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hey guys RPM here hope you're doing well having a really great day this video I just received one of these new Jazz Miner x16 Q's well I it's not really new I think this model has been out for a while now I think they have different variations but this is specifically a 1750 megahash version and I think the memory on this one is 6 GB okay and uh I guess one of the good things about these is that it runs on 100 to 240 volt so at 1750 megahash the power consumption is around 550 Watts give or take plus or minus 5% which I will show you guys uh at the wall here we'll try to run it on 220 volt okay we'll see what it looks like there so thank you to Jingle for sending this to me it also came with the ears where in case I could you know rack this on a server rack if I wanted to but I'm going to leave these off for now does come with a power cable which I think this is the wrong one for me but that's okay then it did come with the screws for the ears and also a wireless antenna for on the back of this Jazz Miner okay so that's pretty good but anyways guys really this whole video I just want to talk about a new coin that just came out for these eash Miners and it's actually been on the up and up here over the past couple days called Z now I'm not sponsored by Z or anything but I just saw on hash r.

there's this new coin that's been profitable for mining Z on these Jazz Miners and I saw on mining poool stats. stream a lot of hash rate and difficulty has been climbing okay especially on K1 pool is where you can mine Z with these types of miners so I'm going to show you guys how to do that today with this okay we're going to mine some Z see how profitable it is as of now obviously it's going to climb but that also helps alleviate some pressure from ethereum classic and I think octop space as well so the hash rates are probably going to come down on those I'm suspecting I'll put it on the screen here and so yeah it really makes these types of miners really lucrative because there's been some new you know eash coins that have been coming out and you know also octop space and ethereum classic is pumping so these miners are on the up and up now so we look at the prices of all the different variations of these Jazz miners I do have a sheet then we'll go through all that but yeah I really want to look at Z and see if it can mine on this x16 Q 1750 Mega has version quick pause I want to give away 24-hour hash rate of this Jazz Miner x16 Q so just comment down below your guys's thoughts of either this Miner or what you think of Z mining have any of you been mining it recently let me know down below okay get your comments in I'll choose the winner after 24 hours I'll pin your comment whoever wins then you got to email me your pool of choice and all that stuff so good luck continuing on the video now I do have a few of these bomb backs easy 100 C miners these can also mine Z as of recently there has been a new firmware update for these bombb miners okay so if anyone has these update your bombb Miner okay so that you will be able to mine Z if you wanted to on uh K1 pool okay so I'm just taking out the antenna cuz I want to screw it in on the back here um I know well first initial setup of this thing I need to log into it obviously so we're going to need to plug in the uh ethernet cable first and then uh put that right here okay so ethernet is in now I just need to plug in the power so let's do 240 volt power then I can see how much power this thing actually takes at the wall okay so I'm going to plug it into the back right here I just need to leverage it otherwise it's going to move okay so it's plugged in there now the other end pluging it into here okay so yeah didn't turn on yet cuz I need to hit the power switch which is on the other side right here okay we going to get some power I just heard a click yeah it's turning on now there we go indicator light fault normal reset okay let me get the IP address I'll see you guys in the computer and we'll talk about Z as well get this connected see how profitable this thing is now see you in the computer okay I'm in the web goey of the Jazz Miner X6 Q here 1750 or QE 1750 okay so I just got it starting to mine it took about like 20 minutes for it to create the dag does take a bit for it to ramp up but uh yeah my hash rate it shows over 1900 megahash here I'm I'm going to assume it's just going to start ramping down I think it always does that on these Jazz miners it ramps up and then it starts tapering off but it does show up on K1 pool now mining Z okay just to show you here it says 1.52 gigahash still ramping up here so yeah just to show you guys the settings I used using uh us.

Z. k1p colon 2292 so with mining Z on K1 pool which there are a bunch of other Z pools you guys can go check mining pool stats but you can see the hash rate has been climbing up over the past couple days here I mean that coincides with the price of zether just going to the Moon here okay so congrats on anyone who was pre-mining this over the past month I think when this came out back in uh beginning of November K1 pool did announce this back on November 1st okay so this is a pretty much a brand new coin that's come out over the past month but now it's showing up on the profitability charts on a few of these Jazz miners not all of them but uh some of them so I decided to put in mine I know it says x16 Q here on hash rate.

