of you guys may remember a z15 uh I had a z15 going into the Bull Run of 2021 okay and this was able to pay itself off the Z the bitmain z15 which is a eash miner mines zenash Horizon zcash and pirate chain and I think something else uh it was able to break even by doing the mining and huddle test of just Mining and holding those eash coins and I was able to break even on that within four months okay four months on the z15 but that was in the beginning uh at the end of 20120 going into 2021 so that's when coins really started to pump in the previous bull run another example of an Asic which I broke even on was the IB link bmk1 is a Caden Asic Miner this one I got I think at the end of 2020 as well going into the Bull Run 2021 I mined and held Caden and this thing was able to break even in 69 days okay so Less Than 3 months this Asic Miner was able to break even by doing the mine and hoddle okay strategy next Asic I was able to break even as well during the bowl run in 2021 was a in a silicon A10 Pro this was a able to achieve this within 3.5 months with Mining and hodling ethereum and that was when of course during the time when ethereum was going up in the bow run in the beginnings of 2021 so I just showed you three different examples three Asic miners that were bought between I'd say October of 2020 all the way up going into 2021 and those Asic miners were able to to break even by doing the mine and huddle test so I have this L9 here and it's I guess nove oh no December now of 20 of 2024 okay and if this is reminiscent of just previous you know 4-year cycle of Bitcoin if we're going into 2025 here then to me that feels like 2025 is going to be like the 2021 bull not Financial advice of course but so in theory then I should be mining and holding everything on everything that I've been mining with this L9 I should be mining and holding everything okay that is that would be the ideal crypto mining Strate that is the ideal crypto mining strategy Mining and holding everything going into the bull Ren okay so am I G to do that this time am I wanting to try to see if we can mine and hold all of the coins that we are yielding over the next you know couple months here and if that happens right and if that you know if Doge for instance where we are in the market right now is Dogecoin going to go to new higher highs right now it's hovering around 40 cents you know is going into the run in 2025 is Dogecoin going to go to a dollar is Doge going to go to $150 $2 I don't know if that's going to happen then I would break even on this L9 extremely fast because I've been doing the whole Mining and huddle method similar to all these other coins that are available right on merge mining on mining Dutch you know there's there's catcoin lucky coin Bell's coin junk coin Litecoin of course the main coin that it's merge mining the rest of these coins and just just to show you my daily earnings here okay just to show the daily earnings so let's just go to a full day yesterday let's go December 2nd okay so I earned about $644 yesterday and according to mining now.com this is supposed to make daily about 63.7 4 so it used to be a lot better on mining DCH like this thing used to earn you know maybe five or $6 more than what the calculators were saying it's simp because a lot of the mining pools don't have lucky coin uh or they do now but they're actually stealing all this coin they're not actually paying it out to the miners okay so I have verified with other people would have l9s on nice has or other pools you know they're not getting this extra this extra yield here okay uh the mining pool is getting it so I'm not sure if those mining pools are now going to pay those out uh to uh to the miners that are on you know that are on light right now you can see a lot of these have Bell's coin have Dogecoin but you know mining Dutch is the only one that actually specifies that it has you know junk coin lucky coin Pepe coin you know all of these other merge minable coins they're the only honest mining pool that actually specifies that they are paying that out to the miners which I showed you guys right here and I did a video actually about this three months ago September 3rd I was the first one just to talk about you know these mining pools they weren't paying them out to the miners so look Pepe coin back then had 131.76 petahash or 96 unknown so a lot of the other Litecoin mining pools are now accumulating or selling off those coins I don't know if they're selling or not but junk coin as well look at this 1.2 petahash Network cash rate all right and Mining DCH only has 37.2839 out to the miners but the other pools are not paying that out or maybe they're keeping it and selling it I don't know they're not they're not being honest about it they've never uh none of them I haven't heard any of these other pools announcing that they're paying these out so it's kind of scammy that you can see on mining pool stats a lot of petahash here a lot of hash rate is not actually showing up on these other pools and the other pools are just accumulating or selling these other coins okay so it's really the uh the dark side okay the Dark Side of merge mining all right so go watch that video I explain everything in there regarding you know how it all works and you know what mining pools are are pretty much all the mining pools are not are are not paying it out okay anyways okay going back here guys so what am I going to do which method am I going