Packing up GPUs to TRADE…

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comment down below just your thoughts of today's video and if you're in USA or Canada I will ship this RX 5700 out to a lucky winner of today's video all right make sure you like the video as well [Music] [Music] hey guys rpim here hope you're doing well having a really great day this video I am just simply packing up some gpus and it looks weird that I have some octom miners off the shelf now but the whole reason as to why I am packing up a few of my gpus here is because again I made a video about this already ready but I just kind of wanted to go through just me packing all my gpus into I think one box so I'm going to attempt that and we're going to see if it fits all in one box but just to explain why I'm doing this for any in case anyone else hasn't seen the video that I just did like last week the reason why I'm packing these up is because I am trading for crypto mining specific cards okay so I have uh pretty much 24 gpus here they range from I think about 10 10 1660 supers and then six 1660 TI and then I have about eight RTX 2070s which I just realized it's not eight it's actually going to be seven so instead of that one extra you know 270m missing I'm going to also put in a uh RX 5700 and like three RX 580s in there in the Box as well so hopefully that will equal like a RTX 2070 and so yeah about you know 26 27 gpus I'm going to pack in a box and I'm going to be trading them for specifically 16 CMP 100 210s and if you haven't seen the video before that I did just talking about you know the hash rate that I'm taking off let's say for a Leo I'm taking about like 2500 Kash or so all these gpus together for mining a Lao and then let's say I get those 16 CMP cards I'm going to get about 68 to 7,000 Kash so I'm getting a lot more has cash rate for this trade here but am I able to you know sell these gpus alone myself to the gamers probably not so I'm doing this through a company named bitpro it they take gaming gpus and they are able to either buy the gaming gpus in bulk or you can do a tradein all right for crypto mining specific cards which I am doing uh and which they are actually already sold out of those CMP uh 100210 so don't bother but if you have you know gaming gpus you want to sell to them in bulk they will do that okay so they'll take it off your hands and uh be able to take your uh if you have lots of gpus that you want to get rid of they will buy them from you okay so let's get packing here I got a Panasonic microwave box here nice and strong sturdy box all right it's not going to break or bend or anything pretty strong box so I've already put three levels of uh pretty much bubble wrap on the bottom here now I am going to see how much room is going to be able to take up for these 26 28 gpus in that box if not I was going to see if I can fit it all in one of these boxes I like I was actually going to use two boxes but I think I can fit all of them in one box just by looking at these gpus they're a lot smaller so yeah look at this this EVGA uh 1660 TI this is a this is a nice GP I got two of these another two over here 1660 TI and uh yeah but anyways yeah these are MSI 2070s and then these are MSI 1660 supers okay these uh these six here too okay so let me try I'm just going to take out one first and I'm going to bubble wrap them and see how it fits in here and we'll do it in the snap 3 2 1 okay this is just with eight so far I have have a feeling I don't think I can fit another 16 16 17 18 more in the same box but I'm going to try I do have a few levels left so I am no expert when it comes to packing but if someone ask me red panda how do you pack your gpus for shipping well I think the best reason is going to be packing it in the original box which I obviously do not have the original box for all of these gpus right so for example if you're shipping out a 6600 XT and you have the original box it's probably best to you know put it in here and then ship it in like another box and maybe padded around another piece of foam around this right in another box that's how I would normally ship you know a singular GPU but since I'm doing bulk like this okay and I don't have the original boxes for all of those cards the most cost effective and like efficient way is doing it like this so I've wrapped each GPU in like almost three to sometimes five wraparounds with this like orange bubble wrap which I got from the mining King back when I got all those 120 you know 307s you guys remember that a lot of those 307s I kept all the bubble wrap for those cuz I knew that one day I would probably be packing up some gpus so that's how I'm shipping these and you know actually bit proo they shipped me a bunch in you know a big box like this the cmp12 10 very similar like this okay let me try another eight and I'm going to see how full it [Music] gets okay we got 16 gpus packed in the Box looks like I still have some room but can I fit another 7 plus I don't know four more maybe I'll uh maybe I'll two maybe I'll put 2 5700s instead of the 3 580s yeah that might be a better hope better trade okay I don't want to waste any time let me see if I can fit the rest in here oh please I hope [Music] so nope I couldn't fit the last 5700 in here I I did get one in so there's a total of uh yeah 24 gpus in this box yeah I can't I can't fit this anywhere it's definitely not going to fit so I'm just not going to tell bit proo I uh I guess I put 8 2070s in here at minus one but I put a 5700 it should be fine yeah should be should be fine just just don't tell them all right guys if you're watching this video don't don't tell them don't tell them let see if they find out they they're probably watching this video anyway all right so there you go is this box heavy it it's not not heavy at all yeah so 24 gpus 10 1660 supers 6 1660 TI and then 7 2070s and then 15700 and then again trading all of these for CMP 100 210s uh 16 of them to be exact so all right well I'm going to finish it off with uh packing this right at the top all right another piece of uh pretty thick bubble wrap here and uh this this box should be ready to go to ship to bit Pro okay all right guys yeah I'm I can't do it with one hand I'm going to take it all up and then uh get it all shipped out but yeah success was able to fit all the gpus in one box now I'm ready and actually I can use these now for my 307s that are in my other basement that I'm having an issue with two of the uh X8 Ultras yes I can swap out the motherboards yes yes okay my friends that's it for this video let me know your thoughts of I guess my packing if I did a good job a bad job let me know I'm not a packing expert this is not packing you know GPU packing advice but uh I think I did I think I did pretty good they're all well well packaged and uh bubble wrapped all around all of them okay all right I'll see you on the next video you guys have a good one peace out now if anyone came to the very end of this video a giveaway all right comment down below just your thoughts of today's video and if you're in USA or Canada I will ship this RX 5700 out to a lucky winner of today's video all right make sure you like the video as well I'll see you guys in the next video have a good one and I'll choose the winner after 24 hours you guys have a good one peace out peace out

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