[Music] hey guys ARP here hope you're doing well having a really great day this video I just unboxed nine more of these ice River ks0 Pro commemorative editions I bought 10 of them and I finally just got in the other nine from DHL which they were holding for about a good week and unfortunately I got hit with a good $600 tariff bill on this batch here so that's unfortunate but anyways I got them all here you guys are wondering what am I doing with them just sitting them like this well I am planning on modding all of these ks0 Pros by changing the thermal paste doing the copper mod on the mosfets changing the uh thermal pads on the heat sink side and yeah just just everything just getting this all ready because I am planning on overclocking all of these okay but I have a really big disclaimer that I want to explain regarding you know overclocking these and just being mindful of the barrel plug okay which is used to power these ice River uh ks0 pros and yeah I'll explain that in a bit but I also want to explain that I'm also planning on just solo mining Caspa on all of these as well as I'm going to be demonstrating how to do that with a new tangum wallet here uh which is the Caspa addition tangum so my plan is to just mine directly to the tangum card the Caspa wallet address which I mean Caspa is not directly on this card it's the private Keys you know the Caspa is on the blockchain anyways I'll demonstrate that when I get these all set up of course so that'll be for another video I really do like this tangent branded uh caspit card use code RPM if you guys are interested in purchasing a tangum for holding your crypto as a cold storage solution and being self- Sovereign by controlling your own uh crypto all right not having it on Exchange or you know someone else controlling It Anyways a lot of fun stuff I want to explain in this video I'm not going to really set up anything I'm just going to give you guys my my plans for all these so we'll do that right after word from today's sponsor are you looking for the newest most profitable Asic miners today look look no further than cryptominer bros.com where they carry the top brands such as bitmain gold shell IB link and more their pric is seen on their website include fast shipping service using DHL and duties and taxes payment options include direct wire transfer and crypto payments as well they have multiple support methods for any questions or concerns use coupon code red panda for $50 off per Asic Miner ordered thank you cryptominer bros.com for sponsoring this video and celebrating our third year of partnership link down below so I want to announce first before we do the rest of the video this ice River ks0 Pro this is a non Commemorative Edition one it's just a black ks0 Pro and also a veteran minor pcie2 Barrel plug which he only warrants to run at stock okay not overclocked all right disclaimer do not run these on overclocked he's only tested them on on normal mode right no overclock on the ks Z Pros or KS Z so we're going to give this away okay this is the final KS Z Pro that we are giving away I've already given away 10 of them on the channel over the past like 2 months thank you so much to BP who donated these to the channel he is such an awesome dude super generous for giving these away on the channel I hope you guys have appreciated all these uh ks0 Pro giveaways on the channel so how to participate in today's giveaway way I'm going to have a video from the veteran Miner this gentleman here who has created these ks0 Pro or ks0 uh Barrel plug connectors to six spin P you guys have to comment on a video which I'll have linked down below of anything positive about crypto Mining and if you are in USA or Canada if you are outside North America all right I will sadly won't be able to ship this out but if you are outside north America I will send the winner $350 worth of a ks0 pro okay in crypto all right so everyone in the world can participate but unfortunately I can't ship this around the world I've already lost two of them in the giveaways so I will choose the winner live on Sunday this coming Sunday uh this week when this video comes out I'm going to choose the winner on Sunday for this ks0 Pro all right good luck guys veteran minor link down below below okay I want to talk about this ks0 Pro which I've already modded this is the Commemorative Edition great or good mining thank you for the idea of like gluing this piece onto the Shroud here which is from the meter box okay in order to have a 120 mil fan situated here which I'm blowing air into this side where the barrel plug is to cool down the barrel plug so I've talked with a lot of people all right that have had a lot of experience experience like uh great or good mining don't mind me mining they have tested this you know profusely and don't mind me mining he told me that he is running an overclock 360 gigahash using a server PSU on 12vt but the kicker is you must cool it down and have air flow going towards the barrel plug cool air so that the barrel plug is not going to I guess over heat or you know melt which we have seen many times a lot of people have burnt their KS zos or as are Pros by overclocking them and especially if they're going to be using a barrel plug because this is going to be pulling higher amperage because we are not at 19 volt we're at 12vt so utilizing a barrel plug like this we are actually pulling more amps