NBMiner Step-by-step Guide | Mining Software

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hey everyone and welcome back to 
another mining chamber video in   today's video i'm going to walk 
you through how to use nb miner   we're going to first go through a quick 
setup so you guys can get going right away   and then we're going to get into more details 
and how you should download it and all that   information that you need to know so now let's go 
ahead and get into the video right after the intro first we're going to start off with the overview 
on nb miner if you guys want to jump to a specific   point of this video feel free to look in the 
descriptions below everything will be time   stamped below so nb miner is a cryptocurrency 
miner that can be running on windows or a linux   based mining operating system if they support it 
so the coins that you can mine with nb miner are   all these coins that are mentioned right here or 
in general any coin that follows these algorithms   that are showing on this table so there's a vast 
majority of the popular coins that you can mine   here including ethereum raven coin and then coin 
flux as well you can also mine ethereum classic   and multiple other coins in these algorithms here 
so as for the developer fee the fees on this miner   you'll be paying one percent if you're mining 
ethereum or ethereum classic so anything on ether   or atc hash will take from you one percent and 
then for raven coin you guys can see here on kapow   you will be paying two percent and on octopus 
which is cone flux you will be paying three   percent you also have the other algorithms in 
here with their percentage as well so just keep   that in mind when you're using this miner now nb 
miner supports the vast majority of the gpus so   usually you won't have any troubles trying to 
use it on newer hardware or older hardware but   you can come back here and double check so this 
will all be in the readme section of the nb miner   i will leave the links for all this in the 
descriptions below so here you guys can see   different algorithms as well as the coins 
and then the compute compatibility so this   applies to nvidia cards although i was not able 
to find amd cards compatibility so to look at   these compute compatibility you just want to look 
for the number here and then you can go to this   compute compatibility reference link and then from 
there you guys will find the number and then with   the gpus that are included in that number so for 
example for the rtx 3000 series they are on the   8.6 so if we go back here you'll see that 8.6 
is supported on almost all the algorithms now   as for the vram i don't think this is updated 
since in ethereum now you do need more than 4   gigabytes to mine ethereum so just follow the vram 
information based on the dac size of the coin that   you're trying to mine now to download this miner 
you want to go to releases and then from releases   you can download the latest one so you guys can 
see here there's different versions and then   if you go lower you'll find the older versions 
with all the fixes they added so in the time of   this video the latest one is 36.1 so you guys can 
download the most recent version if it's different   than this one now if you scroll down a little 
bit you will find here the assets for this miner   and then you have here the linux installation as 
well as the windows installation and then where it   says dot shot 256 that is the check sums for the 
miner so we will compare those later on after we   install the miner and then you have all the source 
code in here as well so it's an open source miner   which gives it credibility and it makes it secure 
for yourself to use it for mining so now since   we're on windows and we're going to test it on 
windows i'm going to install this nb miner 36.1   winzip if you're on hiveos or any mining specific 
operating system you won't have to do anything   you'll just find it in the list of miners and you 
can use it directly from there so to download it   just click on the zip file and then you can save 
it anywhere you want but just remember that your   antivirus might flag it as a virus and then you'll 
just have to whitelist it from your antivirus   now what i did is i just have a folder named 
miners in my desktop and then that folder i have   it whitelisted from windows defender so that every 
time i install a miner in there it doesn't delete   it for me right away thinking it's a virus it's 
all just false flags so don't worry about them at   all now if you have no idea how to do that i have 
a video on mining on your pc and then i go into it   with details in that video i will leave the link 
for that video in the descriptions below so now   let's go ahead and save it here and then after 
we save it here you guys can see on the bottom   left i got a dangerous so brave has blocked it now 
this is normal like i said it's just a false flag   and all you need to do is you want to click on 
show all and then on show all you want to go   ahead and hit on keep dangerous file so after that 
you will see that it finished installing and then   you can do show in folder and then you'll be able 
to find the miner in your folder so now the first   thing you want to do before extracting your miner 
you want to make sure it's an authentic version   of nb miner like we've seen recently with the 
news that phoenix miner was recently compromised   so please make sure to do this step just to make 
sure that you have an authentic version of the   miner and it matches the checksums which is like a 
fingerprint for the folder of the miner to do that   all you will need to do is go ahead and open up 
the command prompt to open up a cmd and then from   there you can go ahead and navigate to the miners 
folder so if you have no idea how to navigate   in command prompt you can look it up it's not 
really that complicated i will give you a simple   explanation here so you just want to do cd to 
change directory and then from there you want to   go to wherever this miner is so now i'm currently 
in my so canon user and then in that user i have   downloads documents and all these folders right 
here so i want to go to desktop so i would say cd   desktop and then from there i can just hit enter 
and that will put me in the desktop folder so now   after the desktop folder i have my miners folder 