this is the 1.95 ghash so I did put in in the calculator exactly 1750 on hash rate. 550 Watts which mine is actually using 597 Watts okay so maybe I'll just change that to 97 but otherwise as of now as of recording this thing is making $812 if I had free power or after my 8 cent kilowatt hour I'm profiting about 7 Bucks a day mining Z I'm expecting this to become worse as time goes on probably after this video is released depending on the price of zephyr and how many people you know also join in on mining Zephyr so that's going to be uh interesting did I say Zephyr ZR t h r I'm probably going to pronounce that because I'm I'm thinking of like uh Zephyr like the CPU minable coin anyways guys yeah it's mining now okay so just to also show you here the dashboard of the x16 QE yeah it took a while for it to ramp up the dag you can see dag loading progress uh this is uh just I just need to refresh the browser here there we go okay so yeah it's already coming down to its around 1750 megahash advertised but now let's talk about the price of this thing okay so on Jingo again thanks to them for saying this to me to Showcase to you guys so this model here cost $1,221 now with shipping once once you add it to cart depending where you are it could be 150 to almost $270 $300 for shipping so just keep in mind this price is going to be a lot higher that you see than advertised okay so this is the 1750 megahash 6 GB Ram model now there are a lot of different models out there so I'm just comparing here okay I don't have the prices of all of these e miners out here but just to compare all right there are newer models that have been announced like iolo iolo has has announced the v2x and v2h and then the the V2 I guess as well the big boy one and you can see the efficiency of these are pretty much yeah 0.13 watt per hash and if we look at the x16 Q here the one that I'm testing out here in today's video is about a 0.31 okay in efficiency so the IPO v2h or v2x these ones are about almost two times more efficient than the Jazz minor x16 q but it doesn't come out until April of 2025 so that's a good four to probably 5 months away maybe 6 months away from now as of recording it's December mid December of 2024 but these Jazz miners are available now okay they're in stock on Jingo so if you find value with these miners now where we are in the markets today uh you know with the market where we are where Bitcoin is almost 100K you know there's a lot of other what I find value with these Jazz miners is that there's a lot of other eash coins that these can mine octop space ethereum classic I know octop space just had a having recently but uh yeah so I'm assuming a lot of people are actually going to be flocking over to Z here as people find out you know how profitable it is it's probably going to start ramping down in profitability uh octop space ethereum classic are probably going to start getting lower in hash rate difficulty so people are going to flock over to Z but that's going to help you know Z is already helping like alleviate some of the pressure I guess you know in terms of the emissions all of the emissions with octop space and ethereum classic you know it's going to tack on another $70,000 a day uh towards the miners so yeah that's going to probably help the profitability come up a bit but I think going into the bull run a lot of these e miners even if you have the bombb ones or even the these Jazz miners I mean look at how much Hardware there's out right now like the these Jazz miners are still profitable as as of right now like uh depending on your electric of course so yeah Jazz miners are still depending on your electrics still make a couple bucks a day but uh yeah looking at if we had like let's say 15 cents per kilow hour if you were residential more more so residential so Jazz miners they'll make about yeah if you're mining octop space or ethereum classic yeah a couple bucks maybe a buck or two still but if you were mining Z which again I'm I'm it's Pro I'm expecting that it's going to drop here pretty soon as as the time you guys are watching this video it's uh profitable now but you know as we're going into the bowl run like I said OCTA space ethereum classic Z any other you know ethereum W there's a lot of different algorithms uh sorry coins on the eash algorithm that you know you can mine on these x16 Q's so there's still a lot of value right a lot of value in these ones now yeah this model has 6 GB I know there's x6q models that have 8 GB of vram uh but those are going to cost just a little bit more but yeah so yeah just wanted to give you guys the information here let me know your guys' thoughts on uh these x16 Q models I know some people have them but honestly not a lot of people do but also the bombb miners you know not a lot of people are getting into these but they they did come out with a firmware update uh to be able to mine Z on K1 pool so K1 pool uh actually if you go to on here you can see that IP poos are supported for mining Z let's see are the E9 Pros supported no I don't see E9 Pro support here but bomb backs are and uh if you have the X6 and Q you can also it looks like you can ALS the zil port is also enabled as well I forgot to mention that so we can also mine a bit of zil every time there's a zil round every hour okay so that is a that's a good thing as well but zelica I know is also going to POS so who knows how long that's going to stay in mining we don't know when p uh POS is coming for zelica probably I think I heard the end of this year maybe q1 of next year so we'll see if that comes about but majority of the profitability anyway is coming from either Z eum classic or octop space uh which is going to uh switch every time okay my friends that's it for this video let me know your guys' thoughts and uh let me know if you guys are going to our mining Z right now with your you know eash or Etc has Asic miners there's definitely a a few different models out there Jazz Miner definitely have a lot of different miners but there are a lot of new players coming in the space existing ones I mean like IP poo uh that are coming out with uh new models Jazz Miner as well with their big boy ones so we'll see how that goes real soon so I'll see you all the next video have a good one peace out

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