New 50X Potential Crypto BUY NOW!? MISSED SPONGE V1 DON’T MISS V2! Sponge V2 has 100X Potential

This meme coin could have a 100x Potential what's going on guys welcome Back to the 99b YouTube channel I am Your host Omar con today we're taking a Look at sponge V2 if you miss sponge Back in 2021 here's your opportunity to Load up a bag on Sponge V2 before we Start the video I want to ask if you Haven't already make sure you smash the Subscribe button down below as it helps Out the channel tremendously and will Help you reach your crypto goals now We're taking a look at everyone's Favorite sponge sponge V2 launching soon Miss sponge 100x pump in 2023 now it's Your chance to buy sponge V2 launching On a bigger and better exchanges they Currently are available to buy guys Looks like they have total Stak and Bridged over $20 million you're not Going to want to miss out on these ones Guys these tokens especially the people Getting early end up making a massive B With $20 million already raised guys can We see this hit 100 million 150 million It's quite possible your last chance to Buy sponge V2 before exchange those Things buying stake to earn SP V2 with 167% rewards we Bridge from V1 to V2 Stake your sponge today and earn rewards As sponge V2 tokens so this was a V1 Launch price and the current V2 launch Price in price has already increased 7,000 yet this the sponge has more

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Percent to grow and you connect your Wallet to earn 167% with stakings did You miss a 100x pump here's your time to Get into a better deal bigger and better Absorbing all the damp buy and stake Sponge using the button above to start Earning rewards today sponges will gate Tokens by staking sponge before the Claim date guys I'm going to go ahead And Link this in the description below If you want to grab a bag V1 listing was Featured on a ton of different places We' seen gate lb Bank coin W Mexi it was Basically everywhere sponge V2 Achievements they had a $100 million Market cap at alltime highs 13,000 Holders 10 plus centralized exchange Listings spectacular gains for early Sponges 30,000 social media followers in Number of days so are on that road to $100 million guys it's still your chance To get in early and we're seeing with These pre-sale coins and just Cryptocurrency in general the people who Make the biggest bag are the people get It early so make sure you get your bag While you still have a chance guys on Telegram they have already 13,000 Subscribers the crab patty of meme coins By Sponge absorb The Damp you're not Going to want to miss out on this one When game game coming soon play to earn Racer looks like they're getting into The play to earn space which has been

Very popular this bull market crypto Gaming and un play earn has been so Popular and looks like sponge is dipping Its toast in the water earn more sponge In a wacky new PL to earn game and then They have a how to buy and how stake tab The tokenomics for v2 we can see 43% for Staking rewards 26% for the bridge 10% For centralized exchange liquidity 8% to Play to earn 4% for the game development And 7.5% for marketing so Bridge launch St we V1 to earn V2 no pre-sale no taxes Big Marketing budget Amplified Centralized exchange liquidity earn V2 Tokens and play to earn game they have a Solid role map in place guys as well With three stages announce the V2 stake SpongeBob launch buy to stake for sponge To V2 bonuses sponge game research Absorb the dam V2 claim uh V2 listing Bigger and better exchanges sponge game Develop 10,000 holders stage three is Tier one exchange listing sponge game App launch 100 million market cap more Social domination and all dabs and That's pretty solid here the interesting Thing for this project is they decide to List without a pre-sale which some People like but me personally I like to Get into pre-sales early talking about Pre-s you can get into early right now Guys is slot an by now before the launch One soul is 10,000 slot they've already Raised over $8 million and it hasn't

Even launched yet this is going to be Your opportunity to get in super early Join the slat Journey from leafy lounges To crypto ridges the pre-sale is Happening right now it is live you go to The website and buy now I'll also link Slot down in the description below so You can take a look guys from $420 to $420 million with SLO Anna dive into the Slot pra we're seeing extreme popularity With salana token slurf and Slot is Trying to replicate that just like we're Seeing with SpongeBob V2 so it's it's Just it was interesting that we compare The two SpongeBob V2 is obviously a Backing off of V1 slana is backing off Of slurf slana has a pre- silver sponge Didn't so we have two tokens here that Have exponential growth opportunities Make sure you go ahead and take a look At both now let's take a look at the Sponge socials guys they have over 36,000 followers on Twitter Miss sponge V200 X in 2023 buy now and stake sponge V2 now to absorb the dam this your Opportunity to get in early to make that Monae as you can see guys it looks like The play to earn game is is getting Close don't forget spongers sponge V2 is Bringing exciting utility through our Upcoming play to earn game get ready to Earn sponge tokens by playing a game and Rank on leaderboards stay tuned for more Info so play a game a great Stak

Opportunity with great potential to earn This one is a project you're not going To want to miss out guys I'm going to go Ahead and Link sponge V2 in the Description below if you want to grab a Bag I'm also going to list slot on guys Cuz the pre-sale is ending very soon you Might want to grab a bag of that as well If you want to stay tuned for the latest And greatest crypto news you know what To do smash the Subscribe button to stay Tuned for more crypto news like always Guys not Financial advice always your Own research and due diligence and until Next time it's your boy Omar Peace

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