so now i need to go to cd and then miners and   after that i am in the folder where i have nb 
miner installed so i can go ahead and type out   dir which will show all the stuff that's in this 
folder so here i have nb miner 36.1 win.zip so now   i want to make sure that this is authentic through 
the checksums and to do that all you need to do is   type out cert util and then dash hash file and 
then you want to put the name of that folder so   what you can do is just type out nb and then hit 
tab it should automatically fill it out for you   just make sure that it's the zip and then after 
the zip you want to go ahead and say the algorithm   so you want to say sha 256 and the reason that 
we're saying shot 256 is because here at nb minor   they have the shot 256 one so we can go ahead and 
hit enter and then you guys will see here there's   a long string that comes out and that string will 
be in this file right here so i'm going to install   this file as well now and then i can go ahead 
and save this to the same folder and now after   you save it you just want to go ahead and do open 
with and then select notepad and open this file   with notepad so now once you have that open you 
will see here a string and then the matching zip   file so if we go back to our command prompt we can 
compare them and then they are matching exactly   the same so that means that the nb miner that we 
have is authentic and we're good to go so now i'm   going to go ahead and delete this shot 256 file 
and then i'm going to extract nb miner within my   miners folder and now here we have the extracted 
folder so usually what i like to do when i   install any miner i don't like to have to click on 
two different folders to reach the items so what i   will do is i will just drag all these files in 
here back to the other folder the first folder   and then like that i can go ahead and delete the 
second folder so now once i open up nb miner 36.1   i don't have to open up two different folders to 
reach the files for the miner so that's for the   installation of the miner and now you're all set 
and you have that miner installed on your system   securely without any issues or anything you need 
to worry about so now the first thing i want to   go over after installing the miner is showing you 
guys a quick start to get going right away without   any extra information and then after that we're 
jumping into details with this miner and talking   about different commands that can help you out 
later on so let's go ahead and get started with   the quick start so the first thing you're going to 
see when you download your folder for nbminer you   will see all these different files right here so 
all these are different batch files and they all   say start and then the coin so here you have start 
adc start eth and the o follows simple principle   so all you need to do is just go ahead right click 
on it and then do edit and then you might get this   pop-up right here just do one more info and then 
run anyways and then after that you will see some   information like this now when you're here all 
you need to do is change the address here for   your own wallet address now if you don't know 
how to get a wallet address you guys can come to   miningchamber.com platforms and then here you will 
find some wallets that i do like and i use so you   guys can't download any of those and then get your 
ethereum address from there so since this is for   start eath then you will be putting your ethereum 
address here and then you're also going to be   changing the pool based on what works best for 
you so there's multiple different pools out there   you guys can use ethermine it's a good choice and 
then just put the server that's close to you and   the port number and then you're all set after that 
you just close this file make sure that you save   it first and then you run that file you don't need 
to run it as an administrator because you're not   doing any overclocks there so you can just double 
left click on it and then it will start kicking in   and start mining for you so that also applies for 
all these other ones so if you go for raven coin   for example if you have a four gigabyte card you 
just go ahead hit edit and then same thing run   anyways and after that change the raven address 
and then the raven pool and that's all you need   to do to get started super quickly now if you 
want to learn more about the different commands   please stick around and then we're going to go 
into details on all these commands so that you can   learn how to use these miners efficiently so now 
that we covered a quick start let's go ahead and   jump into details with the commands so there is 
a huge list of commands but we're not going to go   over all of them i'm just going to pick the ones 
that i think are very important to know so the   first one i want to start off with is dash a and 
that's the first command in your script so dash   a or dash dash algo and what that does is selects 
your mining algorithm so if you're mining ethereum   you would do dash a e and then that would be the 
ethereum algorithm so eth and if you're mining   ravencoin or anything like that you would select 
a specific algorithm that that coin runs on so   it's a fairly simple command and you guys will be 
able to find all the algorithms that supports it   in the requirements list here and then one other 
command that goes hand by hand with this one is   for example let's say ethas when ethereum classic 
used to also be on ethash and now it has its own   algorithm which is etc hash so back then when 
there was ethereum and ethereum classic running   on the same algorithm you would have to use the 
command dash dash coin so dash dash coin would   set a coin for ether algo whether it's eth or etc 
so if you wanted to an ethereum classic you would   do dash dash coin etc and the default is ethereum 
but now since ethereum classic is not in ethash   anymore you guys don't need to worry about this 
command if you're trying to mine ethereum classic   all you need to do is just change that algorithm 
to etc hash now they don't mention etc hash here   in the algorithms but you guys can give 
it a try and see if it works out for you   now if using the etc hash method doesn't work 
you can try doing eth and then dash dash coin   and ethereum classic so after dash a and dash 
