what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the Brandon coin YouTube channel it's been an eventful weekend I got sick kids I got a sick wife I broke my fever last night while I was watching the Super Bowl hopefully that turned out however you guys planned um added some little side bets going that didn't pay off but oh well whatever um but the back parking lot is all finished up now behind the computer shop and I was talking to um the property owner about I wanted to do an event and I'm going to you know grill out and stuff behind here there's an entrance to the back side of the building so we can come in and and go back and forth from the computer shop I'll probably be out here I'll probably have somebody else helping me run the computer shop but um I have a big deal working on a big buy that's why we did that weekend sale kind of was sneaky about dropping the code so hopefully you guys got it if you did I know I got a bunch of orders over the weekend so that's what I came in today I got to do some organization in the shop uh and then pack out a ton of orders I think I think we got 52 orders over the weekend in total which I guess doesn't sound like a lot but whenever you start doing it for yourself 52 orders is a absolute boatload it's a lot um but yeah so I was just overlooking it we have this nice little gazebo area right here I might clean this up might might do the grilling up here and just have people parking and stuff in the back but that's what all this extra area was is for extra parking because uh there's just never enough parking up here um especially during the day there's like a salon and some other stuff but uh yeah I'm just waiting for all this to dry this is we just freshly smoothed this out so uh it's it's a little little muddy it rained and stuff but all in all feeling feeling good about it so let's go on into the shop there we go and I guess might show off some orders for today so uh your order number might pop up and get see packing it packing it um oh let me flip this around I did this over the uh I think it was like last Friday all right so this side's always been a super mess by the way these mining frames are like five bucks a piece I've had so many people come by and say that they're going to or message me and say that they're going to come by and pick them up uh but they're like little six card aluminum frames I just need them gone cuz they're taking up a lot of real estate I've started going through this bucket I'm about halfway through still got to get through that but mounted up a little shelf up there got rid of a ton of trash all this in this corner is packing supplies um keyboards mice fans miscell stuff uh I got to break that rig down and break that rig down but a lot of this inventory is sold so I got to start packing those out got a little little rack right there I have another one of these little wire shelving units coming for right there um going to just try to oh goodness try to stay on top of keeping everything uh in inventory as I can get it but right now I the the the plan was liquidate a bunch of stuff and get ready for this big order coming in cross your fingers for me guys I hope this comes in cuz if it does it'll not only mean some good deals for you guys uh but it will help me get a bunch of really really modern inventory cuz the oldest thing he has is 30 series most of it is on um is like first gen 40 series so got a lot of the pre superer 40 series cards which it's just you know I guess they I don't know what their situation is um maybe going out of business or whatever but um they were mined on but not mined on for for a long time at least not the 40 series cuz they haven't even been out for a long time it's not like oh man I got this 40 4080 that's been mined on for 4 years it ain't even been out for 4 years so not even possible but yeah let's get to it and um start making some progress I got to get these orders packed and organized so then I can start breaking these rigs down it never ends but I really do enjoy this guys I really do um move the printing station over here um I don't know so many thoughts so many thoughts I will be back when I can catch up in my brain hello again and um I figured I would show some of the orders getting packed but uh obviously can't have or don't have enough time to show them all so this is order number 1172 and it looks like our buddy got a uh EVGA RTX 3070 and he did score this with um oh we didn't get anything else with it but you know what we're going to we're going to hook them up with some other stuff um let's throw in a probably some of my 3D printed stuff I have where are they at where's some oh they're up there okay let's throw them in a uh a ram holder because I appreciate you you know what I'm saying and let me show you how I have switched up my packaging of things obviously graphics cards are packed really really well uh but you never want to send a bare box through the mail cuz it's a high likelihood of this thing getting stolen so I've gotten a bunch of poly bags and now whenever I do graphics cards I have these huge poly bags it's like almost like a trash bag so I can throw the graphics card in a poly bag then I can throw any little bits and Bobs in there with it if it was anything else I'd like you know put some bubble wrap around it but those little 3D printed items they do pretty well um then I just take the slack out of it and I tape it up you know one way sideways and then all the way around it um just to keep it like super secure and super uh like the bag won't come off of it that kind of thing and then put the label on it and that's just it's worked out really