here is the swap wagon software let's take a look at these pictures first load
the token to a direct way copy and paste the token address click load token the balance
is displayed with different information on the left side you can refresh this information
at any time by pressing the refresh button there are three types of transaction
you can buy sell and approve tickets let's use the drop down list to interact
with the previously loaded tokens we will try to interact with heavy writes which
is one of the most popular tokens argument we can notice that the card's
limit is automatically estimated but you can still modify it enter the value
of your transaction then choose your slippage you can even go up to 103 page but you
need to be aware of the consequences choose the gas price and finally press the
buy button very quickly you will see a send information message appear with the transaction
id then once the transaction is mined you will see your success or falling message let's
refresh to see if we have received our tokens everything seems to go perfectly let's
look at the details of the transaction you can see that it respects
our request to delegate all right this time let's try
to sell one of the tokens we own and proceed in the same way as before or i can
use the quick sell buttons let's try 50 persons after the refresh we realize that
we have sold half of our possession let's sell the world theme this
time if the button sell 100 percent and here we are we have nothing
left in our token buttons and our bb balance has increased accordingly i hope you understand the full power of his arm
for more information i encourage you to check our website in the description of this video you can
also join us on our telegram group see you soon
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