dash coin the next important command to know is   dash o or dash dash url so what that does is 
basically specifies your mining pool url you   guys can select any mining pool you want i have a 
full video on mining pools so if you have no idea   how mining pools work feel free to check out that 
video the link will be in the descriptions below   and with the dash 0 there is also dash 01 or 
02 and what that does is you specify a backup   mining pool so if mining pool number 1 goes down 
mining pool number 2 will kick in and then etc the   maximum that you can specify is three pools so you 
have dash o and then dash 01 and dash o2 so after   the mining pools you have your user and your user 
is your wallet address so here you see the isu or   dash dash user and this is usually your wallet 
address now in some scenarios you would make a   username and password with your mining pool and in 
that case you can use your username and password   but most of the time all you need to do is just 
put your wallet address if you don't have a   username and password with the mining pool that 
you're trying to mine to and this also goes back   to u1 and u2 so you can have backup users for your 
backup pools now the next important command would   be dash d or dash dash devices and what that does 
is basically you specify the gpus that you want to   use for mining so let's say you have two gpus in 
your mining rig you can do dash d0 and then that   would select only the first gpu that's on your 
mining rig that also goes with your main pc so   if you're trying to mine with just one gpu you can 
do dash d0 and then you would select the first gpu   or you can do dash d1 and that would select the 
second gpu now note that it starts from zero so   the counting would start zero one two three and 
that would be for the first four gpus so just   keep that in mind when you're trying to disable 
one of your gpus just like the devices command   there is also the dash dash platform command and 
what that does is it chooses for your platform   so whether it's nvidia or amd now the default is 
both of them but you can do one to choose nvidia   cards only and you can do number two to choose amd 
cards only meaning that if you do one you'll only   be mining with your nvidia cards and if you do two 
you'll only be mining with your amd cards and then   there's also the dash dash feed command and then 
this command basically changes the percentage of   your fee for the miner so you can set it to zero 
to turn off your dev fee or you can keep it the   way it is and not change anything the only thing 
about this is if you do set it to zero it reduces   your performance now i'm not sure exactly what 
comes out to be more profitable either turning   off the defeat or lowering your performance but 
honestly i would say just keep it on and then use   it the way it is if you want to give it a test and 
turn off your death fee then feel free to do that   and another really useful command is temperature 
limit temperature limit sets a limit for your gpu   in celsius and if that exceeds it will stop the 
gpu for 10 seconds so that means if your card is   overheating it will stop mining for 10 seconds 
so it cools down a little bit and then it will   kick back in and now the last command i want 
to cover is dash dash mt or dash dash memory   tweak so what that does is basically modifies 
your nvidia cards memory specifically the 1080   and 1080 ti so before with the 1080s and 1080tis 
you have to run the pill before running the miner   which would increase your hash rate up to 40 or 
45 mega hash but now you can do it through this   command instead so this command ranges from 1 
to 6 so that means you can do mt and then 1 or   mte2 and keep going until 6 so you can try all 
of these numbers and see which one works best for   your gpu the one that gives you the highest hash 
rate will be the better one for your gpu now that   is it for the commands for nb miner we covered the 
most important ones that i think you guys should   know if you guys have any other commands that 
you think people should know please leave it in   the comments below and then from there everybody 
can read it and learn from it so now that we've   covered the commands let me tell you guys a couple 
of things that you can do with this miner as well   so first you can monitor your rig through the 
web monitor using your port number and if you   are a developer you can also use this to build on 
it applications now i'm not going to get into this   in this video but this is just something that you 
can keep in mind or go more into details with it   if you are more technical and there are also the 
config files that you can run which will save your   settings and then from there you can open it in a 
different computer that's also a good choice to do   but with how simple the bat files are in nb miner 
you don't really need to worry about that as well   so now before i wrap up the video let me give 
you guys my conclusion on nb minor i think it's   a pretty good miner it does come at a one percent 
fee for eth which is a bit high so comparing to   phoenix miner which has point sixty five percent 
fee it is considered a bit higher but all around   nb miner is not a bad choice at all if you're 
looking for a simple nfs mining software for amd   and video together now one of the things i wish nb 
miner had is being able to overclock through the   command line arguments that would be pretty nice 
so you can just put your overclocks in nb miner   and then it will automatically apply them as soon 
as you run the minor we can do that in phoenix   minor but not in nb minor so hopefully eventually 
they will apply it to here that is unless i missed   it and i didn't figure out how to do it so if 
you guys know a way to apply your overclocks   with nbminer please let me know in the comments 
below now that wraps up the video guys i hope   you enjoyed this video if you have any questions 
or feedback let me know in the comments below now   the next mining softwares i'm going to be covering 
are team redminer as well as t-rex miner so if you   haven't subscribed yet make sure to subscribe so 
you can get notified when these come out and drop   a like on this video if you guys enjoyed it thank 
you again and i hope you have a wonderful day you

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