to you know get back that $5,000 uh November batch L9 well I thought about it long and hard and I I truly I truly want to do the mine and huddle method okay of this L9 cuz I know that is obviously one of the best the best methods to um to break even on it looks like the L9 price is going down now if anyone's interested again link down below but looks like the L9 okay with when I first got it was about $155,000 at that time okay a couple days ago so breaking even on that I want to try selling every day and I know a lot of you guys are probably saying red panda why why don't you just do the m and huddle method you know I want to do that but I want to try something different okay I'm going to try just every time I get a payout of uh uh for a mining Dutch and I I'm going to do it into uh Dogecoin okay because I'll be able to track okay I'm going to because Dogecoin is obviously the biggest uh you can see here on the p is 86.1% so the rest of the coins that I've been accumulating here okay like lucky coin 18 bucks worth of Lucky coin uh 10 bucks worth of LTC $125 on junk coin Digi some digite here um but majority of it is Doge right so what I'm going to do I'm going to sell this all or trade most all of these the rest of the coins into Doge on mining Dutch and then I'm going to get paid out onto my tangum and then I can keep track that way of if I sell every day okay the cost basis of whenever I receive it in my wallet and then as well the other time later on like as we do the final video or you know when I break even on it hopefully then I can see the alternative if I just simply mine and held because I can import I can export actually all the the CSV of all my Dogecoin transactions and then I can see you know if I just simply held all that Dogecoin up to a certain point every day I got paid out in Doge then I can I can calculate how much I would have gotten if Dogecoin did go to higher highs okay but this time I want to see I'm going to sell into just into Fiat every day and we're going to see how long it takes to get its money back that way okay I know I think most people will not enjoy that but I think this is a test I want to try this time I've never done you know selling every day I've never done a test like that like all of my Asic mining tests have always been the tried andrue method of line and hoddle but this time this time I'm going to sell into Fiat because it's in my opinion it it it seems quite high but of course I am potentially going to miss out I'm going to miss out if Dogecoin goes higher you know if all these other coins also go up higher in multiplier I'm going to miss out but this is a just a a different test I want to try Okay so hopefully you guys you guys let me uh do it this time okay I I know I know a lot of people don't agree with that that method of selling every day but you know some some people here did you know did agree some people did uh you know sell it sell it all as you go until Roi you know some people like in the comments that you guys were talking about some some people said do that way so I think I'm going to try it this time you know uh you know mine and huddle sell at the end of the year a lot of people want me to mine and huddle uh some people s sell 50/50 you know I'm just going to do all or nothing I'm just going to sell every day and just we're going to document it I'm going to document this and uh we're going to see how long it takes we're going to do the whole uh the whole method of Mining and hoddle and you know since you know monthly this thing sorry Mining and selling every day not mine and hoddle I'm so used to saying that uh but if this thing is generating about you know uh 2,000 bucks a month with obviously you could change higher or lower my break even could be within the next you know could be within the next uh five 6 months if everything sustains at these levels and another thing what I mean by sustaining is like because right now you know the volume for trading on doge is like almost is almost 10 billion but the emissions for Dogecoin right now for all the miners for everyone who's mining Dogecoin right now is $ 5.53 million so that's a drop in the bucket against the uh volume that's that's showing up on Doge right now so I think it's like we did the maass 0.005% like not even not even 1% % of the trading volume is the emissions of what Dogecoin is putting out every day so if everyone sold $5 million worth of Doge every day it's it wouldn't be a it wouldn't be a huge you know so much sell pressure that's happening uh on Doge but um yeah it's been pretty it's been pretty sustained here since November 12th it's December 3rd as of recording this video so it hasn't been insane drops on Doge so I'm going to try selling every day and this is going to be a test like I said I've never done before if you guys don't like it well I'm I'm just then we'll see if it work if it panned out or not and if I should have just mine and held all the Dogecoin but see if I'm going to Doge I'll be able to uh you know export my CSV because I'm going to mine into a tangum so I can see which way is going to be better either selling every day or hodling all the Doge um which uh we can do that test uh we can see if that worked out later on in the future whenever I can break even on this minor but okay my friends that's it let me know your thoughts I'll see you all in the next video have a good one peace out peace out
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