thus that's going to cause a lot more uh resistance more heat onto the plug and the plug is essentially going to burn potentially but we're going to counteract that with you know cooling it down with a 120 mil fan uh which I've changed up okay some of you guys may have saw before I was running a noctua industrial PPC fan I decided not to go with those because those were like you know $30 $40 and instead I went with these easy DIY Fab fans I got off Amazon which does 4,000 RPM 200 CFM all right so a lot of airflow is going through this KS Z Pro right now and it's glorious I was going to buy like cheap 120 mil like 15 100 RPM I think like 60 uh CFM fans you know RGB for these but I decided to go with this model instead because I can get two of them for about $20 us I'll have a link down below to the fans that I'm looking at here but there's a lot of other mods that I've already done to this ks0 Pro I've already done a live stream okay so so not only do we have the fan the meterbox Shroud here I'm using the uh veteran minor Barrel plug here it's it's still stock this is not overclocked yet stay tuned for a video of when I attempt the overclock and then we're going to see how the temperatures are uh on this but the other mods that I've done is changing the thermal paste on the chips themselves okay and as well as the next mod I did was using these copper like copper heat sinks okay 6X 6X uh 5 I believe I'll have it on the screen here or link down below the ones that I used here for the mosfets the vrms which there are four uh for each ks0 Pro row so I believe that helps a lot as well as the thermal pads there's also two strips of thermal pads on the I guess for the heat sink side which I've replaced with these GP risers uh 20 wat per meter Kelvin uh 1.5 mil thermopad okay so yeah those are the mods internally that I have done on this and it's kept the temperatures extremely cool so look at the ice over monitor tool here looking at the temperatures on the ice over chips they are all right now below 40° C all right 37 37 38 39 the chips are very cool right now and it is hashing no problem at 200 just normal 200 gigahash right now maybe a little bit more and yeah it's it's nice and cool and the temperatures seem to be quite cool uh according to the web goey here as well okay so once I try the over clock which I'm going to try a 300 gigahash overclock I know there's 360 but I am going to do this you know in a way in which I don't want to pull more than I think the barrel plug can handle about 10 amps okay so if I'm going to pull like let's say I think 300 if I go 300 gigahash that may be about 150 140 to 160 Watts or something so that's going to be I think about 11 amps 12 amps give or take so that's going to be you know one or two more amps than the barrel plug can handle right in theory okay so if that is going to overheat which it could I'm going to counteract that by having this 200 CFM fan blowing towards the barrel plug side to cool it down all right which don't mind me mining gave me a lot of insight on that and he says he's been running a 360 GH no problem but if you don't have any cooling Solution on a barrel plug and you have it overclocked you will probably most likely have a uh burn issue all right the Peril plug is going to burn the Melt and yeah because it's not getting sufficient cooling on the barrel plug that is basically the hindrance here and the issue of us converting it into you know using a barrel plug into a six Spin pcie and you know not buying those $100 or however much those you know 230 W laptop battery power adapters but those are capable at 19v and not the 12vt that we are having here because we're going to be drawing a bit more power so yeah that's what I just wanted to explain here what I'm planning on doing for the other nine ks0 Pros they are all going to be modded the same way I just showed you guys and I'm planning on solo mining to a just a brand new tangum wallet and I'm just going to hold it for I don't know the next 2 years and we we're going to keep track of all the yields that we are going to be mining uh with these 10 10 ksz pros at 300 gigahash on each of them that should equal to almost three terahash So currently I think the profitability wise I think I'd be making about $20 a day so we'll see how that goes over time we'll see how much yield we're going to you know get and also hopefully get price appreciation on Caspa right that's that's the name of the game here uh with a lot of these miners right to essentially break even you know I think alt together my all-in price here is going to be about 4,000 to 43 $4,400 including all the mods all the fans thermal paste everything you know to do this okay so we're going to see how long it it will take theoretically to or no real realistically get our money back by trying to solo mine Caspa and uh see how that goes with all of these uh ks0 Pros but okay that's it my friend thank you guys for watching let me know your thoughts of uh what my plans are here uh but mainly um you know comment on the video on veteran miners video uh for the ksz pro giveaway all right my friends you guys have a great one thank you so much I'll see you guys on Sunday for this giveaway and uh I'll see you on a lot of live streams modding these uh KS Zer Pros all right you guys have a great one have a good one peace out peace out [Music]
My Long Term KASPA Mining Play with these KS0 Pro’s…