all right what's up ladies and gentlemen just making a quick little video I missed last night's a daily upload I came home I fell asleep on the couch I woke up and it's 2:00 a.m. and I'm like wife why didn't you wake me up and she's like you were sleeping so so nice and I'm like yeah now I feel like I'm like contorted anyway regardless yeah missed last night's video so I'm putting this video up but we're still going to do another video for tonight I already have that scheduled um but I've been putting off this video for a while uh just trying to get everything sorted out I have a couple local people doing it but I am now looking for um Affiliates so uh what I mean by that is you don't have to have a social media you don't have to have anything other than um being able to refer people to buy stuff from my web store so you would then get a percentage breakdown of that paid to you at the end of every month um I've been doing it locally with some of the people that are resellers so these guys flip computers and whenever they come and buy parts from me um they can use their own affiliate account and they get a kickback from that so essentially like they're getting like a reward system um paid back to them then if they have other people come and buy stuff they can give them their affiliate code and if they buy it through their affiliate code uh they also get a kickback as well so it kind of works like that um I also have enabled the shop pay Rewards program so if you go to check out and you buy anything on the website you don't have to be in any affiliate program or whatever but if you use the shop pay option and pay through shop pay you don't have to do the payments you can just pay in full with a credit card but if you use the shop pay and make a shop pay account you get 1% back on anything in the store can and then it can be used on your next transaction uh just like cash so um I got that set up uh and then I also have the affiliate program set up so send me an email to brandoncoin computers atgmailcom if you're interested and signing up for the affiliate program I am I am accepting YouTubers I am accepting you know any anybody that wants to essentially but um I'm not accepting everybody so anybody but not everybody those are that's a that's a very good classification there uh and I don't want you to go and like you know spew it all over everything that's not what this setup's for this is just basically to help out people that have been helping me there's been a lot of people out there that have been refering ing my website and getting nothing back for it so this is a little thank you and um a way for me to give back to you by keeping up with all that kind of stuff so um yeah hopefully that explained it if you have any questions either comment down below or email me I look forward to hearing from some of you guys and the people that have already signed up and are on the affiliate program thank you for dealing with some of the the issues in the beginning cuz there was a couple things that were set up incorrectly on my end but we figured it out out resolved it and everybody's good now so anyways guys have a good one I'll see you on the next one adios bye