My Crypto got Stolen

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what's up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the Brandon coin YouTube channel and I haven't gotten got in in quite a while um I feel like you know you always live and learn from these situations but um I got got this time uh it was for about $100 worth but more it it hurt more than that because I didn't see this as a potential issue um so I'll explain what happened and then I'll explain uh ways that I won't let it happen in the future and just so you guys know cuz I want everybody to be educated uh and up to date so I have been mining on unminable um and I've been mining Sheba on unminable that's actually my video my video from a day or two ago was you know road to 100 million Sheba I've been trying to mine 100 million Sheba um so on unminable you have your deposit address and you mine everything to your deposit address uh and you can go on there and you can change your networks so previously I was using the B&B Network so if you mine up to 150,000 Sheba which is like I don't know what a couple bucks you can get a payout right away well B&B no long or binance no longer supported um North Carolina so I just switched over and used my coinbase deposit address which is on the ethereum network not the B&B chain uh so the minimum payout is a lot higher because of the fees on the ethereum network so you don't get a payout at 150,000 you get a pay out at 5 million no big deal I'm like yeah I'm just mine to that and you know what I was at 6 million and let me just mine to 10 million and then I'll do a payout like there's you know no point to pay out early well um what if somebody put my address in there hold on what if somebody put my my Sheba address in their browser on unminable switched it to the binance chain and then clicked payout and that's what happened and then they turned automatic payouts on um I went back through and I looked at the payouts and then looked at the blockchain and it shows it went to that address on the binance chain and now it's sitting there um but being that this this was a deposit address on coinbase I don't know how to access this address on the binance Chain I don't know if I can access this address on the binance Chain if anybody has any recommendations please let me know but uh this is a weird situation where I've never been worried about sharing a deposit address ever uh the unfortunate part is anybody that does any kind of unminable videos uh and they have and they're doing any kind of coin that has any kind cross any networks um if you show your unminable web browser it shows your address at the top of the web browser in the actual you know screen your address like it's missing some of the numbers it takes some of those out but but at the top of the web browser it shows your full address so then somebody could go on there change your network and hit pay like haha like they might not get the coins um but you don't get them either like kind of like that that mischievousness um and I feel like that's what's happened here because the coins were paid out you know 6 8 12 hours ago earlier today I didn't notice it till I just got home I've been gone all day um and it's unfortunate because now those are just wasted um yeah yeah it's kind of it's kind of a bummer but anyway let me show you what I got over here um so this is on b bs scan or bcan binance blockchain viewer and this is my address on BNB and yeah look see there is 6.5 million Sheba in there $100 worth no other tokens nothing else in there no other value um yeah that's that's pretty much it now uh if you go over to unminable it see somebody switched it over to binance Smart chain and I was like can anybody just do this from anywhere and I was like Hey can somebody reach out to me and send me their address um I want to like access your unminable and see if it's possible to change your uh your payout Network and yes you can you can do this from any IP any location there's no kind of lockout or settings or anything like that like where some pools where there was no login um you would still have to provide you know like a an IP address or be at the IP address where you you're mining from or just some kind of situation for there to be security um and there's there's no security that locks out anybody from picking any of these chains uh and doing a payout so maybe I know I am super green uh I always have more to learn um I've never been big on like cross chains I've you know but I've always I've always watched before I send something and make sure it's on the right chain um yeah this this one really stinks this one stings um so yeah if you are giving out a deposit address I guess make sure it's not the one you're using on unminable uh because somebody could just throw it in a quick search and they could hurt you um yeah it's it's it's a weird situation because they're not even getting the coins or at least they have if they got the coins they went to an empty wallet and they haven't done anything with them and it's been 12 hours which lead leads me to believe that they don't have access to this account now if I am able to get access to that account that's great we you know we can remedy that situation but I don't believe I am being that that deposit address was generated through coinbase um and maybe that's my fault maybe I should have generated the you know done a wallet through some other wallet I don't know I just been I've been using even though they say oh never used the deposit addresses for exchanges I've been using Exchange deposit addresses for a long time um but I got bit I got got so anyways hopefully this is a learning experience for somebody else I am uh really interested to see what people say down below um and if they have any advice that kind of thing but uh yeah yeah so now that address is cooked because I can no longer mind to that address because some there's a bad actor that knows that address and can switch it over to binance chain and do a payout faster than I can do a payout on ethereum because it's a five million minimum on ethereum and only 150,000 on binance so I could get up to 150,000 200,000 you know a million and you know they could just jump on there and oh I want to pay out on binance hahaa you know Brandon will never get it um yeah so I have to make a new address and then when I do my videos I can't show the address maybe I should reach out to UNM should there be Security on that is that an issue is that a thing I guess be careful what you what you share on the internet yeah anyway I hope you all have a good night I'll see you on the next one adios I'm about to unbox I got another farm that shut down and this is the remnants of it not a lot of graphics cards only like five or six graphics cards but tons of motherboards power cords power supplies that kind of thing a lot of supporting components so that'll be coming up hopefully you guys enjoy it uh other than that yall have a good night and I'll see you on the next one

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