well for me um so that way I don't have to put this box inside of a whole another box and it's just Overkill uh cuz honestly that's one of the really good things about like modern graphics card packaging is they package them very well surprisingly so all right let's go on to the next order all right next order up is [Music] 1175 and it looks like our buddy got a GTX 1070 TI MSI titanium Edition so these are pretty goodl looking cards I'm recording backwards so titanium looks like metanium or something I don't know but anyway yeah solid cards and hopefully we'll treat him well it looks like that's all he got so I'm going to throw him in a ram holder as well going to bubble wrap this bad boy up you guys don't even need to see that before we do that also going to throw it in an anti-static bag because you just you just never know winter time it's static out here there we go uh I'll throw a little bubble wrap on that slap it wrap it and good to go all right let's get to it all right got that one all boxed up went ahead and threw it in a poly bag as well I don't know why I just feel like it makes them look better and everybody uh I've had a lot of comments on my eBay tape why do I use eBay tape um well when you sign up as a eBay store they give you like a credit for I don't know it's like $ 20 or $50 worth of supplies for free per quarter and um I just picked tape and come to find out I actually really like their tape it's very strong it's very sticky and unlike a lot of clear tapes like it doesn't like to split apart into like a million different pieces and then become unusable uh so yeah really like eBay tape and that's why I use it so much um but I I still use the little envelopes and put you know printed uh labels in there I need to step my game up and buy a uh a printer that does like sticky paper or whatever so I can just print out ones and slap them right on but I don't know I feel like this does the job for now all right so um got done packing a few more orders uh I got probably another 20 or so to go it's lunch time I'm going to go get some lunch and then I'll be right back and hopefully get all those was done today so if you ordered something over the weekend should be getting a tracking number here soon in your email regardless though I did notice as I was going through um this was my single biggest I don't want to say day because it kind of went like a day and a half uh but my single biggest weekend uh of sales so you know a little little pad on the back but hopefully this is only the beginning and we can keep stair stepping it and um and getting bigger as time goes on but yeah it's just it's crazy to see like the e-commerce and and how it all like evolves and has evolved over time because there's quite a few people around me that are just like there's no way it's going to work nobody wants this stuff it's old it's crappy why are you even like buying it let alone selling it and the one thing that I can tell everybody is there's a literally a market for everything and might not be at the price you think it's at but somebody somewhere is going to buy it guaranteed um so yeah with that being said I mean don't knock it till you try it but uh I've also I did want to address some some concerns I saw some comments some trolls I normally don't feed the Trolls but they were like oh you're ripping people off ladies and gentlemen when people contact me about buying things I give them an offer if they don't like it they don't have to take it nobody's making them sell their stuff um it's it's very clear what I'm doing I'm bringing it in sometimes putting it with other things and then I'm reselling it um nobody it's not a mystery as to like I'm buying graphics cards to mine with uh then I'm selling them or or vice versa I'm I'm just buying used stuff splitting up bulk deals and then reselling it so um yeah it's it always blows me me away when people are just like oh you're ripping people off and then you're selling it what do you think I have a store for to not sell it no we're we're selling the stuff and as for ripping people off nobody has to take the offers I'm very pretty clear and transparent that I offer normally about half of like eBay value mainly because uh holding on to the stuff shipping fees all those those fees that go along with it um I can't give 75 to 85% of the value and then resell there'd be no money um we'd be working at a at a loss at that point so just addressing some of those things and uh going forward and just remember the better deals I can get then that means I can provide you guys with better deals and uh I want to have good deals I don't want my store to constantly be out of stock but then I don't want my store to constantly have a bunch of stuff that's overpriced that nobody wants so it's that fine line and balancing it of bringing stuff in offering good deals offering sales and keeping stuff moving as of right now I feel like I've done a really good job of that I know I need to get better about removing stuff that's out of stock on the store I don't want to what's called archive it because if I do get similar products or identical products in I can just add them back into inventory so I have to start hiding them as they go out of inventory until they're back in inventory and blah blah blah blah you know how that goes but regardless I'm going to do I'm going to do some housekeeping and um yeah this is this is going to keep on going forward um I predict to have I I think we're going to have a really good February so with that being said I'm going to sign off I hope you all have a good one I'll see you on the next one adios
Over 40 GPU Orders in a Weekend